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Contlen�nnl3un, 'l�io�,n,cCl'lI9 Df illly mvm�cl��r rinlm fur il�ima,;cti,dircct nr cunsn�ucntiul I�i ca��ncctl�►n with any - <br /> a C���idC�1�o�Uo11 0l•othc►taking�,t any pa�t uf'iho t'ncq� f'ur cunvcynucu in pince»t�crundeutnai�un,tnti itcrchy nsr•i�}nrcl : <br /> nnd sl�nll l�c pal�)m l�,7id�r t�tiio cxtcnt�F thc Ileil nntmml u�'tii�indchtcd��evv thnt rcmi�i�ir unpnid uitdcr Iho Nut��nd Ihi. .. <br /> Sccu►i1y 1iisUatnen�, l.cndcr Fhall nppty sueh pmr.ceds M t�te r�sJu�tinn��f tliz in�irl�Eetinevv under�he Nute find tluy fic�urfty - <br /> I�ulrt:n!'��+.,t ft��R Ip eny dtllqquent ntnnunts ep�tled in thC cttttrr prew�tlyd ii� P;ti.��;�.�F�h i, unc{then to �rept3Yistt'ttt of = <br /> prinsig�. Anv n���licn�pn ��f t�ta pro�c��1y tu ttip �iht�tpul sh�il ucu extsn�f ��r�soytp.�no tho duc dutc i�f tho tnontiily _ <br /> p�ynients, whlch nrC rcfe�n:d tu In ('oti rruph 2, ar rhnngo lhu nmoum uf tiuch pnymenly, Any excesv in�cecds over nn <br /> nmuuni reiµ�ircil iv ti:iy d11 i�iiiiiiv9tiiii�Ii�251ci 1}c55liiUlci thy T:oi�F�ta;t FR:pait!tt�ih::er:ity!!J cr:litl��lF��teist. <br /> 8. E�crs. l.cndcr mt�y cullcct Cccs and shiu�;cr auth��rircd by�hc Stcn:mry. - <br /> 9. �i�ou�u��f���lcfieiecaiion ot(gc5t. _ <br /> (n)IkfNUtt. I.cnder intry,c�xcc��t a9limitccl hy rcpuluttonc issucd by thc Srcn:tnry in thc cnr•c��f paymcnt dcfnultv. <br /> nyuirc itnmcdintc ay�ncnt in f1d1 of i�ll huniy nccuir�!by thiv Security Intitn�mcnt iL _ <br /> tl)Qor.ats���cf�7uii�by fait�ttg.a Fay.a tt�U���iy r���ixh�y pay:nL�x�t,�al�:.:i by ihi;,c�arlty R�„t�.��uc��t prir�; <br /> to ar�m tlia due dnta of thq ncxt monlhly pnymcnt,�sr _ <br /> (ii)Uorro�vcr dePiudts Uy fnllinb�f�u n periad ot'thirty dc�yv,tu perforni nny othce nbligntlony cuntnincd in thic - <br /> S��curlty Ipst�unun6 = <br /> (b)Satc Wdllio��t G�rdtt A��pir�val. I.cndcr�hull,if{xmiittcd by npplfcnb[c lo�v and with thG prtur nppi�vai af thc <br /> Sec;rttnry,require immectinto p:�yment in Sull af'cnll the sum9 securcd by lhis Security Instrument ii': <br /> (i)All ur part of Uio Property,ur n bcneflcinl interest in n trust o�vnin�nll or psirt uf dte i'►'o��iy. (s sold or <br /> othenvisc trnnsfcm:d(othcr�t`nn by dcvisc or d�:scer�t)by thc Burrc�wcr,and <br /> (ii)'lyie!'roperty iy nos o�cupied by �lie purchmer or grnntce as Mr�or her principnl�hc purchnsec <br /> �r gr;�uca cl��cs so occiipy tho E'roperry but his oe hcr crcciit h�e not Gecn nppmvcd in acr;ardnncc <br /> with Ilio rc��uircnknts of tho Sccretnry, <br /> (c)No�YAivcr. If circumstnnccs�cctu iFiat�voulA�crn�it I.ctidcr to rcc�uirc in►mcdiuto paymcnt in full,but I.cndcr <br /> dc�cs not r�x�uirc Such p�ymcnts,l..cndcr docs not�vnwo i�y dghGy wtth respcct ta subscyucnt evcnts. <br /> (d1 Regu4►t3onv of HUI�5ecretor�. In nw�y cireumstnnccs rcp,ulatians issucd l�y the Sccretciry will 8mit l.