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<br /> I�'�R x.rt➢t'J YNCOM�IIUZJSII�7(� TAId GR�:IIITS =
<br /> 3T�S I.r�USB It�7C'rtlC'�`t�N AC�Rt3FlM�J'iP(ii�ix "Aa�i-�nu'•nt"�iq rntnrti�!int�ag
<br /> af tho datc set forth oyi tho Sum�i��ry Pa�o h�r�:af betwccn tho N�iBIZA�FCA INVFS'I��NT
<br /> P1lNANC�I AU'l�i�()�'1T� (ilie "Authorlty"), n bocly �litla �nd comarnto� not n �tato�Qcncy,
<br /> but un inde�end�ent inst�mentallry oxoc�cisiag cssential public faiicctions undor dia constltution
<br /> a�id lnws of tho•St�to oF Nebmqkt�, nad tho Owne�.r identlfied an tho Ss�muiary Pa��horeof(tho
<br /> "�wr�cr") nnd the I..endor ur I..en�ers idey�tifieci an tiiQ S�ammnry Fag� h�ro£(the °I.enct�r"). -
<br /> 'I�VI'1'NRSSIBTH :
<br /> WHHRk3A�, thp Authnrily has t�een designated by the GtAVe�gior of d�o State of Ncbr�slca
<br /> us tho housing tsuc crodlR endty far tha 5tata of Nebraska for tho allactttlan of low inr,omo
<br /> housing tax cm.ciit dnllars; aad
<br /> 'WHAR�AS, tha Uwn�r iv ar shali tw tho awner of th4 a�ental to�usinE development
<br /> lc�cuteci and As ciesc�ibed on tho Sumrn�ryr Pa��horeof suid in 8xliibit A hereto (tho"Project");
<br /> a�nd
<br /> '1�V�i�RgA5, tha Owner has applIecl to tha Authority for an t�llocation of low incomc
<br /> housing tux credlt ciollars ta the�roj�t in an�mou��t not w exc�cxt tha amount sei foith on the
<br /> _ �ur�mary Yago ne�;oi; and
<br /> '�VHEiRFiAS, tl�e Owner and tua ProJect�nust contlnaously camply with Sectlan 42 aud
<br /> ather a�pflc�ble �t�vns of!!�Ir.�rc�l R.mde��!o�os�oF 19$G� A9 P.L�pl��J�fftA ^G�"?. a�.� - _
<br /> the�'neasurgr Ragulattans p��mulgateil thc�eundcx(dic "Regulatiuns"); ancl
<br /> WI�IBRI3AS, cpmpli.��o by tl���Jwner and thc�P�oject wlth Secttan 42 af tho Codc is
<br /> in lae�ge patt within thv c���trtul af the Ownor; and •
<br /> WH18R�3AS, the AathorIty ie unwilling to allocate low income hot�sing tax creclit clolians
<br /> tu tha proje�ct cer.T.G�ss the Ownar shall, by entering intu this Agreenent, conse�it tu 60 �+ee�ulatsd
<br /> . by tho At�thorlty in ardcr tl�t thv Authorlty may ontorce tha occupancy restdct3.ons a��d ather
<br /> cc�venants� tcm�s and c�na:atinns of this A�e�ant in ac,�anianco wlth thv Cocie and tha
<br /> Reg►ilatlans; and
<br /> WIiE�RIIAS, th� Owaor has r�,,aresonYcci Qn tho Authorlty in die Owner'� Lazv ���:�a
<br /> Housing T�x Cm,clit �Flpplication (tha "Applicat���") that the Ownor ehaq 1eas� st least tho
<br /> Ap�iicabla Set�Aslde P�rcent�ge af tha u�ilts i�n ¢1ic� Project to irtdlviduala or fa�nilies who.se
<br /> incomp is the�pplicablo In�ume Pe�ncentage or les� of area median gross incc�ma (irichuiin�
<br /> . o�m��a�.i
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