__"v �.. � _ ." . . ..�_ ��-- ._ _ _ ,_-.. . - - - �i�J..{ - , ___ _ — ��__—_._.__ .....- . . .
<br /> �i��.�FA6�y��1�'{��}�h�� . . �i� n f M� !� � U � ��in V q�� �,�t-- -r„{�V - S f_r[�P-�}f :� _ -_. ' ... .
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<br /> '_."�# ._ ' ' � "'�" "��_..'_ _""_...�...._._..�.��
<br /> � �yF �i'-_y- ...._..__.__..L.. ..._...�i____._+.r.. .�+._._.---._.��--�."____'�. . . r.-.�y�-��.-'--..
<br /> .� � � �ll�� �.�ti-.-�
<br /> . 95--
<br /> �r�-�i
<br /> ^ 8. Borrowar agrcao that unlona tho I.cnanr,In Ita aoto ascrotlon 3lacte n dMlorinp olloeatlon,or uNOOC app�icahlo Ww proNCaG oMOrvNao,Ufnt all paymOnte
<br /> � roccWod by londor nhoA bo pppUCd In tho totlowln4f monncr and orticr: c)ronaaiablo coato ond loon Includinp Ttuatco'o tooa und attomcy teao Incurrod In oxuelalnp tho ��;
<br /> orpurnuntR t0 uny of rttro ta mo o thle Truat Dood.tic Intc o t on tho Noto,td�princlp�al o mo Natopa a o)mtnraat�an0 P�+c Pd on any othcr Afturo etivarcao orrothc .
<br /> indcbtednaao oocwa0 larcby.
<br /> 8. Borrovror aha�kuop tha Properly In pootl npatr antl ahad not commR wnsta or pormlt ImpakmCM or datorlorotlon ot tno Propurty. 0ortownr ahsll kaap antl
<br /> malMnuf tho P►operly and eootluet nny conotruedon Noroon,all N eomptlenco vMN all povcmmcMOl lawa,ordinoncoo onA ropulatory roqukomoMa inciuding Out not Ilmftod
<br /> to, aoNnp rcputetlono,bulltling eode0.a��ruima^►a�avra and No proNSlorsu of tho Amarlenn wM OlaaEmtioa Aet (AOA). nll ao now in axroteneo ar no �creattor
<br /> � omendo0 or anaetod.8orcower ehell immodlatery adNSO Lender In wrttMp ot nny eetunt or thraatoned eetlon or proceod�np to eMoreo anr a+ch Inw,atlinanco,ropulotlon e . ,
<br /> or rontrlctlo�apnlnnt tho Properry or No 8orrowor. BonoWCt ahnll Do OWCty roepormibta for an0 Indomnity and twW LarWcr,tte dlractoro, oMleoro,ngaMe.succoaaoto �'
<br /> - �� and usNgn3 trom ond npalnst nny and M to�7,dnmapa.eoele,axponeo a ilaDmly arlelnq out of or atVlbuta010 to BOnowOtb f011uro Or ruNsat io toNipry fu��y wlth tho
<br /> - roqWromorrta hcroot.
<br /> � 7. It 8orrowar fitle to: o)mn�nWln or pay the pramlume for Mo rcqv►od Inouroneo of Mo Roparty.a b) Oay toxoa nnd aa000amcMn betoro GollnquaM,or e)pay
<br /> �� nny omount duo under a pAOr moKqapo, Uust deni or Uan putoru OeMqucnt or� mNMnln U�o Proaorty in 9ooC wPotr, or o) parform any ot tno eovanoMS or , .
