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<br /> � WARMNT1f DEED ��� '�U�1.�8
<br /> �e�..�� — �.y,.. ..�...R.
<br /> x�vow�. � ��r�s�s p�s�: --
<br /> `i�Al Y ox�, �71�� �. AAf�ii+ aad i�af�i��Li �Z. �A�&. �aD�G caa afl�o -�
<br /> , K��ein aaii�d ths �cantior �eh�ta�r on� or aor�s
<br /> in aonsidsration o: C17� DOLS.111t (S1o00) and othsr good aad valuabl� aon�idsratilon,
<br /> rsa�ived isa� qran�M, do h�r�by Qrant, basqaia, ��il, conv�y and aonlira► wato �
<br /> H. �ar VandeberR and Yerlyn V�nBeberR� Husband aad Wife as �oint tenants
<br /> an�no� � tenant� in comrrcon -
<br /> Is�r� oall� th� qrantM vhsth�r aa� or �os�, th� tollowinq d�ao�eib�d resi prnp�rty ia
<br /> �ail County, lt�braslca�
<br /> I,ot on�► (i) �tssa Subdivi�ion in Sah� Cf�y o� G�a�� ts].a�a�, Ptall ceunty, �
<br /> Nabraska.
<br /> sv $iav. a� w .i'vI$ �rs �a"..� ��:t3�"'s! gr�l�x l.�s*-�k!r aie� a�l t�n�Ats, r_
<br /> hwerdit�at� and a�pust�naac�� t.Iur�to b�longiag uato tho grarats� and to qraatas�e t�ir�
<br /> aad a��iqn� lossv�r.
<br /> � llnd bh� qrantor 8oe� ts�r�bp aop�n�uat MitA ttte qranta� and aithqr w�tM's h�iss sad
<br /> u�iqn� that qruetor is la�uiSy Ni��d o! �aid prMis�st that th�y as� frN traw
<br /> ' � �encu�suac�
<br /> tkat qrsntor hai qood and laNtni authority to aoav�y th� ��►r0 and that qraatar xarraats
<br /> and Mill d�t�nd th� titi� to �aid pr�i��s aqaiast tb�� lawtal alaiss o� ail pucsoa�
<br /> wha�aoav�r.
<br /> !]mt�d �9 9 y� �
<br /> �,.,�,.,�_ .
<br /> � ,J es T. Dahl
<br /> �
<br /> 1�. .w'/��/!�'�IntO�„ �d�-m .�ahlZ,.
<br /> �_
<br /> Michells H. Dahl
<br /> St�t� of ekl.�..•,
<br /> County o!Trx.a
<br /> ' Th� For�qoiu� in�txutt�nt Mu uknowladged �sfor� a� on �/-//-�S by
<br /> „�+����,.......
<br /> J7W��11 T. � tnd �ttC�LL� 1�. �fHL, Huab�IId�a�� ,,� �o a ;;.
<br /> Hy Comm3ssion Expiress 2 t-9` Notary Puy ta w•. �`��t�, _ .•-���
<br /> -�--+t�-- _ ' .:;'' "c'' =
<br /> S !� .:t�� �
<br /> 1-:�• :.`!t ::; =a.. : =
<br /> ��, .� � !:•tc
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<br /> ST�1T�0?�.61e�e1e�•R+r ) ' ''' � ''� �.
<br /> COW1L �,re�r } 'j�:,';i •�``
<br /> ..f,,,i��.��.�,:1•.
<br /> _.� �� .���� nttt� rt
<br /> aAL�tla OA Illl�!=iCal bAQ07C aI1Q �iiia ZDr i'tcvzv iit �`.it� nsyaaa.�s v v�..� +.� �+
<br /> �aid County Rho day o� , i9 , at o•cloak aad��
<br /> mi�}ut�� .. an rsaor �d in �o c � at paqe
<br /> p. s
<br /> �y �PutY
<br />