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<br /> l.cncta��,�y, at anp t!ma, coN�ct Knd hotd �maunta Wr �acrotiv Itcmn tn an ap�reg:�to emoum nol to aror,�d tho m�.xlmun� _ . '�
<br /> .._ __..__ _ ' gniaunt that may bo�equ!rad tar paroyre�'e escrow sacn�inl undcr the fieal EAtsta BeiUcmml Piocadure9 Ac1 01 iD'!4, 12 U.J.O. ��
<br />_ �. . ,ti a801 �gcq,and hnp►rment4�p re��#�tlon*, ii�:t=A Pad au�J,au they u�y Gi�«i���,����f�n t��to ltner('R�9f'!!•?. r•"•ck'� �' _ s=
<br /> that tho cuahton or re�c�ve �en�itted by �i�aPA Pot �+nentictpntad disbu►ne+nc+ito or di9bursen�9+ita hetoro thd ETOrtowcw'� „
<br /> � ' paym.nte ere avc'.t�.hle En the�eanunt m+�y not b�U�sed an amounte due tor it�e n�o�tW►pa tnauranoo prom!um. __
<br /> If Ihe e�noun!�helct hy l.�ndnr for Eeero�v fton�a exceed the�ma�mte nexmfttad to be hNd Cy Fi[6PA,lender et�etl denl�vtih
<br /> � tha oxoosa Nnda ee raqukecf by R�9PA.If ths emounte of AmdS hcicl by lender st rny Nme are not suNicl��ni to pay tha�acuo�ti�
<br /> � �� Itema �vhcn �h�e, lender niny nopry Ihe Bonowa and taquire Oo�rowar to matce up the eho�t�go or deflclenoy eo pnimlttad by�
<br /> � RC3PA,
<br /> �� � - 1ha�ecrnw Funct� ere�+tedp�+cl R� add�ilnnel secudry Wr QH eums sai:ur�d by thlo 8ccurlty In�trumar►t. 11 Borto�vEt tendate�r► _
<br /> _ . .___� to l.ender the tuN parin�it al till aueh eu��o, C3pRpwcr'a nccoum ahaU bn cre+f!ted with the bAtqnoa renu��nkip toe ptl t��taYan�nt '�,,,9
<br /> Itam� (a), (b), Nnd (o) u�d �ny mortaage Maumnca pramlum Inutnt(ment Ihat l�ndar h�e not beoamo dvlipotad to pay ta tha
<br /> � _ - - Sec�tcry�and Lrndor ahnii prorry�i�i to�Leu�,i�y e,caas futsd;.ia Sotso:::. !mm�t�;�Fttar t�g[!+ra!'dpauro eale oi the P�'optyN
<br /> � - _..-t or Ite ucnulsiUon by lendar,DoRawer'e aoGOUnt eh�ll ba cradited with nny datanco rortwin6�q tor aN Inatalimonta tor Itcm� (o), (b},
<br /> = and(o).
<br /> 3. App�loatlon df Paymants./W paymente undar pampraplia 1 and 2 ehsil bo appllod by Londor ae tollowa:
<br /> , Fl�ot to the moRpap�{neurRnc� pranlum to be pald by Londor ta tho Sacrotary or to the monthy oherpo by Iho Soarntary
<br />___�.--- --. h�taad o!tha rrtsnthty nw�t�-.9e Ineurr.n��ramturtr,
<br /> �� SeCnattl� to �ny taxo�, epec.W saeeaemonto, lo3sohotd pAym�nte or pround rNnte, snd (tra, Oood and other hnrnrd
<br /> InaurPnce premlum�,ae requMed; _
<br /> � Tiolyd tp Intaeat due under the Note;
<br /> � � Fourt�t, to amortiz�tlon o1 the principal of the Note;
<br />. _ Flfth, to lato chatflea due undar the Note. •
<br /> � � A. Flro� f�lood and Othor H�sard Utourance. Bortowar ehoN Msure aM knprovamente on Ihe Propery, whsthsr "
<br /> �. aow In exletence or eubaequenty ersated, �p+dnst my heurda, ca�utkiea, �nd conUnqenc;lea, Inatudinp Ike, tor whioh 4ander
<br /> re.quU�o� Inaurance. Th►a {nau�anca eh�N be �rw{nt�ined fn the amounle and tor the pedode th�t Lendar roqukes. florroweY ehiN
<br /> el90 Inaura �N kr�provemente on the Propury, whather now In e�xlstonce or nubsequenty erected, �palnat losr t�y Iloode to the
<br /> e�.4ent�equkod by th�Secratary. AN Inaurancs ehaN ae cartled with compRnle3 approved by londer.Th�Inaur�nce poAclea�nd
<br /> � any rmewata eh�N be�eki by Lundar and ehnN Include fase payabla cl4ussa In hvor oi,and k►e tom�acceptabl�to,l.ander. - •
<br /> • tn the event ot bae, Borrowa slnM pN� Lender knm�diete natice by n�aM. lender mery mak� pmol of Foaa H not made ,:,�.,�'_
<br /> - = prompUy by Banowet. Each ineur�ncs company concotned la herehy auti►o�sd�nd dkectad ta make p�yment iw aunh bas -l�i
<br /> dkrtcly ta Lender,inatead of to �arowe� �u►d to 4onder Jaintry. AN or �ny pxrt oi the Inaunnce �toc�ads m�y be�ppNed by
<br /> Lenck►, �1 fte opt{on, atthe� (�)to the reducUon of the indebtednesa under the Note Rnd thta Secutity Inntrument, Iket to �ny ::.��___
<br /> ' '� delktquor►1�mounte�ppYed In Ihe order In Pu��raph 9, �nd than to prop�yment oi prk�cipal,or(0)to the reatoration or rep�,Y of --_-
<br /> ��� ths d�tnaped Proporty. Any appllc+iUon o1 ii�u pwcuwla tu tha p��7Wpa1 sha�l noi a��t�nd a: po�tpot►a tho duo dato of ihe
<br /> ;,:�=.�:
<br /> ` monthy pNymants whlch �ro reterrecl to {n P�ra�raph 2, or chv�pe the amaunt ot eucb paynnente. My exaeee Inaunnce � �;.
