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<br /> ..� - =��� �7. Cn�ln�n!Ua��tRtrt.�An�ot fe hQreby assl�,n�ri�fl c�n�n�nantian,awa��s.d��'+�ap�a t�nd uth4r p�yment�ot�vell�f(tteretnaStei
<br /> -�� --` � "P�acc.,da"Ilncu�u�nuitu��tYti7cc�nd�mnatienoruthert�kl��gvtthei�mf�e�ryorpdrtlhete0i,ar(vrnanv�y�+�Ge�n��euotaondemng•
<br /> " , =r'. tlon.l.andor�hnll Ue en!Ittad�I lts optlon to cam:�en�o,eppear In Ri�ci proseouto tn Ita n►vn�omo ony actlon or pruceedlnfle,end
<br /> � ehall nlso bo ontlU4d to mnkp any cumpramlcn ar e�itlon�anl In Connoatlot�v�lth euah tdhing nr dnmyDa,In Iha event any pa�llon ol
<br /> '--� Ihe�'roporry I»�o t�kon or damaand.l.encl�tr 61tA11 have tha aptlon,In iro�at�end elsaoiuta d��nreUon,to apply all auot►Proceedo,
<br /> ' -' pftpr daduotlnA Ihstatrom�!i coeta dn�f e�pan�a�Inaurreci by fl In o�nneat►c�ri wllh euot�PrnaeaJe,u�an e►�y InciNt�tedneae denur�
<br /> ��' , - -= ha��euy arui In euoh ordar ao lonr3cr mny deta►nilne,o►to e���ty e�ll euch Prnc�tla.�tter ruah GestuoUOn�,te lhe�eetnrMtlon 01 th•
<br /> ----=- � Pi�tl►upa4�u�cui��tiluneo�6en�inr tn�y udta;��d�te.�ny���Iloaltan ot PraasQ��ta Intiebt��n�an etiet!nat exNnd ur p��t�one
<br /> • =x ==r th�du�date ot e��y b��ymenta u��er th�+N�ta,Qr purp any datuult therountior or lcares�nd�r,A�y+��ep�T��c�hii�da ah�N b�q�tti t�
<br /> -��?�'',�� Yruttor.
<br /> -:__��,�;4 u. �a��rrmana�by i.�BnaP,Uao�the aa:.urr�nes ai�n�sent ts!t]sf�i!!i EtAtt�!rt�!gi,nf�}wny aet la Atken oP t�.l31 prOt;l4dllt0
<br /> m
<br /> l�,,,�,�� comm�ncsd whtoh m�te�lally aiteote�endor'e Int�reat In the Property,Len�er may I�Its own disoretion,but withaut obitpntlpn to do
<br /> - -_- ea,and wlthout nntice ia or deraand upan T�ustor and wlthaW roloaa�np Tvuetor Iram any ohll��tlon,da any aol whloh Trustor h�� _.
<br /> ' , .'� �pieed but talls b do nnd mny ateo do any olher not It deems necaa�ary to proteat the eeourlry hereof.Truato►ehall,Irnmsdl�xbly
<br /> _ �.� unnn a�mnnd ttsnratcr by Lendar.DaY to dendar ell aoato And expenaee Inaurred end eume exqen�ed by 6andar In canneatlon wlth
<br /> ,;��::�- - the exeroloa by l.andar ot tha toreQolnp riqhls,topathor wHh Intoreet thor�on at Ine dere�al�rnte providaci in ii�e Wuto,w�d�h�atiati v�
<br /> � � _ sdded to the Indehteetneae eeoured heraby. Lendar ohall not Ino�r eny Ilablllry beceuee of enythln�li mAy do or omit b cb
<br /> • here4mder.