<br /> ` IIgtQURIUM6 O}W6 TN61 DOQtl,than Londor muy at tto optlon pay sueh Inouroneq pam�um6,tmeoe,moKpopo or Uuet doad poymoMe, 0►mnko repWrs antl Clnburao _„
<br /> , .�_s�; uue�aumn and toko aueh nctlon as R Aeoma noeeeanry to protoct It6 Intareat wllhout wnMng or Mfoctlng it6 rigM to Aeelaro a default and aeeolerato tho debt sacurod
<br /> ,�'*�"�'" horuby Oawuoo ot nny ouch fntluro 01 tha Bonowar.Any amouMa ao Glbb�taed by tho Landar enau eonsUtulo od6lUOnat Intlebtodnoae ot Borrowar oucured by Wa Trust
<br /> ��a.raw.+:lPq► Oeatl unA shall�onr iMOrcat ham tho 0ato ot ElsMaeomont ot tho ratu puyu6k undar tho Noto.NoWng cartalnaC In t1NO paragraph ahaN roqulra Landm to meke any
<br /> . auch aioburocmor�o w tohe my actlon whataoawr.
<br /> ro
<br /> -- -• - ' �,,-''J � - 6. Lvrnier may meMe or cnuen to be mnCe reesonab�n anvmn upon and wpactiona ot the Property.
<br /> ' ; 9. At Ma request of landar,the Bonower aAtli flanish Lender wIN Borrovrer'e flnsnclal atatomoMe wdhtn 120 d�ye alter the end of OoROwePa Ascal yeer. A!1
<br /> financWt atatomoMe tor that yeer shnA Inetuae a bW.tneo nhoet end Income and a�uneo afatametiM end ehal�ba proparad 1n aecordsnce w1C�generetiy acceptod j
<br /> nceouMlnp principlea appliod qn a eontlataM basls Tho Bortowar eAall eorUry tho atatomeMe ns belnp Wo end corraet Wlthfn JO daYa etter requeat by Lender, _._._�_
<br /> „ ' '.y 8onownr shall dso MNsh 8otrower's tax rotums, eoAedutea ot Ienses, e� such othar Iidormatlon wM rospeet to Borrowe�'e ManGs► coMttlon entl bwlneso -F
<br /> opemtlons aa Umder may reanonadty reQuoat kom rine to dme. �f�
<br /> � •` 10. Tho proeeeds of mY award or cWm tor damnqea,direct or eonsequerNal. In tonneetlon wIM any coedemnatlon or other taking ot ttm Roperty,or part
<br /> ,�.y;� t her¢o}, or f o r c o n v o y a n e e i n I b u o t c o n d e m n a t 1 a 4 a►e h e r e b y o a a i p r w d a a l s h e t b e p a l d to Londer lo the exteM Of the tull amwM of 1Re roma�nlny unpatd ;-_.ti,
<br /> L }�g IndaCtedness sowrod b9 thls Trust OeeQ It tha Roperry Is ebandoned by 9arower,or 11,aRer notka By Land¢r to Bortower tl�st tl�e eaMomna etfere to m a ke en �"qR+-
<br /> 7 _:z:t;;�,
<br /> award or eMtlo e daim for damapea.Borrower httle to respond to Lendar wHfiln 30 Gays Wter Me date sue�noUco le malt00. Lender Is aWKftlsad to e00ect end appry �:,
<br /> � < •: the proeceds to tha buma seeured by thla Truat Deed CorMumn¢GOn proeeeds a awards ahaN bo uedtad to lho Iast maturin9 tn�immrta of thB�btedne88
<br /> +��'�fyr aecured and eheU not extend er postpone the Cue dete ot the InstaNmeMC reterted to In peragrePh6 1 and 4 nereof ar chonge tha amowt ot auct�Installments. `�:
<br /> 4 ' �' �G 11. If the Lender Issuea a partlal re''wse of Uis Trust Oead.the prxeeES receNed theraior eMG be uedtted to the�eat maturlrq�natdlmeMa of 1h°��de0tednesa ,;?3'-
<br /> � � sewred bereby.
