:,..� __ �.—
<br /> ..:J.._ � � ' .s- . . .. ' -.. ._ .. __. ._ _
<br /> '�.
<br /> . . \ ` 1 - . . . .� ' . . .. _
<br /> .. �t . :
<br /> • '� _ ______1'.. . . �. - � .
<br /> �o���A9�L�5 �[;�� a� ���,�' �e� a � :
<br /> . . l,�Qll WO V39482 (�nnt�nue�i) � ����.a,'I,Q�aE��i►�
<br /> .��� C:.RK�...^.'�...__.._�.'�_.��...�'L:Y«...._.�- — -C—_ �.� �_�...r- — . ' ��—,-��.�.�._`""""_�`� ..
<br /> .. . .- - --- •- - �� e11i�K1��IMy M�c�ctw,aad ehaY aUi�y�nd In�Umeht manner p�fart�eA v}Y�cr.tor'�obtlpatFanp untk^::t!w h'ote,lht3 Daad o!Tnr..t,Rnd tRa '
<br /> R!!ated Rocun�ti. . ._ .._
<br /> PC�&�t{SftiH RMU MAIldTENANCG(3P'tTR°PRbPERTY. Trt►�tur opr�(tul YnHta'9 posies�fon l�nc�use ai lh�Proparty e1wY b�povYrned hy � --
<br /> ihe PoNawirtu provlelon�: .
<br /> Poa�»�olan�xtd ll�e. Unt�Ihe occurrenos M en E:v��rl 01 d'Hfiiutl,T�ustor may (a)remain In pasesselon end control at th��roperty, (b)uss, _ , ��
<br /> ,. . _ op�ata cr msnsQe tir�PreFe�h►�entl (o)cott�ui eny 13es►t�kom ths�'r�ry, r "
<br /> . . ' pt�ly ki�kktt�. lri��ter sh�m�M4a#r�1t�F'ttyk�ty bi t�na��cen�!lluy�antl ptnmA�1Y P�hx�n e.tl re;�a�a,��ac�rrt�nN.en�metnt�r�nca f . . _
<br /> � t�'�fAr11 tc�E►M�teroe!b v�ltk. � - --
<br /> � lidvrdnu�!!u�lane:s. The Eercn�'V�nrdou�wdst4,'"f�rdaue tubttsncass,"'c��as�1,•�rnteua:ind'iMwte�ed�el�pss�"1�s useid li�trib ..
<br /> ---= i 11Hd olTrtaf,�MM Mve tM eame n�Nnpe a�tl faih In IM Compe�twnsiw EnvkonnHnu►t Fiagponsa,�o r��ansaiion,and Lt�b�ity{lc:l af - - --
<br /> 108D,u artwndW,4�U.;i.C,S�cUon 8�f,01,Nt�q�("C�RCLA�,tM CupsAUnd Am�ndrrHnt�md Fi�+�ulhoria�llon Aot of 1G@8,Pub.L.No.
<br /> flU-�L�9�9AFiAq,it�lt�rdatrt M�teR��ti'ranspat�t!on Act,49 U.B,C.6ec8on 180f,el aoq.,IM Rusourcw Consaivatlan snd pocavsry�lcl, �
<br /> � �9 U,9.V,S�ctton 890L�t a�q.,ot oth�r�ppliC�bN�talo a Fedsral4ws,n�,or nGutaUans Kdoptad pix�wnf to ony of Ihs faopanp. Tht+ ,.
<br /> �' t�rm�'huardou��raata•and'haza�'doua aub3tanc�"eh,i11 eMo Inctut9o,Hlthoul Amitsuon,peha4eum and poholaum by-producta a any hacllan
<br /> �� � ltwr�of�n�i osb+ata. Truata npreienh�nd warranh tp L�ndar tMt: (11)Qurinp the peilod ot Trustofe ownerabcp o11hs Nroperty,ihKe hae ` �
<br /> • bs�n no usi,p�n�raUon,mnnuhctur�,ata�ps,traatmsnf,di�posal,nleass or thraNn�d reNtsa of�ny hanrdow waete a eubst�nc�by�ny -.
