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<br /> �.4�� .lR�aYF��3 �Tie�;
<br /> - a:;r,u��r�ti;�is)E?��r�i�r c;ttP��Nlt F)rHrt��haq af H►ly�thP.r i:t►vc?nH�li9 C:it���et!mr,fdg i�r,uer c�tiittqinwi in thl��!ercct
<br /> a�lh�sl;(b)�arr�w�r�Ry�e!I r��soni��te ex�,�eneaa Int;ur�reci t►y�.s�;d�r��ztl litistee li�enf�tiolnt�lhe caveneuitg e�rid
<br />' �:,ri�n�+!rrit�ut�re�reut�i�(t�etlf��ilil�Uaecial�iu9#,en��ln�nt�r�lnrtt.�ncl�r'aAnt�`f�uxra�'er�m�tilest�n{3mvki�d
<br />_ Ir�psragra�l�1;�Nertttt�,includ�r�g,but nt�t Ilfi�ltad t4,�ea;.of�ut�to mtart�ays'to�3;ccr►rl(ci)Qartdwar t�.�kas sach pctir,n
<br />_ nK I.encle�rn�y rea�9nnr8ry�equlr�to et9si�ro th�t thn Ilon e;t thia Cleecf a�f'�uat,Londar'�Intnra�t In tha @rope�rty and
<br /> t�c�rraw�r'a nbti��Uc�n c��ay thp�um�aa�uraci�by thls tJa�c�af 1Tuat st�ull conibiva unlm��zlr�d.Upan sur.h�aAym�nt
<br />- nnd Cura b�r l3nrro�ti�r,ihl��1��t1 af 1i�u�t And tha pbll�t►tlana s��ur��l hor�ay oh�ll re�t�ln In tufl torc�anc!afia�t o9 If
<br /> no.�cca9�ration had a�eurrc�.
<br />- fi0. ��r�m��ia�ff3�nt�;A�3�1��tc�tli���ivei;le�afla��,3�a��►ne�.A9a�d+tionai�eurityh�aun��r,
<br /> Fsoriower herebyaeaip�istol.enue►ii�g�ante o9ihA��ropQrty,pr�vided that ltorrowor ehaii,pNor tv�cceiaratln�u►�der
<br /> �.a �.�..����..�4�_J���.. i ��r._...... �_ � i. a a
<br /> �ia�ix�ra��� � ttviuc�r w ttv�nvunttt6iti Gt irro rtct}ttti�ji,ttat°u inu rignc io cvito�-i�►Ta tuidin Bitcn tarti�:is iiiey faoc�rrce
<br /> ciue and�ayAbte.
<br /> Upon r►cceleretlan under paragrnph 1'�hnreaf or ebandonm�nt o�tha Nroperiy,l.ender,in�en�n,by agentor t�y
<br /> �ud�clallye�p�int�9 receiver shall boantltiet!to unter upon,take�sses9lon of an�!manogethe prop���iv�ndta c�lloct
<br /> the rer�ts ot tt�a Praperly Inclu�lnfl thosa past dua.All�onts callocte�9 6y Lender ar tho recefver aheli by appllec!flrsZ
<br /> ta�a,rymant of the coata ol managemunt o!th�P��operly and collectton af�ante,includln��qut nai Iimlted to,recelver'e
<br /> f�s,premlume on rec+aivt��'e bonds�nd raasunable aitorneya'fees,a��cl th�n tothe sums secuizxl bylhlsUe�d of'fiust. .
<br /> L,mndsr�nd ths nceiver aheli be Ileble to account oniy tor thase rents a�tually recatved.
<br /> 2iD. Raconv�yeuaa.Upc�n payment of ali eums secur�d by this Deeci o1lh�at,Lender ehr�ll reque�t liuNae to
<br /> reconvay the Property and shaii surrende�thln Daad di 1ius1 and all notos evidanofng Indebtadness aecured by thla
<br /> F��ed of'�uet tp'iYuetae.�7ustee shall recanvey the Praperiy witi�out war��nty and wHhaut ahsrge to thp pc�rson ar
<br /> �eraons I�aity entitMd thereto.Such peraon or peroons ahall pay all costs ot racordatt�n,If any.
