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<br /> tho Loan YnaCrunlottCU or by laM u�o�l oGauxrenca a� any avan� ot doent��L•, ina��ic3iu� =
<br /> elie r��hC Co nx�xr.tea Ctie ��oxe�r ob' e7daot -
<br /> (U) Cam�a��a �p p���f7�1 t;e �o�aaxaae thia gaeci o� Truc�c nn n moztc�a�a,
<br /> c�x��cs�ti�ti e receivor. or spacri�ic�Yly en�QZ�:a any a� Gh� Govenantp hoxn���
<br /> te) 6aS�.vas Cc� Tsi�egaA t� �r'�C�aa d3cs2�ra�ian nF d�fault and E�e�st��c1 Sux -
<br /> oc�le, e�nd a Mx��eni� izaCf�a c�i u'a€at�lt and ol�aeic� �a esuon Txv��cr•e 3r�eg�eL =
<br /> �� � !r.�ar �nrnre. r_.A l.u� noid� rhich nntice TrueCQfl ehe11 ctsun0 to bo duly tiled -
<br /> Ror �cecoYd .ln Glie t�pproprie►CO Q!li�ie�l Rocnxde o! th� Caunr.y in wh�lah Che 'i'ru�t _
<br /> BaCe►f:e ia 1oct�C�+t�. �
<br /> 11, �.n��q��,� �?�3._QF_a�,, 8houid [1anaPiaia�cy alact to faxdalona -
<br /> by �,xncu�tati a� tr.� FW.:�r nP �a2a h.�roin eantaina3. �aaa�icda� ah�ll rsa�if, �.
<br /> �xue�ee e►nQ aheli d.epasi� Mith �`xustee thi� Aned p� mruet end Che Note and Auch
<br /> rece�tpte and ovi(i�aae �� exponcliturae mada and aocured horaby ao Trueha�+ may
<br /> requixe.
<br /> (d1 tlpon racafpt oP uuah notice �ram 8ent+PicieYy, TYUetee ehali cauee� to
<br /> ba recorded, Put►lieh�d c►nd dtelivoxeci �o 'I`rueCOr euch Natic�► a� Dafault ana Notice •
<br /> o� Sale no �rien reguise�d by le�W nnd by thie Deed oP TruuC. Truatee uhall.
<br /> witho»t dema►nd on Txuetar, e�Cer euch Cime� ae ma►y thon bo reQuixed by 1e►N and
<br /> efter r�cardAC�.an oP euch Tlo�ic� oY Det�ult end atter Notic� aP �eie ;having beer►
<br /> given aee rayuired by laM, aoll Che Truet 8etat•e at the time And place or eala
<br /> �ixed by iC in such Notice oP 9ele, eiCher ae A who1Q, or in eoperate 1o�e or
<br /> daterm�nar a�e �publia,a cC�lon e athe h�he�bidcler �or c ehu in 1 Mlul money oiyf
<br /> the tlrritod 9Catee, p�yable eC tM�a �ime af aeld. ZYustee ehall delive� to �uch
<br /> purcheser or purcha�esrs thernoP, ira goad and aulPiaient deed or deedti. �canveying
<br /> the prc�erey eo eold, laut pithou� nr►y covanant or warrar►ty, �+xpreao or i►�tpl3ed.
<br />- Tho recit+�le in s�ch C�ad �P any matCere or PavE� whaXl � conciueiva proo�E of
<br /> elie truthlulnean thereoP. Any per�on, iccluQing, without limitaCian, Traetor,
<br /> Tsuetee. and AanbPi�iary, m�y gurchaa�+ at such eele, and Truetor herehy cavent+nCe
<br /> to �arrant and da�Fenci Che Citle of nurh puYCha�ser or purcht�aere.
<br /> (b) AB may be pern►itted try lew, After daduati»g a�il caaCa, teea� expensao
<br />- oP Txuatee and oP tl»le Truet, including c4aee a! ovidance of tatie in conneotion
<br /> Mieh �ale, �'ruetee elinll epply �he proceede o� sAle to pryrne!r.nC of (i) �il ownti
<br />- e�mended under the te�a heres�E. not tftQi� icQRt���. Mi�h acoxued �ntaroet at �welve
<br />- (191r) per�ent per annum, fii� ceA2 ather aume thsa eecuxad hereby, auid (iti.) ehm
<br />■ xen�inder, i:f a�y, to the ge�o�xi or pereotaa legAlly entitied thareto.
<br /> _ ��; m„,�.�±� �; i., rhw �snn�r nrnvided hy lav, nostnone oale o! ell or
<br /> at;y yoief�� a� tha Tsuat satate.
