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<br />_ ��Xt'1C�II{1Fr LVI�H IiII IJl6�Illj)fQVC{ill'JiI.9 fiQ1Y QP Il(lCaRC!r1iCL4(�lHi Qtt1 UICJj1C.Ily.wad alf c,�.scmcnts.�hc�,appurton�c�e�
<br />- ��;.t�,cvy�4€.�.r�a±�•r.t,crl3�;i1���it;hts ar�t �t�� ��ter rip� ra�@ x��ct ai! fi�t+u�a nrsN or h:��,:tt�� p;_.�a�th�
<br />_ pia�rij►y.�'til r�,ti«:�:r,c�,t���iiii rntuiiia���fifintl uis�r�u cavc,�d Gy t��e.a Sei:�iiiiy GiSire�mcni,rill of Ei�c forcAait�g is�r�crred ta in
<br />: �31aC.�`:::;r`j�l1.°+�1Ss:li�.Slss°.��iv�l.�iL:jn�j���
<br /> E3UR�tt�W�2 L�UV�NAN't5 thnt IJarrowcr Is InwfuUy scised af tho asmw hcc�by conveycd nnd h;�v tho right ta g�mn and
<br /> convoy tho l�enPcrty And tRnt tho IAmperty is uncncumtic.rcd, cxcept for cncumbran�ccs of rc+cord. Dorrowcr warran�a nnd wili
<br /> defcnd�;c�ncrally the tlilo tn thc,FYo�ny e�alnst ail cla�m��nA dcn;u�cS�,su�ja�:i Ia auy cu�umUnmccs of n;cord.
<br /> 1.t'Ayaqent at F`�uuipAl,Intcrest And I.ata ChArse. Eorrnwcr shn11 hay whcn duo lho principal of,nnd inteamst on.t�o
<br /> debt avldenccc!by tho Noto and luto charrgcs duo undcr tho Nata
<br /> 2.h4oethly PAymca!ut TWx�I�siarancc�end(kher ChArRas. Dorcuwer shnll tncludo in cach mun►hly �ynunt,
<br /> to$ether wlth tho principal nnd U�tcrest as set forih in the NaW and any 1nw ct►arges,n sum for(a)taxes nnc!sTxxlul u.vses.sments
<br /> IcvFc�l or to bo Icviod qgainst tho Propc,Yy, (b) Icaschc►!d �,�ymcnts or ground rents on th� Property. and (c) prcmiums for
<br /> insurunco rayuirccl tmQcr paragr.yih 4.In any ycar in whi�h tha i.cndcr must pay t�mortgt�o insure�co prcmi�m to iho S�crewy
<br /> o[tdousing arvf UrbAn Wvalopmcnt("Sccreuuryr"),or in any yc��r in which such prcmium�vcruld havc bccn r.quirccl if Ix:ncicr Miti
<br /> hckl Q�o Socurlty Instre�mcant, cach monthly paymcnt shall t�ttso inciudo olihca: (i) a sum for lhes enmial mortgngo inswrancQ
<br /> pn;ndum w he pxtd by ll,ender w the Soc�tary,or(ii)a mnnlhly chargo Instcacl of a marigago insut�neo premium If this Security
<br /> Inswment is hcld by tho Socretary�in a rea5onabk amcxmt to bo dese�minal by the SxreWry.Bxcept for tho monthly�h��;a Ty
<br /> th�o Sacccta�y�lhcsa it�cros aeo call�d"fiscrow Itcros"and tho sums paic9lo I.cnikr s�n callod"�scrow F�unda"
<br /> LciFddr may,ai er►y tima,cnlicct and hald amauntv for l�scmw Items in c►n�iggtegoto t�mount nat W cxcccd tha ma�lmum
<br /> n�m}unt�hs+t nu�y bc roquiroit I;or Uarrowcr's c�craw account u�dcr thc Itca1�stnto 5ctticmcnt At�cedur�s Act of 197a�12 U,5,C.
<br /> Sectian 2601 et seq. and impkmcndng rcguiations,2a CFflt!'art a�`�?��ns thay mxy lxi umcndcd From tima to dmc C'Ri3SPA"j.
