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<br /> �11 i'N�SNIRI.F.Y�1+ILLIFIMS �
<br /> y SLPTGMAGR 2.s, 1995 .'�'�io trustor is
<br /> THIS L)�fip OF TRUST("5ccurit Instnnncnt")is nu�d�ui� �
<br /> XGVIN A. PrU1:itSEN ��iD p4DM K. PL�DBR.�,CN, HUSllAND AN� WIT�
<br /> ("8on�owcr").7'I�o trustco Is NQRWCSm AANK NGAMSKe1. NA'�IANAL ASSOCIATIUN
<br /> ("Trustc�"). Tho t►cneficic►ry iy pppW�tiT HANK N1,IiMSKA. NATTONAL ASSOQTATION
<br /> wtiich Is or�;sinizcd nnd cxistinB�»�dcr t1►o luwR of TH� UNITFD STATGS UF At�1CRICA .und wi�aso
<br /> address Is
<br /> 3G1�4 W�;ST 13th S7,'RCL'T. GItl1ND ISLAND. NEDRAS�ndcr"). �'orcowcr owcs l.cndcr Ilt�principnl sotn�F
<br /> e C.►rn [ 9de��lc�ti �.
<br /> 1WG� Y T11R���� TI OuS D SIX,1IUNllR�D �I�{TY ANU 53/10
<br /> p�+�*� �11a.�(U..,....��3.�..i�.�..- - �
<br /> TMs de�t is ovlc(enu.� by�rm�vcr s nate c nta t o same diUC as ilils Sccurlty It�stn�mcnt ("Nate"),�vhicti 4�►�avtdes far
<br /> monthly paynxnts,wiu►the fldl debt,if not paid cnrlicr.cluo ai�d payi�bic un SL�1'T6ti�lEk2 20, 200U
<br /> _ . �__�_.._�._c ...r�.�o�:���,.��_
<br /> hv�i�n N�ue,witli lutc:resL an[1 tdl Xerwwa y.
<br /> 'I_'F11u 5ec11fiiV LLSICUIiiCli�6CCUTC�to I.ctxicr: lul i�►o���q�uo.o...!�'.�«.,...�._,._.__- . � - -
<br /> cxteneinne ��xl modifici►ttonc of thc Notc: (I1) lh0 [fAyllMllt (1�QJI QtI1C1' AlIT119, wiin inic�:i. advn�z�;� utulcr Ps::�sSs"pt: 7 f4
<br /> protcct thc sccurlty of thls Sccurity Insmuncr►t; nnd (c) tha performancc af kic►rrowcr�R COVG1AllltS hihl Qsf�C711CIliA. POC l�ll9
<br /> pu�x�sc, kic�rm�vcr irrcvacnt�ly Fi:znts nnA convaye to Trustcc. li� tntst, with �wcr of sn1c. tho futlowing Ccn�nty�VCt���ka
<br /> lotatcci in H!►i,X.,
<br /> which has the uddress of r • (succ�.City),
<br /> 3p2� FRTMAOSE yRIYL� GRAi�TD ISI,AtJI�,
<br /> Nebrnska b88U1 ("E'roperty Adciress");
<br /> ('l..ip Cixia�
<br /> 1'O(�BTHEiR WI'CH al!lhc imPruvcmcnts now m•hcrc:►itcr crectccl on thc�ec�{xny,nnd��II eusemcnty, appurtcnanccs,nnd
<br /> fixtures naw or herenf'tcr u psut of tho prc�pc;rty. All repluccmcnts a�u1 ndQitions s1��►11 [dst► be coveral by this Security
<br /> Instrwnent. All of tho Curc�oing(e rofcrrcd to an this Securlly Listnimeju F�s tho"Propccty."
