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<br /> Nebraaka Stau Idar�1s�oeiatlon as successor wstee. 3e�d Subyti�uilnn o�'�ru9tee wra�reeorded os� �-
<br /> Juae 1Z, 1995,In the offica of the Register of Deede of Hall County.Ncbraska,as Document No.
<br /> 95-103$41 of Miscellaneous Recc�rds.
<br /> Default has occuared undar thv terms of said Dad af Txust and the obligat�oa secured
<br /> ��y,��ar�rrt��tl�y�t farsh�u t�i3ati�af I�ult r.,car@�3�u�1�,i�:5�i;�tue of''u�
<br /> of the Regiatcr of needs of Hall County,Nebraska,as Document No.95-103950.
<br /> On Junc 16, 1995,copies nf the Notice of Default,wlth the recarding data shown
<br /> the�on,were ma�led to the TnLStors and ail other intcrested parties by cerdfied mail,retum m.�;eipt
<br /> requestcd,postage prepaid,to the addresses shown i�the A�ffidavit recorded Juae 19, �995,In the _
<br /> office of the Register oPDeeds of Hsll County,Nebraska,as Document No.95-104029.
<br /> After the lapse,af not less then one (I) month, Miehael J. Mooney, '�rustee, in
<br /> consequencs of th@ Notice of Default encY'in�ompUauce with tha terms of the Deed of'�rust did
<br /> executa a Notice af Tivstee's 3ele.stating that the above-descrlbed property would be sold�►t public
<br /> auction to the highest bidder for cash ia the lower labby of the Courthouse in arand Islaud,Hall .
<br /> County,Nebrask�a,on Septemtrer.25.1995,at 10:00 am:The Notiee of Tn�sLeB's�ale was published �
<br /> �n The(3r�d Isl�d i),as't�j�d�n�ndent,a newspaper having generai circuIation in HaU County,
<br /> Nebraska, v+►ith the first publication bein� made om August 11, 1995, and there�ier on
<br /> � August 18,1995,August 25,1995,Septemtxr 1,1995;and September�, ISiy3. � •
<br /> .. On August 16,1995�copies of tha Notice of Trustee's Sale were m�ied to the Tnrstar .,
<br /> ' ,�� and other iaterest�d pardes by certified mail, re�ura receipt requeste�d,Po�Sa P�Paid,to tha
<br /> addr�essos st�wn on the A�davit which waa racorded Auguslt 21,1995,in the office of the Register ,
<br /> of Deeds of Ha11 Couaty,Nehraska,as Document No.95-105605. �
<br /> A11 applicable statutory pmvisions of the State of NebraslcR and all pmvisions of the
<br /> , `above-described Deod of T'rust have becn eomplied wlth as to thc acts to be perforn�od and not3ces
<br /> to 6e given.
<br /> - 'ilie above-described pm�erty was sold at public au�oion at tho time arsd place of said ,
<br /> sale affixed es afonssici to said Gra�tta, being the highest bidder ai said sale, for thG swn of
<br /> � � S28,d22.00.
<br /> � s
<br />