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�. � ataYqt7v`�3t1� � f.'i �."'4� "�i�i el� {y��� F�r""` '�,q ,`i.-.� ----- . --.-_ �.�.�-.:c�.'=--- . . . . �: <br /> r 9�b'i% S +�.^ Ji '. � 1 �h r r F - . Y.. �1 � '.�. <br /> ' , i r �:- �#+Ji -�-� ., •� �- -�3=��.�t yi{� 1 c r :t�: �.. .. �1't)L°�� !� - �r� � <br /> �`V . f I. : 4 .G,1 t. � - 1� <br /> �r�Sil '� . �L _ } �-- ,..i1ii � �1���' �'-;< . <br /> iyt kr{�.�i ��f ;.� _ ' •`.�r � - . � v.N�t. � , <br /> p,'6 �f� � _ .. ' i"' i�� - -/ ' : } �. <br /> � '�,"•.` ' ���1�. ,.:i'' J . <br /> ..�.Tt� =` . , � . �� <br /> � ... .: _, o. O <br /> r.�'i .' �. � � . _ - - ., .. . .,�.,v��lW. . . . <br /> . ' :r-L�.���"'`�n.` . .• . ._� .. . _..__ _ ...__.� -_-_._�..,....._. - " . _.. <br /> �� . , . --.---___------- - . 9 5� �.t����� ��;,: <br /> � 16. Rehsbiilt�tton Laan A�rs�nestn. Trustor ahall tuHftl ali af Tru�tor's obilgatiana under any home rohabititetion, � <br /> d at Lertder's option, may <br /> �� improvemerit, �opair, ar other Ican agre�mer�t whlch Trustor ernera iMo with Len er. Lender, <br /> �� require Trustor to exaoute and del(ver to Lender,in a form aaceptable to Lender,an assignmern at any�ights�claims or <br /> - detenses v�hbh Truator may have agalnst parties who auppry labor, materiats or services in connectlon v�fth <br />, � Improvements mada to the Properly. <br /> " 18. Tan�f�r of th�Pro�srty or a Bon�flolat Ir�t�st in Trustor. it all or any part of the Property or a�l iMerest <br /> in it Is soid ar ttansierted (or ft a beneflctal tMerest in t�ustor is sold or transfened and Trustor ts not a natural person) <br /> " wkhout Lendar's prlor written oonsertt Lertd9r may. et fts optton,require immediate paymern in tull of aii suma seoured by , <br /> thts Deed ot Yrust. Hawever,this opt�on shafl flot(oe exercised by L�ndor it exerciso ts prohibfted by tederal law es o'f the <br /> date of thfs Deed of Trust. <br /> If Lender exeroises this opilon,Lender shall gNe Trustor notfce of acceleretion. The notice shall provide a p0riod of <br /> _,�.---'; not lesa than 30 days from the date tha noUce is defhrered or mafied wfthin whiah Trustor mustpay all sums seoured by <br /> ° �--� thts Deed of Trust. If Trustor falls topay these sums prior to the expiratton of this period, Lender may irnoke arry <br /> ;, ,, remedies pennitted by this Deed of Trust wlthout turther nottce or demartd on Trustor. � <br /> - ' - NON-UNtFORM COVEi�ANTS. Taistor and Lender further covenant and agree as follaws: <br /> � 17. Aac�bn�tion• R�tn�dl�s.Excep2 as provided in Paragraph 18 hereof,upon Trustcr's breaoh of any covenaM <br /> � or agreeme►�of Trustor�n the Note or this Deed of Trust,tnoluding the covenants to pay when due arry sums secured by <br /> this Deed of Trust, Lender, at Lander's option, may decslere all of the sums secured by this Deed af Trust to be <br />• � immedietely due and payable w(thout turther notice or demand and may invoke the power of sale and ar�y other remedies <br /> �� � pennitted byappIicable law. Lender shaii be entitied to coliect all teasonable oosts artd expenses incurted in pursuing the <br /> � remedies provided In this Paragreph 17. (noludtng� but not��mfted to. �easonabte altomeys fees to the exte►�provided by �, <br /> .. le�. - <br /> B Lender irnokes the po�wer of sale,Trustee shell g(ve notice of asie by ubiia adveRiser,nent for the time�nd in th� , <br /> � •.;. manrter provided by appqceb►e law, and Lender or Truatee shall mail a copy�the noUce vt sale to Trustee In the manner <br /> � provided in Paragraph 12 