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<br /> - � � � mtln.Lender Is hereby aseignod a!t oompensatlon,awarde,damagea and o��eyrt+ento or ro�lof(heroinettctr �s •
<br /> �7. Bminsn1Qo ''�
<br /> '� ' "Proceede'�in ocnneaUon wlth oondemnatlon or other taking ot the Property or partthoreof,or for conveyanca in Ileu of condamne-
<br /> � � don.Lender eheil bo entitled at Ite optlon to commence,eppeer in nnd proseoute In!ts ow�name any Qotfon or proaeedinpe,end
<br /> � ahail aleo be ontitlad to make any comprAmisa or eettlement In conneatfon with auch taking or damnge.In 1he event any portlon of
<br /> the Property 1s ao tnken or dameped,Lender ehel�heve the option,In Ite sote and absoiute dleareUon,to epp�y alt auoh Prooeeda,
<br /> � • utter deduoting therelrom all aoata and expenees inourred by it In conneation with euah Prooeeda,upon any indebtsdrtns aoured .
<br /> hereb�r end In eucb ordar aa Londor mny dotcrmino,or t�apply ail euoh Proceeda niter suoh deduatlona,to the roatoration ot the
<br /> .� ° • propeAy upon euoh aondlUon�as Lender may determine.Any applioation ot Proceeds to indebtednesa ehntl not extend or poatpo��
<br /> . ' the dua date of any paymente under the IVote,or aure sny detautt thereunder or herounder.Any unepplled turtda sheli be pald to
<br /> Truetor.
<br /> -� g, p�rfortnane�br L�nd�r.Upon the ocourrenae of an Event of Default hereunder,or it any aat is taken or�eQal proceedinp
<br /> :���� commenoed whfoh materlaliy alfeata Lender's intereat In the Property,Lender may In Ite o�rn disoreUon,but wlthout obiipatlon to do
<br /> c T��'a""�'' so,and wltAout notfae to or damand upon Truetor and without reteaeing 7rustor from any obllgaUon,do any aat whlah Tnutor Mae
<br /> epreed but fafle to do and may also do any other aat it deema neeeaaary to proteot the aeaurlty horeot.Trustor ehnli,immediatety
<br /> �t � upon demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lenaer aU eoste and exNensea trsourrcd snd sums expend�e!by Lertder In conneaUon with _ :
<br /> the ezerolse by Lender of the toregotng righte,together witb interest themon at the dofeult rate provided in the Note.whiah ehall be :�
<br /> '"'� added to the Irtdebtednesa seoured hereby. Lender shatl not inaur any Itebility beeause of anythinp it may do or omit to do .�•�. ,
<br /> ' ' ;, � hereunder. �'"`
<br /> 9.Metatdous MatateN.Truetor shatt keep the Propert�r In aompliance with ati cpptloable lawa a�dtnances and reputa�ons .;.
<br /> ����� • retatinq to induatrial hy�fene or environmentat proteodon(aoileotiveiy reterred to herein as"Environmental Laws'�.Truator ehatl • �
<br /> ' � � � keop the Properly hee from aIi subatances deemed to be hazardous or toxio under any Emlronmental Lawa(cotlectivaly roterced to ' �.:
<br /> "yn:-��� horeln as"Heaardous Materiats'7.Truator hereby warrants and represents to Lender that thare are no Hazardous MateHate on or �.f:
<br /> under the Property.T►ustor heroby agrees to IndemnNy and hold harmfess Lender,Hs direatora,oiflaers,emptoyeag and e�enM,ane ��
<br /> e
<br /> '.;' =.��r any eucceaeora to Lendera Interest.irom and agalnat any and atl elaims,damagea,lossea and Iiabllides adsing in conneedon a►ith ��
<br /> � � the pre�sencs,use,disposxl or trensport ot a�y Hezardous MateHals on,under,irom or about the Property.THE FOAEli01N0 ;-�
<br /> a
<br /> � • "•vet�•��n,� SURVWE RECONVEYANCE OF YHi8 DEED OF TRU S T.
