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�li.. . ... : - .: .. . - .-_- - H�R��nn 1 . .- `� _,_t; ;. - .;� ,. . :-_ .. .. __w__...A.__�__ . . _ <br /> �j f�:�r }� ',i 1 � ..� - i� ,�l;tt f-;, �� +* � ; t '�E ���t�t.��!_ -f�-ir4�{� c �o ' rc�J� <br /> .�. r . � � _l �'���tt�r��lri' t lt.:��( i., �)i,A � .1���tij:.. � S <br /> .7�.7 �t. -. : i..l i� <br /> . -.t� i i .�`��. . ,.1�. .. . . <br /> ; �r`v{�:;`r�"' , • , i!.•. „ � . " <br /> � <br /> '` ._� . ' t, .� <br /> 4 � <br /> 1 "'Y.I� - ' :. .. ..- . '1� <br /> � � ... ' ' .. . . <br /> � L' <br /> • <br /> � • 'l\ <br /> n ���.• <br /> (�.r. ,.,/ .h . <br /> • •�J�... .. � / ' _ ' - ���klr....�v�6r.��� M y ��•• }_.. .. it� i���' <br /> . <br /> o .' . f atr+ •r . • r, a� <br /> _ �5 .l rf� Jt• nIR/fY'`1Y �'�.�=.:.L..�.�����...�...,�._....� - .....�...�-..� `ly� <br /> .. � ._.�.�.��._�•__�.� _.__...��_ <br /> �i.�. ��� . � <br /> ? F _ <br /> . . • R}'.4!_ <br /> . . .� � COVENANYB Q�ao��7� :v: <br /> � � 1. Paymer�. Borrawot ap�oae to meko nil peymonts on tho socurod dobt whan duo. Unto$e Borrawor and Londor agreo otherwiso, any p?�4, <br /> ���z peymenta Lender recefve�i�om 8orrower or (or 8otrower'a banoiit wiil be ep lied tiret +to any omounta 8orrowor owoa on tho uocurod dobt <br /> . exoivaive of intareat or prlrtatpat,eegond to IMarost,end than to prinotpaL�f p�al propaymant of tho soeured dobt oacurs for any roeeon,!t wlfl „ ' <br /> � � not reduce a excuse eny�chedule0 psyment unUl tho�ecurod dobt ia paid in tuli. <br /> � Z.Ct�tma AgYnat TIU�.Oortawer wUl pay sll taxe�,eetetemente,and othet ohergas attrl4uteble to tho property whan duo and w01 defend dtla <br /> � to the property e�gnlnat eny oielfns whtoh woutd impatr tho Ilon of thla dood of uuet,Lander mey toquire 8orrowar to usstgn any rlghto,otaimo or <br /> , �, . • defensed whlcN eorrower tlnay heve apalnst perties who aupply tabor o�moteriata to tmprove or melntain tha property. <br /> 3.Inwt�na�.Borrowor wlil ksop the Oropor4y insurod undor torma nacoptnble to Lendor at 8orrower's oxponoo end tor Lendnr's bonafh. A�I <br /> �+ �S� inaurnnce potictos ahatl incfude e atendard mortoepe alause In 4avor of Lendor.Londor wlil bo nnmod na losa pnyoo ar uo tho t�isurod on nrry auch <br /> or�to the so�cu�od debti If lo nideeiProqau�lreesmo�rtpape P suian6e�t Bonower egre�oa�to matnt�einhau h i�uran�for as long es Lendere(equiies�operty <br /> " 4.Prop�rty.Borrower wL1 keep tfie property in good condklon and make aft tepa!►s renaonabty necessary. <br /> � ~�, 6.Fxpmss�.Borrowe►apreee to pay all Lendets expenseA inetuding reasonabte eteorneys'leeo,if Bortower breake any eovenants in thia deed � <br /> � of uuat or in any oMiga�on eecured by Mis deed of uust.�onowor wili pay these amounta to Lender as provided tn Covener�t 9 of thie deed of <br /> ,,. �, <br />_._�,,.: ,. . _: <br /> ' � � ` 8.Prtw Bsaudtv IrK�r�sp. Unless 8oaower flrst obtains Lender'e writte�eonser�t,Bonower will not make or permh eny changes to eny p►lor - <br /> - � + eecurity intetea�e. Borrower wiQ periotm eli Ot Borrower'e obllgaUons under any prior mortgage, deed of t►uat or othat eecurity agreement, <br /> . „ �t.,� includtnp 8ottoweYs covenarrte to moke paymente when due. :_ <br /> '�sv <br /> ', �, �s� 7.Assiynmsf�t o!R�r��rtd Rofib.8onower assigne to Lender the rents and proffts of the property.Untess Borrower and Lender have agreed , ;. <br /> otherwise tn writing, Borrower may colieot end retatn the tenta ae Iong as 8or�owe•r ie not fn default.It Borrower defauits, Lertder,Lender's � <br /> . .