. :l��i�;;i�' . .. . .. . _ .. _ - 1
<br /> ` . -�-•�i _1. ' ..:�� . -
<br /> �. . . ' . , . � . .. a�- �.�
<br /> .' � . . . _
<br /> • ....., �. --. ... �� , �.._ _..._. ...._.�____.._._._
<br /> . .,. _ , . ` . . . . .
<br /> - _..._... : .. - -- -------
<br /> , -•--- .�.�na�.�.._ ..._ . ��.
<br /> . . . �
<br /> Our'rawer may cure rach e ctetau�`��d reh�state, eo provlctai In par.�pta�h tU, h�iaEn{� !ha eetEnn ar proce&��p to he �
<br /> --�:- -- � dlw�xyn�J w�ih a tu��p t1;,t.�i lF��tn'o pond t�ith cl�temNnnQon,pree!ucb�fot(elture a �cuo F3on�uwer'o k►tK�at In the Prop�riy ar
<br /> ulhet mate+tot E���a6�wnt ot thg R:�1 crr•�led by thta G�.•cutfiy Inetrumtnt or Lencter`e eecu�iiy �drreaL Qi;�io'v,i::�ei�a�ratau 6:�Ai �-
<br /> .. . . t{G�iUil II DOITi7tYu"i, dur��p tho t�an �p'1�ilon proca�e, �ave mntM�oqy f�tee w Inaecu��te k�ta�nallan or oSst�n�x�ta to 4c�►da(ar €
<br /> , frllad to prov{de I.en�er wlth �ny mAt�rt+►1 Int�rrnaUon) I�i canneatlon wtth tha loan ovldenced Ly Ihe Nate, lnctucW�g, bul not �
<br /> , I'.m:lsci to, rcy�rosentetlon� concemAip Ourrowet'e acoupancy o1 iAe �'ranary ee e p�i�icip�l reaWcnce. �i thtg �ecudry'�Q �
<br /> Inetcument la un n taeaehotd, BQii01YE/ IIIi�H CU111j}Iy WIlI1 �N Iha provialans al ihe loanu, II FJorrowa acqukc� tee tftle to the Q� _
<br /> � ' 1'roperty,the lee.aehok��nd the fee IIU�Q►aY nnl ntetae�+nla��L�ndet��resa to thu metper in wrttk�C, a
<br /> ---..,,_ :.. ._ .._. 7. P�At�atlar+ of l.4ndar's Righh In tii� PtoN�rty.H@onawN fallo to pc►fan ths cov��nto and e�a�mcnto � �
<br /> - -- -----�`— cantatnad In iflt� R�cu�� tis�um�t. or th�'� ta a R�(;°•1 ps��c.��tfl thw! tn�.y elQnit4c�ntly�8oci I��ndx'e dghte k►the F'�+-+A�Y � �
<br /> _, _ _�_. . .. (auaii ay w�rocaoiS�i� �i bu�nluy;tcy.Prabata� Por eonci�-nnstlon ar forfe!tw�e er to @nfa�ce Nwa rr�pus�t�an�)�thcn L�d�t m�y� _
<br /> _._ _ _��_, _. �,���.y���hstavr.,t3 ncccas�y to psotezt lhe value ot tAe ProA�1l Rnd 4rndN'e �ights B�the Ptoptrty. l,tv�der'e acSiane -
<br /> � - may IncR�do n�yhtip any aume eaaured by � Iion wNch hte pt{oNry ov�r thle 3ecurfry Inebum*nt, eypsuGip in co�rL p�yG�p �
<br /> -- "• r�.aowiabte attoma,le'taee and entMnp on tho P�opa�rj to md:e rep�lre.AttNough Londer n►ay take tcttan under!Nb p�r�preph� _
<br /> � . � � 7,l.endar daee nct hsve to do eo. E
<br /> My�mounte cWa��rok] by l.ender unde► pangr�h 7 etu�N GeoQme additlonaf dobt af Bartuww oscured by thts Beuur�ry �
<br /> _ - t�o�;�,;,�,;��. li��n �tn,-rn�rs cnd Lend�nate� t0 OthlY tHi11� Of pllYti►�t11, these �mnurtts �MN berr k►tK�al Mom lhe dn?o of �r
<br /> • � diaburoumad�t tho Note t�te�nd ehaM bs p�ya6le,wilh tntacst,upnn natice hom t.en�ar to Bo�rower naueat�n�p�ymm�, �
<br /> . Q. Mor�gaaa Ineuranoe. II lendcr requlrcd moripepo Innurenco so a conditlon ai making tho loan aecurad by 4ht� :
