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<br /> '� all as nmv�derl in Sccdo�� 1�3(d? and(i)(2)o�ti��Y��t�e�►a!It�v�aue Cad�(oxc�t
<br /> that °I�0 percent" sli�ll t��iahstih�ced fur"95 pe�cent ur m�ore" wli�ro�tra latter
<br /> ap�.::a;s li� �:t:��: 1",3�tl::3ii�=
<br /> (iii), �1t an acquisitton cost which is greatcr than �'0 gcr�ccnc �f the
<br /> overa�e area pucchase prico (grcater than 1 x0 p�rccnt far targetal are�►
<br /> rc�idonces), al[ as provided in S�cdan 14a(a) ancf (i)(2) �f tt►c Iatcrnal�tevcnuc
<br /> Codo; or
<br /> (iv) Wlia has a gmss family incoma i� exceys of the applicai�lo
<br /> • perccntago of a�plicablo maliun family income as provAded in SeGciur� 143(�und
<br /> (i) +(2) pf tha Intcrnat Rcvcnuo C�e; or
<br /> (b) Borrower faila to cac:eapy the pcoperty closeriUcd in th�Secur�ly Instcumesit
<br /> withaut priur wrlttan consent of Lender or lts succr.ssors or assigns dcscribccl c�t the
<br /> bcginning of t4�ta Tax-Exempt Financln��iid�r� or
<br /> (c) &arra�ver omats or misrepresents a fact tti�t is material with c��t ta the
<br /> provisiau9 af Sectton 143 of the Intemal Revcnuo Code in an applicalion �'or lhe loan
<br /> se�:ured by thiy Seuurity I�astrument.
<br /> 1Rofen4ncc.�urc to ttr,�i��temal Revcnue Cad�as amenderi and in eT��t o� i�ciaic --
<br /> af issw��c�ce �f bonds, the �.�mctada of which,will 6e used t�� financ� tl�a �ecurity ,
<br /> ineln��xurnt sntl�M�I�1!1rilYI tf1;I1L`Il1dE�S 1Q1D�L."IIIGQIIII� IC��11iA�IO�.9.
<br /> , ---- —...�..«........�-��.��-_�-- —
<br /> BY �IQNYIN(� B�..Y.OW, Borrower accc-pts�.nd a�raes to the tarm�and prov3sions in thia
<br /> Tax-�x�mpt Financing Rider.
<br /> fl�orro
<br /> �
<br /> � Ho w r
<br /> �
<br /> o�rs�.s E-2 �
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