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<br /> � +F�'�d�k Re�l Estafe nllartg�g� `q�
<br /> �n M� 63�i7s _ \�:
<br /> �N�turo of IndN�tscineu lom{1moi�M M�tu�t�is�—� n 1� Interail Hrte �
<br /> ConAUmar t,vRn � �OOO.QU � 8•�.---,,,--,..—.-
<br /> �•-
<br /> h�C�wnm�tc�u r�+a�r�i wnrt.w r��n"o�viny� nk annmr.lnl F�ct�uP) ��ttiottpaQO,with paw�r ol��1�.oi th�follo�Mnp propKtY top�thK witA
<br /> �11 improvarcent�noN�ur h�r�u+tter ereatHl on tha pro�o�ty,an ell ea[�n�nto,�ipM�and snpwt�nMica 1hHata:
<br /> IID►1�' �'Y 1�bOlt (a0)• R fc n 8�8DM�8IQNr ��a CXyC�TPJI�
<br /> 21�3tA.�('A
<br /> 11 i�wn th�n ono pntton alyn�thie Mortpapa,Ihe warcl'1•mnan�'uva.•
<br /> Thi�Mortpsp�s�curw�lo�n macle hy Cnmmxcial Fecl�ral,as brieRy d�acilbsd�bpw,A note dnocf tho o�mu dats as thfe Mortp�ps cont�ina th�tam�fa
<br /> r�p�ymsnt of th�t In�n.if thst nota I� avsr ch�pw.t a roptac�d 6y o new natu,it wlll bo wcured hy tNia MortpaQe.
<br /> 1 proml�thttollowin�thlnp�:
<br />_ 1. a1�na�,.n�,m��v natu ar nt�ur dahi uwuresf 6v W�M�►tnlKiR Nri11 be pald when due.
<br /> 2, M InsiHartr.e policy icx 4iro end ext�:idal cawrapn will ba 1�op1 In force on tho propeiry in m Amotmt�t lse�t equ�1 to the cleLte reaur�tl hy thl•
<br /> Martpup�piw�ny other c�wrtp�ps�li�t�cl In p�r+pr�ph A batow.T}is Inauunce company m�Nt be s�ti�i�otory to Ca��cirl FedK�l,Wx1
<br /> CunK�Hmlrl i'�cf�ry)wlll t►s a nsmad Inturw-1 on ths Rotic.y.
<br /> 9, !1!!t!!�.�Md e•,•••m!�tt!�t►th�E!r�!wrM wlll i�w psfd htlnn tlNy lacaM�t�iinQwnb
<br /> 4. [�k►wait�wlll t�canmitt�ci on ths pre{�ty,wid il will ua kxpl in�oocl rep�ir.
<br /> b. 7hr proM►ty will no9 bn aokl (incAullny Oy land contr�cv,4artad.�nd na intere�t in It will bo wulpn+d in �y v�ay. '
<br /> �, I ovun ths pi»f,�rty irw ond cFaK o1 any ntli�r mortpaya or encumbrancsl E3(CEPT ...._.,,.,._ y�
<br /> 7• No oth�r mortpp�tx Il�n on th�hrup�+'�F H+II�vw b��Iluwnd to t»In d+9+�ui¢a 1»forrcloa�d.
<br /> II MY P/1FtM�pfGfY11M�11rc�not A�pL th+kt Canun�rclel FW�ral aan q�cUti�fl oi ths dab�irnrnaali�iay ilu:.Fqd�cy:l:!o viYh�ut e�:•s.^.co rtot!_e.'l1:� �
<br /> ImwMt rrt�will inars�to 1 N,pO�M w�ny pi�Nr ut��1lovwbl�6y I�w W th�t ifnw,�nd thb mcxt sp�c�n 6�fayoloMd fn�ccot<t�w�u wlth�aplleattfr 1�w•M
<br /> the d�bt li�ecolw�Nd,than I�Iw�q��n�r��nl or o1h�r Inc:ano trom th�prop�rry to C�smm�rcl�Fa1w�1. ?H�I'AR71�S AGR�E THAT THIS CtyNS�TITUTES
<br /> A COLIATERAL NFAI.E6TAT�MQHTOAt�E 1 LH6U/WT Tp SQ.pAKOTA C.l..R4-tF20 (FOR 60.OAKOYA F�EBIQF.NT6 ONLY}. U th�ww�f of�ny dd�ult In tM
<br /> � m�klr►0 a MY p�Nnw�t or In kMpinp My aov�na�t hxdn.lhla Motta�0�may b�(ur�oioNd Gy wtla��a by�dvMll�trMn1 w�xerirleM�d by�t�tut�a d»rulr�
<br /> . W praotica iWadnp thw�W.Mnd thi�p�r�praph�h�ll tw cf�n�1 M eutha7�ny�nd com9lutinp�povv�r d�ai�w m�ntlor��d in naid�t�krt�ar n��nd�ny
<br /> �n.nc�m.nt th�n�o,wx!mry r+lain atatutay cat��nrl�ttan�y 1�(SD,WY,MN,QK,��d MI r«W�nu only).