<br /> " ' 8ecuttty fnntn�ment, Bar�owar ehaN psy tho pramlum��e.��dred to malntaln the mortgaQe Ineurwnco In attoct. II,for any raanan,Iho _
<br /> •• ,-, mortgxge Innurartoe coverapa requked by Landar lapaea or ce+�ee�to be In ettacl, Oorrowtx sli�ll pcy the pren�luma roqukad to
<br /> obtaln covc�sge eubatantl�ly equy�ient to the nxNtptpe N�euruice prevlauety In eflect, �t w cost nuhatantt�ly equMal�nt to ihe
<br /> � � �• • cost ta BoROwer a1 the mortgtge hsunnce pravNxlsy N� eHeat, hom �n aflemnte mortgaye Ineurer Rpprovaf by Lenda. II
<br /> � � � ;;• , aubst�nti�lty equN�{ont owTtpape Ineurance covernpa Is not�v�ii�ble� BoROwe�ehrM p�y to Lender each month �eum�qu�1 to
<br /> ' `�'� ono-twdtth o1 ths ye�rty mat�ps haunnce pramkim b�inp�ak1 Dy 8wrower when th�Inourr�na�covew�Gtpard a ce�s�d to
<br /> • . • � �- be In dtecL Lendw wiM�co�pt, ue��nd retwin thaae paymenta aa� lo�e �eeerve b Nou of mort�p�In�ur�nas. Loa� nservt►
<br /> / .� r paymec�te may no bnper b�+raquked, �t the optlon ot Lend�r, N matgage Innurance covernps(fn the unaunt�nd la the perlod
<br /> �.� t ,- th�1 lende►raqukea) provlcled by�t►Insur�r approved by Le.�dK�fla{n O�como��v�I1�bIa�nd{a o6t�lned. Barower�haM paY
<br /> �' '-` th�premtum�r�quked to m�l+itak� mrxtWp�Imuranco In etf�ct, or to�ovlde a bsa reawve,untN th�roqufrema�l for nw+tprpe
<br /> , Y � In�umce and�In accurd�nc�wkh any writien a�rs�mant hetween�ormw�r I�nd l�ndr ar applfo�t�{�k►w.
<br /> _ �. 9. (nspacstlop. lender w R�a�r►t m�y m�ke�MSOnable entrks upnn�nd hspscUons ot th�Prop�rty. l�t►dM'shal pN�
<br /> - , �, pnrrowaz arnlc�tl th�iNn�ol a�{or to on�ispQCtWn ap:c�Yytnp roaaonab;a causo lor th�lnspectlon.
<br /> - � 10. Cond�tfl��tlOn.Th�prc►aad�ot�►y�warcl or cl��m la damage+,dkect a aaiuqwantN�l, In cannsction wilh�ny
<br /> . ;� ooncfemnatfon a othx Wdnp of �ny p�rt o1 the PropeAy� or tor conv�y�nce�n You of cond�rtw►�Uon, ar�hereby�asl���d�nd
<br /> ;,��_ . `_ `� shal b�paid to l�►det.
<br /> . , . - In th� avrnt ui • lotal t�kA�p oi the PropeKy, the proceed� ahaN b� �ppiled to th� �ume aQaurad by thb 3axxky
<br /> �y�. . _ - ��• ' 4nativmenl,wh�iher or not then dur.with any uccaa� pald to Banawar. In the event o!s pa�lkl t�k4�q W th�RopMiy N wtdch
<br /> the hir mukN vaiu�ot th�Prop�dy kn�nacll�tNy b�lon ths t�kkip 1� wwM to a ynst�r th�t ifi��mot►nl al th�rutYw srour�c!
<br /> f r . �.,� •�i by thl� S�axfcy Inatnxn�nt Nwn��toiy b�lora th� takM�Q, unN�f �a+ro►vrr �nd l�nd�r oth�rwlse�yr�a in wrkkip. tho w+n�
<br /> �,,,-�_+�w � _ � a�cund by thb SsaNiry Imtrum�nt shaN bs redurwd by tha�mount of/h�procasc}s anulllplF�d by th�toMowinp 1lacifatr (�1 th�
<br /> : �;, •` ' . � totai�nounl ot ihe �wna ascura�krw�tt�atey b�are the takh�p,dkWed by (b)the tdr'mula!vekt�ot th�ProprlY Nrn�cWt�li►
<br /> '� :_'�a''�_,�..��' ._��_�.. � ..,... . .,.MLl.,4 w,.
