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<br /> ' ' • 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrowu shull be given one confotcned wpy o!the Note and of this 5ecurlry Iastrumen�
<br /> 1�.Transfer of the Prope�ty or a BenctTcial Entaest tn Dorrowu. U ail or ony purt of the Propeny or nny intcrest i�►It ls
<br /> sold or cunsfcned (or U n beneScis�l intcrest in Sorrower is sold or cranstarr.d and 8orrowcr is not u aawml erson)without
<br /> � Leader's prlor wriacn consen�Lender mny.m itsercised by�L e�ttd it exeicise u�roh�bited by f�edceal law�of�the dato of�ihirya
<br /> - I n s wment However.this option shall not be wc P �
<br /> Secucity Ins�umen�
<br /> � ` ' if Lender exercises this opdon�,I.eadsr sholl give Bo�rower noSce of t►ocelemdon.'Ihe nodce shaU provlde n od of aoY less
<br /> than 30 daya from the daee the nodce is delivaed or msdled witi�in which Bonower must pay all sums sec by this Stcuriry
<br /> =�-°"' ' Insaument If Borrower fuils ta pay the;se sums prtor w the expiradon ot rhis period.L.ender may invoke�►y remedtes pamitted
<br /> ...�' by t&is Secutity Insorument whhout Wnha notice�t demand on Sarrower.
<br />,�„ 18.Borrower's RightiA k�ta�tate.• If Banower•meets certni.n condidoas. Barrower shall 1�ave the righc to hava
<br /> �-�_ ,,,:. �:n� eafor�cement o�this Sa�airiry Ins�rument disconunurd at any tL�ae prior to the earlier of: (a) S days (or such other perlod as _.
<br /> c m gn ower of�le contt�ined in this Se..adt�r �
<br />_-._.�_-_��- �pgcable!ew may spe�y for ccinstatcm�t}befcr�ssle af tlte Psop�*ty F� Y P
<br /> • ,�.� Insuu.men�ar(b)enay of a judgmeut enfardng this Securiry Iusttument Z4tose conditlons are that Botraw�a:(a)paro���y
<br /> w a:
<br /> sums which then wou�d be due under this Sxurity Insaumu►t aad We NQte as if no accelaation bad occuned. _-��:
<br /> . .. � � incu�red In eaforcing this Securiry Iasaument,includin$.but -
<br /> :;", default of any other coveaants ar ag[eements:(c)paYs all e�cpe!�s�s �.--�
<br /> ' ' ;�.; not limittd w.reasona6le attomeys'fee�aad(d?takes such acnon a4 Leader ma�+reaso�tiably requ3re to assvm that ttte lisn of this ,
<br /> ,:zN_�`j�r. , SxuritY Instrumenc. Lander's nghts in the Proper�y and Bormwer's obUgaaon to paY the s�rns secnred 6y this Seaurity �, 4�,
<br />-_-:•; �,;�;;,�'� Insnnimeat shall coadnue uncbanged. Upon reinstsremenc by Boaowa. tbis Se�uiry Insaument aad the oblil !u the cau of ----
<br /> '- haeby shall remaia fully effertive as lf ao accxletanion had occutred.However.this rlgdt co niastau st�all nat aPP Y u ��
<br /> � . '�x acceleraaon under para�aph 17. .��
<br /> ' ��'�--��� 19.Sak o!Note;Change ot Loan Serv[ar. 'lt�e Note or a pa�al iacerest in the Nou (wSaher wlth this Sauriry � =
<br /> `''`�`�. . ..` be sold one or more times wIthout prlor notia to Boaowa.A sate uu►Y�esult in a change in the eadry(laioam .;�
<br /> Ins�ument)maY , '�``
<br /> :;�.,_�:��.• :` as the"Loau Semca")t h a t co l l e c c s ra o n t h l Ypa Y m e a t s due under the Note and this Sewriry Iasaument.'19iese aLso may be ana or
<br /> ... .y-a�. � AtOte�h81�$eS Of 1he IAett Se[v�oe[u a r e l a t e d to a s a le o f t he N o t e.I f d i e s e i s a c h a ag e o f t h e L fl a n Sav�cc�BCIiOwE[will be �-�-�
<br /> oe[
<br /> givu►written nodce of the change in acmrdana with paragsaph 14 ebave andapplicable law.'Ihe aoticx will state the aama aad
<br /> '��:��r` address of the aew Loan Savica and the address to ahich paymeats should be made.T1►e aovx wIIt atso wnmiu aay othc ���
<br /> ..�., .t,,.r�" iwformaaoa reqwred by applicable law. or release of any =
<br /> �0.Harardous Substances. Boimw� sball aot cause or parait the Pr�en�. �. �P°� �S�
<br /> � ''" Hardxdo�s Substances on or in thG Praperty.Borrower shall not do.aar allow anyone else w do.aaydiing affecting die Propaty F-II
<br /> `::'�;;?�t. d�ac is ia violation of anx Environmenml Iaw.The preceding two saitences shall not apply ro the preseace.use.or sta�aga on ii�o ��
<br /> � � � �P�Y ��9uanndes of Ha�cdous Subsrances thac are geaerally recognized w be appiopriau to nonnal nsiden�al uses
<br />�^��'`��,.>_ � and tnmainteAance of theProperty. --
<br />-.-��'�==�' Botrower shall ProA►PUY 8ive i.ender wcitoect notice of nay L,.r�a,c:a�sss, dtnasstd. ls�tii�r� �ann bv any .
