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<br /> �1', ' �: ..._ '; 1r`� � .,r ��J� „ �u'yl�i�� lt�:" � � ' �l_ .
<br /> . �. . .._ ' ���; '•I ' � :�j
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<br /> � .,� ' ^ + . . .. � '.
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<br /> ..,.:�pri,}ar.J. - ,� �• � .. ,� - ., . .sr�.,�a� . _.
<br /> ��
<br /> .. . ,.. � .. . . ' - ° -
<br /> ' .. -- `%�"y,^'7!'i.r�:. . .. .. i_.s�,,wlsrYL-���lY`...':f�� _. .. •. .�.ryj�ia�� ..
<br /> . .,
<br /> n
<br /> � � . . . ' .. . •� .. - -_ __...... . . ,_'.'_..........
<br /> .._ „
<br /> ._ .......ri�(t"�.%cw�r�.... , ' �' "_'—_"�..�.. .__ _.'_"""'.... ......_..... .. '
<br /> '_ ......""'....... _.. .r.�.
<br /> • ..._ ...�.� -. '"���___' 1:
<br /> „ . 9 5- so���� ����-�r�
<br /> ; � 18. Borromer's �iplat� Retnstste. tf 8ortoww rt�ts a�tth condtiont,eoma,wr�nar n�w c�o�ht to Aaw�ntorcNtMi►t ot • .
<br /> � thk Sa¢urily insWm�nt�koontinusd at�ny tUrts Ortor to th��erY�r of: (a)a d�ye(a tuab oMw�bd a �PP�q fsw mar epoKY �a Q
<br /> � nheutwr�►t) Mtor�sab ot tlu Prope�ty Pww�nt to any Pawa cf aM oontatud In this S�eur1!► Inewmonx o�(b)�trI►o!a judmnent
<br /> n antomhp thit 8�our(EY lnatrum�n�Thot�aondklono+»thtt Borro�rw:(U WY4 tanda a9 surm whlaA then r�auW bt du�undK thb 8�curif►
<br /> in�wmw�a ind th� Notm h�d eo acc�bratbn 000umdc N) oura any d�tduR ot cny othw cov�nu+t or e�+�: (o) Oi1� a!eo�n�s .
<br /> �„ . , inoum0 In mfaoln�lhls 8�aur�r InsUummL holudhp,but rtot Rmited to� roasm�abb attome�m�kest and(d)Wus euoh aotlon as Lender
<br /> m t Y��t a b l�t�Q uih M�ssuts that th�q!n of thk S�ou�ih► lnsbumM��t,ndM'4 tlphb h th�ProPKh►trtd BOrrowirs obilWtlon to O�U
<br /> _ - �A� wms t�ound bY Ir`+I�Soaur�y tn�u�r�.nt ah�H Cenih�ue uno h e r+g s d.U A a� r a l n a f u.t e m a n t b y B o n o w e t�t fi l s S e o�s r�l Instrummt�nd tTu
<br /> pbOp�ttons Waund Mnby tQia1 nmth tu�►�tpott�as N ao�awMntbo {ud occumd. Now�w. thts ripht to nhaate ehaH no4 aDPh�
<br /> _ .:' Ih� ou�of aco�MrWon undlr Wrapr�Ph 17. wRA thta Seas�f►
<br /> --�� 19. Sde of Note� Chen�e ot tran Servtcer. TM NOU or a ptttW irtUrsst h U►� NoU (topslAlr
<br /> � . .' • instrurtNnt)mq b�tob on� a mon tM�t wYhout Pria►notic�to Borrova►. A saM m1►y nsuR in a ohtnpo in th�endtY(known u th�
<br /> tioan Smiaw'�that oo�ats mon2hN P�l��*�unda tM Not�md thR Srwwr�r Inatrument ThK���SO rt�y bo ort�ar mon oNtnpls - „
<br /> S
<br />-----_--.- Barowr wl�b�0►���notfa o!tM .
<br /> .,_.^-- O f t�N LOttl SMVICK YRT�hbd t0 i dLM o!tIN t�fOti. iT thcro w n "w`.�'iy�C!«!!!?±�!L��f _ .,
<br /> ohat�p� h acoordarte�w�h PanprtPh 14�bow md tpPYoabl�law. 7M rtoNc�w11 sta� tlr �ums en d a d d r q s ot�r�t�Srrvksw
<br /> and U►�addras to whbA paYm�nb shoutd M mtd�. Tht notie�wi�alw contnb anY oth�htormatbn��+� Qt��. or nNas� of my
<br /> U
<br /> RO. H�fdOtli SYb�DQAi. ��w�sha�rto!do�nor alow yon�o�do� anythhp alNotirep M�Propwh►that M h -
<br /> . �� tta�rdous Aibsttnca on or b ttw Prop�ty. � on ths Prop�ry►o!srtW
<br /> ', vbMtbrt� of any 6wtonm�nTal I.aw. TM P�„0 two untmoa shtA not apP��o n�s� tdmtis�ua�d to mthEinu�of th� `'
<br /> • �• aeant�a ot tfam+dcus �batana�s that u� OM�M ��im0 M W apProP .
