: . . ,...:.� . �. '. _ _ . ____ ._ ` T;
<br /> k , . � -
<br /> _. ._... .._. _... . f�. . . . . . - .. . ._ .— ..��_._� . , . .. _____—' �
<br /> ' , . �J°' �.r��'���'S . ,."�
<br /> . . Y. Rr�teotlara of�end��'e Hlghta h� 1h� NY�pe�iy. 1� [larowcr t��a tv pertorm tho covcn�nto pnd aprscmcr,t9 ��
<br /> � � cantw?ned{n thla Oecu�ity Inat�uni�+�L or tt�e��1�a I��al�s3cc,:�'np Ihat may a',n!-".cr.ntty sttecl Lendor'e�iahte 1n th0 Praps�ty(auch aa •;
<br /> ' � e ��roc«e�W►�6i heniuuptcy, probata,for condanWtiallan ot Wdetturo ar to onlares la�v� a re��4�t!one), then Lwuta�may da wid pey tor
<br /> ° wtsa�,wv Is oacaiury tn prui�ct tha velu� ot Ih• F��y�aiy �nd L�,idc�'o rpAts M the P�pe�tY. Lenc4e►�A ACiiOt1A fiiiiy Filf,�1'[si u6}ra1Q �
<br /> re+a�neb4��iiomp a i»:.z��d . . _.. . . ....._.. _..
<br /> ony�uma aasurod by�Rhi whlch hae p�io�ity nvvr ti�la G�cu�ry t�aGuin�+�►1�Qppco�hp hi oauA� RaY�+�U -- y�
<br /> �. enter6ifl an the Rropc�ty to make repdn, Although l.�ndK n�y tske nctlon u�icicr thl�{�u�prRph!. 6ender ci��e�not havs to do su,
<br /> Any rmounte dlaburaocl by t.eacie� unde� thty par�pr�h Y rh�! bs;.aine ecld�tlanRl c1e01 of Uartu�v�r eecurud hy thla 6ecuriry
<br /> Inetrumwit. Unt�aa Uannwar end Lrnder �pree to othn lnrma ol pey+nrnt, thASa amaunt� eh�fl Uear Intete�t hon� Ihe d�te o1
<br /> . ��bur�rmer�!at the Note n+t�and eh�.N b�peyrh:a,w�th 6�►twa�t,wpon ncttc�l�am lered�t�Uortawer reqae:tinp p�yme�t. �
<br /> _ .. . � . -- _ ked nort k��us�nao �s a �d;t;en ot �1np the Ic+rn aeGUt�sl �y thi�
<br /> � ,� �. i���g�a� tnAUr�nae. It ��na� rac�u �ag� .. .- - _ _. .
<br /> E�urity I��b S:n1, por�w� sha� pay ih� p�em[w�e rRClulre�In m!�tatn tha mnrt�po Inxuranse h m`iac1. It, for any rsaean, the �
<br /> •- . j ma�t�g�Inauru�n� env�rrg� tequlred by lenda I�Aaa� w ceaoo� ta bs{n ettacl, OurtoN�sr eha.1 piy 1ha pmmlumfl roquk�d to abtdi,� ` ��
<br /> . . -.n— . aovxeQ� eubat�ntle)y aquN�lent to th• mwtgrn� tnaur�nc�a pravfous�► t� a:isct� efi � cv5i aubn�nitt�iny s:,u:a'�! to tk� cca t^ E . - -- -- ._
<br />- „ [lurtawe► at th� matpag� tnsuranFe prevlouery bi aflecf, kom an Rttem�te mort�pa Ineura �ppmvad Ey l�nder. If eubatmtltNy •
<br /> equNtlenl mcrig�ps Ine��renca oover�p�lo not�veNabte, �ortoevK �haM pay to LNidee ��ch month � aim �qvd to om•tweh'ih o1 lho ,
<br /> __._ _.__.,..� y.a,ty m,utn,�g.�naww�ca prwniun�bokiu P��d by Etoaowa when th�ineuMnc�covKepe kpsed cv cspe�cl to b�In etiicS. lend�r wfN .
