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<br /> ---�--_--- KNU'W AL.L MEN I3Y'I'���S�3 �RESGNTS� thnt the U.S. SMA1..i..�si.J��I�IPSS
<br /> _ ; � �1UMiNiS'I'lt�A7'IDN. for vt�luuble �onsider�Non, In hand paid.cic�es hereby rcl�ase ���d
<br /> �„: ,-.�:,� �� dischargo tho currectiv�Roal Estats Martgage duted Augugt 13� 19�1 mado a�id exeeutccl __
<br /> - ,�• by Gata L�. Sqn�ier An��i Kay L� Squi�r.fIusband m�d �Vife� to Norwest I3an[e Nebraska �J
<br /> f w�i i a e l k-�a w n t�s T h o F le s t Nnttan�l8ank �f�rund Island� G1r�uid tslc►nd� NcUr�sk�) �_.�:
<br /> �_` � � Y
<br /> _��=� - `,,�. �ecarded in the Offic� of the Register af Deeu15 of Hnll County,Nobrz+sku on August 17� �rn=
<br /> J' 1987,us InstruYr►ent No.�7-104865. whlch was �.SSlbmed to the U.S.SMALL.BUC1N�55 �:_.
<br /> � �..,:,-�_ .:� M.
<br /> � � AAI►91NlS'�RA►TTON dn 1�ugust 17. 1987, and recordecl in the Offtce af the Register o£ _
<br />��:�,;� :;. ,;" Deeds of flull Caunry, Net�r�ska, ��s Instniment No. a7-10�86G on t�ugust 1'7, 1987. The _
<br /> -°�"��` '� ' ralcused niortgago descril��� the fallowIn�ret►l estate: __
<br /> -�t_ �� --
<br /> -�°•` `"��� "1C�aa W�st nne �Iundred Fcot(100')af L�Rs��ur and Fivo (4
<br /> ;,: . ....
<br /> -� .. �'.� �, � S) W�nen Subdivistan, nn Addltian tu tfi� 'L�1ty af Grand �
<br /> `� Islt►nd, Hall �County, NoUrnsk�►, _._
<br />� :::��..:,:;� `'
<br /> �V�� The reco�ding of�icl�l is hereby anth�rized and clirectcd to discharg� �ai�Real --
<br /> ===;�:-. .. --
<br />`v'� 4�--- Est�te Mortgago ��f record� �nd aftcx recording thts release� to onter upon tho mArgin af
<br /> -Y-'-"'-----'`"°�� th� xe�ard of s�id mortgagc the b�k and page�wliore this release is rc�orded� in
<br /> ���..:�=_-:� � �---- s.,� .._� aa!�.o �g:`.� or�t�s in such c�sc macle i�11d I?iQvldCd.
<br /> _-'c=;::..,L-i,y�.�� ACCOTII�[incc Wau ��tG �.i�i'.sulvsb.f .�i:�o�....l�� ----
<br />___-�tiru�.Yir_--
<br /> -=�=�-� Dated at Omaha, Nebr.^.aka this�d3y af Octr,bcr� 1995.
<br /> _ ---- - U.S. SMA,LL HUSIN �SS AI➢MINISTli�►1���ri _
<br /> �=,n���=�=���� �r� . �A�t ,.�..—,�,,,..�..�.�—,_�.-�.,,
<br /> •—--�J �v�, ........
<br /> � Donald P. �lnor, Cl�l�f
<br /> ----= Porifoliu Man�gcment Divlsion �
<br /> - ) SS
<br /> �� ��JNTY QF'DOUC�LA5 )
<br /> �� - -��� aof�re me. tha urideralgned�a Notary Puhlic�n and far said �ou��ty and
<br /> - �---�■ S t a t e� p e r s a n a l l y c ame I)anald P. S9ner who b�ing by me duly sworn,did say that ho is
<br /> .�---- Chiof, Partfalio Managexnant Dtv�sion af thc C)maha Dlstriet�ffice of Small Bus Iness
<br /> ___� ,, Adminlstration, t�n Agen�y uf tha Untted Stateg of Amorica, �nd ls �utharIzed by SBA's
<br /> -- = •� �Rulcs ancl Regulat3ans, Part 101, Revision 2� publishcd i�thz Fcderal �tegister January
<br /> -..-����;��'� � 15. 1982, 47 I�R�305,and that tiie abav�arid forega�ng iustrumcnt was signed by him on
<br /> -R r�=:��►� b�half�f said 5m�U �usiness Adm�i�istradan and said Do�nald P. Siner acknowlcdg�d
<br />--
<br />