<br /> " , , _y�^�. 12. M Lendet a Tructae elther volunteNY or nvoNxKarity becomea a pany to eny aWt a bga�proeoeLing rck�tlng to tho Properry. Note u Wa Trust Oead then �_
<br /> • �` - �k 9eRCyver wlo relmbweo the Lmqer and TYusteo tor NI eoets and reasoneb�e ettomey feea ine�med by the Lendar end Ttustee rciatlnp to aucA[sWt or lepal proceedings
<br /> 6 � and sald aums a8N1 eon3UNte addldonn��ndeEtodneas aecured by Ws Tnnt Oeed[uW bear IMerest at tt�a rato payeb�o under C�o Noto,uMll pald. �-�
<br /> ' -:�5• " `� 18, pg eddttfonel noc�elly, Bortower does hereby asslgn aM Orent a eecurlty Intotest to Lontler In eU of tAe teaeea, rerRe, depoalte, tovamilea. aeenuMe �'=_=
<br /> � roeetvablea.eecounte,roydtlea p►oflts.Droeoeda.Iend eartract paYmerda and hcomaa ot any tYPe�►.P�es�.�e or aRer�rlslnp, rcletlng to Me Roperty ___
<br /> -- ;i=i;,.� �, •� or fhu uee tt�ereof(hereln"Renta'�.TNS is a preseiR ass�pnmerrt end uian recordlnQ thls Trust Oeed,the Lender'e secwri�l intereat In Rente shan Oe valld,erAoreeablo _�._
<br /> .'. tt
<br /> •' ' and bintling nyNns� unawltla0te by arM fuly Pe�feeted na to NI partlee. Including eny aubeequarrt 0�►eMx�r.moRgagea benellekuy. trusteo 1n benMniptey,4ane►el --
<br />'vi•:.:- `X. ueditor,pen erodltor and any other Ilenhottler ot clelman�praNdad however,lender shall not exerdae sny of Rs r1yMS to eotled Rents adeas BonovrEt Is In default �- __
<br /> w�Ger eny oi ti�a terme�t tha Note a rtus Tnrst Ixeel. Upon defeN4 eA ReMS shel be paid dfreaqy W leeder enE lsndor may noUy the tenanle,aey other pertlea In _
<br /> ,'���'�;'�� � poeeeaslon of tha Properly. a any otl+er peroo� obligated to pay ReMa to pay all tAe HeMa diractly to Lender. 8ortowor I�evoeeDy eonserne en0 nNhotltae each
<br /> .��'��'•- • '�•�., pereo�owinp Rmts to pnY the ReMa to lender upon demand by L.ender wtthout Il,ib�iry to tha payk�p peAy es to wAether Bortowar la in EefaWt R tM Pa��owinp
<br /> '��`�� qa�aw m�uosts Qreof an aselqnma�rt hae becn ma0e Pioducing a copy of ttfie TrusS Deed shaG constldlte rceaoneE�e proot ot tAO aaalpnmtM and Bortower author'�ea
<br /> Y +t?' 1i°�, Londer to diseloee We Trust Deed. Upon deleult.Under ehell be eMNeO to teko poasosMOn m,repa�r,rem cmJ marmev un+��+ZY��3'�����
<br /> r - � �d+ e�ensos and wato In:ur►ed wM eny remalnkq detaneo to be appAed to tha lest meturinp insmYmeMa of t�e debt seeured by thin Trust Oead fleeelpt of RoMa aheil
<br /> _ .r±�'-� �+','� , not cure any dafAUlt. Theae preeerrte or the eolteetlon ot ReMe or exerGbe of any of the twepoing rlQhts d�all�ot be doamed or canstruad to eonstldite trender na a
<br /> ,_•};,:;,.� mortgsgea or eny oU�er Poreon In posaeaelon ot the Propeny a to obligaDe Lender to tnko arry aedon vuhatsoever erM noWnp co�fained herein or aetion teNen
<br /> r' ��...t:, � horounder shell bind Lender to tAe Performalxe of tlie terme and proN6lons ot any kase or other corRracta erKe►ed Into by Bortewa end BoROrau etiOU Indemntfy end
<br /> d;..`.� sh�
<br /> :.t,- � Rold Lender harmless apaimt oey euch elalma
<br /> {�`:..