<br /> , . : �cc�pt. ut� �nd ntaln thos�p�ym�nU �s � los• ro��rv� In Nou of rnortp�Q� Intur�nc�. Loa� �eaorve payme��io uwy aa t����r ba --.- . . _ -
<br /> raqu5�ed,�4 th� option o1 lender, M mod�qe heur�nc�covaap� (In th� �mount�nd tor ths petMd that 4encN►requ�ta�)providad by •
<br /> �n Inaura �pFroved 6y lender �Qein bo.,omna avaGtbl� �nd le obtelntd, Ucaowcr ehaM p�y ths pnxntums �equkad to melnt�in
<br /> monQ�p�In�unu�a In �M�cf. ot to provld�o la�s r�s�nr�, unta th�r�qutrNneni tor mortgap� Ineu�nce�nda In racordance wUh �nY ..
<br /> �� writhn �yt�ement betwean BarowK aRd land�r or�ppYcabi�{aw, �, 1'"�''�.
<br /> 9. Insp�otlan. lencler or Ite �pent miy irtaks rwsonAbt��ntrNe upon �nd Inepa.tion� 01 tha {'�op�+ty. Lenda ahaN pNe
<br /> Bo►rower notico at the tlma o1 or prior ta�n{napectlon epaclryinp rentombl�cau�e for ths Inapectton. _�y,,;t'
<br /> 1O.Cond�mnatlon. 7h� proc�arlo of nny �wud or cfalm tor �moyoo, dkect or consequ�ntlal, In connrc:t{on wlth �ny }:���`.
<br /> aondemn�Uon or utha tekina o}any p�r�o11ho P:oparty, or tar convsyanc�in N�u o1 oond�stlon,�re hotoby�sdpn�cl and ehaA!�• ,. y; ��y-£-
<br /> , pald to lender, � `���
<br /> ';,, .�
<br /> In Ih� event of �tottl taWnp o1 ths Propetiy, th�proceadi eh� be cppV�ci to th� auma eccured by tht� Secu�tly tnetNmenl, �� �-:�
<br /> � In whloh tN�itlr m�rkal }��"'_
<br /> " whNh�r or not thon du�,wiih�ny �xcea� p�ld to Botrowa, M th� �vw►1 ot�putlul 4Wnp o1 th� Proparly �' � �.
<br /> vatw o1 th� Prop�rty YnmulWey b�tor� tb t�klnp I� �qual to or pt�rte th�n th� unounl of tho aum� secur�d by thh S�cu�iry -�"'� F�
<br /> -,;,. -- -
<br /> �natmment immedNtNy belor�th� Wc�np, unle�a 8orrowar �nd Lendor othmvt�o aprw In w►Ninp, lhv rum� s�cur�td by thl� 3eairlty ,�" ,��.,-
<br /> � � InaUument sh�N b� �educed by th� unount ot tha proce�d� muNlpR�d by th� totlowinp hactler►: (r) th� total amount o1 th� �um� _ T �
<br /> eecurQd Inxmd'wtey botw� th�tal;k�p, dNid�d by @� tho htk trarkel value a1 ths Ptop�tty Imn�eclSntey b�for� th�Ukinp. Any bakna ;:�
<br /> ' ., eh�Y b�patd to Oortow�r. In Ik� �vent o1 o puiial lahlny o4 t�w Fr�pet.y I�� whkh ii►e i�lr m;�rk�2 va!ua o!tl�e �ropestyt kn+necil�tat�l • - -
<br /> � ' �� befon th� lakinp Is kns than Ihs �mouM o1 ths aum� s�cured krmedt�tey bofore th�Wckip, untesu 8orrowa and Landar oth«wise _ _
<br /> � - ayrae in writinp a uninse r.�pNcatbb I�w othawiae ptavkl�i, tha proceedu �hafl be �ppded to the aum� eacursd by th!a Securfry ,
<br /> - - - �-:` tnatrumant v�hethet or not the cteme Rr�then due. - -
<br /> , � 8 th�Propaty Is�bmdaned by E1cr�owK,o�H,�rtK aotic�by lmd�►to Borrowsr thd lh�ca�idwnno►ottan to mak��n a�v�rd w
<br /> - . � �ettN�cWm ta c{�m�pe�, Barowor eAit3 to rospond to lender wlthin 94 da�ye aRsr th�dat�t?ae noUca IA QNen, Ldnder b �uihodted
<br /> . ��: to col{ect and�ppy t�e procaede. A1 tta option, etther to reatorupon a rep�k o1 the Prope�ty a to tha eums eocured by this 9oc�rity _ �
<br /> �, InaUum�nt, whMha w�ot then dua.
