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<br /> p,7.1 that part of Lats Three (3) and Four f 4� , �.n 8locls Three (3) o
<br /> Lakeview, an addit:tan to the City of �trand ieland, Hall County,
<br /> Ne�braeka, more particularZy deecribee� ae Followo, to-dvit:
<br /> Ccammencing at the eoutheaeti corner of eaid Lot Thrse (3) , and
<br /> � Yliilli�.kls�. �Til@3flG@ NortH� alo�g t&e eaeter?y k�c�wr►dary line of aaid _-
<br /> Lot, a di�tance ef Forty-`i'wo i�2) �e��, thence L•Jmot and parallel
<br /> with �he eoutherly boundary liae of said Lcte Three (3) and Four -
<br /> (g) , for a dietanae a� One Hundred Fouxt�en (114) �eet, th�nae
<br /> South and parallel with the �aeterly boundary lino of said Lote,
<br /> a dietaxice a� Fo��y-Two (42} fee�, thence E2e� Ar�d parallel with .
<br /> the northerly boundary line of eaid LoGe, a di�tance of ane
<br /> Hundred Fourteen (114) F'eet to the place of beginning, excspt
<br /> that part deeded to the City of Grand Island, Hall Caunty,
<br /> Nebraaka, an Augu�t li, 1971 and recorded in B�ook 16S of Deede at
<br /> Pag� �08 3.ri �he off�.ae of th� Register of De�ds of t3rand Island,
<br /> Hall County, Neb�aska.
<br /> . . � ,
<br />