�;nder's <br /> rights, in the cnse af pa,nzent defnulGs. to requtrc: immcdinto pnyment in il�ll nnd foreclose if not paid. Tititi <br /> Sccurlty tnstrtimcnt doc5 not auttcarizo ncccicraflon ar fon:closurc if not{�cmiittccl by rcgulations of tho Sccrctiuy. <br /> (o)Mortgago Nol i��.snred. Bo��u�wcr ngrec.a tl�ut Rhould thic Sccurity Iastrumcnt nnd thc nota sccuecd thc�cby nut <br /> bo cligiblo for insuroncc under 1he Nutional Eiousing Act�vithin � �thg from Ihe <br /> duW I�ciwf: l�:udcr muy,a►t lGti aptian nnd notwithstanding unything in Pnrng�apri 9, ra�uirc immcdinto pnymcnt in <br /> full of nll sums sccurccl by this S�cariry (nst�umcnt. A writtcn statomcnt of wiy nuthorii.ccl �gcrR of ihc SccreU►ry <br /> dntcf?subseyuent ro p ��;�9 f'ro�n tho dnte hcrcof,dec8niog tn in�u�ro thi9 Secu�ity <br /> Insmnncnt and tfic noto sccured therchy,Nhall bo decmed conclusive proof of such ineli�ibiUty. Natwithstonding <br /> Iho fo�e�oing,ihis opdon may nat ho cxcrciscd Uy Lendcr when the unavallnbillty af insuranco is salcly duo to <br /> Lcndcr':c failuro to ccmit a mortgngc insurimcc prcmiam to thc Sccremry. <br /> !0. RcinstAtc�rnt. Dotrowcr hns u right to be tYj��sintcd it'L.cndcr hng rcqtdred immcclintc pnymcnt in full becnusc of <br /> l�cirowcr`e fi�iluru to pny nn nmount ciuc enc�cr�he ivAte�ir tnia�ccuriry insm�mem, �ants ri�fii�,e�'iics cven niter im�efo.�urc <br /> �uvc:cedings Are instituted. Ta reinstate ch.^�eeurity Instru�nen�,Uurn,�..tier shnll tender in u lun�s;�si�r►�all n►naiuits cc:qiiired to <br /> ris�g Hnr�nwer'ti ticcoimt curccnt imluai�>y�,ta thu cxtcnt thay nro��,"3atians of Aonowcr und:.�this Sccurity Instn�mcnt, <br /> �cn'cclasurv casGv tuid rensonnblo u�id cuswmary nttomeys' fecs N�d oxpenscs pr��perly nssociatcd �vith th� torecloaure <br /> p:aceecling. Upoo re[nstatn�» nt bv Borrower,lAi�ScCUtltY Instrunxnt anQ tt�c�;¢auans mat i1 Fccur�s eaaii irmxin in <br /> cffoct s.g if Le�idcr had nui�:q�ilred immediHtu payment in ibli. rttawovcr.l..cnder is not rcquircd to permit relnstatement ii': <br /> (i) L,endcr hav ncccpted rc.iastntcment aRer tho commencemcnt of fu��cclusure prc�ecdinge within two ycnre imrnr.dintely <br />. prccedin� thc rnnunencement of�,►currcnt foreclosum p�ocecdin�,(ii)roia�ytittenKnt will precludo fareclostu�a on different <br /> �rnunds