r .,;'�, ;1i '�.� ...<..."'__-_.. __'_
<br /> _ .. -nY•i:��t - ` ...
<br /> •i" �•" .. ' _ �ti'. - . . • . _ .: ' . . _ - .-
<br /> , ,
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<br /> ,..:, �:. . '' . •• �` :1,�-----._----�-__..._�r,_._-...__._.._..___-
<br /> _--- - ;: �►�5►"' ;A,tB`���'o�
<br /> � �t:_ ; �7. C,��n::i�par;;:+1,�,Landar la horatsy aa�lgncd oil camp�naRtton,e��varda,dnmovoe on�f othc+r pnymanlo or railat ihartlltUlflBr
<br /> -__ "prac^.�a")1�cenneotl�n�1l�►eenc#Cmnailnn ar othar tnklnp oltho Propartv or pflrl thprpaT,or Ior cu�woyunco{��tlsu oi cand�mnn•
<br /> � tlon.Landor eht�ll bo andpad nt Its optlon!o cort�monca,eppear In�nd prooeoutn In It�own nama any natiun ar pracocdinp�,��nd
<br /> ehnll ateo bo entllteQ to make any campramis�ar sotllomonl In connontlun w1U�auoh[nkinp ur cic��r�pa•In tha ovant c�ny portlo»oi
<br /> � �. Ihe Proporty�a eo taken or damap�d,Lonclflr ohnll hovo tha c+►�tlon,In Ito nulo anci pbsotuSo dlearatlon,to c�ppty n11 oual�Nrocoad3,
<br /> nFter d�duattn�ti�erelrum all casts and axponeos Inou►rod by li In connoatlon�vlth�uah Procaada,upan any Indot�tndnc►a�saourod
<br /> - = ,. -- haieby and In euah arder ae Londar may detrrmin�,�r tp appty all euah Prnceodo,attor puch duduatlono,t�tho�ostorntlon ai tho
<br /> -- - P:ap:.rty uGttn ouch condltlone��l.encier mey cletermin�.Any�'pgllaeUon o}�raceeda t�Indebtednen�ehall not extond or pnet�on�
<br /> -- --- - - tho duo data ol eny�asymentb u�d�r tfla. Nato,ar cura eny dcifauit th6rsundar or ha►�+mdet'.IAnY EtnaPR�����+�����P�ltl t�
<br /> �fU9tOf.
<br />_` -�-�- �� �, �rt.���.��E.�daT:Upnn�he accurronce of�n Event ot Qet�ull horoundor,or It a�iy act Is faken ur lepal proaaed�nq
<br />-��� commonceci whloh materlulty attoate Londor'e Intareyt In 6�e Praperly,Lendor mAy In Ite a�vn dfe�retinn,but witho�ri�btipaticsn ta do
<br /> -_""'"'�'� eo,and w{thout natico to or damnnd upon Truator end wlthout rolenel�p Truetar(rom ony obtlpnllon,do eny act whlch Truetar hao
<br /> npreed Cut falie to do nnd mey aleo do euy other w�t It deeme necoeeary to proteot tha eAnurity hereot.7ruti4or ahatl,Immedtately
<br /> - upan domand thorefor by 6endar,pay to Londe�r sll costeand oxponees Inn��rred and�ume oxpended by Lender in conneotlon wlth
<br /> ��; �J��- ihe 0xeroi9a by Lendur u�fiw Quroyviny ri�i�iy.tupniiiur wiib i��tarryttr�u�ao�ut th�ct�44utt�a:o pravtd:,�In tha N�Sa,::hlsh eh�lllu!
<br /> „� ; , �dded to the IndeDtadnea� eecur�d Neroby. Lender ehall not Innur any itebiilly bacnuen a1 enylhinp I!mny do or omit Qo ck�
<br /> � • hereu��Qor.
