.- , .--�—,—�,—��.-.-�--.�^• . -. ..:- -- 'i,y'��:'.i�i•..-�i'.`.j:Jii� "1' . . T'il5?t4iyP.��;s;;�.-�.j�({=:r- ----
<br /> ... .�.... . _. ..._ ..
<br /> Yli -o-��=�leit��; .� -y ', �G�..� ii_ ."I. ._ . � )�� c.fr iyit � �.�i -V i
<br /> 1{� �'r� In j
<br /> f�t(q3tY +t•.� �{i f '�t ' ' _ ! .. . 1��,},1.i���r�r! �� I .
<br /> `.t' � '`M , t 1���d�,��,�(f i,('� � Y
<br /> 1 '„a� .. _ i .._.ayeja»�itiil.i 5 . .. . �� ..
<br /> ,�;s�,�,�r�.�. ,�1�,,,-_
<br /> , . .N�' .,::, , _ ' ^ ..., 'ca .a. . .. .,•.ro <s.�..�::�"
<br /> • �. i;.' ., •.z:rt+'*.M4b2Fl�f4ku�eS�+�q._f�__�.._,.._�..._---------- "L��''' �3"
<br /> •�a+M 1!,awtdv , IS�9t�C�:.rs+�,. ... ..� -----'--._._—_._—. -� �'r..w`
<br /> . — ��_:�
<br /> . .; • • • _�..__
<br /> � � � . ' 17. Yranstsr af the Property ar a 8enoflat�l Inferest I� Bopruv�er.Ii e� or uny pnrt ot tho Property ot ;r�,,^�
<br /> ` � �ny Intent4ln It!s eold or tranateROd(or tt e bonet:ctal interoat in Borrowa la sold a tansfe�d and Bomower Is nof a natural .".,�_,,
<br /> ` ,�'`.:;:";•� person)withaut LendeYs ptlar written eonsent,Lende►m�y,at its optlo�.roWke im�nmliate payment In tull of nll euma esaured by� '�"__:
<br /> ' " � thts 8eaurtty IneUumea�t FOoweva►�thta optton ahaH not bs exerdged by Lender tt axerclsa is prohlbited by fedaral taw ao of the �1 r` "
<br /> � �'T'r�.
<br /> ,•.. ,•'' dats ot thla�ocur[ty instrument. ' . .
<br /> " if Lendar exerotses thfa opllon, Lender shell QNe Borrower notieo ot acaetsration. The nodce ehail provlde s pedod of aot
<br /> ' tasa than 30 deya tram the date the�ottee Is deiive+�ed a► maited wlthin whtah Borrower must p�y aq suma deaured by this
<br /> � � " � Sacurfly tnntrum�R it BaROwer t�to to pay these eum�pdor to the axpintlon of this perlod,Londer may Irnoke eny remodtea F„i .
<br /> •<�:. x� ps�rt�tted by th►s 3ecuriry lnebument wlthout turther notiee or demand on Borrower•
<br /> a'_
<br /> ` " 18. 8orre�war'0 qight to �el�ahte. It eorrower meete eertsln condNtona,Bortower nhell have the dgM to have _
<br /> - - `" entoroemmt of thts Se+atrity tnatrument dfecmtiiinued �i any Umo i�ior!o the c^►t`tt ot {e)6 c4�ys (or ouah other perlod sa�
<br /> �^n�� app l l a b le t s w m a y a p e o l t y f o r r e h a t a t a n e nt�b�Ioro�le ot the PropMy pureumt to any powa of eale conWned In thb 8aau►ily� ,.
<br /> Inatrumenx or(b)antry of a Jud�t entorclnp this 3csaurity Ina'humeM.Thoae conditlona ue that 8ot►ower.te)ptya Lsndar alt�
<br /> � suma whloh then waatd be dus und�thfa Seourity lnatrument�nd the Note u if no acceterntlon had oeourrad; (b)wrea +1'�Y
<br /> "'—^, ,=s' datwtt ot any other covenent or agroemaMs: (a)PaYa n9 exPenses tnaurted In entordnp thts Saou�lY InsUument, InctueYnp. but `,'��
<br /> F no!YrNted to.roaaon�ble attomeya'fees:and(d)fskea eu¢h actton as Lertdee m�y reasonaby roquiro to aeeuro thnt tho It�of
<br />-- -==�;�- �� �., ls��ane!►t. !enr�are eighta In the ProPeriY and Borrawat'a obk�tion to pay the avma newred by thta 3ecurl�+ --
<br /> �' :.��' ' tae4ument ehN continue urtch�nged. Upon roi�atatement by Bortower� thta 3eaAry Inatrument ano ine v�y:��� w:•�sa: �'=
<br />�.:�:.,��f�.�►-,� heroby ebil ten�tn NNy a!(acWs aa M no acaetaraUoo h4d ocaumed. Howaver.thta ri�ht to rehnhte ahdl nCt�ppy fn the�aae
<br /> �e cr �
<br /> M1 ;�;" ;: ; ot aacalaatton unda pet�9nP l�1 7. "`4-"`
<br /> ti��'.- � tn. Sd� o! Not�i Ch�ng� ot Laan Sanria0r.The Note or a a partial htereat (�Me Note (together with this ',�
<br /> =�•�..tx r '�
<br />-�;R.. . gecwtty Inatrument)may be eold one or more times without pdor noUce to Bortower. r►eate may resutt in a ahange in the entriy �*.�..