�•� agent,or a court appol�Ged receiver may teke possession artd manage the property and cdleot the rente.Any ronts Lender coilects ahali be '��'` , <br /> ,.'.�; eppiEed first w the eosn o!managing the property, Inoludin9 court eosts and attorneys'1ees,commiseions to reMat a enta,end any other �!�.,,, <br /> `� neceasary reieted expences.The remaTning amouM of rents wili then app►y to paymeMS on the sacured debt as provided in�venaM t. ��, <br /> �.:.�,:. �,{: '.;�.°�. <br /> 8.LessrNdd�t CondaNnlue�YS Ptannod Unft Davatopma�4e.8orrower egrees to oompIy with the provislons of any lease if this deed of trust ie on �`�: <br /> .�,�� ��` ` a teaeohold.It this dsedof trust la on a unit in e condominium or a planned unit tleveiopment,Borrower will perform ail of Bonower's dutlea �!p•_' <br /> �:,�. ,��,;:•,,r;. ; under the aovenante,by�ewa,or reguledona of the condomintum or planned uMt developmeM. ��' <br /> ' �, �� <br /> " 8,putM�9ty o!I,�ndsv to�adorm tor Bonowar.if Bonower falis to poHorm eny of 8ottowor'e dutiea under this doed of uuat, Leodar may i <br />� �� ,; r� _;;,`,�'• peAorm the dutiea or ceime tAem to be pertormad.I.ender may sign sarrower's name o� pay arry amouM ff rtecessery for pertorneance.If any �.: <br />- *�j��• o t 5+'`�i;�:•• ���Y�On pn�yreperty fa diesontinued or not carried on in s reesanab�a manne�,Lender may do whatevor ie neeesaery to proteot Lendgr'a =__ <br />- � � •.,.°g sewrily tnteraet in the property.This may inolude comp:ettng the aonmuetlon. � - <br />_°•.;;�;d';y,_ ,� lender'a fetture to pe�farm wGl not p►ectude Lender irom exeroEsinp any of Ms other rfehb under the taw or thie doed of trust. ��� - <br /> Any smounte pald by Lender ta proteot lender's seeur(ty trrtareat witl be securod by thta deed of tru�t.Such emounts w11i be dus on demend �---�- <br /> � "��ti-3° ; and wUl bear fnterest fram the Jete of the peyment untll paid in full at the IMerest r�te in eNect an the secured debt. <br />-_ ,�t • -� �_.- <br />-:,t,�-T^,. 10. O�teuft and 8orrowar f�tis to m�ke any psyment when due or breaks any covenants under thls deed of uuat pr any �_= <br /> oblip�Uon seeured by tAb deed of uuat or any prtar mortyep�or deed of trust.Lsnder meY aeootefate the matwity ot tho secured dobt end ?- <br />��;_�..�+„��>•,;n�,� dsm�nd imm�dlet�psYment em!m�y invoke the power of sa!e and sny other romadtes permitted by eppilaabte law. _- <br /> - -� i i.�si Tor iiio6rs�of�'i.ii is tioreLy ietiuszisd ihai Coplx a!!hs noliC�Q!delauli sn!!�hn�wnt tn eaeh gsrson who ts a Qareq ,-_ <br /> ;,��.^v��'°;,�,;�,�� hereto,�t ths sddross af eaeh suab peraon,eo�et fonh heroln. _ <br /> f�,�.,,�. ,.';:, , <br /> __,_.