<br /> , rovtded thet Trustor �;;
<br /> - � 10. Asdpnm�nt of R�nb.Truator hereby asefgna to Lender the rents,isaues and proflts of the Property�p `W,
<br /> � •� �tl' shai{,unUi the oocurcence af an Event of Oetauit hereunder,have the ripht to colleot artd retain suoh rents,tesues and protite aa they
<br /> beaon+e due and payable.Upon the ocaurrence o!an Event of Oefault,Lender mey.elther in peraon or by agent,wlth or wNhout
<br /> • `� bringing any actlon or proceed�ng,or by a receiver appolnted by a couR and without regard to the adequacy of ita seourity,enter �-
<br /> upon and take possesalon ot the Property,or any part thereof,in its own name or in the name ot the Trustse,and do any aafa whlah ft
<br />�"�` � ' deeme rtecessary or dealrabte to preserve the value,marketabilit�r or rentabflfty of the P�apertyr,ar any psR thereof or latereat therein, __
<br />- 1 increar�e ttso lr.come therefrom ar protect the seo�rity hereof and,with or without taking posaessio;o�e��o lo�ss�oa4s and
<br /> '��-'•� '�''��� 1 otherwise co►teat the rente,isaues end proflta thereot,inotuding those past tiue artd unpaid,end aPp Y -
<br /> t �%'.;,1.�; expenses of opetetion and cviieissti�i�iti�iudln$8ttarrteYz'less.uFQn g�Y�n�pbtwdness seeured hereby,all in aueh order as Lender
<br /> �•�, ., may determine.The entering upo�and taking posseasion of the Properly.the cdle�tlon of such renta tssuea and profita and the
<br /> -:";1;�.c�.,...:S.r
<br /> ; „ : � applleadon thereof as atoresaid,shall not cu�a or waive any detault or notice ot detautt hereunder or invaiidate any act done in
<br /> '"'-�-��- r e a p onse to such detauit or pursuantto suoh noUce of detault and,notwithstanding the contlnuance In posaession of the Properly or
<br /> .:'t�;.'�-.)�+'_' .
<br /> •;,f�, ra. - the coltecUon,receipt and application of rents,isaues or p r o fl t s,a n d T r u s t e e a n d L e n d e r s h a l i b e e n U U e d N e x e r c l s e e v e ry�l ght
<br />-- �: '•,� � .�, providedforinanyoftheLoanDooumentsorbylawuponoccurrenceofanyEvontofDefeult,inctudingwithout�imitadonthe�ightto _
<br />,=ys�+i:�y�`` _ exercise the powe r o f s a l e.F u r t h e r,L e n d e�'s rf 9hta end remedies under this paragraph ahalt be Cumulative with,and in�o way a
<br /> Iimltation on,Lender's�ightsand remedies underanyassignmentof leases end rents�ecorded againstthe Property Lender,T�ustee
<br />:':��''?�'��� and th8 receiver sheli be Ilable to accouM oniy those rents actua►ty received.
<br /> �i� 11. Ewnb ot DetauN.The followirtg ehali conetitute an Event oi Detauit under thls Qeed of Truat
<br /> ="�+��;*-° (a) Faliure to pay any installment of principal or intereat of any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> -�-:��;;;nj, (b) Abreachotordefaultunderanyprov�SiancontainadlntheNote,this0eedofTruat,anyottheLoanDocumeMe,orany
<br /> _,°��;��-,.�°: other Ilen or encumbrance upon the ProperiY:
<br /> _ ,_�,� (a)A wrlt ot execuUon or attaahment ar any simflar process shail be entered againat Trustor whtch shail become e iten on
<br /> _";�_w,-_����,� the Property or any porUon thereot or interest therein;
<br /> _LL�,_�,a,,�� (d)'�here shall be Nled by or against Trustor or Borrower an acUon under eny present or tuture federal,etete or other
<br /> �_ _��� etatute,lew or reguiation retating to bankruptcy,inaolvency or other rellef tor debtors;or there ahali be appofnted anY trustee�
<br /> —�� receiver or Iiquidator of Truetor or Borrower or of atl or any part of the Properry,or the rents,fasuea or proflte thereof,or l�ustar
<br /> _-- _ Qr Borrowe�,ehall make any general aestgnment for the beneflt ot Creditors;
<br /> :���� (e)The,sete.trphste;.lease,assig�lment,conveyance,or further encumbrance of all or any paR of or any interest in the
<br /> ����� `Prop6rt�r.efther votuntar�ly or lnvoluntarity,wlthflut the express w�itten con�ent of Lender.provided that Trustor shall be
<br /> --— permitted to ezecute a lease ot the Property that does not contaln an optlon to purchase and the term oi which�oes not exceed
<br /> —�""—= one year,'
<br /> ° �__ �� (p Abandonment of the Property;or
<br /> ��._.�'� (g) If TrJator is not�in Intf ividual,the issuance,sale,trensfer,assfgnment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total
<br /> :_����,�� of,��peraent of(if a corporatlon)ita issued and outatanding stock or(if a partnerehip)a totai of pe►cant ot
<br /> -- _•�-�—_.�" pertnership interests dtfrfng the pedod this Oeed of Trust remains a Ilen on the Property.