<br /> :;�-�'�:� � � g, N�=�rdo�u�IM�IaUM.Truetor�h�ll!cesp ih�Propsriy In campll�na�wlth sll sppllcabte laws,ordlnancea and re�utAtlan� _
<br />--�=��.Fy relAtlnp to Indu�triel hyyfeno or�nvironmental proteotlon(aolleativeiy rAterred to hereln��"Enviranmental L�ws"►.Tru�tor ehtll
<br />--�"•_�___
<br /> .�:;�� kaap the F'roperty freo fram ell eubstnnCO9 deo�nod to be hexardou�or roxtc under any�nvlronmentel L�ws(collsctivsty rotar�ad ta
<br /> -'�::� h�rol��ae"Hnzurdo��s Msteriale'�.Truetor ha�Wby warrants and repreaenta to l,ender thet there sre��o Ha�ardow Meted�ta o�or
<br /> :w�.�'±#� under the Property.Truatar heroby aprees to Indemnity and hotd harmle�a Lender,itedireatdr�,ottic�re,emptayaa3 and apent�,and
<br /> eny ouccestore to Lender'e Inleraet irom antf spalntt any and stl atalme,damape�.lo�sea and Ilsbllitlas�Pl�lnp In connentlon wlth
<br />�����.� aL�� thp preaenco, uso,dlepoaal or traneport ot any Muzar�ioue MsteNate on,under, trom ar sbout the P�nperty.TWE FOREOt�IN�
<br /> �:�r.�, tU. A�omNt10l Rsnts,Tniator hereby aaalyna to lender tho rvnte��asues and protity of the Property;provlded that 7ru�tor
<br /> -�_;s� ahall,untll tho ocaurrence e�9 aan Evant o1 Defe�N h�r�un�9ar,heve thA rlpht to colleot nnd retsln sucb rent�,la�ues e�d prolits sa they _
<br /> - - -- bscome dus and peyebla`t3pon the oaaurronce o1 an�vent of 0etault,Lender may,elther In perwn o►by eper�l,with o►withaul
<br />_-- — brinpinq any aation or pv�c�edlnQ,or by a reaoiver app�,inted by a court��d wiU�out reQard to the cdequAOy n4 3ta ssaoriry,snMr
<br /> -v��� uuon And teke poaaeaa ion o f t ha Pro q e r t y,or a rry p a r t t A e r e o f,I n I t a o w n n am e ar In the name oi the Truetee,and do�ny�cb whtch It
<br /> __'�:.� daamo no;��.nary o►dea4rablela preaerve tha value,mAricetnblllly or rentE►bllity olthe Proparly,or nny Pnrttherentor Intereet thereln,
<br />-�`���??�►` Increase�h�p�;���come ll�vr�irom or protect the eaourity heroof and,witil or without tnkinq po�n�:�w�un ui lhe F�eapartlr�ocso tar or
<br />_•.�..�� qtherwina o:9leat the r�m9a•Iseues end prollte thereo7,�moludinp thoav pest due end unpald,an��c+ply the same,I�as coata�nd
<br /> �.�pgn.sas n1 operxtlan aa�d�calluctlon Inaludlnp nttora�fl�a'taes,upon any Indebteclnosa aecured h�r�+by,all In awr,h order ea Lender
<br />_��a:,�.,�, may det�rm�*i�.7he entael��upo�and taklnp pas3�sRr�n of the Property,the aoile�tt�n ot si��0a a�nts,Isaues u;ad proliW and tt�e
<br /> �__=��;,�r���,;� appllcatl�+;�!ha`eof as af�rosatd.ahall not cure or wAlve any defnult or notice ot detautt herountlAr or InveUita7��ny am done tn
<br /> `������� reipon�e tos�ch detault or�uurauen/tonu�,'�h noticp atdefault and,noYwlthetandlna tha aontlnua�c�s inpo�sesa!on qtthe ProAt�:+h+or
<br /> the colleotion,rucelqt�nd e►�p�lcatlun o9��nta,Issuas or protlta,and 1Yustes and l.ondor ehali a+o�ontltled ta dxeT�clst�every rl,�ht
<br />-- --_� provtdedtorinenyaithaLoaz�Documenlsorbylaw�+ponacau�rencootsnyEventollD�+lault,lncludlnpwi4hn�ota+tr��xt�tianthurlghtto
<br /> - ��,..��i.e��Mwa.�}u�n���t,A�,�.e�ler�n rtahts anQ rem�dlea under thle paragr�h shall be cumulaNue wSit�,�►nd in no way a
<br /> ��� Ilmltatlonon,Lender'erightaendremodiesundornnyaslflnmentoflanstz�anclrentomcordedegainstthe�apart�•i.encier.irusi�e
<br /> end tM rpcelver el��ll bs Ilable ta�ccaunt oNy thoae reni�aotu�lly recoivad.
