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<br /> ti�atute. ISw:ry�a,rcr ae r�nte4y Ql�tin by�ny�.�t Ihe Ix►an tnntument�tn'llvateo or I3entticlery�t to NMch ellhcr ot Ihcm mqy Oa
<br /> othcrFiso enthlc4,mxy t�e e�er.�itd,eoi�currtntty or Ir.�e�xnrkntip,fran dnw to tinte,ertil a�uttcn w��nay 6o deenuQ ex�xQtent by
<br /> 7tvstee or��xtkieryr,rnd N�her eF lCem nu�y putauo inc+�n�ctcut rcme�lks. Kothln�h.rcln�hAll Go conaqlccd nn�uhiblling
<br /> Qcartk�Lty fmm�king�detklency JuA�ment e�latiut tso'Att�tor to ttlo extent rucL�ci{uu I�penulited 6y law.
<br /> ts. ���i�it�:i;5:�t�_".i.�.��=C 'lt�=•�r�y re�:.�ts a r�;f c��'+p n�cr�ranl�.,ina tn�e a�,y nnstsr�'eal�
<br /> t�:xuader Os m�lk4 to it at tho e�ircrs�st k+c1A In lha(Irit parobnph ot thb lDeeO of'Atu+i,
<br /> 14. allVitRNlh(i I.A1y, 'Ihk Deed ot 7tus�shnll bn 6aNen�eA by Iho 1��at Itw Stnze oi 1�`cbnEk�•In Iho cvint t��t any
<br /> pn.rvqloc�ar cUwo of uty ot the I.oan Iastnimant�cortQkts�dlh�pp14ca6M le�,tuc9 eontlkia Rh!dl tnK atfut cuAer peulvitlona ot euch
<br /> l.00n[n�tnuxnu wf+kh ca�i ba�2vcn e(fert w�lRout tho av+lll,�c3�►g pmv6c►ou�;a�u1 to Ih�erM,lho�myvicie:is�Q ahc l,oan lntitcumrnta
<br /> eiv derlarc0 to b;.a:�:.rabi�. 'ITiN inciw�u;:nl ni�mnK Go Mai�rd,ctt�cLi.�a,dIs:iu�-geA,or tcaninatc.A urslty,Uut at�t�by nn In�trnmcnt in
<br /> wMdna sl,�rted oy the i�rtY NPlnn wnon�enic�neemeni w�rry ws.ivcr,c��ty�o,�iia�+u�a;tc�-Sio;�t����tii�
<br /> �g, �,M. rlViiYA[�,�; 1 '1'�2tISlltit, Upon ve�ittcn teqw�t nt l3eneticiary rttting thet�11 Rums acurcA IicieDy huro
<br /> Acea p�W,anA upon�urnn�r of tht�DrcQ of'lYwi�nd the Nao ta'ltu�tea for c�ncelt�N�w anJ�ete�tton�nd upon Mymcnt by
<br /> 'itwtcx of'ltu�tee�+rcea,�ha�oo.h.0 ereon�ey co 7r,a�x,or�ae pena�ae p�e++a+�kplly rnHtkQ tAeato,without w�rcanty,�ny
<br /> podlon ot tho'/'�wt Fitata tMn!�W Autunder. 71a recitaM in wch ra�aa��yN�feo ot a�y nuttea or bct���+atl ba conc(wfvo proaY ut
<br /> tkw tnitl�tuiruas thenoY. '!h.Rrantee ia aay reeenvey�+r.cb m�Iy bo►Sprvctlbal M'Ide penon ar penoru kpify entllkA theretn°.
<br /> 18. C{,(j�'(�}a,, WAenever&nofki�ry,7Ywtor�cx'[l�wta�fl Mrl�to Riw a urva Nny notka�denu�ixl�requut ur aher
<br /> u�mmu�katioa rv{Ib rosnecl ta thi�[?�e4 ot'IYwt,e�cl►we11 aolice,d�nr�ud,nq�i ot aiht��ct�romui�k�tk�n�h+ll[ro in�vdtin��n�L
<br /> th�il be dt�stivo cynly it�he ume 1�cklivrrod by pti/nr►+il�t�o or aaiN6 b�r etrllf{ed mril,I�«tb P�'�P�k1,retum receipt t�equeated,
<br /> WdrortQd to Iho�dA�Mt fath�t tIM bt�elnY of thM I)�ed ot'11tu�t.AeY P�Y�ey at INMi Nma dwn�e 1���dCtew fw�ucn
<br /> flptkp�Qt1�F1'�11�QR i1M11111R LO t�10 M�lOf�fl�'M htPE10,M�OPOi{f1Q�w IIMkY1 q�tY:h Chit1�S.
<br /> :�. AS��S}Y�SIZiE�. 7lwtou�ccq+a!►�'ftwt�n tak ReoA of 7Ywt�duly eYCCUted�ad�ct�nn�►1e0jod,
<br /> i�m�de��wbik rec�A pn�viAeA hY law.
<br /> !N WI'INEi55 WHtiRE'AP.T�wtoe hac acecuted�Afs Deed d 7tw��+ot tAe Any nno year fin��bave�rritten. Trustea
<br /> �crepts tAM'iSv�t wMn thb 1)eod ol7Ywt,duly erecutcd and wcknu*toA�ed,i�m�Ae�pu8ik rccoN u�xavided by tMV.
<br /> IIV WIfNE�SS 1VtiERP.AP.'llwtor luu exccutcA thia DarA o('iltwt M at Iho A�i��na ye�r fint�Lov�e xr(ttee.
<br /> �
<br /> Rs l.0'Owtnor�'l�irctot W
<br /> �„�.�'C��,�""'"s'�
<br /> -" --- - - - - . - . J�II�J..trt�naf;'arw�oo . ...
<br /> � v
<br /> I.Sldi MOT[�I.(30RP.,1Y�utor
<br /> �)" --- ., �
<br /> }3at)U.Anhlen,Prnai�nt
<br /> STA'Ct3 pF NCiBRASKA )
<br /> � M.
<br /> CAUKIY OP tCA1J: )
<br /> Oa thM 1Mh dry af O�Vober,19Ri,MJore o�e a iVowy Pubtb.4��ad!or Mid muaty wA uate�posa�llar�PP��
<br /> IiAYMOND l.UY?OiVNC1R and JB[1NIPHR 9.(�'(XaNNOR>Hu�eA aed Wife,�nd�etnt�kA�ed the exavtk�p thereot to be tdair
<br /> vulunt�ry�ct�pA deeQ.
<br /> --"�'^.w..�'�..w .
<br /> �CE11EA�lNDtAllr,si�k�tNew�sM� r�'¢��`
<br /> IAURA L.0'?�l(TEII �K.
<br /> �yr Ow�.Ea�Ap+12419l1 .r
<br /> lio
<br /> ) te.
<br /> COUKI'Y OI+HAI.L )
<br /> On t61�18th day ot Octotxr,19l1S,be[oro mo r 1Vot�ry F'ubiic!n�nd[or ui4 counry�nd��t�tc,penonally�ppe�rcd Ii�ri D.
<br /> Hohlen,Presldcnt M Ido Motel C�rp.,a Nob.rukr Car�oratlon,mA�ckno�rkAged tho exccution thcrcof to bo hb vatur�t�ry ac1 md
<br /> deed aaA tho valunt�ry ecl ArtQ dccci of w1d toqwraUon.
<br /> �CENERAI NOTARP•St�H ot NtbuM� ,� v �
<br /> LAUFiA L.DFa{IEH tary Publlc /�5���
<br /> Mr CanrN.E,p.Apr�2t,199A •—
<br />