<br /> °�� �°�` 12. Rtmadtea;A a c N�t a t ion Upon Q�l a�t�i n t h e o v e n t o t e n y E v e n Y 6 f D e f auit Lendet ma y,without nobce except as required by
<br /> `�.� law.declare aIi indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable end the same shall thereupon become due artd payabie
<br /> �°�-�'-=�'��' � without any presentment,demand,pratest or notfce ot any ktnd.Thereaiter Lender may: ___
<br /> =-.'%,�" ��-��' ' a Demand that Trustea exerclse the POWER OF SALE granted fierein,antl Trustee shail thereafter cauae Trustots _ --
<br /> _: ;�i:��::7��� ( ) _
<br /> -�,�,�,:,� interest tn the Prcpe►t y to be e o i d s n d t h e p r o c e e d a to be diatributed,all In 1he manner provided In the Nebraska Trust Deeda -
<br /> . .,,, .j. . Ac� `
<br /> �'i'f."..�..�.L...a ,
<br /> .. , � (b) Exercise any and�11 rights ptovided for in any otthe Loan Dobume�taor by taw upon occurrence of any Event of Defaut� c
<br /> . ; ��d(o) Commence an ooUon ro foreclose this Oeed of Trust as a mortga8e,appolat a receiver,or speoHica�ly entorCe eny atthe —
<br /> .'`' " ':�� covenants hereot. �'--
<br /> No remedy hereln conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is fntendeQ to be exclusive of any other�emedy herein,in the �:-
<br /> � -s ��: Loan Documents or by Iaw provided or permttted,but each shail be cumulative,shall be in addltEon to every other remedy given �r;:.
<br /> ;�y hereunder,in the Loan Documents or now or hereaker exiating at law or in equtty or by statute.and may be exerCtsed concumently,
<br /> ---- ......�o�..utv �±.�
<br /> _. ouieiyv:.MO,...j.:�........��-._..• - .
<br /> _•;�'�-� � �3, husbs.The Trustee may resign at any Ume wlthout cause,a�d Lender may at any time ana witnoui cauoe appvini 6
<br /> �� ° � � successor or substltute Truetee.Truatea sheli not be tfable to any party,inctuding without Iimitatlon Lender,@onower,Trustor or any
<br /> " purchaser of tMe Properly.for any Iosa ar damage unlesa due to recKless or witifu►misconduct,and ahati not be required to take any :
<br /> " ' action ln connectfon with the entorcement ot this Deed of Trust unlesa indemnified,in wrlting,for all coata,compensa8on or
<br /> " • expenses which may be assoclated therewith.In addiUon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any saie of the Property Qudicfai or
<br /> � �� ��nder the power of ea�e granted heretn);postpone the sale oi all or eny porUon of the Property,as provided by Iaw:or soll the
<br /> . PropaRy as a whole.or in separate parcels or lota at T�ustee's dtscredon.
<br /> 14. Fees artd Exp�nte�.in the event Trustee seils the Property by exercise of power of sa�e,Trustee ahall be entiUed to appiy
<br /> �" any sa�e proceeda tirst to payment of all costs and expenaes ot exerclsing power ot sa�e,inctuding a�t Trustee's feea,and Lenders
<br /> and Trustee's attorney's fees,actuatly incurred to extent permitted by appifcabte law.In the event Borrower or Truator exerciaes any
<br /> ' right provtded by law to cure an Event of Defauit,Lender shail be entitied to recover irom Trustor all costa and expenses actualty
<br /> �. , incurced as a�esult ot Trustor's detault,tnc�uding wlMout�tmltetion aIi Trustee's and attorney's fees,to the extent permftted by
<br /> . , aPPlloable Iaw•
<br /> � � . � .
<br /> „
<br /> • .,; -
<br />