<br /> . penton on,under,�tbout w Mom thi PropKN; (b)Truata Me no koowted�01,w�eaean to batbv�e Ihat Ihera lu��b�en,sxc�pt��prevlousry _
<br /> . � dtscfos�d b�nd�cknowNetlptd by lond�rin vHHt+�p, (�)�ny tma,penKa�an,uunu��►almv,stonp�,hwtm�nt,dbposal,�s)xsv,a thrat�n�d
<br /> tNs�s�W�ny 1�rdou�watN or tubst�no�on�undrr�eboid a irom Ma Propwty by�ny pcier awnN�w oxuP+inb o1 t�H Prop�ty or (B)�n1► '�:�� -
<br /> � aclwl a NrMMnid BtlQatlon or ci�ims of any kind by my pMaon nMYnp to euch maN�r�i and (o�Exo�pt a Pt��++�Y�lo and
<br /> • acknowiidpe�by L�nckr M wriHny, (i)�Nthb Trustor nor any knanl,cank�ctor,Gp�nl or otMr suthalbd uwr of IFw Propurty eMN usa, ,;.
<br /> . ppr�ntt�,manufactun,�ton,�t.dispoN of,a ret�s�auy hwrdouo wasN a tutset�na o+��untNr,aboul a kom ths PropKry�nd (Y)any
<br /> " such 4c1Mty eMM b�oonduobd In oompl►tnw wNh aM�ppMo�bN Nder�f,o4M,and{ocil lawa,npuitllorn and ordlnaRaa,IaduAinp wdhoui "�'��
<br /> • ' � Nmitdion thoM i�w�,npu4Nans,antl ordintno�e d�salb�d�bav�. Yrutta aWAorltN l�ndK�nd fb�p�nls to�ntN upon Ih�Prop+�ry ta *"''
<br /> mak��tlCh InsMCNon�Itnd twst�,at Ynsta's�xp�ns���tt lonslw msy da�m ap rupibb to datxmin�campHanco of tM Ptoperty wflh thl� • �'�"_�'� �.'
<br /> wcMon d ths DNCf ol Trusb Any InspacNar»w lr�b mad�by l.�ncK 4huN b�lor�nd�a pu+pos�ony�nd ahaN nol ba construod to cnaM
<br /> �ny t�spansWlNry or IWbHlty on the p�rf ot 4ender to Trtnta or to�ny other p�on. Ttw represontaliona tnd w�mntia�contatnor�har�in ar� �"`��
<br /> bas�d on Trwtor'�du�d+�pena In Invesllpatin�lM Fkop�rly lot h14r�r��totn wASte and hsurdow eubat�ncaa. Tnnlar hwebY (o)t�lsM�nd •' ; ��i
<br /> � w��ny Ntun da1rM aptlnst Loncf�r la In�mnity a cor�bfbuUon In tlw�wnt Tnntor becomoo Wabw(or ciianup a othar cosb undar any '��'
<br /> � ' ,, tuch Nw�. �nd lb1�praM b InrkmNy end hold Mrrt�L�ndu op�lrut any�nd aA ck�mt,lostw,llrblNUs�,C�m�pa�p�n�Nia��nd =-
<br /> . ��� s�»n�w whlch L�rtd�r may dkectll► a k�clirYCtry eusUln ot tufMr naulYrp kom�bnaeh ol IhI��cUan of p� O�d W Tn�t ar u � �.,��:�—�!
<br /> . Consaquena ot tny ueo.Q�►�nllon,m�nuhatun.ttaaQ�,ctlsposal,rN�asa a ttxyatan�d�ss ooeixriop Prla fo TnatoPs ownKShtp er '=----
<br /> � �.' Inl�net in Ih�Prop�fy,whNhe or no11M eartu wte ot shodd havr bNn knuwn to Tnntor. TM ptoNsbM of thb�ecUon d th�Dwd ol TnaL =-=.�_=�'
<br /> - � tnctud!n�tRa a�i'!�.iHOn to Indsmn!y,ah!N euMve fhs pa 1 ot tM Ind�bNdnas�md lho saibfaclbn�nd rocanv�yerwa of ttw W�n of tido , �
<br /> , • Da�d olTnat ond tlwl not be�ri'�tod DY�endKa acq�al�ny Intore3l in Ihs Prope+ty.K�x+IM+�by fa�ctosura a othNwts�. .
