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<br /> i�; ��n,�������►e�����g Irl�i��,�vill i�e slinilarly constn!ctcd aud tiu�s G�ch =
<br /> D�voll�ng T1nit in tha Proj�ct shall cantntn �eparato :tnd camplct� facilitics far living, :
<br /> elecpins,entin��caokin�en�d s�niGation for n sU�gla peerson or a fnn�ily (unless tho F►;rojc.ct F
<br /> qualiftes as a siii�l�-raom occug��tcy ��t�J�ct o��n�t���zi�si¢�onal ho�esin�fo�tho homctGSs
<br /> pt�rsuanl Iu Si:a:iiuii �'l(�)�3)t�+t�i�G��); -
<br /> (o) ths�t�tch building in tha pmject wlll�an�in suitablc for occupancy takln� _
<br /> into ac�ount lacal Ite.�ith, safet�, and building codes;
<br /> (� that nono of tito l�woliin�Units in tho Projcct sha11 at t�ny time ba�+tllizcd -_
<br /> an a trans'rent ba�ls (unless H�o Project quali�e9�s a Nte±�le-nwni ar.cupaney praject ar
<br /> transit�onal housing far thc�fwmo�ess pu�u�rit ta 3ecti�n,42(i)(3)of tht�Godo);thaz n�no
<br /> of tho Dwolling Units ln tha pmject shull bo l�.�seci or rantul far a porial of le�s thac�six
<br /> montt�s; a�nd thnt naiti�er tho �h�ojeet nor any partian thoreof sUuU bo useci �►a � hotvl,
<br /> matol, dorniitary,fYatarnity liouso,somrI�y hauso�roosaa�ng hous�,t►aspitai� sx»Iturium�
<br /> n��rsi���Mu�ntv, rest hmmo, trailcr park, trailor cauit� n�a��*ilo homo park, ar recreational
<br /> vehicic pax{c�r by a caapei�itive housing corporation (as de�ned in section�16(b)(1)of -
<br /> tho Codo);
<br /> (�� t3tiat oncc udailnble for occ�iptu►cy each Dwelling Unit in tho�nject must
<br /> tse rented or availablQ for�+ental an a contiiuiaus b�asis to enemt�ocs of th�: fieneral pab�ie
<br /> on a nau-tmnsient tu�sls (oxcept for transluou��l hauaing for thc hamel�ss providccl ur+dor
<br /> Section�2�1)(�)(B)(iil)of ttao �ad�) foa�tt��Qf�ali�eci P.onject Per.iad;
<br /> (h) that tho Dwellin� Units in tha Pinject shall ba leaseci and �nteci to
<br /> mnmhw,m nf thre oe.nrtrnl nuhlie in crnlnl�attc�Wlth t11�C��t�9 A�[�ffiP,llt. QXCCD�
<br /> . �� o�.--_.��-.-_-- — ---r----- '---
<br /> tar any nnits rentcxl under ti�e�housing�m�am pur�uant to Seciion 8 vi Yhn iTriiia�Suiic�s
<br /> Y3ousing Act af �937,as amended, whiGh wlll bo leasecl ta eligiblc tcnnnts in aceorciancfl
<br />� wlth tho constraints and rebnilatlor�s of suct�hoi�s�ng pmgrnm;
<br /> (i} tt�at tho PraJect shall consist af one ar maro proximate buildings ux '
<br /> structuros locutecl an a si�n�la tract of la��ti� which hava Aimllarl�r constnictad n�nita
<br /> fi��ancsd pursuant to a comrnon plan (u��sa tha Pmject qualifias ae a scattered site
<br /> project unclar Sect�on 42(g)('� of N�o Ccul�), togethar with functionally rel,�r�tecl ancl
<br /> sulwrdinato facilities which shail iw owned by the Owner or a Relatecl Ferson;
<br /> (�) that tho Owner shall not dlscrlm�inate on the baeis of rnce�. c�nee�t, a�lc�r�
<br /> sox, age, handicap, marital status or Q�atianal origin in th�leaso�usa or occupancy of tho
<br /> Project or ln employment of porsans for tha opuratlan and t��anagement of the Frojec:t;
<br /> (k) that tho Utivner ��ill accepi As tena�its, an thc same basis as all oihor
<br /> prospectio�e� �onants, persans wlco �re halders af vouchers or ceutiflcates for federal
<br /> o�nlnas.i S
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