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<br /> � COVENAt�TB '«:r�..,
<br /> ' 1, PaymsMt. 8or�owar oflrees to make ail paymeMS on the secured deDt w4�en dua. Un�ese 8onower end L9nder agree othe�wise, any , . �
<br /> , paymente Lendor receives hom Bonowor or for Borrowot'a banoflt�vtll ba ap�tied first ta any amounts Borrawer owes on tAe aeaured deb�
<br /> " not roduce or°�$e°n°y`�scirea�ie paymont unU�tfie secutod dobt Is!peid�in fulial propeymont of the eecured debt accurs for any roason.It wii
<br /> Z,qtlms ppalrat Titb.Borrower wlll pey alt texe�,aeseasments,and othor ohargea ataibutnble to the propetry when due and wlli dofond tltio
<br /> to the prope�ty eg alnat a�/clatme which woutd impetr tha lien of thie deed ot uust.Lender mey require eorrowar to asslgn any rights,ataims o� �,
<br /> „ defenaes which eortowor may havo apainst partioa who suppty tabot or matetfate to improve or maintain the propertlr.
<br /> 3,lnsunnct.Bonowet witl keep the ptoparty tnsured under terma acceptebie to Lender at Bottower's expenae and tor Londcr's bonottt.Ail .
<br /> Insuranee policies ehali Inctude a atanderd mortgage ciauae in tavor of Lender.Londer wlll ba nemed es tose peyee or as the insurad on any euoh 4 .�
<br /> ' or$to tha ea�cu�ed dobt�if LenderQequl essmortg ga insurance B�onower egaoes to�mninteintsuch insurancetfor as long es Lender�f squrea���� _
<br /> - .���.. 4,prop�riy.Borrower will koap the property in good condition and make all repetre reaaonabiy neeessery.
<br /> �� ��� ot�or�in eny obtigatlon BecuredYby th al daed of uuEt e�o�r�tco�wer wll�pey these amourYites to�-e�de�es pravtdad in C venant 8 of thia deed of ^
<br /> -�—;--_= uusi. — :
<br /> � 8.Prta S�cu�y InUr�na.Uniese Bortower flrat obteins Lendet's wAtten eonsent, Bonower wii�not make or permR any changea to eny prior �
<br /> " securhy IMeresis 8ortower wili per4orm ali of Borrower's obllgaUona under any prbr trtortgage, deed of uust ot other securtty agreement, 'YJ,y
<br /> - inciuding Bortower's coveneMS to make paymente when due.
<br /> 7.Aatymmn►t of R�tm�nd Proflb.8orrower asafgns to Lender Yhe rents and proftts ot the property.Unleso Bonower ond Lender hav�rtders �.:
<br /> ` otherwise In virtlUng, Botrowar mey aolleat and retain the rente as tong aa Borrowror is not in default.If Borrower defaults, Lender, �, ,,,
<br /> � ��f agent, or a aourt appolnted receiver mey take posaession snd*+enefla tf+e PmPanY end aoltect the rents. Any rents Lender coliects ehall bo
<br /> appltad firet to the coate ot mana8��9 the ProPertY. ��cluding court costs and attor��Y��e aecuAr a de i°e piov ded11n8Covenan d'any mher �i,'
<br /> - • -�' ' necosoaN raloted expenses.The remalning amount at reMe wili then apD�Y�P81� �F::
<br /> sa
<br /> �. .�A g,L��holds•Condomintumt;Piam�d Unit OsvalopmeMt.8orrower ogrees to compIy wkh the provisiona of any Iease if this doad of uust is on �' `
<br /> a leaseho�d.t�this deed ot truat Ie on a unft in a condominium or a planned unft developmeM,Bonower wiil perform alt o4 Borrower's dutles
<br /> 0 1 ' under the covenants,bylaws,or reguietions of the condominium or pianned unft developmeM.
<br /> iy ;�` 8,p�►qr(ty p}Undu to p�rtortn tor Borrow�r.It Borrowor fatls to perform any of Butrower'a duties undar this deed of trusi, Lender may __
<br /> ' o ! pe�torm the duUes or ceuse them to be parformed.Lender mey eign eorrower's name orpay eny amouM H neaessery for petfortrtance. If any �_
<br /> ` consuuatior+on the praperiy is dieco�Unued or not oenled on in a reaeonebta manne�,Lender may do whetever la necessery to ptoteat Lender's
<br /> ':'% .� t sewrity iMerest in the property.7hts may Ineiude completing the coestruetfon. .
