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- -- .- ---- - Ft.' ._ . _ - -r F _ _ � .� __ 'J,:.:'- _ __ -- — __— __ _ - <br /> '�fxy,1�"����+,�9�R� h `� �`��i,t�'��ti�,�t���r���� �� ���1.' _..'_.'� , f , `$ „ . . . '_ _ _ '. <br /> i <br /> �, � t :, �s3 , :,d ,. ,)i`'x i� ,, f r, n <br /> - ( i :���vi-qT ?le�i� .�} ... ' �"�'� 1.� ��;' <br /> ' ��\••4�: .. <br /> �.�':��1'�� . :.t�l'.. . <br /> .)1:�.� ' � - ..'r�"• <br /> ',�... . .� � _ . .. . . . � ' , .• <br /> � . - . ° - .. . � - <br /> a <br /> .�.1S�.iwrw%� ., o o � r - . /J° . . , .. :r��t'���' � � <br /> • n ., <br /> ,... ..,,,� cm......_... - „ .; _ _ ,.�_---..ft_._._.._. <br /> i�►w� �. . . . • <br /> ___�_.. ..._..�.....,._.___�_...._._._—_---._._..._....... . . , <br /> r�-. <br /> �o��A�s �b_ it��180 . <br /> 1, peymsr�. Borrower agresa to muko n�l poymonto on the secured dobt when dua. Untesa 8orrower ond Lender agree othotwiee, any <br /> � paymonts I.onder receivas trom Batrowet ar far Bortower's benetR wIU bo applied first to any amounto Borrower owee on the securod dobt <br /> ., not�reduae or ex�ause a yt�eChodtA d PaymoMtu Ultthe seared debt te peid in fulial prepuym�M ot the aocured debt oceute tor eny reaeon,it wili <br /> �.Clalms Ap�nst TIB�.9onowe�wlll pay afl taxes,asseesmenta,end othor charges etVlbutable to the property when due and w1i1 dofend UUe <br /> ° to tha prapettv a9 ainst any chims whieh�n�o�eld Impelr the Iton of this dsed of trust,Lvndor mny toqulre Borrower to aeaipn any rigMs,otaima or <br /> detenses whioh eonower may h�ve�p�inst pardes who suPP�Y�abor or meteriata to Improve or melMaln tho property. <br /> � � ' 3.lnsurnnoe.Borrowe�w1U kaop tho proporty insurod undor tarms nccoptabie 4o Londer et BurrowePs oxponso and far Landar's bonofit.All <br /> inaurance pollotes shatl include a standard mortpage oinuae in fevor af isr�der.Lsnder wIU 6e named a»toss poyso or ao t0o lncurcd on nny cuch . <br /> intutonce poliay.Any tnsuranee proceada mey 6e a�pited,within LendePe dtauetton,to a�thcr the reatoratton ot rep�ir ot the dameped property <br /> or to the seeured Lendar�equlrea mortgega nsurenee,Barrowet egreea to maintaln sueh inaurance for as tong as lander requhea. • <br /> ��. 4.Prop�rty.Borrower wili keep the property i�Qood condidnn and meko aU repairs reesonebly neeeseary. <br /> -• �� ' g,F.xpNUSr.8orrower agreea to pay all Lendet's expensos inaludirtg reesonebte ettorneya'faes,it Borrower breake any covenente In this dsed <br /> �' �" � � " o}truat or in any obllgeUon seau►ed by thia deed of trust.�attower wili pay these emouMS to Lender as provided in Covena�t 9 of this doed of <br /> - - tntet. <br /> ,. - ee�e��rit�y tMera �Bo owm wlll��mi ai flo�fMBorto�iae�s obligedona�und��eny p�o�mortgagen deed of�tius�t ar oathrneresee�u9rity agreortpeM. — <br /> • ' inaludtnp BottoweYs covanants to meko paymeMa when due. <br /> ' 7,pai of Rmts�nd Piroflb.Banower aestQna to Lender the rente end proflts of the propertl+.Unteas 8onowar aid Lender heve agteed <br /> � otherw se U arcittng, Bonower mey eoileet and retein the ronts ae long ne Borrower U not in defauR.