<br /> __ proceeda ava+�n e�mount raquked tn p�y Rli outstandlnp Indebtedna�e undar tha Note xnd thl�Secutity IniGuman4 sh�N ba patd ��=:=-
<br /> :,�_ __ . _ ' to the entlry MgaYy entiUed th�reto. ��—
<br /> , �3,: '� In the event o} toroclaaure ot thle Sacudty Inshument or other trmater of tiUe to the Propaty thnt �ctinqulahea ihe ��—
<br /> Indobtednasa,�N dphf,ttUe and Intereat ot 8orrower In and to{neur�nc�paNdea In foras�h�M pess to tAe purctu��w. _
<br /> '�� :;.'�.,'� 6. OacupAncy, Pras�rvatioa� M�Int�nance an� Prot�ctlon of tho Prop�rty. Borrow�r'� Lo�n �___,
<br /> � _ .__.._�_... ._��..��.�� o .,,. ..�ow,. . ,..
<br /> � .'. ,,• {:�'.'. MpYttuw�wti� �.�wa���w�v�. ....... :.�t�tr�. �..._..»-.�l.R�!.�1t4!Pl'm!!�as H�tiuWef'�¢rk1C1�1 fa4klQllaf Wrlhkl
<br /> _,y � : - etxty deyi kRer the �.�cacutloo ot tht� &ecuttty Instrument end ehaA conttnue to occupy the Property �a Borrower's prkidpal _
<br /> �-��-�� � r�W�nc�ta ot lwet tMe ywr aRK th�d�U ol occup�nay, unNsa the S�cretay d�t�as thl� nquk�nmt wIM c�us� undu•
<br /> s�,..;.; '�=`,��:
<br /> =�:_.��_�.�_= hardshlp ta Barow�r, a unka uct�w►tlnp clrcumstancea exlst whlch ue bayond 8otrow�x'e control. Borrow�r �h�ll noWy —___
<br /> „_� i,w�d.�s vi ° r ° -' ....�» ::-.:._�- � .+,�.,.,� .+.r.�.�. �. .u1�s�,nu.w ohann� 1h.
<br /> wfly tJlpf�Wpfi� pfpYftq{�lYw. vintvitw i tin iw� wi• ••
<br /> __�.:�_`;��,� PropKty or�llow th�Propary to dotKiont�,rM�on�bi�we+u md teu exa.piwd.4�+ci:�e-�y�i�pF,-t tha P�a��1►ff tha P�'r� �
<br /> -;::=,:�.:�� i� vACant or �b+mdonad or th� lo+�n {� h dataull. lender may take rsuon�bN�ction to protenl and prassrv� auch v�c�nt or
<br /> :R
<br /> ��=�' abandonod prop�ty. �arrowa eh�ll veo be In detivlt R Bo�rowa, duiit�p ihe I�n Mppllcution procota, p+►v� nxtodaMy fale� or
<br /> _n�.yx�.t��{Fl�.
<br /> � �:Y-.,:-:=`�i Ineacurata Fntamatlon a statome�ita to Lenda(or falled to provicle La�do►w8h �ny mnteriel intocmatlon) fn connaclion wftb lha
<br /> — -.,.,,..�. _ _..__.
<br /> - -� -?-�,� loan wldonced by ths Nate, fncludinp,but not Nmited to,repreaent�tlona cuncaminp B�ruw�r'� occuloancY of th� Property�a� -
<br /> --— -� B�� cq�kw 1�e tb{�to�thsr Rap�irty�th�Mas�hold�nd tre ittie ahaM not b�mKp dunNas L�nd�ir�Ipnu to th�m�rp�r in --
<br /> -- '.J�:�
<br /> =:—�p,lli wdtks0. _
<br /> — e. Chup�s to 8orr�war �nd Prot�atlon of ��ndo�'� Rlphh in th� Prup��ty. �o�owK .n.N wv �
<br /> -_--:�'C�� povammw►t�! a munfcip�l cMrpee, Mes u�d knponkions that �re not Includ�d in Piu�yraph 2. Borrow�r oh�M p�y ths��
<br /> -`'"'�-- oblt�Uona on tGn�dk�ctty to th�NiUty whlah u owed ths p�ymenL II t�Yure to pay would�dvKSey pfl�ct L�ndK'�intenot (n
<br /> -_==''�' th�Pm;�pNty,upon L�+clar'��equNt�orrawar ahdl prompty Nmtsh to I,ende►rsadpta wlde�cinp th�a�{�aymmU.
<br /> _��-��-„y� R Borrawer hile to m�k�lhee�p+iymmta or the p�yments�equkact by Puayraph 2, or faM�to pertortn�ny oth�r covenant�
<br /> --- �- �nd apr�nmts conWn�d h thl�8ecutity Instrument,or there le�bp�l proceedinp that may tlpnlAcanty aM�c1 Undw'�ti0hle In
<br />