<br /> _a;:+�-:�..h>'�:'. Wllhln ten(10)daye eftar reque6�the 8otrowa eheU fi+mis►�Lender a�ease ecAetlWe. ee�Ullad to by BoROwer.aettlny toAh ell leaaes relatlnp to C�e P►opertY and
<br />- �:�.:� tha terma and eondlUOna ehereot Ma sueh Whe*Mormauon and Qowme�U wlth raspect lo sucb ianaes os LetWer may reQuoaL W01�ou1 tba prta eonaem of the
<br /> '`�r'�'> �endar.the Bortowcr snell�ot vNth resPect to eny teaee:(a)nceapt a Pe���Y WQPaYm���^;�g�0�M Payebte thereunder!n exeeee of one moMh.
<br /> --��.'� ,:. _.
<br /> y�:_;c}�� �b)w�untaruy cencet a terminete tha eamo or aecept rmy eaneenatlon,terminetlon w aurtender thcreo�a Darmlt eny eve�t to awr,vMleh wo�dd entl0e the tASeee to
<br /> �t:�:Y°.�' � terminnta a eaneel tho aame.(c) amond, or mody the eame ao as to reduce tM term thareof,t�e �errt payebte thereundu. or to chen0e�nY ren�w�W�Mdo�
<br /> ,•,�r." ��"�' thercin ooMalned. (�watve eeY dofault Mereunder or breac�theraoR (e) qke any eanaem,walver or apProva►Nereunder or talco any oUar netlon In aonneGttoo
<br /> .-..!!F�[l�t+� therowtM or wM the Lessee thereunder, whlch wouid havo tho siteet of �mpairin9 the vatuo of Leseor'e Irrteroet Mureunder, a fhe proporty suhjeet thereto. or o}
<br /> �•`°.-.�t�;�. Impalrir�p the poaltlon a Irrterast of the Tiusteo or Wnder or(q een.aseqn.okdQe.mortqaye or otherwiso tliaPOSO of or encum6er Ite IMerest in em sueh lease or nny
<br />-_.``�.a=�,nb �' rente.Iswes at protlle tSSWnp a etlsing thertunde�.
<br /> 14. My of the toliowlnp shall Da deemetl an evnrR ot dafaiAt(hcrele "daTau:►")Mder thla Trust Dead: (e)feiNre to pay eny inatellme�rt ot pAnelpW or Urterest or
<br /> �`��me��� eny other eum xwred herebY�en due. (0)e Ereaeh rx deTeWt under any wvensnt of npreemerrt ot 8arower In tNa 7ruat Oeed.1tro Noto w aey otlwr eyreemente
<br /> _ _ -_..'_�:-;��y crRercd Into by 8ortorver wltn Lender roi�lnp to tt�e IndeOtednesa aeeurea hcreEy, (e) arry represe�atlon,a0ateme�, a eoverwnt mado Oy Me 6orrower horefn,
<br /> � �ereaRer p�rcuent tp�he term�hereot,or dren N eonneWon hwowRh tor any inaebtodne3s aecured horeEy shoWd bo faise or mleleadlnp, ar(�H t�a Trustor la a
<br /> - ='�'-�'�'$�� eorporatlon and tt�ere Is a eAar�pe In ovmorsNp ot 6096 or moro of the corpaadon's stoek w B the Trustor is a partnerstdp a llmltal tleblllty eompnny end the►e Is e
<br /> -__ --�_� chanpo In tho membereNp or a dissolutlon af the pnrtnenhW o►Amlted Neb1Aq eompany or B dl or ury pat of U�a ProPeRY o►anY Mderest Merel��8 deeded sotd by
<br /> lend eonhaetot,Ieaaod w8h opUon to purehaw. a otnenntae convayeQ altena[ed a t�utlier encumbered eMer votw�mrlry or Invoh+rnarUy a�out Lende�'a PAa wrmen
<br /> - ,�:: conoo�rt.
<br /> _-__������ 15. In tfro eveM of detault, t8ntler at Rs o7tlon may dedare eY of tAe sums securetl by tl�le Trust Oeed to bo Immodlatery due ertd peyabte MRp�out AKtMr
<br /> - -����. demand and may Invoka the power ot sata wWor any Wher remedles permitted by applleeEte tew InGudiny tt�e rigM M toroe�oae lhts'Rust Oeed N tho mannor proNeled
<br /> - :�j;tj�4� by luw for tha toreclo�ure af mortgapas on real astata lander Wi&II be eMitled to coUaet WI reosoneb�a cuets antl expenaea Nicurca0 i� pursWng sueh remedio3 ___ .
