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<br /> •_ , • , , � whot�asidmc��ddten h oe nex q9a. Or�^a IOS�nA_ uwil County,Nebrtoke('Ttunes'1,nnd the Beneticisry, `� �
<br /> ' Wer� pRpRR1►T. AA�/TNd9 e_ •r*�+ woan�Tw�n*n�T ,e oorporat{ono�ganized \� t�...
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<br /> �'.� .4B8T�ID rar�rm_ur�n aa n ..�,88C��'IIA4 _ 1'Lender'1. =-_-
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<br /> : t `�,,•; Bonowst ti law(uly sei:�d, dacdbed betow and ap bulldinpa, ftxturea, and oxtBtlnO and tuturo improvemente tharoon and ail riphts-of•way, �
<br /> ��.� � euemsM�,re�w. lasue�, proflt�, incoms, t�nemst►ts,heredkamenu, privttepes end any appuRanances therounto betoneing latl oalied the _
<br /> . �, , "property'1.
<br /> PAOPERTY ADDRESSs ,ea R is�[ � csaANe tgLn� ,Nabraske saan� �'
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<br />- ---;;��:;
<br /> -°�:�1:•-:�� � TITI.�Borrower covenants and wanerns tlde to the p►operty,except tor
<br />.--��Y„iti'z'k • —
<br />..,. :«^"?P.�:_�- --
<br /> ---:� - - SECUAED OE6T:This daed of trutt securos to Lsnder repeymar�t of the aecuretl debt end the performence ot the covartants and eareamerne
<br /> _.`__'Y,.,'��.; coMniaed in this deed of ttuet and in any otha documeM tneorporated hereln.Seciued dab1,ns usod in this deed of trust.includea eny amouMs
<br /> -- 7. Bortowe�owes to lander undor tfifs deed of trust or undor any inatrument aeeured by thfs deed of wst,and ati modiftcattora, exronatona and
<br />- -_`:''� � ro�uwats theraof.
<br /> -_°-°� Ths sscured debt Is evidoneed Ey(Ltst a0 EnstrumeMS nnd agreemerns seaured by 1Ms deed of trun and ths daMs theroof.l:
<br /> -_--��°••�� � w Lei�rii�n`y'••2 ��mr wnnncn�me�n DATI.�.t'1 SRPTF.'MBT.T! 1A� 7C1aR _
<br />-- �:'�:,f:':.?�...�.,:�.J
<br /> _ '�°�'� (]Fu�tun Ad�nnas:The above amour�t Is aecured even thouph all ar part of ft mey not yet 1»advenccd. Futuro sdvencea ars
<br /> - -_ - coMemplated and witl be seaured to the�ame exteM as B made on the dete this deed of trust h euecuted.
<br /> -___-_=ti�_�; ❑ Revoivinp Ilns of exedit epraement dated ,whh inidal cnnual iMerost►ate a! %• _
<br /> --_= Ati emounta owed under thio apreemer�t are eaarred ovor�thouph aU anrtounte may not yet be edvanced.Futuro sdvmcns uader ___
<br /> +�^:s�� the aproement arm contempiated end wUl be aecured to the aeme exte�eo H made on tAe date thie decd o!trust ta executed.
<br /> ro:��`;�:_aa�u TAe abnve o61i�aUon ta dae end payabie on�, RRDTFMA� �s� �e ez if nat paid eertier.
<br /> ��M�" The totel unpald batence seeured by thia desd oi trust et arry onn time ehtll tut exceed a moximum princtpal amouM of
<br /> _-.� . ��.... .....,....., e........ ........ee.. �,..�,. .. �.m ��f,n�„Oollsn(s 16.82� �� 1.PNa interoat,
<br /> _�.� ptua any emowm dlaburaed under the terms of thts dead of ttu�t to proted the aeaurhy of thia deed of truat or to pertorm er►y of ths
<br /> --_;._��� coveneMS conte[nad In this deed of truat,wkh Interoat on euoh dis6ursemertte. •
<br /> - =�;."`rr..;=;,�Ri
<br /> _-��-�'0"'"� ❑Varl�bU R�bs The interoet rate on the obltgaUon eecured by thl� deed of trust may vary eecoMing to the terma of that obUpetton.
<br /> :,;;:��._�.-,�.5.-�
<br /> .�;°_.�'�:� ❑ A copy of tho toan agroement contetnUg the terms under which the IMereat rato may vnry is ettechad to this deed of truat and --_
<br /> - �"•;•�••� made a part hereof. --_:_
<br /> "^��'�':e r=.•�;y '. 4"_..
<br /> �:.`.�:� •'. . R10ER8s ❑ Commeratel � Rsz[�rtMetaT eu A�rra ❑ --
<br /> , •• - dE8101W�1Ti0H OF HOMESTEA� _
<br /> �- � � Punuant to ths Parm Nomeetead Proteotion Aat de�pneUon of homoateed ❑ Is ettnehed to Mia dead of trust and mnde e parc Mreof ��
<br /> � .. . ❑ hev been ditctntmcd;the dtsataimar ie etteched to thia deed of truat and made a part haroot. -=
<br /> "" ., 8tGNAYURE9:Br�1�Nn�b�tow.Bm►ow�r�prN to tM terms and aownants oomYn�d In tMs dNd of truat.IncluBnp thos�on p�2.�ed In �.��
<br /> . _.. L. �'_
<br /> �ny dd�n Msa�1d�bo dIInM Ey Bmrowe►. �j /��
<br /> - /! /li!.Q'�� w.� r!� if'�.�s.� � �.;"�
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<br /> � � r_�;
<br /> ' ::t.�� ARNOLD H F088 tiRACE FOS$ .
<br /> ACKNOIIYLED�MEN�:STATE OF NEBRASKA, [3Rn*m 7RLANi]� iinr.r. _ _CouMy sa:
<br /> --= Tha torogoing instrument wae eaknowtedgal beforo me on thla �9mr� day ot QRDTF.MRfiR' �045
<br /> .• . bY e� nwnn wvn nnf�r�rt vnCR' fR1AALfiltf A tMAR
<br /> . - - -- Ritletql ,.
<br /> P�a of n��nsac«oo..na�«vae+mwv► '
<br /> iwu,owieaoment e on bohalf of the corporetion or partnorship.
<br /> My commission expiroa: 5/s/98 �q��,,
<br /> � 18W1 v° ������'o�^"�+�' INOtaryPtAtle►
<br /> This tnstrumo�tt was prepared by � � '
<br /> • ��' m1888��MKERSBYSTEMB.INC..BT.CLOUD.MN6830111�800�987•t9�tIFORMOCP�tTG-NE8119101 AppL# 00012256 �p��4b���� EBi�ASKA �
<br /> � CCD# 0100448097 ' '.
<br />