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<br /> 4� \\�� �/bWlt:t�sa � � Y � j �7 ;� `
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<br /> � 9T1�1T� t)k' NLAR�ISKA � �1'�'F��1�`/IT TU CI.R11.�t '�'ZTI►�
<br /> ) oas Q�
<br /> t".OUNTX OF HA�L 1 �'
<br /> \�
<br /> xSAOELT,� H. �AKUDOWSXI, ka�ing fi�ot; duly eworn on� P�ar
<br /> ��th, dopu��e and eayes
<br /> t. Thar ehe �e the aur.viving epouea of Robert T�.
<br /> Jaku�owski who dind on �h� 22nd day o£ Septombpx, �.995, a
<br /> rosidant o� Gr�nd Tsland, f1a11 Gounty, Nebrael:a. .
<br /> 2. Th�a� Rol�ex� L. JAkubow�ki d�oc� �ostate bu� no
<br /> pxUC�adinc�� �ar prabt�te aE his W�.11 hae b�en commenaed �nd
<br /> non� is contf:mplated.
<br /> 3. Th� only propor�y in which the doc:ede�n� hac3 an
<br /> 3r►tera�� at tha �ima o� r�is death wga owned �.n j�in� tanancy
<br /> w�.th �hia Af£iAnt, hie ourviving apouse. Suc:h Jaintly owned
<br /> , proporty inc�.uded �he a�o�.lawing deAC�^ibQd real e9tat�:
<br /> 7t'he Sou�h Fifty Fee� lEigYn� i►tohes l50' a"1 o.f the
<br /> _ . Pox�h One Hurl��et� Ti►ree FBeC �O�iis' incnea Q 3.C�� �"i .
<br /> oF �ha Wost Half o£ Hlock Two (2) � in P�.eaaant
<br /> Hama Subd3.viaion in the City of Grnnd :C�1a�nci,
<br /> . .__ ,._ L......... �� y �n�
<br /> - A�I.La. 4'OLln�y� i�eA�nntaa� uaanuaa+ia�j n.w.... ..�...-
<br /> Sa�ith Lincoln, Grand Ialand. Nebr�aRa.
<br /> 4. t�o �rocaed3.ng� £or d��erminat�.an of Neb�agka
<br /> Inheritance Tax �.s� x�quirea inaemuch aa ull �ointly owned
<br /> praparty wa� �o�nt1� owned by �he decedent with hie eu�vivi.ng
<br /> apauae, th�.r� A,ffiant. No Federax Es1:ate Tax R��uxn noed �z
<br /> fii�3 and na such �ax ie d�e hezei.� inasmuch as the total
<br /> tiaxab.l� ae�et� raere 'lese in value than 36Q0,000.
<br /> DAT�f� �hic� 18�k� day v� Octobar, ,1995.
<br /> � . ' ���.�� ?' a a.�-,�.�.w.,..�r_..A�c�
<br /> I ADELLE i. �A]CUHQWSK�, AEFian�
<br /> SUBS(:I2�HEU and �WOTtN ta before me �k�:l� 18th day of
<br /> October, 1995. �
<br /> . �
<br /> ��lNAK1�M MN�M
<br /> , ��� � No�arx Public �f
<br />