<br />-' .. �{',, Lender's taliwe to perbrm wilt not prealude Lendet ttom exercising any of ks other rights under the!aw or thia deed of truat. �y;..
<br /> �. , t.
<br /> Anv amouMS peid by Lender to protsot Lender's security interest wili be,seeured by this deed af truet.Such emounts will tre due on demend
<br />-...:._ f_.. �_���_ end wHt Aeer Intereat from the dete of the paymant untii paid tn fui�at the mterest rate in eNeat on the seeured debt. .��_.
<br /> • 10. D�f�dt and Aee�i�tion. If 8anower taila to mnke any paymerK whon due or breaaka eny covenante under this deed of truat or any
<br /> �w-
<br /> s f . ' •: obllgtition secured by this de�on$tti�ok�e�p��i N►emof�eaee and enY othet�remed ei sd�rmitted by�appll�bte Iaew.�of tho secured debt end
<br /> ti:; :.� t d8riar�d#sns�tata FaV� °"`
<br /> ,� ' '� � 3 ��,Roquat for Notics ot DNautt�It ia hereby requested that copies of the notices of detauit and eato be seM to eaah person who is a party � ";
<br />_ � ,. �. hereto,at the addresa of eaet�sucn petson,es aet fonh herefn.
<br /> - " Q = �i � 12,pewe of 8at�,it the Lender imokes the power of snte,the Tnistee ehail flrat record in the offiae of the tegiiter of deeds of each couMyr —
<br />`'v�� �� where(n tt�e trust propartll at some part or paroel thereot is eituated a notice of deteuR aonteiNng the information requtred by law.'fha Truatee
<br />- � �� ehali also meit copies of the notice of defauR to the Borrowe�,W eaeh pereon who is e party fiereto,end to other pereons aspresuibed by _
<br /> ';�Ar'ti. a not tn any �
<br />- epplieebie iaw.Plot lesa than ons moMh atter the Truatee records the notice of defauk or two montha H the trust proPerty i
<br />��^^ '"'� ineorporated oity or vWege and ia uaed In farmtng operations cenied an by the trustor,the 1�rusteo eheli glva publio noUce of sale to tha persor.s
<br />` �" - and in the mnnner preaeHbed bV appplicabie law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shall seli the properry et pubita auction to the hipheet
<br />_.-.���:����;��` , btdder.If required by tha fazm Fiomeatead P4�oteatton Act,Trustee shail otter tha property in two separate sales as requlred by eppllcable Iaw.
<br /> - � tT.ender or l�ts d�i$gnee may purchase�e ptc�rty�any sa�by pubifo announcemeM at the time and ptaea ot any prevtousiy scheduied eate.
<br />=`.n.-u yM�y��'/
<br />'•-."?3:�;�:,,''�, Upon receipt of peymern of the price btd,Trostee shel!deliver to the purchasor Trustee's deed conveyfng the property.The reciUats cornained tn
<br />—w=...;�;���:. .r Trustee'e deed shell be prima facie evidience of the truth of the atetemerKs cantelrted thorein.Trustee shati apply the praceeds of the eate in tho =_.
<br /> �",a;,,�;;;:• . {cliowinp order. (a) to eil expenaea of tho eale, tnciudtng, but not Iimited to, reesonabie T�ustoe's fees, �easonebie attomey's feea end
<br /> _-� ro i n s t s t e m e n t t e e a;(b)t o e l l s u m s e e c u r e d b y t h f a d e e d o f u u e t,e n d(0 1 t h e belance,if an y,to the persona legelly endtled to�eceive it•
<br />��.=�:,�'�t�s'°`�.
<br />__.�_��;�= 13.Fondosure.At Lender's optlon,thta deed ot Vust may be fotocfosed in the manner provide by appliaeble tew tor foreelosure of mortgagee
<br /> �� on reai proyeny.
<br /> _��'�,-'�rr,�?�
<br /> _— ;o� 14.tnap�ation Lender may enter the propetty to inspaot k if Lender glves Bonower notice betorehand.The notice maet state the reasonebSe
<br /> _ __�_«, anuse Tor londer's inspeation. _
<br /> ��"z,�A=_ - 1y,Coed�mmnttlon.Borrowet essi ns to Lender the proceeda of any award or ciaim Por dama0ea eonnected whh a condemnation or other teking �
<br /> � of all or any part�f the proDertY•�uch proceeda will be eppiled as prov(dad in Covenant 1.Thla esslgnmeM la eubjeo4 to the lercne of any prtor
<br /> ` " �"' seaurity agreemem. -
<br /> _,_Yr1,,,::.__'.. _
<br /> =-.:.��y„T,_� —
<br /> ��±�� 18.W�ivK.BY exordstng er►y remedy evatlab�e to Lender.Lender does not givo up any riphts to teter uae orry other remedy.BY not ezerctsinp
<br /> �6����"' any remedy upon Borcower's default,Lender does not waive any right to Iater constde�the ovent e deteuft If k happens again. _
<br /> __-T���r��afi��� _. .
