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' _. �i tl��l' =5.::.:.l,i���•: r*tt�r.k.}r�.i_?.. <br /> . s. -�..����3 . . . ~ <br /> _ "` _- <br /> -•- .... —.- ��'lY�.�".'.�.'�clf,�.�'.....21T:�"n...",�..-:.!.T--:_ ._.._ �� ....-_.�„ . . .......�. �__ —'-' _'__ <br /> g 5�:���`���� <br /> 'COCittil'tl1412�V17'll►dl tf�o Impr��v�u��;nts n�►w or i�emuftcr crcctc:l un tliA properiy,nnd al rascmcntti,nppurtrnai�ccs, und <br /> finiums emv oe hcrenQcr n pnrt uf tl�c prop;;�1y. All rcpla«uunts und uddilluus shuU nlsv br- c��vcred by this Sc�urity <br /> Inst�lmtcnl. AU oi'thc fon,gning is rcf¢rrcd tu i�t 11�ic;Sccueity Ins�rument nv thc"Pru�xrty." <br /> Ilt)RRt1WG�t CaVfiNAN7'S tt�at tlorro�ticr is A«��tulty�r.iscd pf Uic csmtc hercby convopcd nncl h�«thc e1�;f�t tu�#r�M.nrd <br /> rcmvcy tho Prc1p.rty anei �h�t the k'mpartp is unc�xumlx�eed, rxccpt fi+r e��eun�k+r.�r�ee�nt re�:��rA. Hnrro�ver�vuernnts uncl �vlll <br /> def'end senera!!y t1t��lit1�lt►111�Pn�jyr�y ne:dnxt all claims nnd dentnndy, subf cct to unY CnCUmbraltcCS�+f fCCPitl. <br /> TNIS S[iCURITY INSTI�UME?N'1'�ombincs uniform cuvriunits P���•�iad�mal usc imd non•unif►+r�n c�wcnmUs wUh Ilroitcd <br /> vc�riiitinns by jurfsaiction ro cunsNlutc a uniiin��u ve�u�ity iu5uiu�tent cnvcrinG rcul properly. <br /> UNIFQRM CnVf NANTS. pormwcr und l,endcr ca�•cnant itnd ngrcc,�.c folluws: <br /> 1. �':iy�:ncu! e�f:'rl�:cl�:a! a�i�! le;icrrst; a•repn���e2e��! Nati 1.s�t� �'ha�pew. Horratvcr sht►II prumptf�� �mv u�hcu du.: tl�c <br /> p�inctp;il of nnJ interest on thc debt evidenccd by thc Notc l�nd uny prepaymcnt untl Inte:chury�s ciuo under iho Note. <br /> 2. [fi►tdy Par 7'uxev iuid lnsurmcee. SubJect to n��plfrable I+�w��r to i�wriuen widver hy l.cnder. �iorro�ver shnll p:►y tc� <br /> l.�:ndcr on tl�o dny monthly p:►ymc��ts nre due under the Nate, undl the Noto I.r•puld in f'ull, n sum("E�uiids")fur.(n)yenrly tt►xes <br /> nnd ns�css�nents which mny nttnio prtority�wer this Sccu�ity Insirnmcnt as n Ucn on thc I'n�perty; (b)yc�irly Icaschalcl paymonts <br /> o�g�ound renw nn the Property, It'imy;(c)ycarly h�•rnrci nr pmpeny insuronre premiums; (d)ycurly tloexl insurnncc prcnilum�, <br /> if nny; (c)Yc.irly moriguuc insurimcr•prcmiunis, lf un.y: nnd (�nny sum� payohlc hy llc�r�owcr to Lend�r, in nccordmuc cvith <br /> Ihc provisi�ms of p��r�igri�ph 8. In lic�i��f thc p��yment of mungogo insurimco prcndums. Thcsc itcros nro cnllccl "1?scrow (tcros." <br /> l.endcr may, nt i►ny timc, rc�llcrt und h��ld f�und9 in an nmm�nt n«t 1�� excccd tha maximm�� mm�wn n Icndcr for i� fcdenilly <br /> rclntccl marl�l���:c lai�n nu►y mqul�o fi�r Rnrr��wcr's c�cruw ucc��uut uncicr �hc Fedcrnl ttcnl 8st��te Sctticment Praccdures Act af <br /> 197�Os A111ClUItll I��t�tll lI1110 il)UItlC, 12 U.S.C. Scctiun 2601 ct scq. l"!tC?SNA"), uaicss anothcr!uw thnt appHcs ta thc Funds <br /> t�cty ii Icsticr�unowit, li' sn, I.�nder mny, ��t any Nnte, cullGCt tu�d hold Funds in nn nniount nut to exceed th� ics�cr nmaunt. <br /> L.cnJcr m��y csdm��tc Iht� �mnunt of I�uncls due on tho basis of currcnt dutu imd �ensonabic cstimntes of expendituroa of future <br /> �scruw Itcnw or athcnviso in i�cr��rdanre wlth oppiiciihlc I�nv, <br /> Thc F'u��ds hhnll hu hcld in an instituilnn whosv dcpasity urc insurcd by ii fcdcrnl i►gency, instrumcntnllty, or endty <br /> (inclu�ling l.c��dc�•, if I.endcr is such an institut�cm)nr(n uny Fcdeml Hamc Lonn Nank. I,ender shnll upply tha t�unds to pay the <br /> Gscrow Itcm9, l.endcr m�y not chnrgo Bon•o�vcr for holding and npplying thc F�mds,annunlly tin�►lyzing tho escro�v nccount,or <br /> vcrifyinB tho F.scrnw Item9, unicss l.cndcr puy�:Uorrav�cr intcresl on tho Punds i�nd npplicnt+lc la�v permlts Lcndcr to mak�such <br /> n ch�rgc. How�vcr, l.ctidcr nuiy rcqidre Borro�vcr to pny n onc-time chnrge far iin indcpe�dcnt rcal cstatc:ta►x��:��utiiu�,Fecvl�e <br /> used by Lender in cannection �vith this laun, unicss nppllcable IAw provides athenvlse. ilnless nn ngreement is ntndo or <br /> npplicublc li��v rcquires intcrest ta bc paid, l.encier slinll not be rcquire�l t�pny llorrowcr nny interest m•er,rnings on thc�unds. <br /> Rn�mwcr and l�:rulcr mz►y a►grco ln wridng, ho���cver, thnt interest shn11 be pnid on the Funds. Lcnder shnU�ive to Burrower. <br /> �lthou!cl�cae,!sr.