<br /> — 11. Ev�►b ol ON+�u11.7he tollowlnfl ehall conetitute an Elrent oi Detault under thla Deed ot TruaR
<br /> �_.e_��,..e�....e,,o.,,,��.�.u�t ot.vincinei or Intere�t of any alher eum necurad hereby when due;
<br /> ,�,._....._«.....,_..,�._._....
<br /> ' ,- -' jb)Abroachofoiuol�uiiu��da�anyprGVialonc:c`int�ltt�Inth�Note,t�leE+ee�+at'1'ruef,enYolth�LaanOoCU�nts.or�l
<br /> - - - other ilsn�r e�cumbrance upon tha Property:
<br /> _ (c� A writ a1 ex�oullon c�r attachmont or eny almflar�rocaas ehall be entnred aflainat qruetor whlah ehall become e Ilen on
<br /> .� the Properry ar nny portlon thereol or intorasl thareln;
<br /> i (d)There shall be illed by or apaln�t Trustor or Borrowor an action under eny prosent or tuture t�leral,atate o�Ather
<br /> etatuto,luw or reflulatlon refatinp to bankruptay,Inaolvenoy or oth�r r@Ilef tor debtoTe;or t�iore oGall be eppalated sny truatN,
<br /> = rer.etver ar Ilquldefor of Trustor or Borrower or o1 all or any pah of tha Proporty�or the�ont�.Issues or pratite theraof,ar Trustor
<br /> or Bon�ower ehall make any peneral asalynmeM(ar the bonotit o1 aredltara;
<br /> (e)The,�ute,trurnsier,tease,asalflnment,conveyance ar furthar oncumbr�e��o 01 all or aeiy pari a1 or any Interaat In the
<br /> P�o(MAy, althar voluntarlly or Invotuntariiy, wlthout the axpres�written cons��^1 of Lendor; provlAed tt�t 7ivator ehall be
<br /> ��rmltted tv oxeaute e lease ot the PropP�'ty thet doea nat contaln an optlan to purchese end the term o!wh;r..?�cloes not excaed
<br /> ona year; '
<br /> (q Abandonment ot Iho Properry;o�
<br /> (p) If Truftor le na!an Individual,the Issuance,Rale,tranater,aaslpnmant,conveyu�ce or enaumbranr.ac:l more thao a total
<br /> __ ���..,____,__percent of(II a cotporation)it9 issuc�d and autslancllnp stock or(If a partnarahlp)o total cE_..... percant ot
<br /> p8rtnership lnterssts d�frin�1hA period this�eed at Trust�emalne e Ilen on the P�aporty.
