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<br /> .'�'.. FIII�f�il I�P 1l+13tC��ni1(it1UFN1iE3�.:�U�?)itPt t�l t�(��IlcnUfU Iati�J t37 E14VIIllf311 N13N��bv 1.Alitl�l',llorrowaf OFtt11i pay� c
<br /> t�I�o1�tlOr At�t6�v dr�y ai��Ulily pt+ymu�iti�vl�3f IiiCl��zt At�tt I��ti�`o&t t�ra��ay��io u���l�r lite�I�utu,ui�lil Ihu Ni►h+I:�p�lcl In �.► ��
<br /> tu11,a aum(h9r�in"Funda"1�Au�11 tb ott�1w61iii109 ihei y�ia+riy la�a3�nri n3�a3�m���t�(le!cludln�G�ndtnrilnlunt�'�nd� =
<br /> qlan��ed unli c96vo1�p11,C�1��U:i1J0:liJI�1l�Illc,iP nny)�rhft�li inny nn�in pric�rity ovar thia uaQCi�r Tru;,t.cu�d ti�iuui��canta an � `
<br /> tht�P�apariy,If nny,�1�it�anaalw��lfih ut y�arty pramlum Inotr�limt���t�tor hazard inaurnnco,plua��a•t�volith af ya�rly�"� �;
<br /> pramlum li►�t��li��mr�tu h�r�winrt�R�o Insurt�nca,If nny,al!u��'Qa_annbry ostln�atad InlUnlfy mid tram tUno to timo by l.onclor� �
<br /> nn tho bQels c�f�ssessm��►t�and blUs and ru.�;�nnnt�lo nstlnintas IhorooL Llatrawar Qholl nat ba oUlt�niod to make such� _
<br /> paymeide ut�'untts to�_o�uiar to thn nxtor�t tNa!8orrawer mekao et�ch pnymants ta tho holdQr of a prlor mortga�e n� —
<br /> doad e!twst{t�ttct►halder!s a��In�tuuilannl t�ndar G
<br /> t��3o;;�war pay�E'u�d�to Le�nct�r,tftie Funde�hall��A�lt�In c�n inatltutlon tho de�a�ll�pr pccnunta af whtch nr� �
<br /> Irtaur;t3 ne g�s�rasei��►d b;e�'�r+nr�!�r£t�+te anency pnnludinn l.onder if I�t�ndor 1�eunh�n Ins11t�+tian).Lo►�dor�hulh —
<br /> ap�ly the�unds to at�y ealti tflx�is,Assussmonts,Insur�ncq promlums and ar�und rents.l.andor mr�y not chartia tor _
<br /> so itotdlnA and c�pplyinp tha Fur�c�s,artaiyzlnq aald Rccount¢�r varlty:n��nd campUtng said assc ssmonts tind biqa,witoss _
<br /> londor pays�or�nwar Intar�st on Ihp Funds And�ppllcc�blo iaw pormlts Lanclarto mak�euch c�char��.8orrowor And _
<br /> l.onder may�igree in�v►iiing at iho iim�uP�►cc►uutiui��i t�da Daa�af'�u�t that l�t�rc�t o►i Ih��und��h�l1 bs patr!to ;�
<br /> Borrowor,and untosa auch a�reement is mAdA or�ppticablv law�equlres euoh Intoroat to bo pnid,G�nder shall not =
<br /> ba raquUed ta pAy(3orro�var any Intorost or oarnU�ds on the Fun�ie.4.ondor ehnll givo to F�arrow�r,�vlthatU chttroe,an �
<br /> annusl aceountin�ot the Funda ahow0ig crddits and deblts to Ihn Funds and tho purpnso tar whlcM each dat�it to the . =_
<br /> Funds wns made.Tho Funds aro piedged e�addillonal securily tor tha sums secured by thls ne�d of ZPust.