hereof. Trustee,without demand on Tn�stor, shalt sell the Property at the time and under the � <br /> terms designAt e d end in the notice o f sa te ai pu b i ic au c t ion to t h 9 h i g h e s t b t d d e r. L e n d e r o r L e n d e r's d e s i g n e e m a y <br /> � �• ' purchase the Property at any sate. `'; . <br /> Trustee shail deitver to the purchaser T�uatee's deed conveying the Propertyr so aold without any covensr�t or <br /> , �•*i- War�arriy, eocpressed or implied. The recttals In the Trustee's dead shait be prima faole evidence ot the truth of the �--;,�� <br /> ° � statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proaeeds of the sale in the fottawing order. (a)to ali reasonable costa ��',;; <br /> ; _��i T and expenses ot the sale, including, but rtot Iimfted to, reasonable Trustee's and aitomeys' fees artd cosb of tftle "; <br /> evidence; (b to ati sums secured by this Deed o4 Trust; and (c) the excess, B �rto the perso 8 or��ns legaily ?�, <br /> eMitled the�o. It the Property is sold pursuar�t to this Paragraph 17,Trustor,or erson hofdin lon aff the �;;: <br /> ' Property through Trusto�, shall immediate!y suRender possession of the Property to the purchaser at such sale. If �, <br /> _ - 'm:-; : pos�es.;;�;ii i���;surrendsred.T�tar ar�uch pssson sf�e!!!�s a t�n��v�lli oi such purohaser.shall be removabte by _. <br /> � �, , • procesa such as foroeable and untawtul deteiner,and hereby egrees to pay to suah purchaser the reasonable rentat vatue �. <br /> af the Property aRer saie. <br /> �� . �• 18. L�nd�r's RIght to Aii�w Trustor to Rdnstat�. Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured <br /> � by this Deed of Trust due to Trustor's bresch, Lender may� U Lender's total discreUon� disaontinue any proceedtngs <br /> . . � . begtu�by Lender to er�force this Deed af Trust at am►time prfor to the sale of the Prope pursuer�t to the powet cf sale <br /> cont+ained tn thts Deed ot Trust or erdry o4 a judgmer�t er�forctng this Deed of Trust it: �a�Trustor pays Lertder ali sums _ <br /> � :�--�• which would be then due uttder thts Dee:i of Trust and the Note had no accelerstion ocouned; (b) Trustor aures ell -_ <br /> ���,a:���: �� �� breaches ot any other covenents or agreemerns of 7rustor contained in thfs Deed af Trush, (� Trustor pays alt <br /> -A-_�r��,�•�� � reasonabie expenses inourred by Lender and Trustee tn e n forc ing t he c o v e n e n t s a n d ag r e e m e r K s o t T r u s 4 o r c o n t e t n e d in _ <br />__°����� �°�' this Deed of Truat. and in enforcin�Lender's and Trustee's remedies as provided in Paragraph 17 hereat,tnoluding,but �„�. <br /> a.�r• �.,.....�r. <br />:.=�,;1�;':� *.i not Itmfted to��easonabie attorrtsys fees;artd (c� Tn�stor takes such actlon as Lender may reasonabiy require to agsure <br /> _;.�,F_t_,�.� that the iten of this Deed of Trust� Lender's tMerest in the Properly and Tnistors obligaUon topay the sums secured by <br />_�:;r-:,>-� . tht� Deed of T►ust shall continue unimpatred. Upon such payment end cure by Trustor, thls Deed af Trust end the <br /> �--;..�ri�;-� obllgations secured hereby shall remefn in tull force and eftect as ff no acceleraUon had occuRed. The Hghts grarned in <br /> '-�=-�=��:� this-Peragraph 18 sheil In no way be construed as aiicwing Trustor to reinstate at Trustor's will,ft being understood that <br />=•:u_�T,�uz"'` such reUstaxement[s tctaily withfn the discmtton af Lender. — <br /> w��4 <br /> _;-1i�= 19. Asstpnrr»at of R��; A�poirnnMrn of R�Iv�r L�nd�r to Poss�aslon. As addi�onnt security hereu er. <br /> �-yr�:°� - T�ustor here asstgns to Lende� the rerns of the Properfy, provided that Trustor shaA, prtor to acceleration under <br /> `;;;;_z.