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Unta�a Q�rro�:ar end lancicr nt;�A9 011tflf\V19R, An <br /> P�Vmmte I.endar recalv�o(rom URttowar or Tor Haetue�e�'e UQna�it will �e ap�l;�tt tlrut N nny ainaunta Hnrrn e► uwaa nn�h�No�u,�d un6� <br /> oxcluslve tlf(ntarett or�irinclpal,aacnn�to Intare t and litun to pr qe1pa1.1�Unnlsl prep�vntiant ot thn�ecured de�it occur�to�enV r�aton,It wlil <br /> �. not reducfl a:axeuae eny eG��dula�9 paV���anl untl�tha aor,urod dobt 10 pnld n tup. <br /> � 9.Cl�ns dp¢�ntl T1U+.DorrotivDr�vlll poy all taxo�, oaaaenmanto,and att+ar�cherpes oitrlbuteulo to Iho proporiy�vh�n d�o enc9 wll{clotenJ tlUa <br /> � to ilti�prot�r�ri ap��nst ony cta�ms�vi�ic�'�tvouW Imuek thn 11ap of thie da�i ot tro�f.lenr3er may requ:ro Unirower t��etlpn eny�i�hte,Gelma ur <br /> -- ------- ��8R399 lYit4CTf mev hst�p�gelrut partloa kvho eupply IaG�r a�materlals ta Imp�ove or melnteln tha ptoperty. <br /> _- ----.t_ - � g.{�;.:�r��. p��r����sr wlll kanp t1�a propa�ty Ingured undor terme eacexteG!r�t� lenda�a�1lntrnwa►'a e�panao end tar lart:lcr'e Geireth. Aq � <br /> � innurance uolici9�ahall�nctudo o etendird rnottPapo cteuao In lavot of 6encfor,lender�viii be na�ried ee los�phyaa�r e�ti�a insur.,d an eny cach <br /> ��p�,;�,tu:�,;„��;.�ti���a�yanna�rnr.stft9a t�g�+ ia pnnllad,�v��hin Lendnr'e dle�cretl¢n,to elther it�a�eetaratian a►�epvir uf tho dHmpped prnparty � <br /> � ' ur to li�o uocurocl dabt.I11.andor raq�ilroo mortyepo Gssurencs�,Qorrawer eQroen to melntotn eecfi n�ur�nco far es anp na tv�d.�ear�uiren. - <br /> ..`�,r�;,% �,Peapety.Uorro�vor wiil kuep ths property In paod ea�Mttlun and make ell repatre ransanaGty nnceeee�y, <br /> •• � B.Cxp�euu.Qarrativer aUruvs to pay all Landor'e oKpnnaos,InctudtnU ronnc�nable ettornaye'fooe,If Oorro�var b�o�ks eny cnvenente ln this doed <br /> _._ _ ��4 trust nr In eny abliqatlon eticured liy thle doed of trust.L'orrowar wlll pay tht�no smounte to Lertdsr ee�rovidoA In Covanant Q aP thl�dao�of <br /> � truet. IE.., <br /> ` f3.Pric►A�cu►Ity Int�r��4�.Untoae flarro�ver Itret oAtaln�1.ondar'n�witten consent,Oo��ower�vlil not meke or permit eny chanQee to eny prlor <br /> e , � Inchidl'api�rrmvsr o Cove ipnti�to m�ke p ym nti�when Que bflpationa und;.r any prlor mortpapo, d�cd of truat ot othwr eocurity epteemont, <br /> 7.A�tl t of R�nt��+xl Pr�lit�.Baerower ue{pn�to Cendar the ronts nnd�xotito ot the property.Unlea�8otrow�t Nttd lendnr h�vo apnecl ° <br /> � otherw ae h� wddnfl, 8orrower may colteot encl rotatn the ronts ee lonp e�earro�vo�te nat In daiauu. If Oorrowar Qafault�, Lender, Lender's <br /> ` egent,or r court eppolnted�ecefver m�V teke poweeaeion and manege tho proporty end collec!the rarrta.Any rents Lender