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<br /> ����,��.�.�.�.�.x����4�....�...�r�cr�.��,���:� ���r��
<br /> 9'�'1►'I'E OF `�'k�}{1�8 I
<br /> �()ti�1'X cl tP� �L PfiS� �
<br /> WHEREA�, Sal�ll nueinor�o Adm�.rai�tratior� 3� �ho awnor and holdmr o� aoYtain
<br /> Mortc�ac�a/Uaad v� 7`ru�C liereinat�er dQ�or�bad, reaprciad iti tho oP�iae ��
<br /> Cpun�Y C.1ork o� 13ALL Caunty, Sta�p o£ NEHAAAK!►,
<br /> !?�t� �P I,�eY! I2E�rc�r.dC�d
<br /> �i1�4�. A�qC�uli��,,,,_,�IIf��ll�e.,._�oa�C ,�4��� _
<br /> aD11l�tY3 .T. HIOI,I�Y
<br /> I1!$�It 11. HIOLSY �ZS�000.+�0 !/4/YO •A�00�900
<br /> whiah Lien aovox�s �he Pallowing desnribed raal eata�e si�ua�ea in
<br /> N�LL county, SLate a£ IT�IHAl181G, �o-�wit t
<br /> LOT 1�SGRT �8� Ili BL�QR T1f0 (Z�� xK `']1LL1�Y �TEII BUHDTV�9IOli T�T T8� �8T
<br /> Hl1L! O� TH11 110RT8�18T Qd71AT8R OP BECTYObT �Z� T411N8HIlP ai �IOAT�o YtANG11f 9
<br /> 11E8T 0�' 'A'H1! 6TH �.![.
<br /> WttERE'�AS, th� C3nte and indab��iinee� rp�erred ta in eaid lien instrument have
<br /> bAen gully p�a�d and ez�tief:te�lt „
<br /> NOW� ��EREFARE, KNUW AL� KEN IIY TH1E�E P�tE9ENT8s The� �he Smali Huaine�g
<br /> Adm�ra:��tra�ion, in aonsid�ration os� �aayment and a��isf�atian a� e�ic�
<br /> indobtedn�s�o doea hereby di�ahargo and r�+�eaee sAid roat p�a�e•r��� �Prom �e
<br /> lian aret�t�c� by virtue oP eaid N'ote t�nrl ind�+bCednees in tl�e �s�stx�m�nt
<br /> reP�rred to ab�va, a� w�+l]. �� all eu�#► oth�r right, t i.tlo, lien, whether
<br /> expres� or imp].ied, p� c1�im �n and ��r� said re�i pr�+ erty ae �aax have Leen
<br /> crea�ec� by os arieen �rom the tran�ac�ion abnve me►nt�oa�ed.
<br /> m,.iQ vo�n,.AA ia OYeautea arad flelivered nursuant to th� aQ�.aqations o�
<br /> auL•hority^pubii�he8 in the Federai Itegister on January 15, 1982 (47 F.R.
<br /> 2305), ths con�ente o! whioh pub].�.aet�on ie Ca be judial.�lly no�iaad
<br /> nur�uant �0 4A UsC, Seotion 1507, un�.e�s othexw�.de upae�itiQally providad by
<br /> �.� �*sc s3a �b) (�?�
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOE, �hie in�trwaent ia pxaau�sd thio so ��y ot �spT��A,
<br /> i�l1b.
<br /> 9Ml�iilLL HU8 S AOMINxSTR��ION
<br /> By � �°-� �
<br /> OHN 0�
<br /> 8UP I60RY YA�N 8P ALxST
<br /> �aTI1T� OF TEXA3 ) '
<br /> COUNmX OF EI� PASO )
<br /> HEFORE IlE� ths und�rsignea, a Nota�ry Publia �m m�d tar ■aid County �nd
<br /> B�Ate, �►� �h�,s da�y pasaanally appeared John I�uno�, known ta �as tc� be tha
<br /> supQrvisa�ry Loan spaciali�t, ot the El Paao Dfatrfa� OP�iaa, s�s11 Hueina��
<br /> l�d�ini�tra�tion �nd that he exacu�sd tha aame as the lxae� aat and dead o�
<br /> �ha s�aYl Hu�inqao Ad�ini�txnL•ion tor. the purpo�o� and aaneid�rnt:lon
<br /> thorain �axpraa�ad, ancl in the aapaaity therein �ta�e�.
<br /> GiVEN UNDER MX HAtID and aeaa o�ofPiae this t� 80 of a��PTEIIHL"B, ilSIB.
<br /> / /
<br /> �M
<br /> � �p^Rp�sUCx �
<br /> � NOT t�lARY ROD�2 EZ, N�tary u i in and
<br /> St�ta ot Texas por El Paeo Caunty, 9tat exAS.
<br /> �"""•�"�•a''�4� MX aommiseion axpiree 6-24-99.
<br /> nLx
<br />