<br /> 17.JWnt and 8+v�nl LI�6�itY:Co�s10^�ni 8ucws�°n snd Asdpns Bourtd.All dutFea under thfs deed of uust are Joint etM several.Amr
<br /> ""`�`��="" Borrower who eo-signa tNe deed of uuat but doea not casign tho unda Ing debt instrumeMlel does so onty to graM end eomiey thet
<br /> ,y—n��-:��'�'
<br /> -=- ,--�---�� � Bortowet's IMe�ast in tRe property M the Truatee under Me ter�ma��f this de of trust.in oddition,such e Borrowet agrees that the Lender and _
<br /> •:���:�; dsbt w�hout t�haWt Bo iow�s�consent enA w�iNio�uyt rotea�etng th8t Eorcower Kom�e termsof tshie deeed ot�trua�tf.thts daed of trust or the aecured
<br /> .--�q!FP,i-� 1
<br /> ..:e._'�::.—�..:
<br /> _ �� 1'��,-- � � The dutiea end banefita of thfs daed of trust sha��birtd and beneflt the succeseors and aasigns of Lender end BoROwer. -_
<br /> =;r,r•-.:^"':.....• is.-,
<br /> �'dL' �• ���•-°��:�.� 18.Nottc�.Un!eae otherwise required by law,any notice to 8onowor ehell be given by delivering k or by metling it by certifled ma►!addressed to
<br /> — "',•�•�• BoROwar at the pro addross or any othe�address that 9onower hae given to Lender.Bortower wlii give nny notiee to lender by certlfled �?:�{�_
<br /> �� mntl to Le�nler's ed resa an pape 1 of thts doed of uusL or to any other addreea whtch Lender has dosignated.Any other notice to Lender shatl
<br /> be sent to Lender's addreas as stetsd on pege t of this doed of truat. :
<br /> � �� • : � Any�otice sheii be desrned to havo been gtven to Bonowor or iender when given in the menner steted a6ove. �
<br /> - ; z 19.Tra►ut�t ot tM Propnh►or a BMNicte►InterNt tn ths 8orrow�r.it oll or any part of the prope�ty or any tMeroat in k is sold or tranafened _
<br /> without Lenders prior vrritten consent, Lender mey demend immediete paymeM of the seeured debt. Lender may also demand Immediete
<br /> L.� Q mand peym8n6on tAe��ve eituations if hp la�ohiDidted b f ederet lawe as f the dete of Mis deed ot�w���ed. However.Lender may not _
<br /> � 20.R�com�flane�•N1hen the obiigation seeured by this deed ot trust has been pald end Lender hae no turther oblEgation to make odvancea
<br /> -----��-. .....�..�,.r.a....�m�..anroamnnes secured br thia deed of vuet,the Truetee shal�upon vxhton,eQues� th0 Lender,�econvey tho truat
<br /> -- �_ ..•�..._ _'__-w{fhn ��.�.
<br /> ,RUiI�"�.Y propeny.The Lender eheN ilotiver to the Borrower,or to BortowaY8 BuCC88sor in interes[,ciw'vvoa vooi.o.-�....o.��-..T.=:--��---• ---
<br /> . obl gi atlon so satiafled.Borrower sAe�I pay eny recordation coats.
<br /> • 29. Succ�uor Tmstes. Lender, at Lender's o�on, maV remove Ttustee and� appo1M a successor truc�tee by flrst, malling a copy of the
<br /> ' substituHon of trustee es requlred by applicable taw.and then,by ifllng the subsututlon of trustee for record In the offlce of the reglster of daeds
<br /> � su�od t�o I�the power duties aPuthopt�end Ntte of the Trus�tiee neeneA in t o dood of trust end of u y successor truste of the property,shall
<br /> • c. lOege 2 oI 11
<br /> • - . BANKERS 8V87E1+�9.ING..BT.CIWD.MN 68]Ot 1t-800-�97•ZUtI FOi1M OCV�Mt4NE O119181 .
<br />