<br /> +r Inc�Wk�p.but mt IlMted to,reaso�aD�e attanay's kes. —
<br /> H tho power ot sele is Nvoked Trustoe shar recortl a notice of detautt In oacl�eounty N�M�Ith tho Propmty or some pert thereof la loeated end proNde rwUea
<br /> ;.�„a..,t._�;�,,,,�, t�ereof In the menner preacriDed by eppiieable law.Aftn tho Inpse of wch tlmo an muy be reQutroE by eppllen�la law,Trustee shaG glve pubGe ooUce ot sNe to tho
<br /> -- --= p�c auetlon to the hlgheat Mdereatbthe tlme end Pa�e and wdcr the t�ermo deal0neted�N the not�lce ot aete i�n one or more�parcel3 and Ineueh order as T�iustee
<br /> _._�,_;���,.,�,� may Eotermine. Trustee may postpona sde of dl or any parcel of tho Property by pubtic ernouneeme�rt at the tlme and ptaco ot eny preNOUSry sMOdulod sala Le�der —
<br /> __-,�.,� or Lender's oesignee muy purehaeo tho propeAy at any eele.
<br /> =°- - Upo�recelpt of paYment ot tha D�ce Dld,llusteo aheli delive�to it�e P�a�a Trusteob Oeed���b.conveylnp the property sotQ The redtals In tho
<br /> — `'-'� 7nrsteo's Ooad cnaU be PHma tnWe eNOancc of tlro tnM of 1he statemeMS mado tlioreln Tnrstoe ahett eppy ttie proceods of tl+e sab in the to0owing order.(a)to tho
<br /> �...�'.p"DT'^�.
<br /> - -:;�:,�� eosta end o�ansea of exerdau+g thc powa ot eela en0 of the sete tr�GuClnp tRe paymeM of TYusteo's teas.ettomey fees, eoats of tltla aNdenee aml tho teos end
<br /> `, -�. �-� expenaes of any auctloneer eiqngeE to asWet In ttro selo.(0)to an sums seaaed Oy tNa TYUSt Deed.(e)to tbe paymeM of�unlor t�ust deeds,moRpepes,or other Ilen _
<br /> • R �[ hddars,arM(�Ne exeess.It any.to t�e pMeorf a pemorta logaty eMltled tlrcreto. _. --
<br /> .`~�_...�.�i`•�r,`� 8arower n�e�ro to vasate the pram4rs upon ule by the Tnreteo a Judlclsl sete. fie purchas¢t ahail havo eU HpAts Br�IsC�e In law or e4uRy to obteln y
<br /> _ .,_.,ti�L�,,� possoaslon of f�a Roperty or oviet oceupada tfiaeot If Mo Roperly Is oewpled by Borrower as a tlwellnp uNt ond tho Bortowar eoMlnues to oceupy Me Roperty --_
<br /> :�-y,,fi.': urter tho snlo,tho Bortower.at PurchasoYe elcsetbn, shetl 6o deemod oceupyk�9 lfia ProP�N��a��a4reement tarm�nebla rt wllt on0 mnY bo evlcted by tho u:
<br /> �,��t-»�,� purthpgp�uwder lfrp-peeahfnftro YR'tTo V�7fam YiveWonunl Londlord a�d TantiM Act 8ortowor wNVeo any tfpM to 8 Jury trlai In eny eMetlon Proeeedlnp9. Bortowor BheU
<br /> n M
<br /> � be Ilnbto to purchaoa►for tho fa7r reMet vaWe at tt�e RoPCrly for aMr tlma Borrower coMlnues to occupy or wHhhold Possesslon of the PropertY aed nq coats and _
<br /> ���;-r;,=:�f �• attomoy foea In eonnectlon�MO�ony eNetlon O�oceedinps. �"'
<br /> - _ � . .. N there ero midlipla proparNSe seeurYp the Y+eleEtednaea secured by 1NS T�ust Deud.iw t�a purpose ot eny delkteney aeNOn erining atter tM exero�se ot Ure •�.,