<br /> �,_n.�r::c:,.:.�}.:�`-` 17oiaw rit�iiw'ary.i+vi�i`viuiwoi Gr�a��...�`' w L...�'iG"'..�..'sC!!��._.»Lt!..r._..���..._!�[�,v h u!hloh tha Yfe ma11cM
<br /> :;m_,;sy��--�.,�- valu�af 1M Prap�ty Mnxn�cN�tey b�toro the WcM�q le kss than ths amaunt af th� ���curni Imrn�cNatMY balu+s th�4�kk�Q,
<br /> cNa
<br /> -- =��;;;;,� ' unN» 0arrow�r �nd UndK oth��wk+e ayr�e In wAtinp or untees �ppNcabt� Mw olharwU� prc+vklos. Ih� {xocNd� �h�M b•
<br /> -==—=-°=�� �ppNad to the suma securod by thlr SowrMy In3trumenl whMha Fx not th�sum��ue then due.
<br /> --°----r.��.
<br /> -- ' N th� PPOp�lty(� �AtfOt1W DY BOffOWR.a li,A1rtw no�iw Gy i.attiR iv 'owTOwR iiHi ini �wivaiw�'v.v�r.�. �....�....�
<br /> — _ __��� �wud a s�td� • claim Acx du�wQw, SarrowK tall� to rorpond to L«�dK wlthln 90 dr�ts �R�r the dat� th� notM� N pfvM.
<br /> Lend�M �ulhaiz�d to coNoct �nd y�p�/ th� procwds, at Its optfon, Ntha to rsat�tbn a rspak o�th� Prop«ty a to tha
<br /> ;��-:,.=��� aum���cured by this 8�aeky Mskum�nl,wh�th�a�ot th�n dus.
<br /> ---- =:�� lMlsrs 4�ndrr �nd Bar�wvK othxwfa �p�M In wtlUnp� �ny e�ppliutlon o1 proc�sd� to prk►oip�l aMdl not wRond or
<br /> �,,,;�„��,� postpa»th�du�d�ta ol th�monthy paymw+t�rMerr�d to In puapn�ph�1 �nd P or cfw��ih��rta�x�t of suG�p�yfltlnU.
<br /> ------ _— 11. Bo��ow�r Nat fiNa�s�d; Forbssrana� By L�ndor Not �W�iwr. Factm�ton ot th�wn�tar paym«►t or
<br /> -��� mo�lMcatlon ol�nwrttzalbn of th��urtw s�au�d by thM S�curky In:Uummt pnnt�d by L�ndK to�r►y wcc�aor h IntKNt o)
<br /> ,.�� �orrowe shall nol op�i�to t�u th� N�t�llily of th�oripk�l OarwhrK r,�Barow�'�wcw��ore in bterw�l, UndM eh�ll nol
<br /> � ba nquked ta corr�rtwna� prooNdinW �fl�inst �ny sucow�or In k►tKHt a nluw to �xt�nd IU►w tor p��n�n1 or othMwk�
<br /> —==---_ � modNy�niteiUon of th� sums a�cured by tFd�3�cwity In�trument by rw�on ol�ny d�nwnd m�d�by th�aipin�l Barowa'or
<br /> ��--- 8arrow�ry �ucoKSOn In intwest. My iorDMr�na by Lender In �uc�rd��ny tlOh1 or nn►�dy tt�aN not be �walv�r of oe
<br /> pr�cktd�th�utKOhs ol�ny rlyM or nmedy.