collaots rh�ll be � <br /> nrca�ioiry i�Iitad tlxpenaea f The ren►eQninp�mount uf ento vlll thon oppty to pay nont�o,i'tho sncur d daGt e�provided�ln Cnvone t�eny other � <br /> , � 0.lowtatid.i�1 Condon�inlumss Pl�nn�d UNI llavaoprrHnt�.Barrowor u roes to comply with tlio provlslons af any loaso If thle doad of truet le on — <br /> v underiho�covanarlto hy la vo,�or roputt�t[one�of tho co�ndominlurn ar pin�nod unit dovelapineiilnt,fiorrowo►w1i1 p�r9orm uil ot Oorrowur's dutloe <br /> �' - <br /> - 8.Auth�uity oi Lsnd�v to Psrform for eorecw�r.�f 8orrower feile to�pertorm eny o}RarowANo dutlaf undar thls desd of vu�t, Lsnda�mey =-_ <br /> '.-r y pe�form the duila�or cAwtt them to 6s qaifamed. l.andar m�►y sign Eio�rowa�'o mme ar R�V�nY emount Ii�ec�s��rY tar pn+Tormrnce. If�ny -• <br /> conatruotlon an the propeny la di�contlnued or not ourl�d on In�►�e�on�ble mnnnar,Lender m�y do what�vor I��wcee�ary to prot�ot landor'� �,_ <br /> • � °� tecuHty intersri In tl�e ptop�rty.TAt�msy inctud�Completinp ths comtrucUori. _= <br />'" f-���•- londer'�felluro to perbrm wlll not�ectude Lendar hom exerclsinp ony of tte othnr ripht�unrlcr tha lew or thlp d�ed of tr►�st, �-' <br />-= u <br /> i�x1 w U uoir�l t e�reee froni the date o}th8 p�yment until pa1J In fuil pt�tha�lntereetiata In e}teot on the eecgred debt�nto wUl Le due on dem�ncl =�=- <br /> .�• � <br /> �, <br /> 10. D�t�Wt �nd Accae�tkin. II Eiorrowar fella to make eny payr�1ont when duo or braake any covone�ite undor thin deed o} trust or eny �' <br />.-_,.., . .,. abl;a�tlon�ecurad by thl�doad af vu�t ur any prlor mortpepe or ci80d QI t�►1Sf, l.e�xlecr may uCCelarato tha meturity Of the eocurod dobt atul � <br /> - damand immedi�te payment MnA r�►aV Inv�ke tha pnwat of sota and anV Qt���romedle�F�rmlt�eQ by epplicabie law. - <br /> . � - <br /> 1/. R+qu��t fa BoUc�of D�t�utt. It Is horaby roqueated that coplaa of tha noticea ot daPau�t end 4alo 6a eont to each poraon wiw le e p�ety <br /> � .- •='_� her�to,�t tM�dck�n of eech wch p�rton,u��t fOrth h�nln. -- <br /> -_ °-•.�� �2, powu p1 Bda.If the l.ender drevoke�the powe�af ale,ttu�Yru�teo ahAfl fint r�c�rd In the offlcs of the repirior of deeds o}a�ch county _ <br /> ._. � ,.,_�,� wMreln ths tru�t proparty or�cn:�+�ert or pa�cel theraof 1�alt�+alnd e�otic�of do4wit cont�t��inq the Informatbn reau{reQ by l�w.Tho Ytuatee <br /> . �.--�r afi�ii�i�o ma�copiaw a:i:w noz;cir v.w'.:�:u..�2tt��..�.ic o�t�'.°:s�s�e�ty 4�tet!+.•t�So mh�r�rsnna a��ructihad hy � <br /> ' , �pplia�bf�I�w. Not teso than ona manlA�fter ths Truota�recordl the notica of defautt or two month� if thi tru+�t {xoporty 1� not In�ny <br /> ---�:��. � Incorpor�t�d ciry or vili�p��nd I�uRed�n lumfn�o�peretlom o�rrlsd on by tIH+t�u�tar,tl�s tru�Us�hNl piw publlo nottce af aaia to tM pannn� <br /> _. °::�.