<br /> • : �- Un'tees i�ndar wnn'SnrroYiiP aan"w�ri"si G{�'i'w:s::s�,Y, ��r s �"�'!'.:."t w�!�!�'�!'h�-�°`-�!h�r4°i�d or pestpurt�Ihi
<br />-_, _ .�.. : due date of th�motrihty paymento retwrod to k►pangraph�1 and 2 or chuip�ihs�mount of such�yrn�nta.
<br /> -�_�..,r-., � 91.Barrow�r Not Aol�ased: Fotboe�r�na� By L�nd�� Not �W�tv�r. Exhr►slon ot �h• ttrt►� Ia paym«�t a
<br />:,'" �:•` mndieaauon ot�,nocttut{on af th�wm��scut�d bY thl�8�quity(��Aunsmt pnntW by L�nder to�ny tuccatia ln ht�nsl 01 Bno'oww
<br /> ,�--°- :�� if�:li rot�M:�:ta to ra::.�tha N�6'�.'!y a!th�a�l�!@er►o�:�e�k3c�aNer'e e�oe..aan In htrrb Un�r�1�aI not o�nquinai to __�
<br /> comnsaca proca�c�np� epalnal�ny succeaaor In intereet a raNsa to extend tkn�iw paym�nt ar ath�nWs�modHy�maAhallon of th� _ •
<br />_;_�-`. ;' -'`-�, wms sM,ured by thi� Sec�rily inetrument by reason o1 �ny d�nund mtd� by ths orl�ln�! Bn�rowx or BarrowK'� aucc�itors In _
<br /> ���.. -„ • .iu IntKnt.My fo�beani�ce by LenQer�i�tarclalnp any dpht w renl�dyl ahali no1�e�w�Na o1�pracluds th�uc�rde�01 arey riqht or _
<br /> iu
<br />.,""�:i:�'•; �•rL_ , fAt1lQflyl. --- —
<br /> _";"'�;;;�' 1Z.Suaa�Eevas pnd Astipn� eound; Jolnt �nd Savae�l Llabllity; Ca-sl���n. m• eownant� �nd ___
<br /> -_-- � '� ���«naits ot thla �e,.urNy In�trumer►t •MN bind md b�noM th� �ucca�on �nd aailpn� of L�ndw �nd Baro►rK, �u�bHct to th� _
<br /> L��-�';-.6`` ' provl�lon� of pu�praWA 17. BoROwK'�cowmnt� �nd�prNn»nr th�ll b�jofnt�nd ew�1. My 8oaoww who co��ipns Ihia 3�wriry =--
<br /> '`� � " �� Ins�ument twt cloa not ax�cut� ths Notr. (a) h casSqn{np Ahb Securky UaUummt ony to mortpsa, {�nnt, atd cxanz�y tfuit
<br /> �a�=��`'-:' � Darrowa'o fntete�t In th�Property undw th�terms of thls l�cur?Q�Pnstrum�nt; (b�I�nat pwxcxx�fly obNp�t�d tp p�y th�aurnt+secured °"-
<br /> y�'1�r-"� by Ihts Bocurlry Insuu�nent; �nd (o) aflrN� that Qendor and any othw BoROwK muy ��rM to �xt�nd, madify, tab�u or n'w�la w►Y -_ �"—
<br /> �-�'�r•t.4�.i - _
<br /> `_''x;�^�•••:� acccx►xnodrUon�wRh��rd to tams ot thl�8ecurlry In�trum�nt a ths Not�H9lraut th�t Barowe'�cont�nt. - _�
<br /> .t.a�;�.�i•�,� 13, La�n Gh�rQ�s. U th�ban ��cund by thla 8ecurky Insln�m�nt� subJ�ci to � Mw wh�ch eN� mucVnum lo�n ch�rQn, ��
<br /> �,� and that I�w U M�rYy intwprotfd �o th�t th� ht�oat or oth�bwn ahupu coYected or to 6e coA�ct�i {n cam�f{on wah th�loan �_ _�;
<br /> .__;l�.�� __ � -��
<br /> "-:�,_;+-, t� �xcesd th• pKrr�lttsd Wnit�, th�n; ��} *ny suob ioan charpe� �hall b� nduced by ths�mount rea�eaary to r�duc�thN ch+�g�to th� - ._..._k...,_ _
<br /> -�'�.;.': p�n�ttMd Wmit;�nd (b)�nY sum�au�on�y eoRected troin BoROwer w�ch exc��dec1 permitted Am�;a wIN G�relunded to Oorrawa. l��fer t,�ur�°�°-------:
<br /> �:;--..:.:...