<br /> NW��nci,Wa�►,�. Tnntov�h�il nW causo,con6ucl a ponnH any aWsano�nor comn�It,�f,a eutf�r any strtpptrp o0 a wASta an or•b ltN ' �=y `'.�_
<br /> � , Prapwty pr�rry pa1Mn ol pM Proporty. Wllheut YmlNrp Iha psnx�ty of ltN lor�pulnp,Trusta wYl not rom�va,a pranl to�ny O1hYr puty tt� �:._,;�;
<br /> . ripAl to nmow��ny tlmUar�min�r�N(inctudi�o1i tnd pa9)���17rawi ar rack pradu�without tha pda wrttton co►aanl ol L�sdx. ;,- � -_
<br /> ` • • R �� Fi�moval of IntptoYNaN�t�. T�usta eh�M noi denwNeh or temc�w�tny Ir►�prowm�nb kom lh�Rwl Pro(saty wittwul lhe pdor wrttt�n consat►1
<br /> d L�nd�r. A��condlHOn!o the nmowl M�tny Improwmmb,L�rtt�y nqt�r�Tnqtoe AO����W�b wlhhclaY to L�rKNr W
<br /> �� • � ropMrc�wch Improwmonb wlth Irtyxowrt�nb of d leost�qwl vwtu�. �
<br />�-. . ' .; , L�ndrr'�Ripht_to EntK. LendK�nd fb e+panb tnd npr�ntaWrs rt►�y antw uQon If�F3sa1 P�o{w�fy at aN naionabk tin�lo attQn�io
<br /> ... � . .. -.. . - IAtI�(it�:A Aflq t0 fflSQOCt ttM F'f�flfly NT�IRPOS�OI Irt78tOr�CiFiip�iMni.w iimn tn�twttw iRa c�tum'via vJi�`t'e.i�::w w=it.."�.. _ -
<br /> �: . CompNanc�wiN�Qavemm�ntal Fipuk�wnta. Trusta efuiM promP�N��'Y wHh�II 4ws�ordnana��Rr�d rapWaUo+W.�ww a hrroalNr Ni
<br /> ;: �1Mcf,M aN povwnm�nW aulhorlYN�pp�to tM ue�a oncup�nay d IM Rro�ty. Tnalor m�y conM411n pood MNh aoy woh M►w,
<br /> . .. • , .:� ordklulo�.ot 1'�GUi�tlOt1�nd wHht101d COe1D��dutlnp�M►ProONdlnp,Indwilnp�opriate�PPsa4�s0 lOnl�as 1Ytatcx hu eMMMd LN�dN
<br /> '-���.��- In wrtWg pdor b doing�o�a�o ionp Y,tn Nno�n�aN op�NOn.l�RM�Ra a a�.�owriy n.noi j.op�c�wi. tr.nci.:i�i�qii::
<br /> _�''- � .' . •� Tnxla b po�l�d�qud�MCtrNy ot 11 su'�y bond�natotwbly wtl�hctal►to I.MdYr�W P�oNct L�ndM'�MM►esl. �
<br /> .. ,. Duty b Ptot�el. Tnntor spr�nNIhK lo aMndon na N�►va un�tt�ndad!M P�ropKy. T�wta aMll do�II dMr aob,ln�dcliYon la tboa acln `"'�""'".--
<br /> `°-, ` � , �N(orth�bove In IAb Nctlon�wt�lch knm the cMnclor�na w.a fn.�rop«ry ar.n+son.t�N�o�wy�o�xowci.��r««w��.r�op«ry. �_
<br /> ,s � ,�: �.
