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F i�, r.:� � .t� � �� <br /> . . . � ,�• � .,, �, . �. , : �,S _ <br /> fif In -i � ca �'- <br /> • � � � ''� Z '"'� . „ �.� -y <br /> v• � � { � c � '+1 1 (,�.a� — <br /> 1 �1 CL� �1 ,� F"`� ia1 <br /> � � � y� 't: �'� J! <br /> � j.. � fJ <br /> � i � '. :'I) � � � <br /> , (� � ::7 �� �.. ».J � <br /> ` - p.,, � � � � -- <br /> -' �•�"� t—� �� � c <br /> ; �� ..... <br /> . `' � u' � � �_ <br /> (Spaco Abnvo 74�Lv t.lno[�or Rccording pnta) �/���/��+Jv� <br /> I�E;�D Ol� T'RUST ��pro <br /> V�11•6�I� `��dIL�vU,tJ�4I � /]_ <br /> . ..._ .- ��i�).i.'.'i(��i `7T <br /> n��tH�,n�: :;r,tn� �>� � <br /> nn►v,sfi�rti.�.v«�i4�i,��,�s "� <br /> �G <br /> mHIS nEBD OF TktU57'("Security Instnimen�")is mudc un SGPiGD1AGR 20, 1995 .Thc traist�r is <br /> DORSON L. 5AWYERS ANb KARLA J. SAWYFRS., HUSIIAND AND WIFG AS .10YNT TENANTS <br /> ("t3oreowce").'Chc trustco is NqK�p:y'� �(�K NLllW1SKA, NATIONAL AuSO�IATION <br /> ("Trustcc").'Tho bencflcinry is NORWEST HANK NEBEt�1SKA� NATIONAL ASSOCIATION <br /> which ia org�+nixcct a�xl sxisdng under thc lnws of �1F UNIT�D STATES OF AMiiRYCA .Ancl whosc <br /> ttddress ls 3GOG WFST 13th STR�GT GItAND IGLAND� N�BRASKA 68803 ' <br /> ("l.ender").}3orrowcr owcs Lctxler 1he principxl sum uf <br /> iiiti� TiivilS'rir�I'i �i�Jt3 :it3a'312n•r'.12 �3:1:.I,s'�n� AL:L' I;t1 CEl:T3 pp11�4ty(U.S.$ �+�9,200�QQ+�*+����� )• <br /> 'Chis debt is by B�rrower's note dtited tho sa�nc datc ns this Sccurity instrument("Noto").which Fra�ictcs for <br /> monthly poymcnts. wfth thc fl�ll dcbt,if rtot paid c.�rlicr,duc an:t puyuble on SE�'�TE1�IIF� 20 �OUO <br /> This Serurilv Instn�me�t 6CCUl•CS tu LCIIdCi:(al the repnymct►t of the d�bt ovidcnc y c otc,�U mtcrest,nrxl aU rcnc:wels, <br /> �xtcnslans nnd motliftcutlans af the Notc; (b)the psyenrnt of a!1 oth�r c��mv, with interest, eclv�n�al un0er paraSrvpn�� io <br /> protcct the securlty of this Sccurity Instn�ntcnt; nnd (c) the perfonnnnco of Bnrrowcr's covenants and aErcemcnts. Por thia <br /> purpr�se, Horrowcr irtevocpbly grants and canvoys t�n 'Trustcc,in trust, with pawcr of salo, �hc fallnwin� describcd pro�x;ny <br /> C�imty,N�hrnvka: <br /> locate�i in HALL <br /> iliG NORTH�RI,X 40 F��T OF I,qT 8. HLOCK �26, KOI:NIG AND WIL�BE'5 AADIT�ON. <br /> C1�'Y OP GRAND XuI,AND� HAI.3. GOUNTY. Nk;HRASIU <br /> T11IS AE�D OF TRU9T SEGURES AN QPEN ENQ RGVOLVING LINE OF CREDIT. <br /> SEE A�TTACH�A HQbi� EQUITX LINE OF CREAIT RIDER. <br /> . which hns the ndcfs�ess of 21�► SOUTH CI,A.RK GR.A�D ISLAND 'iscrcc�,CityJ, <br /> Ncbrnsku 68801 ("Praperty Address ; <br /> ('Liy Ccx1o1 <br /> '�()(3BTHE?tt WI'I'H tiU tha improvemcnts now an c�razFcr erected an tito prope�ly, s►nd nll e.