<br /> - �+••;•-••_ power of eNe.the pertlea agroe tAat Lendar'e eauae o1 aetlon shelt trot eommeneo to acenro urdil the IaM of sueh proportles tt+at Londer eteets to oxerNso the powcr `
<br /> . " : , .,,� ot ada on hae buen sold at Ttusteo'0 eda. lenECr may Qlect not to exereiso the Power of ee�e or ToreUOae on eny proPenY.In tte aote dlscrotlon.wW any Property
<br /> � mt eo aold ohetl �ot eM.er I�to etny celeuletlons ta delleloncy JudOmeMe. Tho peNOS natl�er agree Mat Uie tolr morkot vaiue ot the ProP�KY tor nmr daflWeney aetlon
<br /> shell bo the hlpher of: (a)1he nmoaR btd by tho hty�est bldder at tne Pubue eale e►N1 tna vatuo as dourmNed by an indepe n G e r�O e e n s e d o r r¢gl s t ered a p D�►In
<br /> � ��� Nebraske,aelected by Lendor,redueed dy tla thoe provaWng realta'e commisston Ynposod tor reseidng proparq. ^
<br /> r...._...,.....e,n,no.r.,aa..er wne�wtsu nffordea bv mWlcabte law.shelt not be a waiwt ot or preeiude 1�8
<br /> _ -.. io. ivp iv.uowm.:.v �j�ti:. .`. .�......�..�-y•'r"-• '- - --
<br /> __=-�t'��� exerNSe of any ouch rlgM or remedy In tho wer�t d caMnul�or luhue brcadae by the 8orcower.
<br /> ;�ti �`�_ t7, ptl romeana proNdeO tn ttds Tru�t Dcea nro d�stinet end aumulative to uny other rl�t or remedy under Wo Trust Oeed or nttordud by Inw or equlty,and mey
<br /> e a
<br /> . , be exerclse0 co�eurterRly, Indepondently or suceessivey. It 8orcower�as gNen LenECr a eBMMI mortgaqe. or areurtty agreamnrrt on poraonal property as addttJOnat
<br /> secuAty far the deM sucured�ereCy.In the eve�of defiuit hereunder a theruunder, S.endar WfnY hevo the t7gM emd oPdon to tlrat toroNOae on aold peraonot property
<br /> � wlthout prejudiee to tta HgM to tharcaRer eeG or lorecbao fhe Roperty or to pursuo aG saewltY at thu eemo tlme or to Pureue tho personat propeRy aftur Uw eato u ,
<br /> toredoaure oT tl+e Roperty.
<br /> '' � 18. WHen tHO oDitgaUOn sucured hereby nns Ooan sM1311ud Mo t�n0er eMlt. upon written reQuest by ttro Bonower or 8orrowor's euceosaor in Ir�ere9t or
<br /> deslprwtcKf rcpresar�ativo doUVOr a daad ot reeonreyanco In reewdablo torm dWy exoeutad by tAe Trusteo. Trosteo aAall roconvoy tho Property wttha+t wartontY to ttiQ
<br /> p¢roo� or peraon�Iepotly eMldcW Merato. TAe BoROwer. Bortovrer's successw In Irrtereet or patty roQuoating tl+o reconveyanco ahall pay ed eoats Inctdant to tl+o
<br /> proparntlon ot tho reconveya�xo and roeordatlon tlierooL 1t any.
<br /> •, ' 19. 'RuSMe moy Co t.erMePa leqal cansel. Tnmtoe Wwl�not bo Ilabie for wy actlon teteen la good taNA ond tho partloa t+ereto ahatl indamnlly ond hold hormlaas
<br />-- Trustce tor ed aets a omisslons except tu ade ot groas�e�lgancc or bad tnitR Lender,at Lsnder's opUon,mny irom tlmu to Umo appoiM u eueeessor trustoo Dy
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