<br /> ��������r� tZ. Suco�ssora �d Atslpns 8ound; Jolnt �nd S�v�ral LI�blllty; Ca-slyn�n. Th� covanana�nd
<br /> - n�eemente o1 thls S�cixity In�lrum�nt�hvl bkid�nd O�naIN th��uccK�on�nd a�flpn�of lenciw�r►d BoROw�r.wbJecl to th�
<br /> ..���.��`3� provl�bn� 01 p�npreph 17. BoROw++'� aov�nt�and�prNnwnts slMM b�Jok�t�nd twKal. /1ay BarowMr who co-slpm th4�
<br /> ���r� S�cu�ly Instnimont Dut dose not uucuto fh�Note: (�)b casf9ntnp thli 8�cwity MtAUmmt ony to mott�n��pr�n1 und conv�Y
<br /> -�A�'���''� th�t BorcuwK'� bt�11n tiN PrapKty undK th�tKmi of thi�S�ourNy NtsWnwnL' (b) 1� nat poram�ily ob!{yat�d to pay the
<br /> °�'��E?'"'�' cunu seour�d hy this Securky In�WnHnt; �nd (o) ���1Mt 4�nd�r wnd any oth�r BortowK may�An�b �ctaid, mociMy,
<br /> °°-----�,��� torbwr or m�ia any �ccoawrwci�Uons wfth rep�r�l to th�term� ot thl� 8aourMy MiUum�nt or th�Not�wkhout th�t BortowK'�
<br /> -_--::�-�y��� conaen�
<br /> _.,—�•�„.�-
<br /> _. . _.-";`.,�; ; 13. L,oan Chi���Y�. M th� Ican ��cur�d by this 8ecutity Inatn►mwil la wb}�ct to � Mw whlch ats mrxAnum lu�n
<br /> ;:=�_�;_ chtirrpes, �nd thtl t�w I�An�lly fnterptMat w that the Interaat or othw luan ch�ry�e call�ctod or to b� coM�t�d In conn�ctloo
<br /> -_-:�_�_�.�zY Wph����� r��p�t�d Amlt�. then; (��Rny euch ban chuya �MN bs reduced Dy th��mouM�ecesauy io reduce
<br /> -"_-� � ;:'. �� th• cf�r�to lM 1���� Mmit� and (b) �ny sums�kwdy coM�ct�d irom Basowa wh{ch �xcMd�d p�nratlled Ntnit� wiN be
<br /> -"-"�4.t�'+ ',�, tNundad to Barow�r• R�ndK r►�y choos�to mak�tl�retund by r�dudnp th�princ�xl ow�d und�r th� Not� vr by m�kkip�
<br /> ':'��••_.c��.`r. dkact paymmt to Botrow�r. H ■ �elund nduca• princ�p�l, ths ��ductk�n wNl b�tre�t�d �e � partW {xeWrymant wkhoul my
<br /> - ..,_:., �,�^�s'-'s'is`:.':t C!`;s�uas�s!h.!�!�t�
<br /> �• ` ` 14. NotlCp�.My noUca to Bortowet provkl�d for in thls Secvrity instnimant shaN bo�hren by dattvwina 11 or by m�Ilinp N
<br /> � , ,.�.�� by flrat cks� mW unl� �ppNabN Mw P�quk�� u�e of�nother molhod, Th�notk� �h�M ba dir�ctad to th� P►op�ty AddrN�
<br /> ''m+�"'`°m' or �ny othK �ddras 8or�owa d�alpnata by notics to Under. My noUa to Land�r shdl b� pNYn by Nrut cta�s maN to
<br /> __=-�K � .}� �end�r'�addreaa atated harein or ary other�dd►�as lender d�atynates by notic�to BoROwer. My ooUc�provided tor In thl�
<br /> - ��" Security Ins4rument shaN b�d�etn�d to hav�been plven to Bonower or l�nder wh�n phren as p►ovlded fn thb panyraph.
<br /> �-��-'°� ' 1S. Oovern�np LAw; SYVYr�blUty. Thls Security Instrument oheM be povomed by feder�l I�w �nd ths I�w of the
<br /> - ' Judodlctlon In whlch tho Prop[Mty Is lacated. In tho ovent that ony provls{on or clou$e of this Secudty Inatrument a the Nole
<br /> c�nflicia with appllcable{aw, euch oonAlcl ehaY not aHect other pravislona o1 thls 9acurky Inatrument or the Note wAlch can be
<br /> pNai aitocl without tho conillctlnD provlalun, To thio ond t8o provi�lona ot thl3 aQCU�ity Inatnimont and the Noto aro declarecl to
<br /> � , be anverabfe.
<br /> 1U. Borrower's Capy. Borrower ahaN be gi�ien one contortncd copy o1 tho Noto ond o1 ihls Socuriry Inewmer►1.
<br /> . ;�. � F1310.LM0(7FJ5) Pago 3 01 9
<br /> fl5119
<br />