� : tZ.PowK of S�H.It tt�e Lender Invokea the power of sde,the Trustes shait tirtt�ecord In the offtae of the ropister of deeds ot eaoh county <br /> _� ��+��� wh���in tM Vust properry or�oms paR or parcnl�hereot u sltu�ted a notice of Qefeult coM�intn�the intormaUon required by law.The Tructee <br /> '�. "'i�� � ' {hd alw m�il eopt�a otthe nottee o!defauft to the BoROwer,to eaeh person who t�a wrty hereto,nnd to other persons a�prosedbed by <br />��_y'=;i��+k�-� � applicable taw. Not tea than one month�itor ths Trustes�ecorda the notice of detauit or two monUu if ths mwt properiy is not U eny <br /> -_:r.�.°V;��#+ • � ineorporated aky or villapo and is uaed In farmin8 opentton�oertEed on by the truetvt,tAe frostee ahali g[ve pubtte nadae of eeta to the peraons _ <br /> �°=`�t�y��'. ' Wdder If iemqutre�d by�th�e FarmbHOmepstead Proteotio(n Aat,T�e ahalt oNe nth�e DropertY In tvro�sep pate en es aeoqui ed by epp{ihcab e�law <br /> `'°=���} Truate�may postpone ute of ail or any parcet of the pioperty by publEa announeomeM at the tlma and ptace ot any previoualy scheduted oeie. -- <br /> ''"^° 5`' Lender or ke designea mey purcheae tfie property et any eaie. <br /> -?h:u.a...i,... �..� — <br /> �� ;,.� 4^�- Upon roeeipt of peymer�of the pr(ce bid.Truatee ehell deliver to the purchaser Truatee'e deed eonvey(ng the property.The rooitiala cor�tatned in __ <br />""��'`�->-+� Truatee's doed shell be prima facie evidfence of the truth of the statements conteinad thereln.Truetee shall epply the ptoceads of the eate in the <br /> _-�';;,��;��� foitowinp otAAr: (a! to alt expensea of the saie, inctuding, but not limited to,reeaonabie TNStee's foes, reasonnbie uttomey's feea and <br /> .,��� � � reinatetemeM fees;lbi to att sums seeured by thft deed of truat,and(o)the ba tance,(f eny,to t he persons Iega i ly e M i t ie d t o r e c e i v e k. <br /> -_:.,;�1:.:��:_: <br /> -----•-- 13.Fcnotosur�.At Lender's option,thia deed of vuat may be foreatosed in tho menner provide by applicable!aw tor torecloauro of mortgegea <br /> --.,,-��--:=� on real property. <br /> - '-""• "° '�"� 14.Ins Lender may enter the property to(nepeat it if Laoder pivea Bottower notice beforehund.The�oUce muet stcrte the reaeonsbie — <br /> _ _ _-�; cause r Lendar's InapectEon. _-. <br /> N �-� ° 16.Cond�rtxnrtlon.Borrower essfg�ns to Lender the proceeds of eny eward or eiaim for damages oonneeted�vtth a condemneUon or other taking _ <br /> -- --- � of eit ot any peR of the property.Sucfi proceeda will be applied ea provided in CoveneM 1.This easignment ia aubject to the terms of eny prior <br /> z��� security agreement. __ <br /> �v�'�'� 18.WlJvar.By exercislnp amr remedy evailable to Lender,Lender doea not glva up�anY rf8laa to Ieter uae anY other remedy.By not exerctsinp `-- <br /> -_= any romedy upon Bonower's defauit,lender doea not walve eny�fgM to leter conslder the event e defauh if ft heppena egein. _- <br /> __-��s�� <br /> �'°-""-"`-= 17. Jot�and 8�v�r�1� Co-st�n�ts; Succ�ao» �nd AssFpns Bound. All dudes undor thia deed of trust aro Joim and several.Any <br /> — Borrower who co•niprse th3a eed of truat but doas not co-aign the undertying debt tnauurreaM(s) doea so on�y to erant and convey that _ <br /> - � 8oaowePa Imereat In the property to the 7rustee under the term{�a�of thla deed of trust.In additton,suah a Borrower agreea thet the lendet end :_ <br /> rt���i de bt wlthou�t tMt BoROV�ie�e conse�nt e t t d w it h ouyt ie tons ing d�a t B on war f am tl ro�r c i n�6�o f�t h i s d e e d o t v u�t f,thta deed of truet or tho aeeured = <br /> -��.