<br /> ., . �, Propal�/. � -
<br /> d�nEJ�wwk or o2hK �tton bl�y��^m�ttat ot
<br /> . , Borrorr�t stW P►a� s� l�nd�►wrtta�ootta ot any hvatiputton�akM. t ltw ot whbh Bortcwa h�s aotwt '
<br /> re8ulttall�r a p��P�Y �lvinp 4ha PropMty and any Haarda+s bl�bstanw or 6ivYonr�w�ta ,
<br /> • knowt�d�. If 8ortow�►IMm�, ot k notYrd by �nY pov�mmmW ot rpulntal► ��W,tNt any ntnoval or othr rertwdkUon o!my ,
<br /> ��.
<br /> ., - H�rdout 8ubabusco a1'Matlnp 4hs ProPeryr b n�o�asa�q eorrow�r ehaN PtamPM►uslu al n�asaa!► r�dW�attone b acaondtrw�wtt► �,,•
<br /> �;�3., Ert�Yonmmtd I.aw. �`=-`"
<br /> �� . b ut�d h tRa W�Dh �� �Nuud°us Subatancat' an thos� wbstanas d�firwd a to�do or �s �Nd ��.
<br /> y� Ih�� k�roamR oth�r tl�mmabk ar to�dD Petroteum produat� ��,
<br /> Erntonmw►W Law a►d t1N tobwinp subafanca: 9tso As u�lad b thts poraf/�ph 8��
<br /> ; .. � A�tbbWM� vo1W� toNents. tn�t�Y1t oontahEip �sbostoa or tans�hlyde. and radbaolNa matalals.
<br /> �'�� W� � b0it6d thYt tNBb t0 MaRb. atsty e� �
<br /> . �nyirpnm�lW Liw' nNNS hdta� IBws attd Itwi of ths Ju�sdbtton whin dtY PoDpM1ll �lr
<br /> . .� �. �mironm�ttttl ProhoGo�• —�
<br /> �`<."' !�S"•-3?i�!!R�N�� ��and I.;�nda tuAMr covtntni�nd�a foYars: -__
<br /> _ . �_� --_
<br /> �' �7. AcaeleraUon; �emedles. Landef shatt �ive notice tp Borrow►er prior to accaie�►-�r� ���� �v
<br /> `� �` � Bonower's breaoh of eny aovenaM or apreement In 4hb Sewrriy instrument (but not prior t�
<br /> � � �ecetEn�tton ender pan�r�Ph 17 untea apPlicebte t�w proWdes otherwl=e). The notice sMti q►ecNy: (�) ---
<br /> � ���` the detwi� (b)tAo action roquired t�o �e de u mu�st be au e��d(d)th�t tat u e�cure the d twit on
<br /> notice ts�Iven to 8on'owar+bY which th
<br />�_;.„�,. �".:. ,� mr betore the d�te tpecitted tn fhe nottce may re�ult in �cceten�tion of the�ms seaured BY thts Seeurity =
<br /> �...,���..-„ j � I�strument and sale ot the Properhl. T11e notiQe shatl turther tMor�n Bo�►ower of the ri�ht t�o re{nWts aRer =--
<br />=:�t.x�t,,�..� accelerallon and the r1�ht to brin� a court act[on to asert the non�dstence ot • deteutt or eny othep' _
<br />•_..�_ ' � ..: , debn=s of Bonower to�eoeteratlo�and sele.tt the deteutt�e^non t�+tUi ot att�sums ss�u�ed by Wa 8�euri�t �
<br /> =�� �"`"` � tne notice.Lender�t ib aptlon may�equtre immedtete paym
<br /> �.t��='•.:���-�'. •� tn�trumeM wlfhout i'nrther deme�nd �nd msy imroke the powat af a�is �nd any other remedtes pHmitted
<br /> �-�=`��-'�� - 1�y apniicable tew. Le�du ahmtt be eMIUaQ � colleot att expensa Ucurrod In purauirtp the remediN
<br /> - ---�`'�-�� providad In this peragraph Zt, tnoludiny, but rtot Itmited b�� �eaw�bie at�rnelf�' ���nd coals o!titt�
<br />_"°°"�'"-.. evidence.