�s�:mcnts, npp�:�c�::�m�ces,nnd <br /> i�ixtures now un c�rcuitcr n pnrt oF thc praperty. All rep[ac�ntents t�nd ndditions ehall nlsa be covcrecl by this Sccurity <br /> Instn�ment.All af tho forcgalng is refcrred to ln ttds Sccurity Instrument�s thc"Prape��ty." <br /> DORROW�R COV�NAIV7'S thttt Hart'awcr is lawfully sclscd of th;.esteitc I�eceby canveycd and h�.s the right to gmnt and <br /> � canvey tho Property und that the Pmperty Is unencumhered, except for encumbrances of recor�l, B^sco�ver wnrrants und will <br /> dcfetxl gcneral�y tho dtlo ta the Prnperty A$Ut[ISt BII CIAIt17S atl(I(IC(11A71dS.6UI1,�CCI IO All�f fnCUIY16fAl10CS OY(GCA((J. <br /> TIi1S SLCIiEtITY 1NSTR�3°�9BI3T conabines u�iform covenants for n;►ttonal ��s���tl non-unifonn covenan�s wlth limited <br /> vurlations by jurisdictian tu constitute�uulfarin secudty instnirr�ent eaverin�re.�►i praperry. <br /> UNIFORM COV�?NANT5. Borrower und L.ctider covenant and ttgree t�s follows: <br /> 1. PAymeat ut P71ncl{utl And Interest; Pre�yment pnd I.ato Chs+rgeA. Dorro�vcr shnll pramptly pay whcn due thc <br /> principal of an�.11ntetest on thc dr,bt evidencuf b the Nato and any prepayment and lato churges due uixler Yhe Note. <br /> 2. F�nds Por Twxes und Imsurance. Sub,�cct to�ppiicnblc law or to fi wrltten wtiivcr by l.endcr,Borrower shull pay to <br /> Lcndcr un the dny monthly p:►yments arc duc unrler thc Nutc, until tho Notc is pzid in full.:►su�n("i'unds")for:(a)ycarly tuxe.9 <br /> anJ�isscssmcnts which mzry attnin prioriry ovcr this Sccurlry Instrument as a Ilen�n the Property; (b)yenrly IeASChold pnytnents <br />= ar ground rents on thc Property, if any; (c)ycnrly hn•r��rd or pmperty insurnncc prcmiums;(d)yc��rly floocl insurancc prcm�ums, <br /> iP nny; (cj y��rly mortgago insuumcc prcnnums, if uny; nncl (� .�ny sums payuhlc hy flarrowcr to landtr, in pccordancc with <br />— dic pr��visions of paragrnph 8. in licu uF Ihc ptiymcut of martgngc insur�ncc prcnil►nns, 'fhcse itcnts nrc adlccl "L�scrow Items,,' <br />— Lcndcr nr,�y. nt uny timc, c:alicct imd hold Funds in nn nmoimt not ta cxcecd thc nuiximum umount u lcndcr for n fcctcrnlly <br /> rclutcd martgngc loan mt�y reqtdro for Ilorr��wcr's cscrow t�ccaunt under the fcderHl lic�d F.stntc Sctticmcnt Proccclures Act oF <br /> 1974 ns amendcci fram tlmc to umu, 12 U.S,C. 5cctian 2601 er seq. ("RBSPA"). unlcss i�nothcr luw thnt npplics to thc Funds <br />= rcts u Icsscr nmount. If so, Lcndcr mny. tn nny timc, colicct nnd hold Punds in nn nmount not ta cxcccd thc Icsscr amaunt. <br />� Lcndcr may estimatc thc amount of Funds duc on the basis of current dfltfl t�nd reusannblc c:stimntcs c�f cxpcnditures of funae <br /> f:sccow Itcros or nthcrwisc in nccorJuncc�vith applicablc It�w. <br /> NEBRABKIt•Sin�lo FnmllyFannl�MeNFreddl�Mao UNIFORM IN&TRUMENT Fann 3028 8/80 <br />� �NI 12T87 MTO VMN MORi0a0R FpRMS-1313i9D3 0100•�0001821�7201 Popo 1 u14 AtiNtIC1�f1 8181 <br /> _ r <br />