<br /> If tha amount ot tho Funds held by Lencivr,topothor with tlte futuro monthly instaltmonte o4�unds pnyabla prlor
<br /> ta ihn du�dAtos of toxes,sa�ossments,In�uranco promlums and ground tc�nts,shell�xa�ad tha amount required to =
<br /> paysuld taxc�s,�ssesammnte,Insurance pramiuma and ground ronts as they tAll duo,such oxcess ehnll be,at Borrativor's
<br /> aptlon,elther promptly ro�Aid to Dar�ower or credlted to t�orr�wer on manthly Instaliments of Funds.If the amount o!
<br /> tho Funds held by Lender ehaU nat ba euflicient to pay taxes,essessmenta,InAUrAnco promlums and ground ren4e os
<br /> 1hAy tall duo,8orro�var ehAll pay ta l.ondpr any amaunt necessary to mako up tho detialoncy In one or moro payments
<br /> as l.endar may raquire.
<br /> Uppn payment ir�8�11 of all sums aecured by this Deed af Trust,4e�d�r s�aall promptry retund to Hat�:�'�tiver any Funds
<br /> hotd by Lender.tf under paragreph��7'horeof thd Proporty I:�sold or tha Properry la othorwlsa acquired by Lencl�r,I.ender
<br /> eh�N ApP1Y,no lator thun Immodf��i^.y prlor ta the sal�of tha F'roporty or Its acqtdsNlora�by lender,any Fw�ds hdld by
<br /> L.ender�t tha Ume of flppllcation as a oredit c���f��t the sum:�securad by knis Q�c�l a4'1'kusi. _
<br /> 3. Appilcrtlon of i�uymente.UNoss a�alic.aGlo law provldes oth�rsvi�e,All paymente racdivQd by Lender u�der
<br /> th�Noto�nd parugrephe 1 and 2 hereof ah�l1 b*a appilpd by�.ender fl�et�n�aymont of amaunts payabla to Lenelee by
<br /> Borr��v�r undar para�r�pN 2 hereof,then to tntarest payak�l�on the Note,end then i�+ti��prinolp�l of the N�t�.
<br /> 4. Pr1or Mort�ag�s and Dee�tg ot 1Yust;Cher{�es;Llena.Borrower sha11 perl�rm a11 of�u�arower's obNg�2+ans
<br /> under any mortgage,deed of trust ar athor security agreement wlth a Nen which hae priority over t�ais pead at TFust,
<br /> inaludin�l Borrower'o oovenant3 to make payments when due. Borrower shatl pay or cause to be pald all taxes,
<br />_ n��, �c A�ct oiher charnes:tlnes and lmpnsltlona�tt�lb�tabte to tha Proporry which may attain A priorlty over this
<br /> Deod ot T�ust,�nd laASehotd paymenta ar ground ranta,if�ny.
<br /> 8. H�zard Insu�nce.6ar�ower shAtl keap the improvemente now exlsting or heraafter erACted on the P�operry
<br /> Insu�ed agal�9t Iqss by fira,hazards Included withi�the t��m"extendecl coverage",and suah other ha�zurcifl A9 Lvnder
<br /> rs�e�,�r�utre and In euch emaUnt9�nci�for euah pdrioos aa�andsr mRy rafquire.
<br /> The Insuranc�csrrler provldin{�the Insuranca shpll by chogen by Borrc,wer aubject to appraval by lender;provWed,
<br /> that�uch appraval ehall na4 be unreasonabty withhotd.Ali tnsurance pollclea and�enewats thereof shall be In A form
<br /> scceptabte to Londer And ch�ll lncludo a�tandard martgage clausa In tavor ot and In a torm acceptablo to Londer.Lende�
<br /> ahall have the right to hold tiie paliclos and renawaPs thereof,eubJact ta the te�ms o1 any mortgage,deed ot trust or
<br /> other security agreement with a Ilen whlch has priorfty over this D�ed af'�ust.
<br /> In iha event ol los�,Barrawer shall glva prompt notice to the InsurAnco carrler and Lender.Lender may m�ke proof
<br /> 01 losa f�n�t made promplly by aarrower.
