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��. �,�'1'S/3��ft`N��� 1 ..:s� �- :.y'f�f xt.l ; :t -_ - F•--f-� rr�l'ier�' � � t� .. _. _ —�__ �_ -__._..__ <br /> p } r� S , i � trp r..✓sr3�`4 ` ;5 S;1 a <br /> �t'�F 7j�,'r` _ ifJl J��� !:� . rr,�,,c`y<��Rf y,-�'•�l y! ���/ J 1�r5�1 _ <br /> w�iil a i: Y i�,i.,, t- �fi ��i_ At yt't�'"f�' }�''���f�k»4 tit 9�i't <br /> , �i(,nf. .� ,t . . i4�li��l�ei9A�*MY'+►rqfYj�fal�,y� . <br /> • - • f'��. . .:-:7i!�ki:.-r.:a..._...r.... <br /> r° _ � � . ., . � �-_A: <br /> / � 'o sia.r++i . n.�..v.. ._��r,t. a.s,,., s4.. ���r ��-= <br /> ..4 e "�+.._\S - - - -- � kl;'_�'yb�'tl4�������it"'�� .. _t� .-. k'_.y�...r -w e= � _���. <br /> - �' <br /> � ^�,.:.'S'et' _�,.-*_+,?±��m7.�'!� — — — _����. - -- - - <br /> � -- <br /> � . ,gb��.0°�i�� <br /> AI�JUST�SLE RATE �AER � 2oo2�a7� <br /> _ (1 Year Tre�asury Index-Rate Cnps) -- <br /> ��'�S ADNSTABLB RATE RIDER ia made thls 20TH �y of OCTOBER Y <br /> .nnd Is imsor�snmtcd lnto�nd sha11 I+e A�meci to amend nnd supglement the MortgaAe,Dced of �`"� <br /> Tiust or Security Deed(thc"Securtry lusuumem")of the same date given by the underaigned(the "Bomawer")to — <br /> ���Ea�������fd�igji��oan�ssac�a�i��n of a�end��siand, Nebreake, A Faderei Saving� 8enk ^ <br /> (the"Lender")of the same date and covering tb.e property describsd in the Secwity Instnimeat and located at: <br /> 2219 S RIVERVIEW DR CiRAND ISLAND, N�BRASKA 888�1-7Q21 <br /> ' (Propeny aaaresel _ <br /> THB NOTE CONTAIMS PROVISlON3 AU.QWII�� FOR CHAN6�S IN THE INTEREST <br /> RATE ANO THE MOIdTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT THE <br /> 80RROWER'8 INTEREST RATE CAN CHANQE AT ANY ONE TIM� AND THE <br /> MAXIMUM RA4E THE BQREtOW�R MI�ST FAY. <br /> AU�i`1'IONAI.CO�►Ei�TMi'i'S.In additian to tha covenants and agrecraeats mada in the Securlty Inss�uiuent, � <br /> Borrower and Lender ttuther covenaut aad agree as foIIows: <br /> A.DVTEREST RATE AND MONTHI.Y PAYII�NT C�ANGES <br /> Tha Note pmvides for un lnitiel isiterest rate of 7•25� �.The Nots provtslQS for changes in <br /> tha interest rate and the montlily payments,as follows: <br /> �!.IINTEREST RATF.AND MONTHLY PAYIVIENT CAANGES <br /> (A)ChangeDates NOVEMBER 2000 <br /> '�e inteie.s�xete I wiil pay�ay chan�au tkc first dsy af , .���r.+At . <br /> day every 12th taonth thereafter.Each date oa which my L►terest rate oould chsnge is called a'Chaag�Data." <br /> •{a)T6e�adcx <br /> Beginning wIth the fIrst�►ange Date,my interest rate will be based on en�ndox.'The"Tndex'ia the weekly . <br /> uverags yleld on United States Tmasury securides adjusted co a constant maturity of 1 made availabio by <br /> the Federal Reserve Board.Tha most recent Index figure aveilabie as of the c9ate 45 dnys before eaeh Change Date <br /> ta callal tha"Curnnt Indox." . <br /> , If Wc Index is no longer uvailabie.the Nate Holder x�i11 choose a new iade�c which is baseit upon comparubla <br /> iafom�ation.The Note Holdar wiil give me ao8ce of this cboice. <br /> (�C�latton ot C6unges <br /> Before each Change Date,the Note Holder wiU salcutata my new interest tata by add3ng <br /> TW�D percenta�e polnt(s)( 2.000 9b)to tho Curr�nt <br /> Index. The Note Holder will then round the result of Wis additIon to the nearest one-eig]ith of ona perantage <br /> poInt(0.125°(0). Subjxt ro tha limits stated in�ecdon 4(D)below.tlds rouaded amouat wW ba my new interest ' <br /> cate until the ae�nt��hange Date. <br /> Tiie Note Holder wtli then determine the amovm of the montlily payment that would he sufficient to ry�ay the <br /> i�e�paid principal that I um e�cpected to owe at the Chango Date in fuU on the Matudty Date at my aew interest rate <br /> �n substanttaUy oqaal payments•The result of this catculat'soa will bo tha new emount of my montnly payment. <br /> N)Ltmits on Interest Rtte Chsmgc9 �r 9.250 <br /> '[he lntenest r�e L�equired to a at the first Chenge Date wiU not be than �'o <br /> or Iess than ' �O.ThereaRer.ray interest rate will never be iacreasad or decreased on <br /> .� any siugle C�ang�Date by more than two penentage points(3.09b)fmm the of int�rest I have bcea payLsg <br /> e eIv y in t w�u a ver bea�c than �2.260 • qb. <br /> �Tly�' �P��s� ����1�1 �ielre� be �(ower� tn�an S.25oSK. <br /> (E)�tfective Dute of Cbangcs <br /> My new inLenest rate wall become effect�ive on each Change Date. I witl pay the amouat of my new muntWy , <br /> paytnent�eginning on tUe fust montWy payment date aRer the Change Date u�it the awuuut of my montlily � <br /> payment changes again. <br /> (�Notf�e of Chnnges <br /> 'ilie Note Hoider will deliver or mail to me a notice of any chenges in my intenest rate and the amount of my - <br /> -'i_e_�.L_ � .�.tW..c......d.nnm Tiw nnfiro�vill iMhula infiv�matintf t1Mtlt�tAr1 hv latv!n <br /> IRUIIUII7 Ya7ntctn uccvaa ucc caiwn+w vwv...oy ...�..p�. _--—.—....._���_.._-----.--- -. — �- - <br /> be gtven me and eko tde tide and telephone number of a peison who wtll aaswer uny quesdon I may have <br /> regardin�the notice. - <br /> MttLTtSTATH ADJUSTABLE RATE R1DER•ARM 8•2-Singio Fam[M-FennEo MaelEroddH Msa Unttorm tnaLumant = <br />= -Fom13f t t 8188 - <br />�_ �-8Z�t83051 VMP 610RTOA�E FORNtS•18001S41J281 �Rintnd on Rccycled Dtper ' <br /> M <br /> F� <br /> r <br /> i <br /> = F.r <br />- �. <br /> _ � � <br />