�t Bonower defeuite,I.ender, Lender'e <br /> ;� , a�elied flrot o��e�steeof�ma�neginp a ������on e� manage the properly and co0ect tho re�s.Any rents Lander colieats shait be <br /> the propeny,ineludi court coste und attorReys' faes,commtssiona to�entei agents, end any other <br /> . ne�saaro roteted expenaea.The rema�ning emount of�ents wili then apply to payme�s on the secured debt as provided in Covenent 1. <br /> • '„ _ 8,ttu�hatdsi Candomi�dumf;Fle�m�6 tinit 0�vaiopme�ti.[3oROwar aBroos to compIy vAth the proviabna of eny lease it this deed of trust Is on , <br /> � undet the co+ena��b-lawe,u��eputa�ons of the oRr d�ominium m pin�med unh Je eBlo{xpi nt�t, Bonowor wili perform aN of Bonower's duties <br /> ,`;r? <br /> " • 9,p�t�h d!L�ndar to P�tfortn for BoTrown. t Borrowar falle to�perform eny of Borrowor's duttea under thta deed ot trust,lender mey � <br /> ., ;�! y perform the duUea or ceuae them to be performo�.Lender mey stgn f3onowaYs nertea a pay eny amouM If nacesaary for partormance.It any - <br /> ao�m�t�T��epropsriy ts discontinuad or not oenied on in e roesonebte manrror, Lender may do whatever Is necaseery to Oroteat LendaPs <br /> . �m <br /> tha property.This mey Inctude compledng the consbaction. •'`�'`• <br /> ,,,� . : Lender'e faiNro Lo perfortn witl not preelade tander}rom exerdsfng any oT Jts other dgtrte under the tew o�thie deed of Vust. ,.,.� <br /> � _�i,:�t•..�,; - <br /> '" � ' Anv amounte paid by Lender to proteat Lender's seeurity iMereat wlti be seeured by tNs deed of truat.Sueh amouMe wtti be due on demartd <br /> � •�'�� end wilt Eear intere8t itom the date of d�e paymeM uMil paEd in ful�at the intereat rote in etfect on the secured debt. >?}�' <br /> '. �t ip, �St�d4 end AeaN�ratlon, If Borrower 4aile to make arry peyment when due or brenhe any covenams under thie deed of truet or nny �_���' <br /> _,_ 3 obligeUan aeaurad by thfs deed of truet or any prlor mortpspe or dead of wst,lendu mey ecceterate the maturity of tha secured debt and �;��_ <br /> demand[mmediate paymeM and may Imroke the power ot sate and any other remedles permitted by apyltoebte law. �k;, <br /> u . .:. � � 11.R�qu�st tar Noqw or� is hereby revueuiad iieet�-ripioa 3i�s�a�cas at dafwli and:�s!x�asst La rss�s pesaers 4rhs f�e g3rly ��: <br /> � ° heeeto,at the addreas of oaeh sueN parsoo,as set forth herein. �"'` <br /> , ; °K", <br /> t" 4 1Z Pow�r of 8al�.tf tbe lendei tnvokes the power of eate,the Trustee sheti Hret reeard In the atflce of the regiater ot deeds of a�ch eoumy � <br /> � � � � wheroin tAs Ovst proRertlr or some paR or pucet tNereot is eitwted a notice of deteult co�tatnlna tho intormetton requirod bY Isw.The Truatee — <br /> � "'� ahatt atao mett coptea of the�aUce of defauft to the Bortower,to each person vfio la� p�Ry hereto,and to other person�es oresaibsd by <br /> � �� appOcabie law. Not tea then one mornh after tM Truatee teeotde the noUce of dehu1t,or tw0 moMM ff