<br /> I}the Property la abandoned by Aorrower,or If Bor�awar talis to reapond to Lentter wlthin 30 days iram the date
<br /> notics Is malled by Lender ta Borrnwer that the Insuranca carrler oifers to settle a clalm for insurance benetite,l.a�der
<br /> is autharizad to collectand aQply the InsurancA proceads at Lender's optlon aither t�restoratlan ar�eqalr of tho Property
<br /> or to the dums secured by thls Deed of'fi�uat.
<br /> e. pnaarvatlon rnd M�int�n�nce of Property;Leaseholdr Condomintums;PI�nnQd Unit bevelopm�nt�,
<br /> 8orrowur ahall keep ihe Propdrty In poad repair and shail nat commit wa��te or permlt Impairment or deterioratiai�o} -
<br /> tha Prope►�ty and ahall campiy wlih tha provislons of any lease If this Deed of Th�ist is on s leasehold.Ii this poad of
<br /> Trust Is on a unit In a canclominium or a pianned unit development,Bon�ower shall pertarm all oT E3�rrower's abligatlons
<br /> under th�de�laratlon or covenants creating or gover�ing the condominlum or plAnned unit developmont,the bylawa
<br /> and ragulationa of the condomi�tum or planned unft devetopment,a��d constituent documents. �
<br /> 7 �natectlon ef Lender's 8�cuHty.It BcNmwer tails to perforrr�the covananta and agreements contalned in this
<br /> peed af Truat,ar I�any actlon or proaeeding is commanced whlah materlally affecta Lendpr's Interest in tha propdrty,
<br /> Yi�on Lender,at Lende►'soptlon,upon noticeto Borrower,may make cuch appearances,disburse such sumd,including
<br /> reasonable sttorneys'fees,and take such actlon as ia necesa�ryto proiect Lender's Intoreat.It Lander requirE►d mortgage
<br /> insurance Rs a conditlon nf maklnA the loan secured by thla Oead of 1�ust,Florrower ahall pey tho premlums requlred
<br /> to malntain euch ina��mnce in effect until such tlme as the requlremant fqr such Insurance te�minates in accordanca ^
<br />- With 6orrowers sno Lnrianr n wiiitoi�a��ae�ant ar aapilca'�!8!a�'. _.
<br />- Any amounts dlsbursed by Lender pursuant to thts paragraph 7,wlth Interest 44�ereon,at tha Nate tate,ahall become
<br /> additional indabtedness af BorrowAr secured by thls Daed of'thiat.Unlens Hor�ower�nd Lendar agree to other terme
<br />= of payment,auch amounts ohAli be�nyabte upon noticefrom Lender to Borrower requostlnfl paymient theroot.Nothinc�
<br />- contafned in this parayraph 7 shall roqui�e Lt�nder to Incur any ex�ense or lake any aatlon hereunder.
<br /> d. Inspar.tlon.Londer may make or cau�e to be mado reason�ble entries upon and lnspections of the Property. _
<br /> pravided that Lnnder ehall qive Barrowar notice prior to any such Inspoction specitying reasonable causatherotor ralated W
<br />- to Lander's Intorast in tho P'roporty. �
<br /> 0. Cond�mnatlare.7ho pracooc9s of Arsy�wArd or clnim tor d�m�gos,dlrect or consoquential,in connoc4lon wlth _
<br /> �ny c�r.-demnatlon or other taking af tho Proparty,or part theraol,or for canveyance In Ifau ot candomnatlon,are horoby _
<br />= aaslc�ned and shall bo paid to Londer,subjact ia the terma of�ny mortgage,daod of trust or othor eocurity agrEC�nent �
<br />- with a Ilan which hAa priority ova�this Deod of Trust.
<br />- 10. ea�rower Not Retease�; Forbecrence By Lendor Not a Ws�7ver. Extension of the time br payme�:;c or =
<br /> mocilficANor+of amartizatlon of the eums securad by this Ueed of Trust granted by Lendor to any successor in int�rest _
<br />= of Borrawor shall not oporate to r��:easa,In any manner,tho Ilabflit�7 af the orlpinal Borrower and Bo��aw�r's succassora =.
<br /> . � -
<br />