<br /> ,Y:,,. , Dtl�ON SALE-CONSENT bY LEtiOfR. L�nrMr may,at Ib opfl�n,dackm Imrtw�ll�tWy duo Rnd p�yabN ft11 turra ucur�d by lhlo�e�d M Tnnl ���
<br /> =�x'�.,.'�X� .�` . uPon Itw MN or Inrnhr.vWlhoulltN Lw�d��prlar wrNlan corv�nf,a w�a�ny par�a m.R.�u�o�y�a�ny InMrat In tM�iMl PtopKty. A -- —
<br /> '�cx t�rnNr'mwrn fh�conwY�nc�of FiNI Pro�ty a any rtphf,li1N a In1�na11h�rNn�whNM►Mpd�MnMcl�l or�quit�bp)whNhw vdunt�ry► _-�__��
<br /> �=.����•.�-;, "� . ; a Inw�fur►t�Y;wMlh�r by ouY�qM ut�.dMd�Instal�n�i�l al�conkact�I�nd contncl,cantnct lor dNd�la�s�hold InNrM1 w4th�Mrm prMIK ih�n _
<br /> �r tMN(9I YM��I�sacPlfon oonkact,a by aN.a4alDnmsnt,a t�rqlw M�ny b�+Nlldd In1KN1 In a fo�ny knd kusl holdi IiUa to Ih�FiNI ��==��
<br /> @`' t`' P�oP�1Y�or by�ny dt�mNhal M oonwyana d�fiwl Prop�rly Int��st. If�ny Trutta b�caPortlbn�P�u 1►�'x h 1 P or N m f t�d�acxnpanri
<br /> _ .::i•.' 1nr�cMr ako k�duJ�any cM�W In ownKSh�P W mcx�thnn tw+nhr-flw p�ran!(�5K)ot IM voUnp atoCk�Wuln�rahlA Intor�sb a Nrnff�d M�bMfY
<br /> =--` r";. camp�ny InNr�tb�u Ih�cas�mty b��ol T�wta. Ffow�w►�thb opHon�ha1l not M ucKCfs�d by 4�ncNr H a��ch�xw�b prohlblt�d by frdK�l =°---
<br /> �!`�� ,' � I�w or by N�brasfc�Mw. --
<br /> ,. W .,.�:.:' . � TA1fE�AIiD LIEIi�. Th�toNOwirip provMlon�r�kMnp fu Ih�fua��nd Ihrw oe�tM Pro�Nrry�n a puf W Ihli DNd ol Trutt. �_
<br /> ��"��"'. . PrN�I. Tru�iot�haM P+►Y wh�n du�(�nd In�JI�wnN pdot lo dWnQtNt�cl'�mll t�xN�MsCl�I t�x�,asNastn�nb,Ch�'ON(ktChtdlnp w�iK "�_..���::_
<br /> --_:� " ° • ' . pr►d t�wK)�AnN�nd ImpoNilwK Nvl�d�ral a on�occunt W t1►�Prop�b.�nd FIw►Y y wt►sn du��fl ci�lrrn fa wak darw oa a kx ��----_�__-— .-
<br /> _---�:���= - �.: �----=----
<br /> ,��: :� . r, t�rvloM nndw�d or mNwW hxnithW b 1 P�rop�1y 'frutta�tµM matr►twtn Q�Prpp�rry M d�fl Y�ra IuiNop prlorNy ovK or pwl b tM ,
<br /> I n l o n c t o l L m d�r u n t M r t t s a D w d d T r u t1,�x a p l f a i h�Nm M t�xof►tnd a 3 3�s trtNnl�n-ol dla�w c a Pt ta ltw�at�N r p Mdot►6�dn�q rMrtrod � s.�d.�,�,�
<br /> � `;�°� ,R•,,_� to bMo+w��nd�tapl u o1Mnv{N Provfdld In Ihb DMd W T�L ri1�°'�_�
<br /> c ?��"'.���a
<br /> rr. 1, � � Oilpht To ConNM. T�u�tor may wllhhotd paym�nl cf�ny I�x,su�m�n1,a cl�Im In connscUon N41h p qood IaHh dhpuN orw fhi obYp�lfon . _ _
<br /> �.�:.��.-
<br /> � �P�ri w lonp w l�ndK'a InMrrat In Ih�propwfy i�nd Jcopardt�d. M a N�n�ri�ar M Mod u�r�oull ol rwr�Ym�nt,Truslor ttaM tivM1Qn ;t,-�•_--
<br /> � Alt�n(16)d�y�dbr tM N�n a�as a.N�N�n M IfNd,wNMn IMNn(16)ct�ri�Mr Tru�tor ha noYo�W tl�Alllnp,Wcun Ih�cWCh�rp�W M+� -' `� °----._�r_
<br /> ; Mw►,a N��quKMd by 4�ndw.eNpo�Jt with l,end�r cuh or�w1Ac1�n1 co�pa:aN�a�ty bond a olhK wcurity s�usthctory b l�nd�r In aa ' �;";,�,
<br /> • : �mouM EuMfclrM fo dkcharp�ItN li�n ptw wny cah�nd�Nanoys'Na a ott�chrupN thal coWd accruo u�rwutl W�Mndosur�or taM t�:�: '.,
<br /> unde itw Mm. In�ny cont�cl,Tnntor sh�N doMncl ksoM�nd L�ndK and thaN ufbN���y��N Judpm�ni bafor��nto�cwn�nl apaln�!iM _,��;.;a ,E.
