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<br /> 7Tr1AT WtiF�tFAS, al.l o� Che inciabtecineae s�cured hy the Trust L�eecl ex�cuGed by _ _ _
<br /> .�F:� .. v�n ti ncv�a �►�n�t.rt�v �. vUnr�r�n� Htrs _ �,vn t�rc -- --.,_„_.�,�
<br /> to �y�1US �IItAi•_S.pY,j��. , Trustee for the b�nefiC af�
<br /> 1ST�IGTPAI�..}3C�STB�TA3._MQB�A� YNC• , the t�n�flc:l.rary n�ned thexein,
<br /> dated _ S�p �e� $�,1��4 � ttcxl recorded „ SepCember 8� 1994 ,
<br /> in the �Ffica of Ct�e Regiater af Aeecla of. Ha11 _,,,,_� Caunty,
<br /> ebr�s�� in Hook ,_,_�5,���� g4 �U7;uS�" °-___-_� 11sa been pt�id ar�d said Benefic,iary
<br /> has requ�sted in writing that C e s a� Reconveyance l�e executecl an�l delivered ea con£it�d
<br /> by its endorsement balvw; �
<br /> [�OW 'iNEd2DORE, in cbneld�raCion oE such payment and in accorclance witYt the requests o£ thQ
<br /> beneEiciery named therein, Che ur�lereigneci �ts Truatee do�s by theae greserta, grant� r�nis� and
<br /> recamr�y to tha pexson ar persona ent�ltled thereto a�.l the interest and estate derived ta said
<br /> Trust�E by or throt�gh said 'IticusC Deed in the folX�wi�g descrit�ed premisea by on�.y as te such
<br /> premis�s:
<br /> La£ 'iWENTY�1l-�tF� (23), BRENl.W00D ?I�IYItll SU.l3llTVISION, IN Z1iE C��'X 0� GRAND T+LAND, HALL
<br /> OOl1NL'Y, NE33RASKA.
<br /> T1DGF.:i1lF.�t WI'i'H ALL �x��.�d�.ng�, £�.xtures, �mprovemente aml apjx�rCenances be�.uYtgic� to auch
<br /> prem:tses:
<br /> IaAATE� (Ki�II�►,����ix�.i. ��ptML�Y� (X'1LUMBUS
<br /> � `jNC01tp0AA EO � G--_-^'
<br /> s�t,r'�,� W. M. �^, P IDENi'
<br /> 5Tr1� OF ��l��A � ��eu�Hte�'� .
<br /> OQUDTPY OF .�.�A`�1� —)
<br /> Bafpr� nx�, a Notaky 1'ublia qttal.ifiecl ln sai.d countY9 peraanally cams ,_
<br /> W. M. E'ERGUSON �� �4k�11� T;FJIF�AI�a�A�I�.Bl�.
<br /> a corporation icpown ta be to be the �pg� �,_ ancl 'i�le�nt�.ca1 per�on who s£�ecl
<br /> the foregoing instrument� and acknow .ledge�ic t�execut�an�hereo�, �O � t1�.8 VO�till�ffY'Y A(:t
<br /> - and deed �e s�.�ch pff�c€r a�xl �tie vrultsilAry act �nc# d��cl o£ ��ici cor�r�itil�t� Art� Chat i��
<br /> - corporate seal was thereto affixed by ita� authority.
<br /> Witneae by hand anca notarial seAl of ()C�C)�ER 13, , 19 �c�,.
<br /> otary c
<br /> ,�
<br /> `� My Camnieaion f'xpl.reas
<br /> ���M�� � MARCH 8, 1999 „
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