-����y inci In ttN mmrwr pre�adb�d GV��pppllaebla I�w. c�ate�, without demwncl o�Oarrower,�h�U qll ths property st pub110 euation ta�t1� �"x+st <br /> ---__=..;.a�, blcidrr.I1 nqulr�d by tM�um Nomnt�ad Prot�i:i��0..t'...,.Ti��it..�,Nol�nu:±:nn�,u�_Am.�nt i��iti:wimi��aotl�a��ot iny�e%v ou�tv icliadu�bA1�. <br /> �M.: .::.....: '�''" .-.--•---•• �--._ <br /> — - —� i�r�.��:�a.d�:�7�a m:y�utc�iteo tt��e�riy�t any�eeh. � - <br /> `=� Upon ror,elpt o}peym en4 pf thc�pNao bid,Tru�te��hwil dalivcr to aho puroh�rar Tr�iatoa'�daed conveylr►fl tho prapertV.The racitiai�contt(ned lrv <br /> = Tru�tee'a deed�h�ll be prim�fecle evldiance o}tl►�truth of tha atatemonu uonUlned therein.Truatee nhdl�ppty the proceads at the�nla In ths <br /> foliowlnp order: (�1 to a!1 oxpenaes of the salo, includln�, t�ut not I(mited to, rnesanebt� Tn��tsa'� feea, nsaonablo ott�sney'� tNa a��cl <br /> '� �-"� �elnsteterr�ant Peer�Ib1 to ell sums secund by thli G6ad of trWt,end lo)tlio betanco,If ai�y,to the peraone lepalty antltlod to roculvo it. <br /> =_..s�•� <br /> _--w�_w� 13.For�elown.At lendor'�aptian,th10 dead o1 truet mey bo foroclosad In the mennor piavida by�ppllo�bie I�w for laroclosure of inert,p�ps� <br /> —==_ __= on��tl propany. <br /> -�-�= 14, tnip4ctton.i.endor may pntor tho ptoporty to intpoct it I! Lnndar pi�es F2atrowor�otice botorehencl. The noSiae must sYnte th�n�eon��l� <br /> oauae tor L�nQ�r'c hupaotlon. - <br /> � -"``"�� 98.Caxlamn�tlar►.enrrowsr a��ipnp tu I.endnr tiie proceado of Any award or olaim tof d��oipe�conr.ected witN�condomn�t�on or uther r,��}nq � <br /> -��--T--'���� of�II or�ny pr►rt n'�tha proprrry.Such(xoc�ed�wili be�ppll�d sy provid�d'un�Cownpnt 1.Thl�nalenment la eubJ�ot to the tern�s of�na p�"f.r - <br /> - r�==��. eacudty�p�um�nt. <br /> � �� 18.Wriwr.k]y�ttarclrinp�ny nmody�v�ltabl�to�.en0er,Loni�r doee nat plve up�ny rtphtr to I�t�r u���ny olher remedy. By iwt�xsroldnp _ <br /> - rnb nmeAy upon Borrowu'�d�f�ult,4etldv doee�tiot W�IVS any ripht to I�t�r conulAer th�eveM a d�f�uit if it heppom�p�in. <br /> �`� 7. Jak►t a�nd B�vK�1 LI�6NityJ Co•slpr►au 8c�cnva�as �nA At� Bound. All dutto� unci�r this daad dt trutt wre ►olnt and sev�r�R d1��;• - <br /> --- �now�r who co•slyn�thl� daed o} tru�t 6u�doa� not co•elan ttH ��nclmtty Inp d��t In�trum�nt(e) do�� so only to prmt rnd convub Rhat -- <br /> _--��� -- Borraw�r'�Intentt in tlw{xopaty to tt►s Truotob undu the term�of thly daad oi tru�t. In addltlon, wr.h�BoYrawer�,�r�oz that ths L�rxi�r arxl <br /> sn1r atMr 8orrow�r und�{hl�d��d of trwt may�xt�nd, modllY�ar mpk��ny utlwr ah�np�i In the t�mu of thl�deed af truot or tha o�cured <br /> -��- <br />