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<br /> TFjIS ���D 3o d�ted And execu�ecl thio �'� day oi�
<br /> �-�►�c,E'._ ___, 1995, by Rnnald �. �cpuo, Truot•ee, �and' ia with �, �
<br /> reEer�nGe �o Doad of Txuat whoroin Jamoe A. W�od and Ftlinor J. G
<br /> Wao�, hueband �ind w1fe, ar� a�r�of�.aiexry, and C1xarl�c� W. Wob�r is �
<br /> Truator and Ronal.d �. AQp11G �.a Trueteat \
<br /> ��HF�FA9, Tru�tor, �ar valuablP coneideration anci ln order to
<br /> �ecuro ta Benoficiary th� paymont of valuable caneideratlon, did
<br /> execute a Deed of Truet, wh�.ch wae E�.led on Dc�cembe.r �9, 1992, and
<br /> idPn�i:�l.ed ae Doaument No. 97-17.1086, conveyin� �o '!'ruc��ee,
<br /> True�ee�a succeaeors or ae�igne, a C�rt�in pa:racl of r�al eoGate
<br /> described in eaid D�od �s fol:lowr�, to-wit:
<br /> A tr�ct of land compriein� part o� the Weot Half Q� tho
<br /> N�rtheae� Quarter of Sec�ion Twenty (20) � Townahip �levon (11)
<br /> North, Range �7ine (�? West of i,1�A Gth P.M. , �n the C�.t� oE
<br /> C3rand Ielarid, �ia7.1 County, Nebxaaka, and maro paxticulaz�l,y
<br /> der�cr3.bEd aa EA�.�awe�: Beginning a� the a.n��rsect:lan a� thc�
<br /> narther3y line af Second e�xeer witll tkas weaterly lxne c�� oaid
<br /> W��� 1_?.at1� of the N�xtheaet Quarter.� thera4e northerly alo�a� ana
<br /> upox� th� weet 11ne o� �aid Weo� ?���1� b� �he Nox'theavt t�uc`tx`'tar,
<br /> a diat�nc.e o� 339.5� feet �o � �vint on �he eautherly xighi:-
<br /> o�-wa�y �ir�� U� the U'nion Paci�ic Railxdad; �henc� detlec�in�;
<br />_ x�igtlC 120o5H'13" and runninq narznaaerc����.y a�.�iia� aTia°,t ui.a.�a o�.au
<br /> e�ou�hPrly r.ight-of-way line afl Che Un3on Pacific Raxlraad, a
<br /> d:Lr�tance of 27�,75 fe�C �o a point or� tihe weat�arly r i.ght-o�-
<br /> way line of `the 9�. Jooeph �ranch of tho Union Pacif3c
<br /> Railroad1 �henc� eouthweetarly along and upon daid wot��exly
<br /> x�.gY��-of-way lino u� ��hp SL. Joseph Branch a� the L�nion
<br /> P�c:i�ia Railraad (wh�.ch �a racorded oi� �ai3.road mapA aa being
<br /> on the �rc of a ].960.08 FnoC r�diue curve to �hQ leEt) L•o a
<br /> poinC: on �hA nar.therly .line o:E 9econd 9�xeet (deFlection o�
<br /> 19�097'22" ric�h� from the la�� deecr�hed couroe �o the lang
<br /> CYIOX'G� - cho.rd dj.etanae o� 5�7.0�°J ; thence deflactiing
<br /> 37p13'01�' right fram the lang cY�ord and, running eau�hwee�erly
<br /> along mncl upon �ho n�rther7.y :Line ot Second Street, a dia�ance
<br /> of 36.3� feet ta the point of beq�.nnlr�g.
<br /> � '" .�''�y tv���.�� 's _ �___._
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<br /> t �,}j'4 �___�� . . - R - _ , , . • . LT\ � ,�, �--a1. � �� Y a�Ji
<br /> S�G i ��'11� ' ,..• • .. Y �Q� .. . e . � '�0 .S-fl rW�l �ra"� ,F -ti�..`-
<br /> �WF 11�i'Id�a t.y 1•��1�i.ti ".f "' 1 1_i
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