<br /> 41. 6u6stituta 1Fustas.L.ender,at Lendor'�o�24on,ma�irom tfine ta time remava 7Pustea and appolnt a euccessor
<br /> , trustae to any lYustc+e app�ir�tac4 ht�reunder�v�n instri!naent raaordec!in the c�unty in whi�h thls C�eari of Tru9t le
<br /> �r�.�r�lA:�,VYllhaut�nvayan��Q�Rhr�Praparly,Sh�st+�����ar truatea�hall�uccoad 4o nq the tiile,prnvar anc�rlw�',��s
<br /> , cac�5w�:�r�i�upon the�tuste�i her�i��a and by ap�tisa'�!a 1���.
<br /> ��3. R�pu�s+t�trr Notic+ts.l�mrrawar�a�v�sts iha2�p�d9 of the o��tace oi deta�lt t�nd nuN�[a"aAte be aent to
<br /> Barrower'a addre,�whloh Is thA�Arraperty�9�idr��.s.
<br /> IWUR'1'(iAG�9 OR DE6p5 OF THU8T
<br /> 8orrower and Lender�equost ihe�holder of any martpage,daecl of truet or othar enaumbranc�wJth�1ler��whiGh
<br /> has pr�loriry ov4r this Deed of Ttu�t to qive Notic.e t�lender,at Lender'e addrea�s�t torth an paga one af thl�pead
<br /> c�f 1t�«t,ot�ny cl�feuB unrkr the euperi�r en��mbranae snd of Rny eatQ or nihar forectosure actMn.
<br /> IN Wil'N�SS WH�R�OP,Banawor haa exiscutad H�Ix i�a�d of ust.
<br /> � � � _�.�'G�.-��
<br /> - - - ..;i F. Pa:�.sG •s�,rnw�..
<br /> ' � - � �'�-
<br /> Br.verly .Y. u ea •tw,�,�w.,
<br /> &TATE OF NE�HASKA, ____. Ha1.1 _„_._._�. County sa:
<br /> � Un thls..��Cli._day ot e�t4mber � 19...2�,ba9ore me,the anderslflned,e Motary PubUc�duly
<br /> cornmissbnod And�uuilUad Mr eald county,peteonally cam� Jo n F• F'arlec� aq�Deve�, .V i• Par ee
<br /> H�uhind e„n,i ��p � ,to ma known to be the tdentical pareon(a)whosa�name(�)ar�r subacr�bed to the
<br /> Mrpoinfl Insuument and acknowlodged tho executlon thereof to be._...Che.l.x___.,_,..,�.,voluntary act and de�d.
<br /> WITNESS my hand a�d nota�iel a+eal at_ �-�ans� ZB�and_.;�.N�U.raekA ._...,in sal�county,the
<br /> rlete�hxeiaid,
<br /> My�ommissbn�xplres: March 10. a998 � 1 ' �
<br /> �NEAAlM01Mt1r•SbM�IM�Mrii� rra.ry uai+o
<br /> Mli G�wt E�/,MNrcM 14�I!1
<br /> '1�TRUSTEE:
<br /> The under�lgnod la the hofdeP olthe note or noteaseaurad by thla Deed of TPust.Sald note or notee,together wlth
<br /> all athe�Indebtednasa secured by thla Deed of'ftust,have been paid In full.Yau are her�by diracted to cenca+eald
<br /> note cx natea and thi,�paed ot T�ust,whlcfi are dellvered hereby,and to reconvay,withAUt warranty,all the ebtate now
<br /> «iv'oy jii,ti ii��an�inin unon afi i'n,si ia inv persan ar peraons ieQaity on�itloti thor�t0.
<br /> Date:..... ..,_.,..�....
<br /> (Specs Balow Tl�te Line Resarvec9 Foc Lender and Fiec�rdar) —�----�_.....�...��
<br /> � ,
<br /> <d ,r . ,1'„
<br /> . • ,. . •
<br />