<br /> i9. RID�DiSB ,$Q�„�(����i� Tsv�taa and Ban�ficiasy, pnrl anch of Chem,
<br /> ehall �se entiCled to enlorce payraant a�nd �ertosmdnce o! any indebtia�ne�a or '
<br /> oblig�►ti�ono oecured hereby �►nd to �xerciwe ali rightp and powera und�r th�la De�d
<br /> oP Tru�C or undar eny Loaa In�trwu�nk or oCher agreamsr►t or any IAM� nper or
<br /> horaafter in forea. no�piChatanding sc� or all ot Chs such intlebtec�nps� �nd
<br /> obligatfcuze oecured liereby mey n�ap or h�raattsr bs o�hei'�tise pecuswd, Mhethsr hy
<br /> mor[gag�, detd oP truet. piedge, lien, a��ignraenC or �thex�+iae. Neith�x Ehe
<br /> sec�p�ancs of thie Deod at ^.ruye nar i�a entorcemsnt �haCher 1by �ourt aetion or
<br /> purouaac eo ehe gower of �a�le or other pox�r� hsrein r.antt+�nad. �hsli �rejudic�
<br /> or in e�t►y m�n�ler stlact TrueCes'o or S�n�liaiary'o sigti� to reeli:e upon oY
<br /> antorce �ny pther ��curity noM or harasfC�r haid by Trusree cs t3�ne�ici•ry, it
<br /> being agreed ehat Tru�tee and 8en�lici�ry. u�d e�ach of ehea+, �;1�a11 b� �titiad
<br /> t4 entora� C1►io Aeed af Tzvet auid any otl�or ��curity nox ox t�ureAfter h�ld by
<br /> Beneliciaty or xruot�m, i�i� euch ord�r ana u�aruier aq �hey or eithax of tche�a iaay
<br /> tn �h�3r ab�alute diaaretion det�sc��r��. No r�dy hereii� aanferx�d upan ar
<br /> xe�erved to Truptae or 8eneliQalsry ia� intandad xo be sxvluaive o! eny athsr
<br /> zemec�y hertin ar by law pravicled or pssp�itt�d� buC asch uhali be cwwlstiv� e�r�d
<br /> eh�il ba fn eddition Co every other re�dy given h�reundsr or nox or hereslCer
<br /> exioting at iav or fn ecluity or hy 8tatuts. 1Rv�ry �Saxer ar ram�cty gatv�n by any
<br /> _ of th� �aan inets�wnente to Ts-uot•as or Senaliciauy or to which eithar o! th�m �►y
<br /> be athaa�ioe entitied, may be exeraioad, concurrently or imdependentiy, lran time
<br /> to tia�a, and mw a�ten ae ►aa,y be decnsed exF�dienG by TrueCee or aenAfiaiar�ri and
<br /> eith�r of there n�y pursue inca�oiwt�nt r�dips. Nethiag her�in ohall 1l�e
<br /> - conotrued c+o pzohibiting 8eneticia�ry fsan ae�king e d+attciency iu8gment sgainoC
<br /> thA Txu�eor to the sxcant auch atcCion io peratitL•ad by isM.
<br /> ', �� t�pRiTpQT fiAA wm� �y._are�r liwrwhv rw�u�ato a epny o£ any nBCiee ct3
<br /> delsul�,�and thAt Any�not�ce of �ale herauncias be mailed to her. �t ehs addraao
<br /> �tet forth in the firat paragraph o! thAa Datd of Truot.
<br /> i�. c3oy�$�.;�p�s Thio paed oP Truae ohail ba governeci �iy the lswa n�
<br /> the ate�Ce o! I�iMbrark�►. In the event tli�t sny psov�lpiori or clauoe o! any of the
<br /> = Loa» Inatruir,ent� conllictn Mith aDplicable lexs, 0uch confiiata aha�l not aPlect
<br /> other pxavieion0 oF euch Loan ina¢rwnente Which can b� given effer�t wi�hout the
<br /> can�lictia� �Srovioloa�ca; �nd ta thfu cn�, eh� �rovfoi�ono aP the &aan ]InotrumentA
<br />- ara dt�claxoc# co bo oeverable. '1'hit� inutrwnent c.a�ariot b+� waivad, changed,
<br /> diecliargecl, o.r terminatod orslly, hut only by �n inetrunont in arieing eigned by
<br /> - the pa►rty ag:�inot Whom on�orcamenc. of an�y craiver� chango, diacharge or
<br /> -- termiria�Cian �le eoughz.
<br />.�
<br /> ��--�
<br />