<br />-- -:.2w� • 3avolvin the Prnpercy aad any Ha�acdous Substancx�Envimnn�ual Law
<br />;;s�:�,,..;�•:, . Sovemman�l or regulatory ageacy or grivace party S
<br />=°�'�tR..nc�;�l of which Boaowa has actaal Imowledga If Bostower le�ts.�is aod6ed by any govemmental or regulatot)►suthority.t�Ye�t any
<br /> '�.-JY:.:••r-..r; � f6�G 81�
<br /> �;,,�,v r..; �uovat or otl�a remediation of any Haaardous Substance affa�iag the PropeaY is nea.ssarY.Bosrower s6a11 pramP Y
<br />- �.,_x:�;z° n�t�►tetnedial.actioas ia acoosdance avlth Environnaet►tal Iaav.
<br />�=ri��:!: As�sed in clus �ph 20. "Harardous Substaaxs" are those substances defiued as toxic ar ha�ardaus sulbstanas by
<br /> _.=_�-- � Envi:anmaaral Law and the followjng subsamces: gasolin0. keroseae. other flammable or toxic pe�olwaa �CSduct4. [ouc
<br />-�-"=`'�''-'�'�::r•�; pe�cides and herbicides.voladle solvents.marenals wnmu�ing asbestos or fomisldehyde,aad radiosctive matesials.�u�ed 'sn
<br /> '-.�� -- this paragrapb?A."Environniental Law"means fedaal layvs and laws of the junrisdicdon whae t1�e Prapaty Ls loca�d thst relaus
<br />:.,�•` �.. w healt�s�'u7'or environmenml protecaon.
<br /> -__- �., ._.�: j
<br /> _--. =R=��3 -
<br /> -���_� NON-UN�ORM COVENAIVTS.Borrowa and Lendrr furthtt coveaant aad agree as follows
<br /> �Y���-� ZL A�eleratton;Remedies.Lendar sbap give notioe to Son�oWer prior to Aooderation following Borroaer's bre�ch of ,
<br /> ;',j smy wvenant or agreement in this Securlly Instrument Nat noi prlor to acceleration under ParagraPh 17 �ml�
<br /> - � 7 ��ticabk taw prnvfdes otheraise).The aotke shall specify:(a)the ddAdt,(b)the action requiml to cure the detaulti(c)
<br /> s y a date,not lass than 39 days from the date the aot�ce fs givw to Borroaer,by wDid�the ddautt matt be cundi and(tn
<br /> - -..� that faiIIure w eure We detault on or betora the date sgxciikd in t6e notta may re5ult to accekration ot the sums seaartd
<br /> -T_�,y.,a��,,,� by t6tc Security Insbniment and sak of�ffie�raperty.'fhe notice s�aD t�rthu tnform Borrowsr of the ri�ht to�u -
<br /> � aiter euakraHon and t6e ri$ht ta hring a court actton to�rt ttie non�scence of a detauit or any other def�se of
<br /> -`--- Bormwv w accelesation and s�te.It tbe defautt is aot cured on or bdore the date specitied im the notics.Leuder,at its
<br /> -- - -- opdoa. muy require immedtate payment in fnri of all sums saured bY�LS Secnnt3'Ins�m�t w�t�out turther demand
<br /> �����'� ascd may lavoke the power oi saie and any othsr remed�perm[tted bY appltcabk law.Lendar s6a11 be entitled to eolkct
<br /> - aI1 expensPS incurred tn pursuing ttte renttdfes provided in t6is p�grnPD 21,includinE,6mt aot timited to.reasonabk
<br />- -----:...—��
<br /> - atterneys'fees and costs of t[tle evidence.
<br /> --- ' It ti�e power ot sak is invoked,Trustee shail rer,�rd a IIatia af defaolt in each eonnty in wlaich s�n1 Part of the
<br /> :..w�,�;�� Propeety Ls tocaud and sl�ll mait copies of s�cl�aottce in t�►e manner pracribed by aPPlkabk law to Borrower and to the
<br /> --__�.�: ' oiher parsons prescrlbed by applicahk law.ARv the time reqnircd by appltrabk law,Tcusiee shaII give publIe notla ot =_
<br /> _- :�:�;�; . �te to the Rersons and in t6e manner prescra'i�ed by appQcnble laa.Trustee.�thout d�tand oa�rrower.�Il sell the __
<br /> -;="%°�`�'�°�_" : Y'roperty as publie auWon to t6e bighest Didder at the time und plsea and unstee the terms designstted in t6e aMtce o4 sak _
<br /> '?�'_. _" �. � � -
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