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<br /> TFiUST DEED
<br /> T111S TRUST DEHD,msde tNs�y�dey of OCt .18,gS •by�ttd urtonp th�Truetor. �
<br /> DE{t@r1P,et $. GBndQ@r aT1d Hen[lett K, Cs9x+d1R8x'. Wi�e aI1$ hu8�-�_
<br /> (QIOfQ}Q�BOFPOttl6P�I� `-
<br /> whos�mdlinp addrost i� 1220 j{Htt1ooC Ave. arid Is1ar+A. NE 6880'�
<br /> aM�nTt�r (heroEn•'lrustse'!.a�th� _
<br /> , Beneflotarty.HroTiar �^� n���.,,,ni a,�,ee�±ia ien� ha ,whossmdlingeddtesois 77t1 �*aTr►am St�,t.
<br /> �ha N�*Ar�1ca 6810? _thsretn'Leod�Pl.
<br /> BORROWER.In aonsld���tion of ths indebtsdnsa hsroin roo�twd and the wst h�r�in awtni,imvooably yn�,transf�n.aonvqra ar►d asal�ns to `
<br /> Trust��,fn 7RUST,WRN POWER OF 9ALC,tRs tWtowtng deaodb�d propsrry,looated in ua11 Cowny.,_j�j�agtia s
<br /> Lot 1Q, Black 2. Col�►iel Fstates SUbdivisi+on. City of c�anQ Isla�. Hall. �ty, {
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> TOGETHER with�il bnildinp�,tbetures,fmprovement�and appu�t�nana�s�ow or h�nafter er�oted tAetoon and a�li�ighu�o�w�yr,sastmeens,rea*.n,
<br /> isntp,pmftts,inoome,tenem�nb.het�ditam��.Ptivl.t9��.+�PP�Mntnaq.royattia.a�mimral,oil.gas�nd vrater c2ghts thereuMO bslenpEny.uaad
<br /> or�njoyed with s�id Iand or any paR theroof.dl of wNoh,irtoludtnp realaoemer►ts and�dNtions tharoto�hatl bs de«n�d to bs�nd rMnain�put of
<br /> the pmperty cavered by tida Tru�t Deed;artd ati of the foropolnp together wkh eatd properiy are lferoin rofeRed to a�tAe'P�opsrty.'
<br /> TO SECURH to t�ndar th�ropayment of tndebtednsaa evidenaed by Elorrowefe/toms Equity Ltne Laan AgroemeM at►d Momd Eatthy Note dated
<br />- O�to ]� .1895 •together witA eny end aU renewata,moditfoetlona,end sxtenaions theroot end substitutione or exohartgas ffieretor
<br /> (Aenin ths"Nots'11n the msx[mum pdnotpd sum outetazding at any one tlme of 0 40.0�0.OD .to{1etAer with fnterost et tAe rate
<br /> = provid�d tMroin.with a fin�t maWri3Y.if not toofle�p�id.oi ck�t�aY' 13 .�Q�,and as security for any tuntts�dv�nc�s that may `
<br /> _ b�msd�by the Lsndu to the Borrower irom tlme to 8ms and as sseudty for tho paymar�t of amr�nd dl other tndsDtedrtess ot ths Borrower to the
<br /> " lend�r wNeh ms�l arits.�II o!s�id sums not to excs�d tn tM*�gngat�a sum�quN to thra tlmu ths o:Iginat pdnaipal amount ot tM NoU. Fot
<br /> purpose�o!ths Home Equtty Um Losn Agroerrtsn�par�graphs Z 3.4,6 and 11 bulow shali b�dnmed eovsnant�roktIny to tho Propeny.
<br /> - BORROWER ooversante thet tPie 8orrowor ta taw4uUy sei:ed ot Me Propoety hereby eornsYed and hat the dght to grattt md eomey the P►operty.thnt
<br /> � rh.Prmertv ia unen¢umbered bv env mortaene,trust d�!ed.aoMreat to purohaae or otherwise,exoep!for e D�l_ of ?'*_��fit
<br />.� in favor of Fi ra1� tTn i nn Mr+rFgggp (`_=v�ra�-i r�n
<br />-� o�wldoA tAe utpt�Fd baianae on Ws dtte does nat exoeed 4��_. Ths Bortower aovenants to oomply wtth eU the tertns and
<br /> - provialonb of eny pdor mortgag�.trun deed or eoattaat to purbliasi.-upon e Praperiy and Lo make all paymeMe�tlemon treforo they�e¢ome
<br /> 6a11nq�tenA It no name or emou�is ittseRed in ttds paragtaph,then tAs Bortowea aovenants that thero aro no pdor lietta or ennumbmnces of any kf�id -
<br /> � upan Mo Prop�rty. The 8orrowsr turdut aovertae►t�to warcant aM dsfend the thte to the Piroperty egai�t elt olaims and demanda. . _
<br /> i 'Phe Borrowar end tRs Lende�turther eovenant and agree aa taltoxre:
<br />'� 1, TRe Botrower shell pramptry pay wRen dus the pdnclpal and intareat on the indebtednes�evEdeneed Dy the Note.
<br /> Z. At teast ten day�brtoro tf►ey bacoms E�elinqusnL 8orrowet thall par ai!tez�s and epeotd asaeasmsMe tev�ed or asaesaad against the
<br /> '� Properiy,or nny part M�rsof,and ef!tsxes,tsvEes snd essesa�nents lsvted upon thts Trust Qeed or Ne debt wNeA it seeuros.
<br /> 3. TR�Bonowar shap keep the I�mvemants end DulMirtgs.if ar►y.upnn the Property insured,vrith a company or eompanfes appraved by the
<br /> Lender.for m mnount not lese than tRe uroffid batartee on tRe indebteQnes9 eecured Ey tAfs Trust Qeed witA a etandard ertoRgage clause
<br /> wltA losa paye6le to thn lender. 1Rie Qartowet eRall deliver eaEd polioy or policEaa to the Lender. •
<br /> CC 8Q68(Rev.tl96� _
<br />