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<br /> averaga urc,z pur�hasn pdca (gmator thnn 110 percent fur c�rgete�d a�r� -
<br /> seaiuence:sti)� att as ���vidcci in ��tios� 1�3�e) �.nd (i���) ��F tl�e Internal Revenuc _
<br /> Cod�; ar
<br /> (iv) Who has a gross famity income in excGCS of the applicablo
<br /> • percent��e af agplicabl�m�dlan f�unily incnmo ns pruvicte�in Secttan 14�(�and
<br /> (j) (2)of th-Intern�t Revcnue Cocle; or
<br /> (b) �prr��wa�T'��ils to occupy the property descrii�ed In th�Secu�3ry instnimant
<br /> withaut prior writtei� �c��osont af Lcndsr ar Its successors or assi�ns cJ�escribcd at the
<br /> b�ginning of tlds'�'ax-�K�mpt rinanc9ng Rldor� ox
<br /> (c) Barcawer amits ar misrep►cscnt� a fact that is materia�with re.s��eot to the
<br /> pi•ovisions of Scction 143 of th�Intcrnal Revenua Codc in An applieatlon fas t�t��laan
<br /> securcd by this Securiey Instrument.
<br /> Referenccs arc ta th�Int�rnal�iavenue Cale as amenda�and in effect on the dnte
<br /> of issuance af bonds. tho proceeds of which will bc� usa! t� finance tlie ��cudry
<br /> Instroment and axo decmed to includa tha lmplementing regui�tions.
<br /> 13Y,�,IONII�TI3 BG�.OVW'�Bo�zower accGpts and agrees to tho terms und pravisions in t�ls
<br /> 'Tax-�xz�pe Financing Ridcr.
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