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<br /> S. llucu�rl nr N�aperiy I��tiu•r��iue. llnrruwer shnll kccp Itt� impruvemcnis no�v exi�tinf; i�n c�rcattcr crectcd �►n the
<br /> 1'�'��perry Insurc�l n�i�fnst luss by flrc, huzurds iuclu�c� �vitl�ln tl��truu "exlcudc� cuvcrnyc" nud niry uthce hur,irds, inrludiu�
<br /> Ilnods ur tluudln�, ti�r whirh l.cndc�r rcquircv insurimrG, 'I'I�I�in�unin«��haU b�.�ntainluincd In the umnu�its��nd fue 11tc perludy
<br />- ti�ut [.en�ic�• rcquir�s. Tliu in,uruncc:�u��ic�r pruvldin�; tku in,u�eince titwll be:chu�en hy F�ur�•�nv�r�uhJcct tu I.rudc��';�u�pn�v�il
<br /> �vhirh sh�dl nut No u;irci��annhly will�hrld, If llurruwcr fuily lu ncdiu,�io r�wcrugc �lc+crihcd ►ihuvc. Lcndcr may. ut I.��ndcr's
<br />- op�iun, abtnin riivcraf;c to pmtcct i.cn�tcr's�ights in thc I'rc�peny in i�ccardnncc with rnrripmph�,
<br /> All h�,urnnce roliries uud ��nr��,ds shull t!� iuccpinble U, Lender�md ,hall iurlude u stundnnl uuirt►;n�;o cltuire. I.endur
<br /> nhull hnvc tiw riE;Ill(t1 IIt1IO llll`�111N1'ICV t1111)fCI1CW11I4, IP I,�ndcr rcqulr�ti,Hurru�ccr shidl pruiupdy�ivc a,i.�n�l�r idl rcccipls of
<br /> pnhl pr�ndwnv und r.�newiil nuUrrs. In Iho cvcut ui�Inss;,Hurra�vrr,r•haU «Ivc pramp� ��uUr.c t��th�imuriuicc c+irrlcr+md l.cnacr,
<br />' �dii�lil'iiln� iil.i�c�tiuuf ui tu�i{t�ihit iilu�}u(ii�ililal=r�1�Lu�i�lli'i.P.
<br /> Unlcti� I.cndcr nnd Ilorra�vcr uthcrwisc ii�}rci� in wrlNnZt, ins�u•,in�c pru�cedv+hnll bc npplicd tu rcyturidinn or n:pair of ihc
<br /> Pr��perty dnur�gril,if Uic restor:iUon ur rcpair iti cc�enumicnlly fcnsihlr nnd I.cmicr's s�curity is na�Ic+ticnc.i. If thu rc;toriui�m�►r
<br /> npair is nut ccn�wmically Pcutiibic�jr I.�ndcr'�sccurlly w�iuld bc Icsscncd, Ihe insurancu pracccdr shidl he iippUcd tn thc sumv
<br /> sccurcd by thiv Scrurity Instrumcnt, whcthcr or n��t thcn duc, with iu�y er.ccss pai�l to p��rruwcr. IP l�urrawur c�b�mdons thc
<br /> Nr�rcrty,��r dues nut ans�v�r wiildn 30 di►ys r►noticc from l.r.ndcr d►at thc iusurnnce c�►r�ler huti ul'fcrcd to ncttic n clnim, Uien
<br /> t�:ndcr mny collcct thc insurunrc pr�icc�ds. I.endcr miry uso Ihc prucccds to rcpi�ir ar restw•c Ihc Praperry ��r t� pay ti111119
<br /> securMt by this 5ecurity InsUument. whether ur not then duc.'fl�e 3U-d.►y period wlll begin�vhen Ihe n��tice i.r'�ivert.
<br /> Unlcss Lendcr iuid purrmvcr ��thcrwisc ngrcc In �vritins, ��ny upplicaUon of procccds to principnl shntl nc�t oxtcnd or
<br /> p�rytponc tltc iluc di�to of'thc monthly paymcnts rct'crr�c:i a� in paragrnphs 1 and 2 ur changc thc umount c�F thc pnymcnts. li
<br /> undcr puiY�grnph 21 thc Yrnperty is acquirccl hy Lcndcr. Bu�rowcr's ri�;ht to uny insur�inrc policles nnd pracccds resulting froni
<br /> dnmugc tu thc Property prior to tho ncquiSiUon sh�ll patis to l.cndm•ta thc cxtcnt ri thc sums sccurcd by this Sccudty Instrumcnt
<br /> immcdintcly prior to thc acyuisition.
<br /> 6,Occupnncy,i'rescrvi�Non,hlnluten�mce nnsl Pi�►tccUun oP thc 1'iv��xrty;a3vrro�vcr's l�onn AppUcntion; Lenseh��ldy.