<br /> _ ".'__..... Prc�rly. Tnwtor ff W nnrw l�nd�r as an acfdiHorwl ob1lpM undM�ny wrNy bond turnbtwd In IM conNct praoNdkp�. .:;:�, f �
<br /> . . .,k: �s ; .
<br /> �. . � Evld�na of PaynN+tt. Trwla tl�Nup on d�mand turnkh lo L�nde wWf4ctory wid�na a�f�ynwnl of th�taxN a�ss�s�m�nb�nd�h�N ��<•
<br /> �. tulhala�th��ppropdtM powrnmW►tal oMclal b dWwr to L�n�pt any Ilrrw�wrlflan ttafr�r�wni d ttN taxM�nd ats�manb ap�I+�11M y ,��.`�'� ,�'�
<br /> - pr��. .�'' , _.�'
<br /> u Sl�ar.�w�1 N:
<br /> - -k NoiIC�of COtNH'4CIIOn. T�Wta sh�N nWly l�ndu d I�asl Mtwn(16)d4ys bofor�any wak i�comm�rw�d��tny sorvk��r�ttKnlshW,a�ny ,�:y� � -
<br /> __,.«�;� , n�NtwM ar�tuppl{ed to th�Pro�ry.N�ny m�ohinby INn� mtt�rWrtwn'�INn�a ottwr W►n cawd w�ss�tad on�ocoun�d�tw wak, ,,� , .•� .
<br /> tWVlou,a m�MrMk. Trusta wIM upon nqu�l of L�ndw(urnbh b L�nde adv�na atsunnoM��Qsf�ctary to L�ncNr that Trustw can and wIN � �, '7_'., , �s:_
<br /> +.. ,:�"� P�Y IM cast W wch Improwrnmts. .. .. �
<br /> PROPERTY QAMAGE INSt1RANC�. sh�foNowlnp provblons rotallnp b Inturtnp Ih�Prop�rty sr��pul of Ihla Dood ol Trusl.
<br /> ' Irt�InTMw�c�of Inwr�c�. Trusta ehall prxur��nd malnf�ln poticlas of N��Insunnca wlth etandard oxtandad cowrape�ndars�ment�on� . �
<br /> npl�m�nt ba�s la tha t��l InsurabN v�lui cowrinp aN Improwrtwnls on IM R�I Proparty In an amotmi sutHcknt to wvdd�ppNcallon of�ny ,
<br /> colnsurenca cku�,�nd wNh��tandard mortg�causR In lavor Ql l.ond�r,to�ethw wlth such olher hazard�nd Aabulry Insurpnce tw I.ondw
<br /> „ rtwy rp�cunehry raquko. POIiCfG9 BhiN b�Wrftt�n In fam,amotmts,CovOrapos and basla reasonobty Wcceptnbte to Londw artd Issuad by a ,. �
<br /> � compt�y a comp�nWi reasonabty acc�ptabte tfl Londov. Yru�tor,upon roquesl of Lendar,wIN cleihrar b Lende�hom lima to fln�e lha paNCtea ,; ��
<br /> • cr callflcatae ol lnttx�noe In/am�tkf�ctory to Londw,Indudlnp�uputatlor►�tt�l covonpos wW no9 ba c�ncailed a dlmintshad wilhatA�I ,.
<br /> loast I�n 10)c4ya'prlor wrilNn noUc�to lon�. Each Iru�x�rx�potlay�ko NwN Inctuda an ondat�irwnt provldlnp t!+a1 cowrap�In tavor d �
<br /> „ Lsnd�r nW b�Impiksd In�ny w�y by�ny M;1,ortNt�lon a dNtuN d Cw�nta a pny olt�pKSOn. Shoutd ttw R�al Prop�rly�1�ny Ilm�
<br /> � b�corrw bcakd In�n u�a dstprwNd by tM Ok�cta W IM F�u Hmorp�noY MorwpamoN llpmcy as��pxlal Aood ha�zard a�w,Trustcx .. '�
<br /> . �m} {an�n0�cr Itw fuN u��Flood Irourana to tlw�xWn1 tuch Inaurancw a r�quk�d by L�nd��nd fe or bacanw ovaN�bia,la tt�
<br /> ' np�ld pdnclpal bAtar�»d IM►wn,a lh�risrxlmum NmH of cownps Ihtl b evaWbl4,whtcMva�N Nss.
<br /> . � -
<br /> � � .
<br /> 3 • ,.
<br /> _ ; . , _._.- -- ..
<br />