<br /> � ' � 9. H��c��tlou�M+�MaiaN.Yrustar ehnll keep the Properry In corrptlence with wll appllceble I�wa,orclinancee and�epulatlons
<br />___,:�,��, relatinp to InduetdAl hyplene or envlronmentel protuctlon(cotteotively reterred tn heroln es"Environmentel I.�w�'�.Tnutor sh#11
<br /> keep tho Proparty frao trom atl eubatnncea deemed to be hn:nrdoua or toxlu undor any Environmental lewe(co!leattvely retern+d ta
<br /> ±F'a--'' heroin ue"Mc�sardnue Mnterlala").Truetor hereby war�anta snd rapreaonts to Lander that thero are�o M�terdoue Metorlal�on or
<br /> :. _,;..;�
<br /> .,�:�..� under tno Proporiy.Truator i�aroby epreea to indamnity ond hold hnrmta�Lender,Ite dlrentore,aflicere,emplayeea end a8ent�,nnd
<br /> =-�� nny succeaaaro ta Lancler's Interoa�Irom and apelnat any and all ctalme,damaDe�,losaos and Ilablilttes a�rlelnp In conneatlon wlth
<br /> •�+i";;��::' the preeanca,use,dleposal or trenepart o1 any Ha:ardat�e Materlrte an,under,trom or ebout the Property.THE FOREQOINQ
<br />�''�.f;��=' ' S�lF1V1VC RHCONVEV'ANCE OF TH19 OEE.D OF 7RUST,
<br /> ' ' 10.�. A�nm�nt ol R�ntr.7'rustor ho►eby aoalpna to Londar 1ho rena,leauaa nnd proilte ot the Properry;qrovlded that Truetor
<br />..��� �1is11,until the ocnurrenoe of en Event ot Dalnull heraunder,have the rlpht to colleot end�btaln such ronte,laauea nrd pratite as they
<br /> beaome due and payable.Upon the 000u�re�ce of an Evant af I?elault,Lendar may,elthdr In peroo�or by a�ent,wlth o��Ithout
<br /> ;� hrinalnp any aatlon ar proceedinq,or by e recelver appolntacl by e coutt and without►6pard t�the adaquecy o}Its eecsurlty>enter
<br /> - upa�end Wke pueaesatan o1 the Proparty,ar any part thereof,In It�ow�ne�me or in the name of tha Truatee,and do eny note whloh it
<br /> ' � -� cleema necessary or doslrable to prvsorva tha valuv,marketabll Iry or rentubllity ot tho Proporry,or nny part thorcw}or Intereat tho�eln,
<br />�''•���l-�?� Inc�eaee the Income tharefrom or protact the seaurlty lieraof and,�iU�or wtthout taking poseeanlan a1 tha 0'�Op�ity,aua(ar or
<br />;�.��; otherwlee collent tha rents,Issuo�and prollts tharec�f,Inctudlnp those paet due and unpaid,and apply the aame,less coats and
<br />-=:°�«�_,� expenaea o}operetlon and coltecUon inoluclln��itnrneye'fec�ff,upon any Indebtednese seoured hersby,wll in euah order ne Lender
<br />-----=� may determine.Tha enterinfl u{�o�1 snd laking paseessloc�of the Prpparty,the coli0otlon of such rante,iasuaa and protlie and tha
<br /> `"�-'=�•� appUorUon thereot ae storesetd,shall not curo or wuive any dataull or notice�oi detault hereunder or Invalldate any��t done I�
<br />_�-.��..
<br /> ���sxu.-'} rasponse to suoh deiault or puraupntto euch notipe oi detault and,natwithsinnding the aontinuance In posseanlan oi the roperty or
<br /> •-�as_.�=���� tno aollflollon,rqGofpt nnd appiicatton of rents,laeuos or pralite,and Truetae and Lendar ehell be entltled to nxercl�e ewry r{yht
<br /> __=__�i providediorinanyofthel.oanWoaumenteorbylawuponoccurrenaeofany�ventofDefault,lncludlnpwithoutilmltatlontherlyhttp
<br /> exerGlse the power of eale. Furthur,l.andar'e el�hts and ramodlos undar this paregraph ah�ll be cumulativo wlth,end In no wny a
<br />=,�:q,.;�.e,�,� Ilmitettonon,4ender'ertghtennOremediosundpranyas�ignmerrtoii�asosena'�nisrocoKroaagal.,nai�.�raro"s'!3',��-'=�I:ts::r=
<br /> -° =—° and tha receiver shall be Ilablo to eccount oniy thosa renta nctually rocalv�c#.
<br /> --_ 11. Evseb ol QMauri.Tho tollowiny ehaU conatitute en Evant o1 Defauit undei thla Oeed o1 Truat
<br /> _ _.a�
<br /> _- t� F�ilure to pay any Inatnllment ot prinolpal or Interest o1 e�ny other eum eocurcd hareby when ue;
<br /> - _- (b) !►hreact�of�rclet��Itundare�yprovlalonc�nlpine0intt►sNOte,tt�tit7asooi�rusi,erryarFii�i.winwi�:umo��i.����i
<br /> --- athnr Ilen or encumb��nce upon the PropeAy;
<br />--- .----xi (a) A w�ll of executlon or attaahmont or Any elmltar prooese ehall ba entarod apalnot Trustor whlah ehall become a Ilon on
<br /> the PropeRy or sny portlon thereat or Intoreat thereln;
<br /> --___---=
<br />