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<br /> 17.'1'rnti5fcr a�P thc Prodico•ly u►•u QencSiclt�l inlc►�ctil (u Hurr�ntict�. 11'nll ar�ury��;n���f thr P�uprrlv or iu►y fnicrc�t in It
<br /> iti suld ur tt�inrt'eri«I�ur il t�h�'neHrinl Inirre�l li►Nut�u��cr i+���t�l u� trantilcri►•d,ui�i Il�iriva�rr i�nu1 u n;NUe�il persnnl�vilhuut
<br /> I.ru�lrr'ti (�riur �vrUteu c��utirn�. Lcn�lcr nu►��, al Uti ��p1�un, rcyulrr fmn�cdint� p;►��mciu lu Ilill ut� all �wur �rcure�l t�v Ihiti
<br /> bccurity lu,l�uwcut. li���«�v�r. Ild���ption+hall nu�hr rtc�rihcd hy I.rnder if r��:i�l+�� I.��r��hihiteil h�� t'cdcr:d Inw uy af Ihr.datc
<br /> nt'thts�rzn�rity In�ttunt.ttt.
<br /> 11'I,rncl�r rxerrt�tw tld;�t�tfatt, I.endcr yir.►N glv�t3�i�e,►��•rr n��N���'��f;tc�'Elr��aill+a�. '1'ho utnicc yhnll u«��idu�►��rri4��1�+i'nut
<br /> letis tlinu JO�lnvs I�ron► Iltr dtsle litc m+tkc iy drlivere�l ur iunilcJ �vl�hhi �vhlrh llun�o�cer nm,t ��ny �d� �umr�ccure�l hy Uiis
<br /> SccueUy In�h�unicnt. li'Uurru�vcr thil�t��pay INl'4C\111114�11'111P t�+�hc�+cplrntion uf tiiis periud. l.cndcr ni,iy invukc imy rcmaiics
<br /> permUtrd hy thir S�.urity Intitrumrnt�vithuut furth�r n�►tlrc�+r�tcnuuid un 13urr�iwrr.
<br /> IH. Ilnrroti�cr'.r• tiluIU tu Kchtstatc. If' liur����e•.r m�cis rrrl�iin c��ndiliun�. Finrrn�vcr tihnll huvc thc rlgh► lu ht�vc
<br /> cnli�rrcmcnt uf'thi. ticrurity hiriruiurnl disrunllnurd ut uny Umr ��ri��r tu dic rurlf�r ut': (nl S dnys I��r yu�h��Ihcr rcriod uy
<br /> u�l�llcnhle low mi►y �nccll'y ti+r �•rin.hqcm�nt) h��G►rc uile ��P Nic I�rup4rtv ps�rtiuuut tu uny pnw�r at'salc �untulued In thls
<br /> 5c�:uriry Insu�umc��t:ur(I►)cnUy��f�i Judgutrnt cnfi�rcing this Srcurity inst`umom.'i'i�u.c cundi�iuns arc Iha�iiun���vci. (n1 puy. ,
<br /> Lcndcr nll tiumv whirh U��ii ���uuld bc�luc unQcr tliis S�curi�p In,UUmcnt .md Ihc N��tc uti il'nu iur.clrrnti��n hnd cucurrc�l; lb)
<br /> cures iiny dcliuiU uf�my othcr ravcuiuus ur obrernunts; lc) ��;�yx ull cxpenscs iuc�:��c� in�utiu��in� ttds 4ccurity Ai�;tn�mcnt,
<br /> including, bu1 nu� lindted tu, reasunnhic nuurncys' fcrs: and(d)Uikrs surh ucUun��ti l.cndcr inay��cr�sanuhly rcq�drc to i�ssurc
<br /> thi►t�hc licn c�f U�is Sccu�•ity Imin�nunt. I.�ndcr's rigiUs in thc Prop�r�y�►nd Durr„wcr's uhli�,nllun t��p:ry d�c sums sccurcd hy
<br /> this Secinity Instruntent �hnU rantlnuc unchan�ed. Upun reinsliUCntcnt Uy Uurruwcr, Il�is Security lnstru►ncnt und the
<br /> ubliguUun,scrure�l hrrcby tilu�ll renr,iln fully ef(cctivc nti if uo ucccicra�ion hna urti•urr�d. Hu�vcvcr, thls right to rcinstatc shnll ;
<br /> nut i�pply in thc ci�se�f,icccicru�ian undcr pnrn�;rc�ph 17. '.