<br />_.,�":; (Imowa�aa the•loan Sxvtcer')that coQecta montlfN PaYmeena due under the Note end thia 3ecur[ry Instrument There eiso may
<br /> -``:�vE•��`-: , be one or more eh�npes of the Lcan Se�vtcer unrefated to a sete of the Note. tf thae b a chenga of the Lasn 3avtcer. _-
<br /> _'��`:l�,s".. Bortower wiY be gNan wrNten no�ce of the chart9e In aacordance wlth para�aPh 14 ai�ore�nd ePPti�sla Is�:�. Tha no8ce wiM c�
<br /> `�s�';'.a�, state th�narns and address ot the now Lonn SeMcer ar�d Me addrosa to whtch payments shoutd be made. The noUce wik also —.-_
<br />'` ' ' ao�ein enY other Intonnatfon requlred bY ePPYcabte tew.
<br /> �,
<br /> - � Z0. Hssardous SYb�1t�/�. Botrower shotl noi cause or perrntt the pres�►o�, uae. disposat. storaQe,o�tO�
<br />���;�. � any Hmrdouo SubaUnces on� in the Property. Borrower ahal not da.nor aiow �nyo�e el.se to do.anSMktp
<br /> �:.i� r' Propaty that ta b vbl�fon o?�ny EnvkonmeMal Lsw. The preee�n9 two eer�ances eh�Y not aAFN to tAe pnssence.use,ar
<br /> :;":�' atarage on the Prope�ty ot sm�7 qua�fllea of Hamrdoua 3ubsfanoes that ue ganereh meo�1�to be eppropdate to nomal
<br /> :;,�'::;', rottda►t�t uses�nd to m�hta�wice ot the ProP�f!•
<br /> =!�"��" Ba+row� ehal P�P�M ¢�e Lender wrltten natlae of anll IrneatlBaUon. daim. demand, kwauft or other aetloa bf► etg► c
<br /> �_. ,�.s..�,
<br /> _?%�;�„�'"i�'..� govemment�J a roputatary ege�wy a P��P�Y hvoNh9 the ProPatty►and u►Y H�rdous Sit6aWCe w Em(romm�tial t.+aw o!
<br /> ==�,�� whk,� Barower Ass aatwt io�aWled9e. B Borrower letma or ta natirted bl►anN Nvemmemtt ar rogultEory usthaily. that a�►�►
<br /> -- — .w�oval or otha romedi�lon of eeY H�tdoua Substanae af[acUng Propary la neoesss�l�� Barowa ahri pconptN take o!
<br /> -«��?�.:'•�� neeessarY�eme�l adtona in aoeordanee with Emtonmental law. '
<br /> ^'.•�:-�� As used h thia para�P�20.'Hssardoua 3ubstanaes• �re those aubaLnoes dethed aa twdc or h�rdoua eubsLn�ee by
<br /> - -"�x�—� Emitanmantat Law �nd the toYoMMp aubstenea: 9aao�ne, kerosana othe► tl�mnebte or M�3o Petroteum Pro�s. �° —
<br /> �- peattddes�nd hetblaidrs.votatie sokents.m�2etWa eontahtn9 aabeatos ar tmrtMWel+yde�and r+tdoactivs matat�is. As usfd tn
<br /> �a A�a p�yraph Z0. 'Environma�l �aw'me�na tedaal Inwa and lawa ot the ju�Es6ctlon whero the Rope�ly b toc�ed Shat ro�te to
<br /> --------- heelth.a�fetY a emiroRmetW P�teetton.