<br /> I�orrower shull accupy,estublish,und i�se�ho Pmperty cis Hnrrmvcr's p�incfpal resictencc wlthin sixry dnys oftc�•the exccuNon of
<br /> �his Sccudty Instruutcnt und tih;dl cuntinuo tu occapy tlw I'roperty ns I3orrU�vcr's rrincip;tl residenco for nt Icu.st rn�c ycAr af'tcr
<br /> thc d�rte of occupnncy,unl�s� I.endcr otherwisc ngrccs in writ4ig, whinc�anscnt shall nnt bc unrcusonciUly wlthhcld, or unless
<br /> extenui�tinr clrc:umstances esi�! whicl� ure be,yond Borrower's control. Dorro��er shall n��t ciesiroy, d�ma�c+ or Impaie tho
<br /> Property, ulla�v thc Prope�zy to dctcrluriite, or co�itmit wu�;tc on tlae Properiy. l3��Yrower shnU ba In dcfhult if�in� forfei►ure
<br /> or.tian or procceclin�. whctlicr civil or criminal, iy hr,�un thnt in L,cndcr'e eoad f'nith judgmcnt could result in forfcituro af tf�c
<br /> Pmpeny n►•otlicrwise materinlly impnir thc licn c�catcd by thiti Sccurity Instrument or Lender's security intcrest. Sorrawer may
<br /> cure such n defnult nnd r�ii�titeuc,us provided in p.ir.�graph lFi,by causin�the nctiou or procecding to be dlsmissed�vith u��ulin�
<br /> � innt. in i.�ndcr's �oad 1ni1fi cfeceeminntian, preciudes forCciture nf thc flarro�vcr's interest in thc Property or othcr mntcrinl
<br /> impairm�nt ot'the licn crefued hy this Security Instnunm�t a�• I.endcr's s:curity lntcrctit. Borrower shall nlso be in default if
<br /> florrower,durinr Ihc luun;tppUcnUan pracess,guve nuueriiilly false c�r inaccumte infarmndon or su�tements to Lcnder(oe fniled
<br /> Sn j�:SL'j.:°v+.'vr%'v:wi:u an;n�wiclint ii�iv,���nti��i�f iii i,v�iiic�:iiun wiin inc ioa�cviuone«i ny inc iva�c, 1(IClql�lllg.buz nat iimitca
<br /> ta, representnda��s conccrui��g 13nrrower's occupnncy of tho Proper�y as n prinelp;►I residenee. IP this Securliy In�;trument is on u
<br /> lc��schnld, !]nrrnwcr Yhall comply wlth uU Nic piY�vi�ions af thc IcnsG. If Am•ro��-cr iicquires fCQ IIIIC l0 IIIC Praperty, thc
<br /> lcasehold nad tl�c fce UUc shall not margc unlcss L�cndcr i�Frccs ro thc mcrger in�vr�tin�.
<br /> 7.{�atcctian oP l,cnticr'A Itlght9l��thc i'i•operty.If Uorr��wcr f:�ils ta perfi�rm�iic c�wenn�its and ugrwcmcnts contulnect in
<br /> thls Securl�y Instruntcnl, or Ihcrc is ti lc�nl procccding thi�t mny nignificnntly nt�fcct Lcndcr's rightq in thc Pr�perty (sush as�t
<br /> procecding in bankn�ptcy, pmbatc, far cnndemn�Uon or forfciturc or ta cnf�rce liuvs c�r rcwulutions), ttten Lendcr may do und
<br /> }�;►y tor whatevcr is neccssary to protcct tho vi�luo of thc Property iinct L,cndcr's riGhty in the I'ruperty. l.cnctcr's uotions mny
<br /> incladc paying r.;�iy ::um�: ;;ccurcct by u 11cn whlch hc�� priority over this Scci�rlty In�tiument, nppcnring in court, paying
<br /> rrasonnblo nttorneyF' fcca nnd entcri�ig�m Ihv['roperty to makc repnirR. Although I.cndcr may ttike ncUcm undcr lhis pnragraph
<br /> 7,I.ondcr docs not hiivc to do so.
<br /> Any nmountv disburscd by Lcndcr undcr this paragriiph 7 shnll becomc ndelitionnl dcbt af Borrawcr sccurcci by this
<br /> � Securlty lnst�ument. Unless �c�rrower nnd l.ender ngrce t��ather terms oi puyment. these�maunts shidl �r�u lnterest from tho
<br /> dntc of disburscmcnt n� tho Notc r:ato nnd shidl hc pnyablc, wllh intc�cs�, upon �iaticr. Pram I..cndcr tn Norrrnvcr reryuacting
<br /> pnymcnt.
<br /> , 8.Muilgugc lnsurnuc.q. If I.cndae rcq�dred martg�ige in.r•urn��co as�condltiun of making thc laun sccural by this Sccuri[y
<br /> In�trum�ent, f3nrrawer sha11 pny thc premiuma rcquircd to mnina�in thc martgagc in5urimcc in effect. If. for nny rc�►son, tl�o
<br /> mortgngc insurnncc covcrr�a rcquiral by l,cndc�• I�ipscs or ccnscs to bc in cffect, �orra�vc;r shnll pay thc prcmiums rcquircd ta
<br /> obtain mvernge s�.ibst.mtia9l}•cquivplent to the ntortgage insurnnce pr4viously in effr.et, nt n coct suhslnnNnllY equivfllent to tho
<br /> cost tu Hnn•awc�• aP tho umrlgugo insuranco prcviausly in cffcct. from an altcr�ntc mortgnsc insw•cr npprovcd by I.endcti•. If
<br /> substantiully cquivulcm mnngFigc insurancc covcragc is nnt nvEdlnblc, Horrowcr shall pny to l.cndar cach mnnth o sum cqunl to
<br /> onc-twclfth af the ycnrly mortgagc insurFmco prcmtum hcing pnid by fl�rro�vcr whcn tho insu�Yinco covcre�c Inpsal or ccttsc�t ta
<br /> bo in effect. Lcndcr�vill i�ccept, Q50(IIl(I 1'CIAIII 1FICsC�lilyl11C1i1S 119 n lass rescrvo in licu of mai•tgi�gc insumncc. L.oss rescrvo
<br /> Farm 302H 9/9D
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