<br /> 19. tiule u�' Notc; f:hnn}�c oi' In►im tirrvtccr. 'fhc Notr ��r u partinl intcrest in Ihc Notc (togcthc� with �his Srcurlry
<br /> Intitnuncntl may hc suld„nc a�'m�uc linur wlthout prinr nc,Ucc tu Harruwcr. A�i�lc moy rc�ult in i�chun�;c in thc cnUry lknuwn
<br /> i�s thc "Luan Sciviccr")Ihut�o1lcrls munthly paymcnts�lur.undcr thc Notc iind this ScrurUy Iusirum�nt. fhcre nlsa muy bc cmc
<br /> or morc changcs ui'Iho I.uan Crrviccr unrcliUCd tu n snlc of thc Natc. If dicrc is a chun�;o uf'�hc l.uan Sc�vicer, Uorrmvcr will bo
<br /> glvcn wriucn nuUc�uf Uic rliun�;c in n�rordimci:�vith parngraph 14 a�b�•vo a�id i�ppUci�blc luw. Thc nuticc will rtntc thc nnmc und
<br /> udclress af'thc nc�v l.c�an Scrviccr und tlic nddress to �vhich paymcnt�; shi�uld bc mudc. Thc noNcc wHl idsa contiiin �ny ot��cr
<br /> informndc�n rcquircQ by apnlic,►blc Ia��v,
<br /> 20. Hiix�u'lIUU9 SUI)ti�lilll'C4. I;UI'1'OWCT tiIIUII I10! C.IUtiC llp �7(`CI1111 II14' �11'CtiCUI'C, usc, ditiposid, stnr��c, or rcicasc af nny
<br /> Hivairdous Suhstiince.r• cm nr in the Prcqscrty. Borruwcr �I�nll not cto, nor �illotiv unyone elsc ta du, onything affecdng thc
<br /> Prnpt-rty Qlnt ia in viulitlion nt'any k?nvleunntental Law. Tiie precedin�hvo sentences sh;sll nut upply to the presenee, us��, or
<br /> sturu�,c un Iho Pruperty ��f smcdl ��u.intitics c�f N.«i�rdouti Substunccs duU .�rc gcncri�lly recognircd�o Nc i�ppruprinto to nc►r�nnl
<br /> fCaidcnUnl usCS ntld t��tni�inlcnanre��f Ihc Prnp�►'ly.
<br /> L�orrowcr sh:�ll prampdy glvc l,vndcr «�rittcn n��iicc��f uny invcstlgadon. cluim. dcmand, Imvsuit m•othc� acticm by any
<br /> guvc�iun�nt�d��r r��;uli►tory ii�;cnc.y��r privatc party involving thc Pn�perty und uny Hernrdouv Sul+stimcc ar Environmentnl I.�uv
<br /> of which ilorrower hns nctuid knotvlcdgc. IP Bormwer learns, or iti nudficd by uny gewemmental oe rcgulfuctiry .�uthorftv. that
<br /> tmy rcmnv�d ur athcr rcmcdl�ition of i►ny Hnxnrdous Suhstnncc nffccting thc Froperty is ncccstitiry, Rorr������r shall promptly tiikc
<br /> fill nccessary rcnudiul acNans in uccnrdimcc wi�h�nvironmcntal Ls�w.
<br /> Aa uscQ in this parn�;rnRh Ztt, 'FI1171PCiollc a'u��tnnccs' nrc thosa sut�sinn�es cicfincci as ioxic�rr i�r.iLanlaii. �iiini�;r�zs t'.y
<br /> [:nvironmcntid l.tiw itin�l tl�o Pulla�ving suUsUuucs: gnsolinc, kcroscnc, othcr flemmnblu or t�ixia pctcnicurn pro�jucss, taxic :
<br /> pGSUcidcti and hcrbicidcs,volntilc salvcnts. matcrii�ls cuntnining usbcstos or formalctchydc,nn�l rc�dimruvc mntcriulw, As usrd iu
<br /> this o:u•ueranh 20. "Cnviru�u��;.ntul l.u�v" �i�cans fcdcral Imvs tmd I.nvti of th�jurisdicUon whcrc tfic Praperiy is locatcd tliat
<br /> �r.lat�to he:i�tl�,u:fety or environliicntal protectirn.