<br /> [3URROWaR COVBNANTS thnt Horro�c�r is luwft�lly sclsed of thc c5tnto hcrcby canvoycd�rn9 ha�thc right tn�rant cmd '
<br /> convcy thc Praperry cu:d thnt tho Property is unencumbcrcd. cxccpt fur cncumbrancc.s of n;cord. Borrowcr wnreums nncl wiQ
<br /> def.:��'?general�y_thc Utic t�the Property a�alnst all clfdn�.s nnd dcmiuids,subJcct ta nny encum�•ru�ccs uf rccarcl.
<br />- '��]I5 siic:tl�cri Y 3i3�7�t3ivi8;�'�c:,ni:ines unlfi.:::�:�snae�t�fet��l�nnl ��xis and non-unifiitm caveiwilts With limitctl
<br /> variations by Jurlsciicdon to cansdtuto a uniform:�ccurity instrws�ent covcring rcnl properry.
<br /> UNIF�.IlM COV�NANTS,Aorrawcr uncl l.cnder covcnuut and agrcc qs follaws:
<br /> 1. 1'wyment ot Pri�rc9pwl pnA Inter��t; Prepay�nerit and 1,Ate Churg�. Borrowcr shall promptly pay when d�w tho
<br /> principal of'nnd interest un thr,debt cvidcncc�i by Ihc Notc und any prcpaymcnt nnd Inte chn�•ges due undor thc Note.
<br /> Z. E'untis tor Tax�w aud Insur,ancc, S�lbj�ct to npplicnblc law or to t�wrltten waivcr by Lcndcr. tlorrowcr shall p1y to
<br /> Lcndcr nn tha d��y manthly �aymcnts nro duo undcc thc Notc. until tho Nuto is paid in full,u sum("l�unds")for:(a)yau�ly taxes
<br /> and n5scssmenis which ntay attnln priority over thie,Security Instrument ns a lien on�he Prnperry; (b)yeurly Ic��seholcl payments
<br /> - ur t;rowul reuts un tlio Pr��peity,if nny;(e)yenrly I�mnrcl or pr��perty insuranco premhun9:(d)yea��ly Hc,i►d insurnnco ptemiun�s,
<br /> ° iF nny; e�� yc����y ��►����s:�&� ins�n•i►ncc prcmiums, if any; tmd (� uny sumv pi�ynblo by i3orrowcr to LenQcr, ir�ticcurdnrc;;�vltiti ,
<br /> - Ihc Erravisions uf p�rt�Enaph 8, in licu nf the puyment of morignge inst�r�nco premiums. Thcse items fire �nllccl "Escrwv Itcros."
<br /> Lc;ndcr ntay, iU nny dmo, cc►Ilcct ni�d holcl t7unds in nn t�muunt not to excecd Il�o m7ximum amou�u a Icndcr for n Fcdcrnlly
<br /> rclaUcd mart�nge Inam m�y irquire for Ilor�ower's escrcow nccount under thc fulcrnl Renl Estate Setdement 1"racedures Act af
<br /> - 197A��s nmcndecl ii•nm time to tlmc, 12 U,S.C. Section 2GQ1 et seq. ('F2NSPA"). �mless i�nuthcr Inw thut uppNes to�ho Funds
<br /> = scts n Icsscr mm�unt. If'sn. l�:ndcr mi�y, ut c�ny time, cc�Ucct und hold f�undy in tm amou�t nnt tn cxccai thc lcvscr umount.
<br /> Lcndcr muy csUmutc tho nmuunt�f 17unds duc m� tho busis af current dnta imd reasonublc cstinuites of cxEx:nditun:s of f��turc
<br /> T?scrow Itcmy or uthcrwisc in«ccnrclnnco wi�h i�pplir,�blc Inw.
<br /> EBRAQKA-Bln�la FamllyF�nnl�M�u/Frrddl�M�o UNIFORM IN:ITRUM�NT F�m�8028 8180
<br /> -_ �NI 12'f'A7 MTO VMP MORiOAGE FOi11A;�13131:103 0100•If10016A 1 Y201 aouo�ot n Am�ncleA Bl8'1
<br /> i
<br /> , �.
<br />