the truat praperty le oot[n �ny <br /> �.,�•: a.. , �; s� the t�ustee sheli 4ive W+bllo ratice ot sete to the persona <br /> i�orporated city or viliaqa and fs uted In farming aperaUons eartfod on by the truetor. <br />-_ :�� � and in the manner preacribed bY��ppD�toable I�w.Trustee,wlamut demand on Botrowar,shail sell the property at pubito aucUorf to tfis hip��t _ <br /> U �•� bldder.i4 roquired by ths Fa►m Ftomeatead Piroteatlon Aat,Truatee ahell oHer the property tn two aeperate sa[es as roqulred 4y appiiwble law. �._ <br />-�I�-=�»r-. Trustee may postpons a¢ts of a8 or any parcol of the proportl►by publla announcemein ef tM time and piace of any prcviouaty schsduied saJe. „�° <br /> .,.�,,• .: ,� �e n der o r t t e d e a lp n e e m ey p u r a h s s e t h e p r o p e rt y e t e m r e a t e. _ � <br />-'� �-�:�s � Upon roee i D t of pa rrt of the pries bld,Tnutne�hetl deitver to the putcheser Tniat@e'�deed conveyinp tho property.The roeftiats eoMa[ned In °-- <br /> ��-r�4. �t T f Y i t 0 0'6 d e e d s ha�p rim�tads avldiance ot d�e truth ot tIre etetemei►ta coMe�ned tlbrein.Twstee shall aypty dre prorseda of the eate in the --.-.. <br /> =�°-s.•. -. foliowtnp order: te) to stl expensea ot d�e tate,Includirtp, but not t im ke d to,reeaona b ie 7ru s t e e's f eA S, r e a s o n a D►e e t t o m e y's t e e a a n d ----. <br />— .•;,,,.,w;�,;, roi�sntement faes:tbf to nq sume aeeured by thia deed ot truat.and(ol the batence,it tfie persons IeAelly enUttad to receive it. -- <br /> L ,�:r►;� � 18,Fw�ctowa.At LendeYs option.this deed Of trust mey be foreatosetl in the mnnner provide by epptiaabte lew fos tareotoauro of msttgs8ei � <br /> ';�`�^.`.-�'• on real property. <br /> ?'""'T �--�p'T� 1 4.�y� L e n d s r m a y e M e r t h e(x o p e r ry t o I n a p e c t R I f l s n d e�g l v o s B o r rowe�notice beforehaml.The�ottee muet stete the reaeonebte --- <br />_=�:''�°�"�`�-� cauae o f r L e t�det'e IrtapecNon. - <br /> ----:=��i�i' <br /> 1 g,Cpid�rt�nadon.Bottower sssi Qns to lender the Drooeeds of any award or clnim for deme8es wnnoated whh a eondemnatfon or otAer takinp _ <br /> W"� of ati or arry part of the propertY.Such proeeeds will be npptled aa provided In Covena�1.This assianmeM is subJeat to tRe tem�c of eny prior — <br /> , �i eecurity sproemeM. . —' <br /> =--"'��� 18.Yr�.By exareulnq tr�y�eme�y avaflabie to Lender,Lender doea not 91veup�am rights to late�uae amr other romedy.By not exerc�alnp <br /> `�-h''�� any ieme n Borrowars defauR.Lender doea not waive erry dgM to tater conaider tne eveM a defauR it k liappens apain. <br /> r�:.....:- �Y++De <br /> — ="_''° � � ;�" �9�,ry��nd g�yK�1 Co-si�a=gueepison�nd Mtipns Baind. Aq dutlea under this deed of tnttt are jalnt and saveral. Arry <br /> _'�=..�r_`i-::;, ��, —_.. <br /> - G�=—. Bomawei who co-sipns thle deM of uuat but does not eo-ai0n the unde�y(n deEt inqcumenn�)cloes eo onry to Orant end cenvey Met _ _ <br /> ������"�", ,� Bo►►ower's Interest tn ths propeRy to the Truatee w►der the tesms of ffils deed o�huat.In idditton,such a Borrower o¢tees thet tho Leeder and �- <br /> ;�.