<br /> --:�,:._—
<br /> ��`� 1t ehe powor ot tste is tnvoked.Trustes s1e�U �ecord • not1� of defoult In �h cou�rill in whlah any
<br /> °�=.���-''.:r � p�rt of the Properh b tocated end �haU mail coptes ot wcM notlam In th� manner pre�eribed bY�pplfable
<br /> T:�;'�';.:� lew tc Borrower �nd to the other perasns preae�lbed by epPltcable taw. After the time requked !�; �
<br /> -y==°•- � ',� apPlicebts Isw, 'frus�ae shalt �iva pubtia not[ce of snte to the p�ons and in ths m�nner presaribed t�y
<br /> '•"`=�5�:'� iloabte i�na. Trustee. witt�out demand on Borrower, shalt se11 the Property at pubtia auoNon t�o tt�e
<br /> -�--;�s:...,. aPp
<br /> _:_�=�:� ht�heK bldder at the Un�e and pimcs and under the terms destpnsted��lron�e��n�Qa��a�p�ee1 of�re _
<br /> x�''k" pereets and [n �ny ord�r Trustee determ[nes. Twotee may postp
<br /> ..:±�r���µ .; � revtou scheduled mle. Lender or its _,_
<br /> .�,:.,c:�-�._.,. Propaly by publlo snnvuncenter�t at the time artd plsce of anY P s�!►
<br /> =�4_�"; .:� :. desiqn8a may pu�e�a the Prope�t at snY aale. __
<br /> =.� '`." Upon reaetpt ot psyment of U�e price bid. Tr�stee at�att delNer to ths p�roha�er Tru�Uee's deed _
<br /> " �?.; The reaitals in the Truatee's deed sheii be prim� tacoe svidenoe �oi the truth of
<br /> '�` .d f i coreveylnp t!►e Properly. -_
<br /> ,. �� ,f � the �tat�emeM�s m�de theretn.Trustee ahs w e r�o�te and the sel.t tnet�uld 0 ffie p�ay�ent of the T�n�istee'�
<br /> � :� ,.. costir and exPsnas of exereldnp thm po .
<br /> ' fees e�usily[nauned.not Lo exceed 3 % of the prtn¢tpd u�ouet ot the not� �t t'he tirins ot V
<br /> .� i the dealratlon ot defwit�and reaaoneble att�orney's tees as permitt�ed b�lew; (b)to atl a+ms secured by
<br /> � } �� thts 8eourity Inabumen�; and (c)am►exaess to tlse paraoo or penons laystty enUtled�o i?.
<br /> �. ;�,.- �2. Reaonveyanee. upon vamwnt of ar sums wcune br ti�is secu�ih► u+acrument,tsnaer snna requsss rn,sa.to neornh►un
<br /> , # p�pp��ftd ehal WrtMtdir this SeCiJrRy inStrum�rtt Nd 4N nOtM�1IIdM�0Y10 dib!QsCUAd Dy thit 8YCU�'Ry tna0nunel►t t0 TNEtM. 1htStM
<br /> -�'�--�--- .n.�acenvev tM P�op�q wtha�t wamntf►in�wRhout oharpa to tlw D���P�o����ntRted to L�ch Pere�ar pMSOnt sh�M
<br /> 1 :
<br /> _ _ � p�Y NY ncordation eosb.
<br /> . � . Z3. SYb�tIWtO TfYStCe. Lender. at ke opdon. n�y trom Hm� to thw ranow Tnatw and apAoht t wcc�ssor trusbe�to anf
<br /> , . . TtustM�PPoht�d Mnund�►t�►�n hsbumen!rreadod M th�oouM�► h whteh thts S�axitY ����a�'�YeaAk t�tw��o ot
<br /> . tM P�op�tY.stu�ssa trustM sh�i wccMd to O tM tid0.t oopfp o!1M no� d�4tu1 tnd eate ba aant to Bo�►owere add�ss whbh
<br /> . �4. Reques4 tor Notices. eoROwK►�qussts
<br /> ` ' b tho PropMh►Ad�s.
<br /> �6. Rtders t,o this &eeerity lnatrum�en�t teeens an �der anae es ha �a *aie�dbrrno and s�+a� erner► ana a��rn�+c �ns
<br /> Secyrqy Instrumint� She eownutb and a9ree��e^
<br /> . . cowntnis vtd a9���t8 ot thb S�curif►Instrumas�t�s I the dder(s)+Nere a Psrt of thb SecuritY tnstrumenL F,r�n ao2e eloo
<br /> pap•a ot a
<br /> .. . i{OOSlMO(0!�)
<br /> � � � ,
<br /> � " • � �a
<br />