<br /> NON-UNIf�C�RM GOVENANTS. Hnn�o�wr nnd l.cndcr furihcr crncnant�md uerco us fnllows:
<br /> Zl. Acccicrutlon;Rcmcillrv. l.cndc�•shallµlvc noticc to flnrro�vcr prlor ta acccic�Y�tfon follo�vin�Ilorro�v�tr•w bresuh
<br /> of any coven�nt or n�recment in thly Sc�a�n•1ty lnste�unent (hut �iat prinr to accelerptlon undcr paru�t�aph �7 unle.c.9
<br /> nppUrublc li��v pruvtdes atl�er�vlsc). '1'hc unlice sl�ull s�xtiify: l��) Ihc defnulh, (1�) Ihc�rcUon �Yquircci to curc Ihe dcf�iult;
<br /> (c)a dntc, nnt Icas eR�nn 30 dayr f'rom lhc Q,i�T thc nMlca Is Fiven to Uorro�vcr� ��y ��ni�n �n�a�s.mtt must bc cural;And
<br /> (�l) thnt i'nUare to cttre the ticfault an��r lxfbrc U►c cWte e;pcciflecl In Il�e natice may r�uit in ��4�rierntinn of thc Sumy
<br /> . seci�t�t�ct by thls Sccurlty l�istrurncut and r;nlc�►Y Ihc Nca�►crty. 'I'he nolice sl►i�U fl�rther infnr�u 13on�rt►wcr nP tl�c rl�ht to
<br /> rcin�Y,�a�te��fter ncccleratli�n su�d Ihe rlgtit to VI'Illj� Il COIUT ACZI(111 �ll L1StiC('Z II1C il(111•zxlstencc af n defnult or�ny ntbci�
<br /> detcnvP oi lzorro�ver to acc�lrr��dun un�l ni�lc. IP lt«:cleFautt is nut curcd nn or Bcfarc thc date s��lt'i,�! de�l��s i�otice,
<br /> l.ender, at Ity a��ti��n, mi�y reqn9re Innucdlute pnyment in fu0 �P all e.ums�ecurcd by thls Securlty Instilmicnt wlthout
<br /> farthcr dci9um�1 nucl muy luvukc thc rxnvrr i►P sidc o�nd any othcr renicili�.v pernilttccl Ay np��llc.tmlc 1►i��•. I,cndcr nl�all hc
<br /> enlUled tu colleet ul!exNenscy Inc�u�rcd In punalug thc remcAles provldc�)(e�ttils pnrngrnph 21,d�cluding,but not Ilmttcd
<br /> to,rcusnui�blc atturncys'FCl'ti 1171'(�l'114�9 OY�I�IC CVIIICIICC,
<br /> If Ihe �1f1tYC1• t►P sntc is ia���kcd, '1'rustcc sl�all record u noNca uf dci'i�ult In ci�t1► couutv iu wUich any pn�•t of It►c
<br /> I'�•o{xrty Is arnted imd ehnU nz,ti�1!copi�w oP sucG n��Ucu tn thc mnnncr prc�crlbcd 1►y np��Ncn�dc Incv tu Ilnr�a«•ir wui lo
<br /> tlie other pci:�nnti s�4•csct•ibed by���iplliable law.After the Ilnte retµd��cd hy tippflcable Imv.Trusta�e shidl�Ive�aubllc natico
<br /> ot r�ulc to Ihc persa>�as ana In tho mnnncr pecsc�•ib�d by i�E�pllu�blc lu«•.1'�•ustcc, whl�nut denu���s]�ro� Dorru�r•cr, sh��U scll
<br /> the I'Kaperty at pti�9�91c nucdm�to Ihc:hlphest bldder ut tho Ureio��nd�1s�re�nd undcr the�erms c�esi�n�rtetl tn the nntice af
<br /> sAlc In u�►c or u�nre pau•cels nncl in nuy ordcr'lrustce ctctcrmint:s. lrustcc mny po�t�x►ne xnlo uP nU or uny p:11`4CI OP 1I10
<br /> Proper�y by puhllc nnuc�u�icca��cnt nt the Ume und pince oP uny previously schedided si�la Lcnder or its c�esl�nec: mny
<br /> purchuso 11►c I'�r►pcYly Q�tlll�9ilIQ.
<br /> Form 3028 fllGO
<br /> Pupo 6 01 0
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