<br /> -':�" NONIJNIFOFIM COVENAMB.8orrower end Lender turther covenant and ngree aa folowe:
<br /> `..��� 21. Acwt�ratlan; RNn�dtaa�. Landor shall �[vo noticn to Borrowar prto� M �br�tlon
<br /> - - foltow[np Borro�w�r's breaoh of any covonan4 or agraomoM in thls Stcuriiy {nstrumoat (but not
<br /> --_ - prfor to acc�t�raHon untlar paragaph 17 uMess applicabl� !aw pra�vida� oth��wlse). Th� nd��
<br /> shafi sp�clfy: (a)th� dai�ut� (b) tho actlon rsquind to au»th� d�Ys�ul� (c) a dd�, not I��s tNan
<br /> 30 daya froan th� d�tha naR[w ts yiv�n to Bovrow�r. by wl�fch 41� d�tautt must b�cu»d: and
<br /> - (d) lhat fdiun to cur�th� d�fauk on or l�to» th� dat� sp�eifl�d In tM notic� �nq► �� [n
<br /> accN�ratlon o!th�sunu peund by tl�ts S�curiiY Instrum�nt�d at�of th� Propaty.Th�esat[r.�
<br /> -- = sUait tu�tMr IMorm 9arrawrat of th� right to ntaeslat� aRar sec�braUon �nd tte� r�p�t to A�9ng �
<br /> Y court �atlaat to w��t tM aon�xis'tonco of a d�tauR or sny otMr d�hns� of Boerawsr to
<br /> w
<br /> --- - aec�brati�n and sal�. if tleo dofault b not eur�ad am or b�ior� tM d� sp�cfRsd tn th� ndla�,
<br /> ----- O.�nd�r �t ib oplOon m�y wqutn [mmodTato paalm�nt tn iuit ot afl�uns seeuned i�'1/thts 8��►
<br /> � Indrumsnt �ilhout far4eaar d�mand �nd may �mroic+� ti�a powar of �l� and �ny ottMr e+om�din
<br /> - - p�rmf�d by�,pPtie�bte�aw. L�ndsr shall bo oetltled to aotloat sti v�p�ns�s tncun�d [n pnr�wtnp
<br /> --T=- th� ntrv�dl�s provid�d tn t�hts pupgraph 21, tncludirtg, but not Umit�d to. raason�bf� a8on��ys'
<br /> �� teo:�nd cr+�bs of tMlo ovidane�.
<br /> -- __-—�� M th� �ow�r of sa�o [s lrivoked, Trustee shaU recoM a naRics of d�tauit tn �ach c�unty In
<br /> =�_�� which am► put of the ProPortY ts tocatad and shdl m�tl copEos ot wch notic� tn tler m�+nnor
<br /> _ ---W �=A pnacritwd hY aPPticabto !aw to Borrowar�nd to tho oth�r parsons pn:cribsd !ry aPPit�t�ta�nr.
<br /> -�n�:� pft�r th�tir�� nqntrod by apPilcabto law�Trustss shati gfva publEc notic� of sai�to tM I�ersons
<br /> `-`-`� f•
<br /> ;���;�.�-�- and In th�manner preac�ibed by appltcabla law.Trua�es,wiMa�ut domand on 6orrowsr, shait ssl1 _
<br /> _ ,;,, .
<br /> "�;�^�.;;;R � r tM proporty at public auadon to th� htghest bldder at tho llm�and plac� and urtd�r tM hrma _
<br /> - d�sig��iod ia� tha n�ltso a� sr.�s In os�e os mere �percels esed [n eny erder Tnistss d�termtnea _.
<br /> -�"�'"-`:'.? � Tn�sbee may Postpone sale of all or any parael of the Propertjl by pubtla aneounaomee�t ad the �;_
<br /> ;(::� � '''�-�� tim� and placo of a�t prevlously saheduted sale. I.�andor or Its destgnea may puechaa� tho •�_
<br /> �°-
<br /> prop�rty at ony salo. �'-
<br /> �...�-`� Upon r�lpt af prymetit of tlw pNce mld. T�usta� shall dallr�r M 4h� purcltas�r T�'a -
<br /> - ��,.� dsad cw►v�yirtg tfu Prcperty.Th� waltals in the Trusts�'s d�sd ahall b�prima fsct�svld�na� a� �::
<br /> _i_.. �.y.t.� - .,s x.. .sl. ��e. .
<br /> '_;'�.`�� � tlto t�fh Of th! �MQi1t� matQe pterein. ?rusi� w.os .�.,� ...� �.. ' � __- �_ --- --- _-
<br /> `5�==,--.,;..�c: to!lawtng �r�dor. (� to d! aesta and oxpensos of exercis[ng the paw�r of salo. and the eale.
<br /> -�s . ., Irtduding th� paymsnt of ffie Trustes's fees ectualfy Inaurre�i�R����p�nctpal amoun! of tha - -�
<br /> ''� � ;, : noto at th�U�to ot ths declaratlon ot default,and reasonable�tomey's fses ast penttittsd by law;
<br /> � (b)4o a!1 wtm�secured Oy this SecurKy tnstwrrsen�and (c) anY exc�ss to ffio Ro�n ar pereons
<br /> - : " legatiy omittad to iL
<br /> -"- "�-': �. F19tauNO ol9sl vago•ot a
<br /> 0
<br /> •� ,. • 85168
<br />