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<br /> ��5� 10�� -
<br /> (assumed bearingl eiong the �outhorly rigi�4-of-way of eai�t Fiig�iway `
<br /> 34, a distance of one hund�ed three t903.0) feet to the ACTUAL
<br /> POINT OF �EGINNING;thence S4�48'42"W;e dlstance of three =
<br /> hund�ed efghty three 13B3.A) feet; thence S16°32'43"E, a distance of
<br /> two hundred forty eight l248.0) feet.
<br /> The above-described easement an� rlgP►t-o�-wey containiny�a t�.al of =
<br /> 0.232 ecres, more or Iess, as shown on the plat dated 9/27/9b,
<br /> markQd Exhibit "A", attached hereto end incorpo�ated herein by
<br /> reference,
<br /> together wlth the foflowing �Ights:
<br /> Gra�tee shati have unrestricted ingress ar�d egress to the above-described -
<br /> easement and rlght-of-way far any parpose necessary for the surveying,
<br /> constructlon, inspection, malntenance, repair, replacement, �elocatian, extension,
<br /> removel, and operation of such public utbtiries and eppurtenat►ces. Such rlghts of
<br /> ingress and egress shail be exercisec0 in a reasonable man�er.
<br /> Gra�tee shall have the right to excavate and refiil ditches and trenche�
<br /> necessary for such pubtic utilities and appurtenances; to remove,clear,and keep
<br /> ciear, t�ees,bushes, hedges�und�rgrowth, and/o�any other obsuuctions
<br /> interfe�ing with the sunreying, cAnstruction, inspeatton, mainte�ance, repair,
<br /> replacement� relocation, extension, removel, a�d operaticn of suah public utilitfes
<br /> and appurtenances.
<br /> Grantor shail have the rtght to use the easement and right-of-way fo�
<br /> purpoaes not inconsisient wlth G�antee's full enjoyment of the rights herein
<br /> grented, provlded that Grantor shall not allow any structures,buildtngs, .
<br /> combusti�ia n9ater�als, or other property of any kind whatsoeve�,to be e�ected, �
<br /> cunsiructed, placed, stored�or accumutated in, upon, abovo,atong, over, across,
<br /> un�dem�ath,or thrnugh th�easemeM and right-of-way herEin granted.
<br /> 6rantee shaU have the�ight at any time, to relocato, add, or upgrade such
<br /> pubtic utiltties and appurtenances conneCted therewith, in, upan,abuve, along,
<br /> over, across, underneath, or th�ough the easemsnt and �ight-of-way herein
<br /> granted. Any such public uUlities and appurtenances placed in, upon, above,
<br /> �Inng, over, across, underneath, or th�ough such tract of Iand shall rem�in tho
<br /> property of Grantee, and may be �emoved or reptaced at any tiene.
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