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<br /> ' � insuranoe proomad�tor repair ot�epiaoement fhelt be pleoed in eaotow wlth Uro l.a�er and dleburoed by Lende►during or upon oomplsUon of suah
<br /> ^ • repslr ai reptaoement. Q tho Lender aoqulre�dUs to ths Ptoperty by eznciUng It�puws►of�de, toraolowre or otherwite,in�atlttsotlon at tM
<br /> Indebtodnsas seoured heroby,In whole ot in paR,thtn ap tlg!►t,tid�and�nteren oi the donowa in ond to suoh Insurenos polloy or poAoi�s�heil psu
<br /> to the Lender.
<br /> • � 4. For the quryw�e of provlding e fund fo►ths psymsnt of tsxee,sp�clu�ssenment�end Inturanoe ptemfums,8onower�hatl d�poilt witA L�nd�r,
<br /> on the detes thst peymeMe are due on th�Nott,�n amouM equ�l to the bscab e��eaement�nnd Ineutano�premiuma neM due tatl a�eatlmeted by
<br /> �• the Lender,leea emounb atreedy deposited theretotl dtvid�d by ths numbar a1 p�ymente on the Moto th�t wlli bsoomw duo prior to ths dats wh�n suoh
<br /> " , taxes,aasesemente ertd Inauranoe premtuma wlli b�aome due and psyabie. Beld tund�wttl bs h�id by ths Lendot in e noMintere�t beeflnp esorow
<br /> „ , e000unt tor the pu�poset tst tonh above. it tht emount�of thao dtpo�ln an not�uNlalent to p�y taxes,n�enmenU��imuranos promiums�s
<br /> � they beoome dus,ths 6orrowe►�hell upon tequtst,psy L�rtdtr the emount �ossury to maks up thA d�tlolenoy. '
<br /> o ^
<br /> ��� 6. Unleaa appifoable low Drov{det otherwite.eli peym�nt�rsoelved by Lendsr under tho Nots end p�reArephs/s�d 4 heteof ohaA be:.rypl{od by Lendor
<br /> c�� firot In paymeM af amouna payeble to land�r by 8orrower undsr pnapreph 4 heroof,tMn to I+ft�rsst p�y�bls on ths Not�,th�n to ths pdnoipat of
<br /> ���`*`""�"n'��, the Note,and thee to intemst and pdnofpal on eny further edvanoes or other Ir�ebtedneis seaured heraby.
<br /> 8. Bonower shaii keep the Prope�ty in good ropsfr�nd nheil not oommit waate o�pertnit impalrtnent ar deterioration of the Prope�ty.
<br />-===- � u.�.�o., y�� a�...� .:- -- -- -- o_.. . o m 1.f n•y twx•�lNfore delinwen�ot o)DeY an _-
<br /> '•-.^ �..':L t�w�o�v.o)����a���vi yo��rv y�miwii���o iui iiw y..t�w:^.:'TLSM.^}t� !^�?ZR�, y _
<br /> � � amount due under e p�iormortQage or truat daed betoro detlnqueM,or�malntel�the Property in good�epafr,or e)pettotm eny of the oovensnU ot �i:.
<br /> , •� agroomonta of Mte Truet Oood,thon Londor may at Ito optlon pay auoh insuranee ptemiums,texee,moKgege ot ttuet deed peymente,or meke�epeire
<br /> , . i;' and dleburee sueh sums end teke suoh soHon ee it deems nooeeeary to woteot ise Intereat without waiving or aNeodng ite�Ight to deoiare or defautt ,;�.
<br /> � ` � and aooeierate the dnbt�eoured hereby�eoauis of any woh tailuro of the Borrowsr. Any smouMa so dl�buned by the lendor�hsU oonstitute
<br /> edditlonal irMsbtednsso of Bortower�sourod by this Ttu�t Dsed and sheq bau lesterost irom ths dete ot dtsbunement st ths nts psy�bls under the
<br /> . . . Note. Nothing coMained in thia paragrapA sheN�equire Lender to tneke�ny woh dlabunsments ot toke any aodon whatsosver.
<br /> . k .
<br /> � � '� ` 8. Lender mey msks or aure to be msde reasonabls eMrlss upon and Iropeotlo�of the Property. '
<br /> ,�.
<br /> . b �,'�:
<br /> _ � 8. Tha prooeeds of eny eyvaM or olefm tor dameees,diroot or oonsequeMial,h oonnoodon with eny oondemnation or other teklttp af ths Properiy, �'�.`�`
<br /> - � � o►pert theroof,or tor eonveyanoe in Nou of eortdem+eeUon,aro haroby auigmd and ahdt be patd to Lmeder to the exteM of the tuil enrount of the
<br /> � ° ' ''� ', romaining unpaid indebtedneae aeaurod by thit T�u�t Oeed. �'�
<br /> . '� [�ii�s:
<br />- a i t '----
<br /> , � ��' It the Property fs abatt�oned by 8ortower,or it,after nodoe by Lender to Bo�rawer thet the aondemnor oHera to make an eward or settle a oldm tor --.,
<br /> , a : � damsges,BoROwer faSte to reapond to Lender vrlthin 30 deye after the date euohrtodoe ia meited,Lender is authori:ed to oolleot and appiy tho pr000edo
<br /> _ � �':�'.
<br /> to the aums seourod by thie Truet Deed.
<br /> � � * CondemneUon p�oaeeda or awerds shnU be orodited to the last metu�inpinstdlme�ns of the Indebtedneas seourod end shail eot exoeed or postpons E-��::`
<br />�;�." ± ths due dcts of tAe InsteAments refsrra!to in psragrephs 1 snd 4 hereotor ahenee tAe emount of suoh(nsteUmerta.
<br /> y.,,; * • �'-'-=�
<br /> . �r:: � 10. It the lender lasue��partia!rotoase of tN�Trust Oeed,ths prooeed�reo�hred therofor shaii bs orodited to ths tast matu�inp instelimena of the _,��
<br /> �• indebtedneae seoured hareby.
<br />