��,r:,:_;�.:, Paregraph 17�ereafor abartdonment of 4he Prope�ty�have the tigM to collect and�etafn such ret�te as they became due _ <br /> ��_„�.�� and payable. _ <br /> Upon acceleration urtdor Paragraph 17 hereof or abartdonmeM of the Properry,Lender�tn person,by�ern or by _ <br /> -___�-^`�� - IudlctalN appoleted recelvet�shall be entltled to eMer upon,take possession of and manage the Propert�l to colieat �_ <br /> -�=--= ..� �he rer�s of the Property inctuding those past due. AU rer�ts cotleoted by lender or the receNer shaii be applted first to <br /> �.-;�,,"�.,,�z;�� payment of the cost a�1 managemeM of the Property and collection ot rerits,inoluding,but�ot fimited to,receiver's fees, <br /> ---=�s±�;;, � premiums on recelver's boncis and reasonable attomeys'teea, e�nd then to the sums seoured by this Deed of Tnist. ___ <br /> "�-�-=-�'`'���'� Lender and the receNer shail be Itable to eccount cnly for those rents ectuaily recehred. - <br /> �.�_..; _ <br /> -a :ns �r....- - <br /> � ... ': � Z0. Rd���. Uponpay ment of atl sums seoured by thts Deed of Trust, Lertder shall release this Deed of Trust �, <br /> �:;_�._ ,: �!tthout chazge ta Trustor. Trustor shall pay ati costs of recordation�it the exteM permitted by tew• �^ <br /> � � Z1. Substftub Teust�a. Lender may�for any reason or cause.from time to time remove Tnistee and appoint a �: <br /> � . f �.' successor trustee to any Tntstee appoiMed hereunder. Without corneyance of the PropE+rty,the successor trustee shat{ <br /> , succeed to alt the title,pawer and duttes cor�teRad upon the Trustee hereln and by appticable law. r;,: <br /> __�� > �•; <br /> ---- : 22, W�iv�r ot Homeat�ad� Rsd�mptlon, 8pouaal Rights and Othsr Exempllon�. Trustor waives ell right of <br /> � � � � . homestead exempUon in artd equitabie and statutory redemptbn of the Property and Trustor hereby relinquishes all�ight <br /> � . of do�wer�cu�tesy and statutory or etective rtghts in the Property. To the exten�permitted by law�Trustor hereby wafi►es <br /> and transPers to Lender arry other exemptfon�ights permitted under applicable state of tederal le�w with�espeot to the <br /> -° �,�� ; Propetty, W�,-�--•_u._�..�.._......,...a..�b,.t.e Nt.�fe .,.m.ldo�!tha tarm <br /> — _�--- — �. L�flWr'a WII VFIil011. IVOiwlc�tsieut�iing BT"ry"p�wNam av u�v....��..`..�w.....��........».�..�._+ t.'•--•------ - <br /> �� is 60 mor�ths or more,Trustor hereby covenents and agrees that Lender shall have the rigM,at its soie optlon,to deoiare <br /> � the eMire outatandtng prittcipal balance o4 the loen evldenced by the No4e and accruad iMerest thereon to be due and <br /> payable in futl on a date not(ess than years fram the Date of the <br /> � , .. Note,except tha4 Lender,if it exerctses suc o on,s sen rustor w en n ce t ereof at least ninety (80)days <br /> • [but not more than one-hundred and twerriy �120) daysJ prtor to such acceterated loan meturity date. The wrltten notice <br /> � io Trustor nom l.ender will set torth therein the Lender's acceterated maturity date for the toan. PrepaymoM tn fult af the <br /> loan as a direct resuh of Lenders exercise of its e�oresaid calt option she71 not be suaed to acry prepaymern penalty <br /> ' " othatwfse applloable urtder th�provlsions vt the Ncte. If the space above for insertion of a date in this Paragreph 2S is <br /> " marked 'WA',Lender does not reserve a call o�stfon. <br /> ___ ` . �M►� �. <br />