in t:�:%iUtuce,��r(iii)r4ii�stntemr.r►t wlll ndverycly t�ffect�i� �riarity af tho lien crcnted hy this Sccurity Instn►mcnt. <br /> b 11. Horrower Nut Atele�►scd; Forhe�runce by l.enaer Noe A WpWer. �?xtenslon of' �hc Ilmc of pay mcnt or <br /> mndifcatian of amartization af the sum9 securcd by Qds Securiry [nsmunent grnnted by Lcnd�r to nny st►ccessor in interest <br /> uf�lorrowcr shall mot u�iat:to i�;lc��se�l�c linbiliry.��'�r."ho ariginal Qorrower ar Harrower'y huccessor li�, l.ender <br /> .shal� nat t+�e+ct�uicc�f ta commcn`e proccedings ngn�nyt nny succ��ssor in interist nr refuse to axtend dmc far pt+yrr�ent ar <br /> �thuwise n�clify umorti�.att�n af the F;*.1"9 secured by thi.9 Securiry Instmm�nt by rensun af u��y demnncl mncla by ths <br />+ odginal E�orcower or i�o�rt'owet's suceass^tcs in intetest, Any ior�e:rraz-r.a:by i..cnder m e<en:i:viu�,mny iigi�i or rcmcuy r�hnii = <br /> not b�+a walvice af or precIude tho cxen�i,r.��f uny ri�ht or remedy. <br /> 12. �ua�c.c.9ur9 wncl As.�lgu9 Hou�xi;Joint and Severel LWbUNy;Gn•Signcrsi. Tho cavcnants�►nd a��xcu�cnty of Ihis <br /> Stcurity inFtrument shall bind amct benefit tha�uccessorc+nnef nssigns aP[�:nder s�;�J Harrower,sub C<<O lh0�11'OY.1910119 Of <br /> Pat�gtaph 9(b). IaOf'iPWCi��S r.uvcnnnts nnd n ICC111CAi9 FIIAII E10,�Plllt Nt(I SCYCtAI. �Rny Bortowcr w o oo-qigns thia Scc�n•ity <br /> lnstcument but doe.a nat ex�eutn the Noto: (u�is co-signing this Seeuricy Inswn��nc anly to mort�age.�r�r►t and�atwcy�hat _ <br /> Borr�w�r's(ntcresl in thc Pmperty undcr tho tcrmo of�his Sccurlty Irsi�vutent;(b)is not�raonnl�y ablignted to pny tho sums <br /> Fecurett by this Secudty Instnunent;nncl(c)ogrces that Lender nnci v,���other Horrowcr mny agica to extencl,m�clify.fortx;iit• <br /> o� makG uny uccommodntions wlth �•egnrd ta tho tcrros of this Scc:-:ity lnstnur.cnt or tho Nutc wlthaut that �orrnwcr's <br /> �:onsent. <br /> 1�. Natk�ts. Any noUco to Aormwcr provldcd for ln this 5cciulty inshu_;��wt�hall Iw�ivcn b dcliv;��;�.�� it ar by <br /> . �muiNna it by fi�at clnsv itu►il unless applicublc luw rcquir.,s ur.c of suiathcr m�:thad. 'ilio notica shn�I b0 (UI�CIG(I t0 LfIC <br /> Property Adciresv ar uny othev nctdress F��zsawer designntes by nouce r,v l.endcr. Any noti�o ta Lcndcr shall bo givcn by fi�st � <br /> class mail to Lcndcr's nddress stnted h�x�:n or nny Londer��n.s�gnnt�s by notice tci Ilorc�.