<br /> CatWn�mo�x�u ctin W Wiid by Cotnn�r�l�l F�dK�I lwid Wd�tl to th�d�bt Ncur�A by lhir'Abnpp�.'fhoy���ny t+�xa cx in�ur�nrsl haw�p�d 40
<br /> pay but f�ll to,�ry�1tan�y fwr,�ut court sxprnwa Conxiwrcf�l F�ciu+�l{s�ys II It i�m+uN• p�rt�an�ny I�pal�ntfon btouqM bV�`tttiwn�MM ctx�e�trilny 1M
<br /> prof+u�ty,�nd �ty Mttom�y fw�a ca�rt axp�n�u v�hlch th�I�+a m�jht allow if ComnHrci�l Fhc1�;�1 hns tc po tn ccxKi�p,�imt m�to cdHwt th�d�ht or
<br /> f�clos�ttil�rn�rtq�p�.M My 011h�aa thinps h�ppw+.th�n th��ckiition�l d�bt wlll�ecru� Int�riwt�f tM�+ma wt�M tM rs�l oi UN debt and m�wt b�{t�id
<br /> , Irrat»tilaMly.
<br /> It thls propKty la war cond�nu��cl und�r tM pow�r oi�m�nent clomiln or�ny simllAr m�thal ot ta(cinp n�c��nrty fa publia uw,�ny prx�oct�c�i th�takinn
<br /> will l»p�ld lo Cwnmwcl�l FYCI�►wl up to ih�tull urwunt af th�d�bt Recur�cl,
<br /> NoHw b Barrawar fcx OklaAam� q» Apn vrw��o�t���hu bMn Qr�nt�d In thl��i.�1 pow�+o/�a{��m`��r�lbw tM Mortp�to eola eh�
<br /> �i'��T_i�i �'—'i�d`��da�"'�t "'fo'�'ui�Ta� tx�� u�n �u y�NTOYYM U�~i I�Tq-ip�.
<br />_ �'�
<br /> �, 7. 1995 "�-
<br /> od �One F3onc�wr'�Siqnatura n
<br /> ' ovror's 6 pn�ture �Y .. �
<br /> 6TATE OF I'�l�l r
<br /> COUfJ�Y Of• I�1I�Yn f 69.
<br /> 1
<br /> On thi• 7�1H doy of,.,._._�� .10__,..�5,haforo mu,n notnry publia in and(or enid counly, poraonnity ceme
<br /> �7F�.Y A }A�GYP��![tY aIl��'Cl�Y E� . to mo knov�m to he�ho Idontioul peroon or perwns wfioso
<br /> npm�i�a�ra dfixecl to th��haw m�rlpays,and thay,h�or�ha esw�vally eoknowtodp�rl tho sald insirument nnd the exaoutlan tharoof tu bn thslr voiuntsry
<br /> oot�nd dacl. � '
<br /> WI7NESS my hand an wAI the dey wncl year I�at vxhton ebovo. �����t� � ��/�, ,,
<br />= Mycommi�sionAxptre�: � �"~'r';,w:�"� . �' ���
<br /> ���'�r�•"•'•� Notory Publlo's SipnAturq
<br />_ cavstnr�c�K.s�.onr�
<br /> . My Conwn,E:�.Jan.2A,1INJ9
<br /> NE-IN-WY-IL-6D- nN-1077 (OA/96)
<br />