<br /> 12. R«n�;Acc�Nratlan Upon ON��iP.In the event ai any Evanl of Oetuu�t Lender may,without notice except�a requlrecl by
<br /> law,dectare all Indebtadne,s�secured hare�y to he due s�d pay+�hb�nd the aAmd ehell thereupon becomp due and payable
<br /> wilhout any preaentmenL dema�d,prole�t or natico of eny kind.Thareafter l.endor may:
<br /> (s) Demand that Trusteu exerciso tho POW�R OF�/►LE flranted herein,nnd Trustea 9ha11 lhereuPt►m�cause Truator'e
<br /> Iniweat In the Prapery to be r�ld and tha proceeda to ba diatrlbuted,ell In the manner provided In the NeP:va�Trust D�eds
<br /> Ack
<br /> (b) Exa�ctseanyandalldghtspravidedtorinenyoflheLaanDocumentsorbylawuponoccur�enceofanyEvenlafUet�uit;
<br /> and
<br /> - (o) Commence an action to torer.loso this Doed ot Trust as n mortgage,oppoint A racetver,o�epecilically entorce any of tAe
<br /> covenanta hereof.
<br /> No remecty hereln conferred upon ar reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to tIA exclu9lve of ony other romedy hetein,I�the
<br /> - _- �.r,.n nocumer►t.ar�y��er Qrovldad or ps�►Itt�d,Out each shall b�cumutaiiwe.shail be In additfon ta evory c�ther ramecfy g[uen
<br /> -�-� -"�-' hsrsunder,In tl►�Loan Documents or naw or hareaRer existfng at law or in equiry or by Ftatuto,and may ba exe�ised cv�uRaniiy
<br /> _ icxbparxhntly or nuccesstvery.
<br /> - 19. TnNte�.The Tru�tee m�y reaiqn at any time witAoul cause,and Lender may at�ny tima ensl wfthout cause epp��lnt s
<br /> � succeaaororaubatituteTrustea.Trusteaeha11no1bellabtetoanyparty,inctudtnpwlthoullimltsGonl.endar,Barrowe►.T�wtnrbr�ny
<br /> — purctu�a,aroN►t�Properhl.toranylossurdamapeunlesaduet�reckte3�urwil�tulmisaonduc�andshallnolCerequiredtotak4any
<br /> �t� action in connectlon w(th the entOrcement ot ihi9 poed oi Trust untess indemnlli�tl,i�writfng,tpr all costs,companeatt0n ar
<br /> -__;�;.r� � exponses whicA moy be¢ssociatad tharowitb.In�ddition,Trusteo rlay beconie a purcha88r at any eata of the Property Qudictal or
<br /> -' � � : uncler tho power ot eato pranted horoln};ppstpuna tAo sa[o ot att or any partion ot the Pro�arry,as provfdod Dy Paw;or seN the
<br />�_` �`-° �-` Pro�erry os e wnole.or In sap�mV�parcals or lat5 a11'ruetoo's d�sccetian.
<br /> ' 14. Ft�s�nd Eap�niYS.In tlie ovar�t TrustQO solis tho Propnrty by axorr.i90 ot powor ol a�lo.Tru9too ohaU po Qotittod to e��pty
<br />_,� ..,o. ^
<br /> �_�_,�.:,. a pny sale procetxl9lirst tn paym�nt a1 aU costs and expenses o1 exercis!ng powot ot satv,Inciudinfl ull Tru3toe's ictos,and Londe�'s
<br /> -_-`'- andTiusteo'spttarnoy'stoas,actuatrylaaurradtoeHtenlpermllted0yuppuca�lelaw.tnthaeventBc�nowerorTruatorexerclsespn�l
<br /> "',^:i"�.��F:Ir.1
<br /> .___—_._ t, oipht pruvlded by law to cuoa a�Event ot f�etautt.Lender shall be emitted to�ecAVer Irom Tcustor all ca5ts and axpenses pcfaalty
<br /> �v� ; Incuared as a rasult of Yrustor's dotault,Including without limitation uu TrusteQ s aRd attomey'e feeR to tho e�ter►t permitted Dy
<br /> - aAR�ica�ta law.
<br />-°°;;t�.
<br />"�:�-.-+,pi���; • � •
<br /> : ..r.
<br /> -.y.e'�+r."'�i(
<br /> - �..�llS'uMYYC
<br />