•.�� <br /> —"":��:rl�:;:;?�. � _ <br /> ,,,<<•:���. The dutfes and benefKs of thls deed o}trust shetl btnd end benefk the suceeaaote and easigna of Lender and Borcower. <br /> ,-:����e 18.Nolta�.Unieaa othenvise required by tew,eny�otice to Bomwot shail bo givon by deiivoring It or by maiiing it by certiflad meil addreased to � _ <br /> - Borrower at the ptoperW eddtoss or a�rir othor addrese thet Bottower hea givan to Lender.Bor►ower wlll gtve any noUae to L¢nder by certlNed <br /> '.",,.�. maU to Lende�'a addreaaon Da pe 1 of thie deed of truet,or to any other Rddress which Lender hes designated.Any other notice to Londer shail <br /> __,_�,P,.,;, bo sent w Lender'e addross as eta t e d an pa8e t o f t h is dee d o f tru s t. _ <br /> '-- � � ',:� Any�oUce aheq be deemee!to heve bsen gfven to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner eteted above. <br /> - ,V 98.Tt�rtsfK of tE�Ptoprtll o�a BwNfldai Uttmet tn th�Borrowu.If ail or eny paR of the properri or any intetoat In it is sotd or Vanaferred <br /> -�_?+'��'�" � wltt�out Ler►dar's pdor written conseM, lender may demand immedtets payment of the aecured debt. Lender mey olao demend Immediete <br /> " �� � �� �� � ' demand Oey�meM in the ebove situetion arft it is prohibked by tedere�tew as of the date of uYs deed af�uatan8terred.Howover, Lender mey not <br /> - 4 � � �'} • .. <br /> 2i�.Raomwy�ne�.When t�e obllgaUon eecur d by thia deed of truat has been petd and Lender has no turther obAgaUon to make edvancoa <br /> " - J� under the inatruments ar egreemems seaured�y thts cleed of vuet,tho Trustee ehai�upon written requeat by the lender,reconvey the uuat <br /> • ..,._�fCt:� D%pert_y.The Lende�shell deliver to th�6orrower,ar to Bottower'&successor�n Interest,the trust deed end the note or other ev�dence of the <br /> �_u_..._�.�������. <br /> ---yT� .-r pp7lgQOVt►aV oastotroN.wniviivi o��m�ya/a.r/.vw.w•�....w..�. - - <br /> -!�r........... .. C. , <br /> � � " ,��;;�,� Zt. Suce�swr fr�pt eq�yr at Lender's optlon, may remove Truatoe ond a�point e suaeeasor uustee by flrat, malifng e copy of the <br /> - �- •- substitutfon of uuei6i Qqbif�d by appliaab�a lav�r,and then,by flting the eubstttution of truatee tor record in tho ottice of the regfster of deeds <br /> of each county in wh�e trust propeny,or some part thereof,ta sltueted.The sueeessa trueteo,without conveyance of the property,shoil <br /> succeed to all the power,duNes,authorlty and titie of the Trustee named in the deed of trust and of any successor truatee. <br /> t� <br /> lpege 2 0l2! <br /> . � BANKERS BVBTfMB.�NC.,6T.ClOUO.MN 88501 l7$00-387•23471 Fi7RM OCV�#ATO-NE 8118/01 <br /> ` S <br /> = u � <br /> .:� •-_—_._._._.r_� . . ._ . _ . ._—.. _._. . ._. ___. <br /> . _..._. . ._.__. <br /> � . . ._ . . . ._.. __.._. _.. . <br />