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<br /> Nc��ics ��f I��.f�i��lt.
<br /> (A� `�`i�:�t n Neetic� �€'l�u�t�f,'s �nl� w�5 rxc:cute�l blr Ci�AN`i'���2 �n J�na G� 1�395. � -
<br /> ci�fry€►�t;-�� 1'��tte4 g�'�'�t�'s �;�t� w�t�����-c1 �t�t���; _
<br /> ED,@Vlfl3 1�l1l�ISISf1il �avfa°.��ci B�ri�rt�AcK113 f
<br /> 9�4�. �'i��� �34 �, �'In� .
<br /> C�r:�n�i Islancl, N�? G8�01 C3rt�nd Ysl�tn�l, N!: 6H801
<br /> t►y co.�t�ficd meil. r�tuY�j� reccipt requestc�, pastugc� �x•epnid, on J�uio b. 199S.
<br /> (S) (3Ft�►N7Y)�t puUlished the Nutice of`I'rusccP's Sala, to bo i�old on July xi, X49S nt
<br /> aq;00 a.n�., at thc lawcr lob�y of the I��ill County Gi�uvthous�. in the Ciry of Gruncl IsIa�+d, Hal!
<br /> Cuunty� Nebr�ska, which ijattcc �vns publishecl in thc Grct►trl /slanc� l�atiy I�rdepprc�le�:t �f Oru»cl
<br /> Islunel�Ne:hraska, �mce a «eek f�r five (5) consccutive H�eeks,�:ommencin�on,lune 12� 1�95. aiid
<br /> cnding .�uly Y0, 1h9S. 'Thc I�st publicAtion �f NUticc was at least ton (lp) d�,y� ��rIor to the
<br /> '1 rusteo's Sule,held on July 21� 1995.and snid s�le wus iiat later than thirry(3m)days Eltter the last
<br /> pu�itcation of Nattce.
<br /> (6) GrRAN'POR canducted th�snle af the renl pro��rty at public auctton c�n July 2]� 1995 -
<br /> at car a!?s���t lA:QO am., at the low�r lobby of the l�all�nunty C�urthoUSe� in th� CYty of GrAnd
<br /> Island. Hall County. Nebr�.ska. GR�N`YYY�R accepted tho Uid af�ommercial Fedorut h���rtgaga
<br /> C o r p a r a t i o n , i n t 1� c s u � o f
<br /> �'hrt �y Fiv°, Thoueanc� �ix and..�1/100 .Do1�=�rs
<br /> - (�9�,40�.9��—_�;isth�a highcst
<br /> bid u}xi��a��+id rexl prap�rty. GR.A,NT�UK has�:amplie�i with thc reqx�irements af Ne rnsku:�tatufes -
<br /> � 76-xU01 thraugh � 76-ap1R (Reissuz ]990)� in tho exerctse of the se�lc� af the reaa property
<br /> - a. • • l L_ RL_.����I� C�..�.. l..�lrl�r� i..lu 71 1Q�4 .
<br /> -- - -
<br /> ' - -- - -.�
<br /> Q05C170C�1 IIGiGli121i Z�IG-1t1LtAtcG� vatv aw�W vn�v.� �.� � - — -- - --- ----
<br /> Tl�is Ihed shalt nporat�ta conv�y t�tht C3RAN7'�E,thc GKAi�'Ol�'S titic and all right�
<br /> tidc.interest and elaim af tlae Trustc�r��and 4heIc sucecssors�n intcrest t�iid af ttil p�r<�ons clalming
<br /> by� through �r under them� 1T1 aRd tQ thC AUOV�-c�escrlbed reAl pr�perty, �n�luding all sach r7gfit,
<br /> titla, intorest and c6aim an And io suc�a pror�r/y acquircd by the trustc�rs a their succe�sars in
<br /> intcres�t subscqi�tlnt tc� th$executi�n �f thc Uecd of'�'rust.
<br /> '.'Y'his�aed is subject to all easementc,restrlctians�r cnvonants of recard which C�Xi,P►I�1TQ�
<br /> is nat cntitled to c�nvCy pw�suant ta �r�beaska Statutc, §76-D41Q(2) (RCissiQe 194Q�Z,
<br /> � � ��a����)1is'�,�day of�..�..�., 19�15. ,
<br /> .;►��' „• .,�..,,,E'p�i�,,
<br /> ���'�M . •�'qP 0 R��F.�,����. Cummercial e�deral8a�ilc,a Fcdexa��ivInp�s�ik,
<br /> '� � :� °
<br /> �' te4 'k r m �
<br /> ^: SINCE lqT "`=
<br /> � � �� .
<br /> i`� 'S�AL yA�
<br /> �� � `� ,_.,_..--•
<br /> 'y� ��..«...... �'� ,�� r'
<br /> ��i yp� '� �� �
<br /> ,�����I/11kN11N��` �Y: -.`.......C_' .-_..w...�,.^�.■
<br /> �C� �ps� r�
<br /> � Witr�es$
<br /> --, a�.�,�'"'.�,...�.�,�.9�...
<br /> �.�`��s�'n�'��n'e�it ,
<br /> y
<br /> STAT� OF NCBR/151E�11 ]
<br />_ ' ] SS.
<br /> COUN7"Y C)F TaOUGLAS ]
<br /> ()n this 7`��„�day of f ���� _,� ,,,_,,,,,� 1995�befora me the undersigned�a Natary
<br /> Public duly cnmmissinned and t�alyfieci far saitl cauniy,personttlly Game ��k��Ni�C=45
<br /> , the�.��s,� �� • __af Commere��l rederal �3ank, a Federal5avings �ank, and rersonally
<br />