+r-. --- , any mi�er Borcower undtr thEs deed of truat may extend.modN�or make nny other ch�n0es!n the terma of thb deed of trust or the secured �;_ <br /> _F•��'4r•^ � debt without thet 8orrowers consem and without refaaah+0 thet nower from the torma ot ti�ia daed of trust. <br /> � _.� <br /> ,.�� Ths dutEes and benefib of tMa deed of 4rust ahnq bind u�d berteflt the succeasora end auEgns of Lender and Borrower. -�. <br /> .. . ',;� 1e.INotiu.Ut�lets otherwtao required b�r lew,any�wtice to Borrower eheit be glvan by delivedng h or by mailing it tiy certffEed maii addrossed to �*^j. <br /> na <br /> � ; Botrowav at tha properry addroae w any other adQress that Bortowet haa Bivan to Lender.Borrowe�wiR give nr►y nottce to Lender by�ertified <br />— ' , � , ,;� m a q t o l e n d a r's a d d ro�s o n p a p e 1 o f t h i s d¢e d o f u u a L o r t o a m►o t h e r e d d ro a e w h E e h L e n d o r h a s d e st gneted.An y other noUce to LeMer ehail ._ <br /> , ; be uM to LendeYa addrssa as stated on pepe 1 of thts deed of trust. ' <br /> • ; Am►noUce sAatl bo deertted to Ptave been given to 8orrower or tender when given in tAe inenner eteted above. <br /> � `' tg,Transttr o}tM ptop��ty or�8�1ldal l�rett in th�Bo�rowa.�f atl or any part of the proporty or any irrterest in h ie sold or trenaterted <br /> whhout Le�sr's pHor wrltten conaeM, LeMer mey demand immediatepe ymer� of the securad debt. lnnder maY etao demand immediete <br /> s . peymeM M tfie Bortower fe not s naQual omaon end e benoflelel I�erest In Uie Borrower is e0!d or tranatereed. Mowever. Lender msy not •• <br /> domand paymont in the abovo eituattona H 1t fa prohibited by federal tew as of Me date of tMs doe0 of trust. <br /> ~ T9.R�yann.When the obiia�ton seaued by tNs daed of trust has been paEd and Lender has no turther obtigation to mnke edvances <br /> under the instrumenta or GgreemeMO sacured by�hta daed ot truaL the Trustee ehalf upon wrkten request by the lendet,reconvey the truet •� <br /> _._ �;.�''��.'__ property.The lender ehetl tlelh►er to Uro Borrovrer,or to Botrower'B successor in Interos�tho truat deed and the oote or other evtdence o!the <br /> •-- .—�---- ODli�CQ�1 RO 6sUSIlOO.OQrtOV�e►enan Pa►a�ry ioi�i�iairin�wo:b. — <br /> ''� • • 21. Buaaeuor TntstM. LerMer, at Lender's o��, may remove Truatee and eppdnt a successot Vustee by tiret,melling a copy of the <br /> substkutlon of vustee as roqutred by applfaebte law,and then,by fl�ing the subsUNtion of truatee tot record In the offlco of tho registor of deeds ' <br /> of oach county In whlch the truet property,or some part thereof,Is situated.The euaessor truatee,wtthout conveyance of the property,shap <br /> �• • succsed to att the power,dWea,authorlty end tlUe of the Trustee named in the deed af truat a�d of any succeasor trustea. <br /> - r•' <br /> fpe8a?ol?1 <br /> - ..�t� .. gpNKEq9 SYBTEMS.WC..8T.CLOUD.MN 68301 It$06J97•95�1/�OPIM OCRMtbNE 8118I81 �— <br />- --'�^^ - . . "— . <br />