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<br /> CASC #: NC3?,1�i790fi(�703 LUAFI #}: blUU�59
<br /> `iYKifti 1'11�3R 1yf'I'�1 nll�ho ii}iPruvcm::ut�nuw or hrre_iRc�crectccl an lho pn�i�rty.nnd all c:�scrnems,riFhts,nppi�rtcnenc��,
<br /> rc��t�, roynittcs. mt�rrKl, c►il nnd 6�righta u�id profit�. WEiIJ ilgliC4[li1ll SLOCk LtRA ItI1 �iwd11L^-R IttllY[1i IIC1C.�'tcr u��r�oi'tho
<br /> Enugcfty. All r4pt�:cti�c►�GS and�.ctdidons sh�l1 n4..Pt+'ha coverr8 by thi9 S�tuvlty Instl�mcn�.AA of tho lareRoin�ts rai'�-m,�cl t��in
<br /> tiri���t�ity Er�tsutr�t:�vv lts�"i'r��p�'�tY;`
<br /> :1�P.�tC�l�42 t4� +LN.nn�TC�hz�llnsro�vcr i�lvwililly s!�Lu�1 af ti�o c,au►w hcrcby convoycd and h.iy tha dght w��ont and
<br /> conve�y tha l�nperiy nnct thnt tho I�ra�x:rty 1s u�icncumGr•rcd, a�ccept for cncum�rnnccs u.f rccord. l3osrotcer �vr.rranty anil�vtii
<br /> dcfcnd gcnctnity tho titto to tho t'�apcaiy ogai�tst all clnlms cutd d�mnnd�,sub,}cct u►exny cncumbmnces of recard.
<br /> �,t��,..�n��R!6►rEnrdn3l,Intcres*_8t!il�L�9to ChNrg�. Aarmwc.r shnU pay wttcn duo Iho princinll of�pnd intcrest on,t�o
<br /> dcbt cvldcnc:etl Uy thc Nato und lato chargcs dttc uncicr lho Note.
<br /> 2.Month�y PAyment u�'��xes,losurAna aud 01Re�•Chprgew� Donawcr s�u►1� includv in c.�ch monthly paymcnt,
<br /> togethcr�vith the pri�xlpul anti intcrest as sct foM in th�Noto and c+ny leto charges,n sum far(n)taacs nnd s�eci�l assc.�srncnts
<br /> tovicct ar to txi lavl�ct aguinst dw Praperty. p�) icasr,�oid �aymcnts or ground n.nts on the Propcny, nnd (c) premiums fnr
<br /> insutm�ca cccp�ircd und:.r p.�u.a��ppft�3.d��Any ycar in which Ihc I.c�ndcr must psy s►mertv�go insur�r►r,�prcmium to tho 5c,cj'ctary
<br /> of Hausl»g urid Urbnn[1ovcYopmcnt("Sccrctary")�or in c�ny ycar fn which sucA premium waulcl havc twcn rcquiracl If Landcr stlll
<br /> hcicl the Secarity Insirumcnl, c��:h monthly paymcnt shnll also includa cithcr; (i) n sum for the nnnual mortgage Insuruncn
<br /> prcmium to bo paid by l.cndcr tn tho Sv�rctnry,or(ii)m m�nthly chargo instcad of n martgago lnsumnco�rc�n»um ii Ihly Socurity
<br /> Instncmcat is held by tho Secr�tary.in a ratisonablo tunount to tw deiemiineA by tho Sccretnry.F3xcapt for tho monthly chargo by
<br /> the Scc�tary.thcsc itcros aro caited"tiscmw Itenis"nnd the sums paid so Lcn�tcr aro culled"IIscrow Funds."
<br /> �.cncier may,at uny tin�w coltect and hold nnwunts for 8scrow Itcros in an aEgregt►W nmoun!not to oacecci tho maaimum
<br /> tunaunt tlsnt may be�txiuim+�for 8oaawer's escrow eccount undcr the Renl Sxtato Setticmen!F�r�ccti�ue9 Act of 197d�12 U.S.C.
<br /> Sectiun�fit�1 rt,rrq. and tmpicmcnt�ng rcgulstions,2A CFR Part 9500.s.9 thuy�nay bo cuncncicd tmm timo to Nmo("RESAA°)�
<br /> ewc.pt that�he•�nshion or macrvo permittal by R�SPA tor unaniirip�ted disbturemc.nts o�disburscmcnt�bcfa�c thc i3omowc.r's
<br /> �fl��mcnts aro wvnilahlo tn thn uccaunt nwy not bG buscd e.e ae�aunts eis�a For tha mortg�go insuranco prr,tnium.
<br /> If ti��cunaunts hcl�i liy I..c.�dce for Cscro�v Items o�:sv��d±ha ninns�nGV pcimitusd to tw hcld by R�SPA,l.cndcr shall dcal wllh
<br /> tho exca.�.�funds av mquiraf by R�SpA.lf ttw amoUnts of funci�he��l I�y l�e;nder at any tirno are nat sufGcicnt tn pa,y Qw 1?scrow
<br /> Ite�ns whcn d�o,�.�ndcr may notif'y tho Damwer and require Bosrower tc�mafco up tho shottago�r deflcien;.y av permiitiai by
<br /> ncen�
<br /> a�msrrs.
<br /> The�scrow l�und.ure�k:dgod�►e t�{dltic►nal socu��t�'��a11 Kumy eecucr.d by 4fi1s 5ecudty Instrument.If Bc.inrower t�nders u�
<br /> �r��hn tl3il mvmonl of a(1 sueh swil9, Barowcr's ,�ccflunt shall be crc�titut�aat'h tha balanco renu�Liing fcx all instalhncnt
<br /> iici��s (�)� f�3.`snd {c} ;a,7d Wssy mastg^,�s ta��.xsx.b p**..�.t+m i�s+y!'�n��41�xkr dav eo[oocortw o�iixatad�o pa�y w me-- - -
<br /> Socrcu�y�unci Lcnc�cr shatl pramptiy rctl�nd uny c:acca�c Sunds w Bonower.Immocllatcly}wtar to a foceciusurc�xb of thc Property
<br /> cx its�cyutsitbn Uy l�c.ndr,,r.Domowcr's account shall i�v croditcd with any hala�ua�vmaintr�8 for ail instullments far itcrris(a),
<br /> (b),anA(c).
<br /> 3.Applkatba at 1'aye�ente.All payments undcr parag�ghs 1 e�ud 2 shall tx�xppUcd by LUr.t+kr av folk�ws: ,
<br /> Flrat,w ttx-moct¢aga insuronco pn:mium to bo�ric!by L.c.�►ck;r to tho Sxn.tary ar to tha montldy chargo by tho Socrctary
<br /> r�nstc�d af tho ma+►thly mo�aga insuranco premiom;
<br /> �pc,ott�d,to nny taxa9.special assessmcaits�leascha3d paymcnis or graund rems�ancl Cre�flaatl ancf other haxard lnsurarxe
<br /> ' prcmitun.4,s�t�uiral;
<br /> 1t�d.to inurest due undcr tha NoW;
<br /> F�.u1b�to amartlz�u�on of th�s pr�ct�utl af thn N��
<br /> �ii'��w ta�o chasgr�duo unckr�ha Noco.
<br /> �•AR(NE) lYSOe! CFC(0910&) aap��o�e mw.��:/!�'�
<br /> �1�iL�i
<br />