�rr. Any natico provi�ec� <br /> fae in t�is Security Instrumei�t shall bc decmed to havo bccn given ta tlorrowcr or l.ctndcr whcn glvc►�0.5 providcd in this <br /> paragra <br /> � 1 . Governtng L�w; Scveml►Ult,y 'l7tiis Sccurlty Instrument shall bo gu�r.r:�cd by Fcdcral law iuul the Inw of tl�c <br /> judsdiction ln whlch tho Ptoperty is located. In tha event�hat�iy provislan or clause of thi.9 5ecueity InstrunKnt ar tho Not� <br /> cc�nflicts wi�t�upplicablo Imv,such cunflict ehall not uffcct othcr provlsions of this Sccurity Instnuncnt ar thc Noto which cAn <br /> hee aiyen effecl witFu�p{Ihe ccu�flicune�rovi�ian. Tn thia ciui the�rnvicinn�of tltis Sel:urity 1t4sttuntent and Uw Nc►te ucc <br /> dcc�arccl to bc:Fcverablc. <br /> 1S. 14arrower's Copy. Horrawer shnll bo givcn one confonned copy of this 5ccurity Instmment. <br /> 1a. da.,i��u����.�f Rer�ts. Ro�mw:.r urcondivannlly a.;signs arcd transfrr:;to Lcn� r nfl th�r,.:�ts:md revenues af the <br /> P�rperty. Flormµ�er:n►thorires l.ender or I.ender's ngen�s ta coliexl the rents and revenues aad hemby direc�q ench tenant of <br /> thc Property to pay the rcntv tz�l.endcr or I.enctcr's agcnt5. H�wcvcr.prlc�r to Lcndcr'h notico to Honnwcr of Doi7ower'A <br /> breae�of uny covcnanl or ngreemeni in the Security InsUumen��orro�ver shall callect nncl rceeive nll rents cmd revemies of <br /> th�6'��o��erty ns trt�stcc far the Gencfit of Gcnder and Qarro�vcr. 'I'I�is Assignmcnt af rent�s canstitutes nn nbsolut�t�ssignment - <br /> nnd�iot an��r•signmcnt for adciltionol sccurety nnly. <br /> If A.r.ncicr glvcs noticc of'thrr.tch to Il�rcawcr; (iU all rentc rccc:ivctl by liarrawcr shnll ho held by Ilarrc��vcr n5 trustcc <br /> fcu henrst of I.�nQer unly, to be npplied to the sums secur�:el by the Security lnstn�en.,nt; (b) i.ender �hnll be entitled to <br /> rollcct und reccivc cill of'th�rcnts oi thc Yroporty;nnd(c)caci�tcnnnt af thc Nro�ce9y�chall pay sill rGntc due nnd unFald to <br /> L.cnctcr nr l.cncicr's r�gcnt on l.cndcr's wrlttcn dcmand ro thc tennnt. <br /> I�OffUWC�I11L9 I101 e1lCCtlIC(�Q�)}I p{'lOf tLS9I�.',I1111Cit1 O�I�IC 1'Cf149 QIl(I I1i44 pOl Q1t() �VIII I101�1CffO1111 any nct tl�at would <br /> prc�cnt l.cnctcr f'rom excn;ising its dghts uncicr thir,Pumt�rnph !6. <br /> I�ndcr tihall��ot bG rcyuirat to cnter upon,tnke contrnl nf or mtifnt�in the Prapccty hefare or nftcr biving noticc of <br /> brcach to por�u�vcr. Ha�vcvcr. Lcndcr nr n jud�cinlly ui�paintcd reccivcr may do sn ut nny �imo tticro is i�bi•cach, Any � <br /> oppiicutinn of rcnts shall not cura or wnivc any ctcfnul�ar ir�validata any othcr right or rc�ncdy�f.l.cnctcr. '�'�is nssignmcnt af <br /> rentr:oi the Mnprrty shall terminate when the ctebt secures�by the 5ccurity lns�run�ent is pstici ln'Ntl. <br /> fPugc.t�J4 pagul <br />