<br /> oxccpl ihal thn cushlon oe rescrva pem►ittcd Ay RHSPA for unundc,palcd cllsbur,�clncnts ar dLSbursemants bcdarc tl��orroK��•'s
<br /> paymcnts aro avallablc in tho uccuunt mby nat bc basad on am�unt�cluo for thc mongagc Insurnnca{►rCmlum.
<br /> If tRe emaunt�held by L,en�iea for Bscraw Itcuie oxceod the�unquntv Uesmltux!t�a Ge held by RESPA,LctzBer shatl clza!with
<br /> !�V9�VVOO niN'�'O v�uw j�sx7rr-�a.A�t�tv ta �tta 3f atttri'�.i tIG�V�'LG1t1C�il�Lf(��{IIIIO 3!O IIOS 311I1IC1GIT UT��T]i0 B.'�TT�F� _
<br />� Itcrn9 whCn duc,Lcndu may�u►tU'y ttt�R3orru�vcr wid reyuiro Ilornaa�u to maico up tho�wtaRa c�r dctictcncy so pami�at�by
<br /> 1tLS!'A.
<br /> 7i�v�uw fiui�ai e�o p;c;dgai�adciidanat socurity f��li sams socurod by t�is Securlry Ynsttu[nrat��t laarower ttndars ta
<br /> I.raxkr ll�fuU pxymea�t of nil such sumy,normwcr's account shall bo cTCdat�d R7th tha balanco rcmaintng for�Il in�tallmnnt
<br /> icd�u (#), (b). Anci (a) ancl nny mo�tga�o insurAnoa prcmium instalimtnt that l�ncier ha�ntrt b+c�omo obligstod to pay ta�,4�0
<br /> Sxrelary,a��d I.e+uf�r sh�ll prompily rcfund st►y oxctss funds W Docrowcr.Immodiatcly�rlor to a foroclaur4�ulo af tho Prqxrty
<br /> or its�cquis.itiai by I.cndcr,l3orrowcr's account shall bo crcdiuxl with any balancc rcm�lning fo�all lnatallmca{y fcer ite�.is(a), .
<br /> fb).wKt(c).
<br /> 3.Ap�lic�tbn o�Paymeat�.Ap payments untkr parpgraphs 1 and 2 shall bc,uppliad by I.cnt�+r�.v foliowe:
<br /> �i�'S!.w tho mortgago insu�nca prcmium to bo p�id by Lcndcr to tho Secrctary or ta tha monthly char�c t►y the Socsctary .
<br /> � insl�raA of tho manthly mortgago insurancn premium;
<br /> �MI.to Qny wxes�sjwcial as.sessmanta� loaqetwkl paymcnt9 ar�rauncl reo�y, and Cm�fk�od and a1hEr hay.arA insunuwe .
<br /> pruniums.aa rr�uir:�ti;
<br /> �j[�I.e,�intct�est duo untler tho IVQtc:
<br /> FS►�,1r�i,QQ amtxtizatk�i�of tha princ3�a1 of tha NaW; • ,
<br /> . p�fl�i�to luto chargcs�uo undcr tho Noto. .
<br /> ,
<br /> _ _. ��`p�tlC�{S1EDb� Pa�w�nla Innlii�:. . __.._ � - .
<br /> n���;t . -. r-�Tn�r-a.a-n. -�'� ��C . r. _� �— .
<br /> �-� �a +r�rt , _e/� t�-�r . . . . � � .. ,. � FJ �� . z t��.'��R:lk����
<br /> � ja � y _ . . r.`hi "1 F .«� ,' - ar�-� _ncv
<br /> � � . � " ' ,. �, ��"� � 5 r`_- ;T �'i'¢ r� �l+ -
<br /> -.�.�j, _�.•f /. . �'1' �5'��_�:i� r�. '_ � - ; . ., ' 4 i. -- ,, 1�{.�,�o�{�ri'Y��r�-.E+- �
<br /> .Lg�
<br /> .e�.,�svpaCr3}2��' }..lr� t�_`-�-,t f �� -C e�ti��i� r- �_Y'�+�L!-�a�r�.�.�� --- � �_.�.
<br /> .1,r e�nut -�_
<br /> '`i'n�R` `��k�'�. R" V-TY}'F_ Y +' J�*u'.� !*�`"�,5!ii ^ ' ,i"'''" "' x �
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