��oeisis3s3g s�F!he 4��xl�. sli��4s�p Cif�lltg�nrl rlchi�s �n�ir,Fu�1c mui thn putnn!;c for �vhich cnch <br /> debit to tho Funds�vas mado. The Funds i�rc pleilged iro addlNonal securiry for nll sums secured hy this Sccu�ity I�strument. <br /> If tho Funds hcld by Lender oxcced thc cimaunts permlttcd to bc hcld by nppllcablo Imv, l.endcr shall itcc�c+unt to Horrower <br /> for the excesy Funds in nccordnnce�vith Uio rcnuircmcnts uf nnulictible Inw, if tlio antount of the Funds hold by l.ender nt any <br /> timo is nat suffcient to p�y the�scm�v It�mc�vhcn du�, t,ondcr may so nutify Borrower in writin�,a�id, in such c�Anrrnt�er <br /> shnU pny to�..ender �he im�ount ncccssary ta makc up tho deficlency. E3orro�vcr shnll mnke up the dcficicncy i�i na morc thnn <br /> twclvo manthly pnymcnty,ut Londcr's solo discretion. <br /> Upan p�ymcnt i�i faU of nll sums sccure�l by tf�is Sccurity Instrumcnt, LRI1lICC 9I1tIII NfU111PU1j iV�1111(I co 8�rrowcr nny <br /> Funds held by L�:ndcr. If,undcr puriigr��ph 21, Lendcr shnll i�cqidro ar scll chc Frapci�ty,l.cndrr,prior to thc ncyuisition ar enlc <br /> of tlio Property, sl�nll npply�ny ('unds hcld by I.rnctcr At thc timo of acquisition or salc as a crcclit ngnin.L the su�uv sccurcd by <br /> this 5:curi�y Instrument. <br /> 3.Applicutton ot kuymentq.Unless npplic�ble Imv providcy othenvise,�11 p�yments received by[,encicr uuder pnrngrnphs <br /> 1 tmd 2 shall be i�pn]ied: flrst, to any prcpt�yment chnrgcv duc undor tho Note; sccond, tc,iunounts F�nynble under p�ma�aph 2; <br /> thlyd,to intcre:;i due; principal duc;m�d last,to any Ilite charges due under tho Nato. <br /> 4. Ghs►rgc.v; i.lcns. Horrowcr shnll p;iy all t+�xey, as+essments. chargcs, fines nnd Impositio��s nttributflblo to tho Pu�}k:rty <br /> wt�ich mt►y utUtin priarity uvcr this Sccurity Instrurncnt, nnd Icaschuld pnymr.nts or grauiid rents, if any. 8orrowcr shnU p�y <br /> these ohligations in the munner pravidcd in para;raph 2,ar If not pvd in that m�umcr, Borrowcr shnl!pay thcm��n timo dircc�ly <br /> to ihe person owcxl pnyment. flarrawcr slinll prc�i�ytly futnish ta Lcndcr�11 nutires af nmounts to be��z�id under ihis prungruph. <br /> If Horrowcr makcs thcso paynunts dirccUv, Qarro�vcr xhnll pratnptly Pw�nish ta Lcndcr rcc�ipts ovidcncing thc puymcnts. <br /> Ba•rowcr shnll prampUy dischttrgv any Ucn which hns priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrumcnt untess Aorrower; (a)ngrcc9 in <br /> �vriting tu the pnyment af the abligflUon sccurcd by thc Uen in�manncr lcccptnblo to l.endcr; (b)contests in fiood fuith tho lien <br /> by, 0{' tlCfCll(IS i1SA�1151 cnfarcemcnt af thc lien in, Icgal procecciings wMch in thc l.ender'g opini�n operuto to prevont thc <br /> e!�frn�cement of the i�en; cu(c)secures from tl�o holder of the lien nn ngreoment sntisf�ctory ta L.ender subocciinuting ihe Ilen ta <br /> this Se.�:urlty Instrumont. If l.endee detennines ihnt c�ny psu•t of the Property is aubJect to n Ucn which may tutain priorlty over <br /> this Security In.r•trument, l.ender muy give Hon•ower n notice identifying the lien, Borrower ahall satisty tho lien or txko one or <br /> morc of thc nctions hct f'orth ubovc wUhin 10 dnys af thc giving af naUcc. , <br /> Form 3028 9180 <br /> a��ors <br /> _.,,__.- _..i_...�._.....r_.,�,._-�---._.�..,..4.r--.-�-.---.-....._ _._--- -.__.-�......-,_, r,�,�,�,�� <br /> _. , . . , � �•a: �;v,er ,i' �;: r.;��?F°`.' ;�,, --,%r=t <br /> „ .��,. `;1a�" ��y ,. �`., 'K„',- <br /> a " .. " . . � il. ,•sY:� � .. � • }-i �vt._ <br /> i .. � <br /> . _ , ' lv:. �,j., . 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