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.. ...�.�.+q��17rI�n•-n—•. ... .. *•p�,�;� . . <br /> . ..�1i`t`:� � _ •.Yr+�+.n. . . _. . . �id.� 't u�� . . <br /> ''�}. . ....�j. . - � . <br /> �.-...��. , ._ , <br /> •'i+^r.i�"'." `r';`;..,:�,.. _ .._.,�_ . ._ .._ _ _ _........-_ .. . . - _ <br /> N <br /> _ <br /> � <br /> . • <br /> � � ti.�5- �,�16r9S?� <br /> ADJUS�ABLE RATE RI1��R 2oo2�a�s <br /> _ (1 Year Te�aiwry Index•Rate Caps) — <br /> THIS AD]USTABL.E RATB RIDBR ia mado tb9s 13TH day of OCTOBER , r <br /> 1985 ,and ia incorpArnted into and shall be damod to amend arid supplcment the Mortgtgc� Deod of <br /> Trust or Savdty Dc�d(the"Socudty Instnumnt")of tho eame date given by the undcrsigned(the"BorrAwer")to <br /> securc tho 8orrower's Ad,justablo Rau Na�te(ehe'Hote")to <br /> Th� Epuitibl� Building �nd loen Aesociition pf annd laltnd� N�4resko, A F�E�r�l Btviny� B�nk <br /> (iita°Ixt�ei°�-v�'ai�o ew-+�+�«-s',3 ui�cz-#s�t3te�t'tf�.���t!�'�!�#�Ehl?Sr�►u�3ly t�a.��d!OCffitd s!: <br /> �18 N BROAOWELL ST dRAND ISLANO� NEBRABKA d88A1-443(i <br /> . 1�rt9 Aildrtat) <br /> YNE N�TL CONTAINS PROVI81QN8 ALLOWINO FOR CHAN�E8 IN THE INtEREST <br /> � RATE AND THE fNQNTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTH LIMIYB THE AMOUNT TH8 <br /> dORItOYYER'S INTE�iE87' RATE CAN CHANt3E AT A�NY ONB TIME ANiD THB <br /> II�AXIMUM pKfE 4H8 BORROWER MUST PAY. - <br /> ADbI7ZONAL additIon to the covenw�ts nnd agramenta me�te in tho Sccurity insuument, <br /> Borrower and Lender fittther covenant aad agroe as followa: . <br /> A.INTERFST RATE AND MON3�ILY PAYII�NT C�ANGFS <br /> The Note provides for an inttial_imenst rate of 7•12fi 9h.The Note provIdes for cl�anges in <br /> the Iaterest�ate and tbe maathly payments,as fol[ows: <br /> 4.DV'Y'ERES!'ItATE AND MONTm.Y PAYMENT CHANGES <br /> ' (A)Clwtnge D�ta : . <br /> 1be interest rate I aIU pay�nay r.hitnge on the first day►of NOVEMBEft ! 2000 .and aa tb�t <br /> day avery 12th month thereafter.fiach date on which my intar�t rate�rould cl�anga Ia callod a"Change D�te." <br /> ' (B)T6e Iqdeac �. <br /> Begtanin8 wlth the Hrst Chaage Dau.cay incerest rate will be based on an Iudex.Tho"�ndwc"is the wakIy <br /> � aver�ge yteld on United Staus Treasury sxurltiea et{justed w a aonsta�►t mxturlty of 1 mad�avaUable by . <br /> the Feder�l Rea..�rve Bosrd.The most nant Inckx•ti�gura availablt es of the dete 45 days before eacb ChAnge Date <br /> ia called the'�rrent Index." .� <br /> If the�•ie rw longer aveilable�the Note Hblder wiA ehoose a new Indea wMch is based upon coinp�rable <br /> inforaLdon.'Ihe Note Halder wlll give me notta of thic�hoicx. <br /> � . (t�Cak�n4tion ot Clmngea , � <br /> '�-:` . BefoYe eacL Clnngo Date.We Note Holdtr wiil•calculau my new imerest rau by eddiag � .' <br /> �� �p pu�uiu�v�tni(s3( F.� �r�to tt,Rt�eraa <br /> � �.'t�e Note Halder wUl then mund tho result of thfs addition to the nearesr onaeighth of oao peroeatage <br /> point(0.125�6). Subject to the llmits ststed in Sectivn 4(D)below.this rouadod snmunt will be my aew 9nterest <br /> � rue natil the xxt C�enge Date. <br /> ' . T6e Noto Holder wlll then d;�termine the emount of the mont6ly.payment t�wt would ba suf'ficient to cepay the <br /> • �� unpaid prIncipai tl�st I am ea�pexted to owe at tl�Cl�ago Data in fuil on the Maturlty Date at my�w icaterest rue • . <br /> in substa�►ttAlly oqw�]paymcnts.'�'tet result of this caiculatioa wil!be the new amount of my monti�ly�pAyment. <br /> ' -, (D)Limtb on Intacst Rate Cbxoges � 8.125� ' <br /> � ' Tho interest rue Y em requlred to pay at the first Change Dau wlll not 60�reater tiwat 9b <br /> or leas than 5.125 . � qb.Thereafter,my interest rato wiU never be increasod or deCtrasod on <br /> , , any sIngle Cl�ange Date by more than two perantege points(2.056)from�he ratoZo;2t�t I have boen�ying <br /> for the reoeding twclve months.M iaterest rate will never be gc+eater thsn <br /> My �nterest rate wi�1 never be lowar lhan 6.125lK. <br /> (E)Et[a�tive Date o[Clqinges <br /> ' My s�w interest cate wiU becomo effecdve on each Chango Date. I will pay the amount of my n�w montlily <br /> payment begianiag on the first ruonthly payment date aRer the Change Aau until the amount of my monthly <br /> paynxnt changes agaln. <br /> -- ..__ <br /> . -(F1�Notice oiChanges. . . <br /> The Note PIolder will�deliver or n�sit w uae a notIce of any changes in my imerest rate and the amouat of my <br /> awntlily payment b�efore the effective date of:ony chnage.The netice will includa infom�ation requirod by law ta <br /> be givcn me atid also the Nde und telephone number of a person who will answer any questioa I may have <br /> ' ngarding the notioe. <br /> MUL718TATE AWUSTABLB RATE RIDER-AHM 8-2-Stngte Famlty•F�nnb MklFnddN Maa U+dfom�MstrurtMnt <br /> . Form 9117 9186 <br /> ��Z?A IY30D1 VMP MOitTOA(iE fON1u18•18001641•��Bt A RNtd on Recyd�d Rpr <br />
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