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<br /> ti.�a��t4�Y+��'SDa��.�`3�:�5. tt�ru�i L�►�3er'n r�uest,Bbiia�Wi�Eh�7il ELti,S{�.t�W L�:�rt3�r a11 li'l:i�s c1F tha F
<br /> gra;s�:si;aitf.l �14 ��uri.ry c�c�s;ts t?��4t�In connecdon with Ic�,�e-s nf!ho F�bperty,�1�n InQ easlgnmcnt�[,�ndcr _.
<br /> rJ��1!h�ve th�ilellt to st14t11iV.GI�Cl1(I Uf[C�li11lflAf�7 Iilp 01l�xIIOg iC�5C9 Nld[0 Cl(CCUtO IlOtiV ICSLSC.9,in L,cn�lcr's solo —
<br /> discretYOn.As used tn lhis�,�ragraph a�the wurd "leaso" shall me�an "sublc�s�"if tha Security(nstn�ment ia an� =
<br /> leuseS�old. =
<br /> fi. A5SICNMENT OF ltFN'1'Si Al°FUINTINF.iU'A' OC EtF.C�IVGFi; LltiNDFFt IN POS�rSS10N. °
<br /> ••--- �" ••�p.•••�tSTi:�C:ti�{:�ST�1l�:�.`�••i:w;!!'.'.����Il°.s��so���a1►u�{�r gl)lh.e�c�119 tlftd[QVCJ1liC9(u�CSlI9��)Of ltl0
<br /> L�1NIl\ICVN li .��SSW� N� `
<br /> �roperty�rcgnrdks9 af ta wiie�tt tho Rcnis of Qw Property a�v p�yabla.Barrawc.r authorfr,cs I..cndcr ar Lcndcr's —
<br /> �gents to coll�ct tho RenGS,and tt�res ihat cach tcns�nt of tt�a I'r►�perty ahni�pay thn Rents t�Lender or�ntlePs
<br /> �gents,liowavrs.pormwcr shall rccolvc Iho Rcntv ut�til(i)�.cndc�4a9 glvcn AQrrawcr notion of dcfault rursunnt to
<br /> �gmph 21 af tho Socudty Instrumcan snd(ii)L.cndcr has givcn nodco N tho tentu►t(s)q�ut U�o Rcnts oru to bc
<br /> paid to Lendu or I.enc4ex's pgen� 11�is tLSlgnment of Rents constitutr.� nn nbsoluto assignmG�t �nd nnt un
<br /> s�slgamcnt for o�ciditiont+l rx,cudsy only. � -
<br /> If Lcnder giecs notica uf brcach to IIormwer:(i)all Rcnts rcceived by Bonower shup be3 hcld by Horrower av
<br /> trustc;o for ths hcncfit of l.cacl�r anly,to ba applie,ii ta tha sitms sccurccl by tho Sccw�lty Instrum�nt;(�i)i.cndcr shall
<br /> ba entit�d to cailect and receivo ull of tha ltenw af thc t���reny; (iii) Borrawer ngrees that each tena�u of tha
<br /> Property shall Iray all ltents dua nnd unpaid to l.cndcr or L:u��,�;;°��cntv upan Leadcr's written dcmand to ttio
<br /> tcnant; (iv) unlacs a{►p1lcaUk Ww prov�das athcrwiso.all Rer►ts ca:itn�z:Y1 by Lender or Lcncier's agents sh�ll bc
<br /> appiiad 1'ust to tha wst�v of�a�cin�conbrol of and managing�ho Property and calk�cdng tho Rcnt9,�iCluiWig,but not
<br /> ilmitrd to,aitarrwys' foes.racclvcr•s focs�premtums an reckiver•s bnnd.9,repair c►r� maintenanco cast�,Insuranca
<br /> �miums,taxcs.a�scssments and othc.�chargcs on tho Property� nnd thcn to Qic sums sacund by tha�ccurlty
<br /> b�stn�ment;(v)Lcndtr.Lcndec's�Ccnts or any juciicialiY a��wiutNf��:caivei ohall{x�liabla w:�:.cauni fa:only thp:� _
<br /> Rents actuAlly c�ocxivccic snd (vi) l.cndcr shull tsa c�tiAaf w hava a rcccivcr appc�inta!to tnlco posscsskx� af ar�A
<br /> managc tho I'ropca�ty and colicct tho Rcnts an�t pnc�fit�dui�al fram thn Pcaperty �vithom any Rhnwing es to tlxs
<br /> iiwdoquacy cf tha Property as�ocurity.
<br /> IC tho Rcnts of tt�o Pcoperty �o noi sufC�eicnt w cc�vcr the costs of t�}king control nf and mnnaging thn•
<br /> Property and oi colla:tin�tha Rcn�9 any funds ex�►cncicd by t.cndcr for auch pur�saa shaU hoct�me indc6todncss of
<br /> Horrower Ic►Lu�der socuroQ by tho Secudry Instrumcnt pursuant w Unifarm Govena�t 7.
<br /> _ _ Rcvr�,uarrr rr�,r�sr.nts ntul v1Art�ntv Ihat$oqnVlrCr h8s Q4L Gxl�CU1S'dl 8IIY QI141'�C AO IUGnE(�f�h0 RCt1ID iuld hA9
<br /> not und wlll not perfoam any a�ct thsut woutd�r�vcut L�ndcr from wccrclsing its rlghts�nder�h1s�par�g�ra��h.
<br /> Lcndcr.ar i.cadc�c's�gc�nts ar t►judicialtY RPPoititod nxclvG•.ahall not bo.roquir�cl W cntsr upcx��taka contraf
<br /> of ar nWnt8ln t�C 1'tpMtty befcxe or etkx glving natk� of def'autt to H�wer. Hownver. I.uxkr, cx Lenckr's
<br /> - :,ac.��as a�,��l,r�aln�r�l��.may�±x�N!w±Y�m�+w��n e c{ee,�uu occun.My�Of RtllLi
<br /> chali not cucc or walvo any dcfault c�r invalidato any othcr rlgnt or rcmaty of Lcrxkr.This a�.4ignr!�nt of Rcnt9 of
<br /> thc Ptoputy shall tamins�to whcn all Iho suma�cuxed by tho 5ocurity Insuunx�¢aco�uW in full.
<br /> I.�1tQ5S-DF.FAUI.T PROVISIQN. I3orrawcr's ckfa►�It or brcach undcr uny nato or agrccmcnt nr.
<br /> which L,cnckr has pn intcrest shall bo a brcacn undcr thc Socurity insuumcnt and I.cncicn•may invoka any af�'�n
<br /> rcmoQics pa�miuccl by thc Socurity�nstrumcnt
<br /> BY SIG`dINC3 aSLOW.�arcowu eccepts and a�g�ces ro tho tcrms an�l provisians contatncd in Qiis 1-d Family
<br /> .I R�.
<br /> __�� � ��1�",�� _ �se�,,� �����. �', �2�.�.,a.m.�.��
<br /> CU12Y Is' THE9pN •Borrowar RONALD E MAT}tE80N -Htn�rower
<br /> ���1�—�-- - (soa13 �.. _(S�) .
<br /> SHX�RAIJ I.� MATHF90N -Horrowor •Flortowet
<br /> a •
<br /> +�•87 �cao�� P�p.�o�a !'orm���0�/Oa
<br /> �-------� __ _ - — -- --- - --
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<br /> - ,;�rre rnscsrnrry�[.r Fr � �i ���Y rti _ .R ��n = —.
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