<br />- ���;.-.�.��: �,="---- •
<br /> �•'z�, ,., may chooso t� m�ic�flhh reiund Ay reduGnp C'���:incipal owQd unde Ih� Nt�t�or by rnakin9 • dkeot MYr^ant ta 8amwer. H • ----,
<br /> �", • �� �otund nduca�princtpaL tho�Wuctt�n wUl bo trpa:aA r��parWl prpaym�nt w���ut any prop�Ym�nt chupa undK tho Not�. W�
<br /> ' ' {�.: 1� '=y
<br /> ' . ,� 14. NotiC��. My�aUc�to Borrow�r provld�d ta k► thl� 8�cutity Initrummt eh�ll b�pN+�by delN�fnp N or by cn�ilhp M by -_ __ _____-
<br /> � • lirot clas� m�N unNas appliubt� I�w r�qukoi us�ot �nothK mn4.'�od. Th� notk�ah�Y bs dinctW to th� Property Adcl�n.a w ony
<br /> �. othw �ddnu Bnrroww destynat�� by noUaa to lYndw. Any notia to L�nd�e�h�N b� pN�n by Arat dass m�N to l�nc4�� �ddnas �'
<br /> ' -- -.- - �Ltod hKNn a�r►y othK addnts L�ndK dnla►atss by nodc�to Bortow�►. My noUo+provkNd Ior In thla B�awRy Insinurut►t�t►� '
<br /> be daanHd to Mv�6wn pNan to 8orrowe or L�nd�r wh�n pN�n��provkl�d{n thi�pu��rnph. ��-------- :
<br /> � • � .� � �� 1S. Oov�rnina I.�w; 6�v�rabtilty. ThI• sxx�rky Inswment �h�N b• povMr►�d by t.der�l I�w and ih� ww of th� ��% ��' �`T�
<br /> � J�ti�d{�Uort [n whtcb th�Prapaty is IaaNd, In th�evenl th�t�ny provl�lan at cl�ut�of thb S�uky Inatrum�nt or ths Note ccn�ich �`',_��L«��,-
<br /> wlth�ppYcabl� k�w. �uch conri{ct �hafi not atta�t othK provisionr, ot thb F.�cway Instrum�.��os tha Nots whlch cu►b��ran mffoct - -� -
<br /> :�:{�,N� wilhout th� conlNcttny provtslon. To thli end th�provisiona of thia 8ecurity(nstrumM�t and th�Noiv�n dedrr�+d to b�ew�AbN. 7 c� �.�s��
<br /> � ` • 16. Borrowot's Copy. Barower�haY ke qhron ono contormkl copy of tho Not��nd ot thla B�wdty Inavument. �F��►;`�,,�
<br /> �.p�'��`�"' 17.Tr�nsf�r ot th� Proparty or� E��naflatal Intu�st In Borrow�r. H aM a any pan o1 ths Propor.y a ar�y �. -`�;:�_-�•
<br /> . li. . .
<br /> Intereal In ft Is aold a tnnsterred (or N• benaticlal k►terosl In Bortower 1� eoid or t�aferr�d and Bortaw�b aot�natunl p�eon) .
<br /> �vithout lenda's prtor wdlion consent, lendar may,at Ite opUon,requtrn Irm�edlats payment k�tuM of oN eum� eecured by this SecurfRy ��
<br /> � Instn�mant. Howovw,lhto opUon shaN no1 be exwcisad by lendor N e:corclse Is prohibitod by isdot�l law ta ot tho date o1 this Securky ,
<br /> ' In�tmmcnt. .
<br /> It I.onctcr oxorcac3 lhl$ opilo��, 4ondcr shaA alvo 8orrowcr noUca o1 Accalsxatlon The notice sheU pmvide a pertod of not�u�a th�n � �
<br /> SO daya trom tho data ths nmice Is doHve�ad or maAed wlthin whlch tAe 8oaower must p�ny ofl sume eecured by thls SecurNy ,
<br /> - ; Instrumant. H Qoaowat(�Ys to p�y tMs�wma prlur to Ih��xpYatlon o1 thN pwiod,Lender may tnvoks ony remedia�permitted by thta '
<br /> � Security Instrument wlthout fudheP aotic�w der�w�d on 8orrower. Form sn2a elso
<br /> ' , P1o22LMO(9/95) Paps 8 of s
<br /> _' , l?�s ,� , �
<br /> 5070111SJ ' ,.
<br /> � -
<br />