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F� <br /> � � '; '`' � � N o � <br /> � y <br /> g�,.c�n�i 1►aRRi�1T.i1�A _ <br /> � aa.""�a�:C=tSG�T�'!�'.IR'�" <br /> O � ° <br /> N IINO� ALL MEN BY THE9E PRESBNTS: $ <br /> ` That DFNNI3 d. VANOSDALL, and ANN M. HAMELOTH-VANOSDALL, husband � <br /> and wife, of No. 41 Kuester•e Lake, Rural Route, C3rand Island, Nebraeka <br /> 68801, D88TOR8, for the purpose of aecuriag the payment of $25,000.00 ° <br /> and intereet at 9.75 percent initial.annual peraontage rate according <br /> tc an $quity Account Agreement deaaribed as followas Equity Acaount <br /> Agreement dated October 2, 1995 in the amount of $25,000.00, with an <br /> initial annual intereet rate of 9.75+k, payabl� by the Debtore ta Five <br /> Points Sank of arand Zeland, Nebraelca, with it's main office at 2015 <br /> Narth Broadwell, (3rand Islaud, Nebraeka, the SECURBD PARTY, the debtore <br /> do hereby graat, mortgage and asaign unto said 3eaured Party the <br /> reaidence hou�e and a11 other improvements now or hereafter situated <br /> on a leaeehold, and all appurtenanaes thereto, of frame conetruation <br /> and eaid residence house being a�tuated upon: <br /> Lot Twenty (20y , having a lake front fcotage of One �ituidred (100) <br /> Feet, eituated on the Sast side ot the Eaet portion a� Kueeter <br /> Lake, and bein.g on a part of the East Half of the 3authwe�t <br /> Quarter (Ei/2SW1/4) of Seation Thirteen (13) , Tov�nship �1ev�ea <br /> Nebraeka,hbounded on the9 South ast rly ide by�the common r adY� <br /> inaluding any improvemente, accesef.ons, accessories, parte, or <br /> equipment nov� or hereafter affixed hereto. <br /> The Debtors warrgnt that tho abave-describedpropexty aituats$on <br /> said leased premiees 3s free and clear of all liens and enaumbrances, <br /> othes than t$e Security Agreement aud Financing 3�atement with Five <br /> Pointa Ban3c filed with the Hall County Regi.�ter of Ae�de ae document <br />- �g�-YO6056, that they wil�. pay the annu�l ground rent and aay <br /> � assessmente pagrable to thv Lessor of auch leasad �,�cuiie3e`sa whGn �t1�a �Vm� <br />- is due and payable atid be£ore the same become delinquent, according ta <br /> the provieions of Debtore' lease j that they will pay all pexeonal. taxee <br /> before the eame become delinquentf that they will maintain and pay the <br /> . . premiums far �ire and extended coverage iasurance on sa3d improvements <br /> in an amount not less than the unpaid balance oE the indebtedn�es;tihat <br /> if th.ey Eail to pay any euch renta, asseeements or taxea be£ore the <br /> same become delinquent, or euch premiums when the same beaome dv�e, that <br /> - the 3acured Party may pay the same, aud any auah paymente by the <br /> �ecured Party ehall bn a part of thia indabtednesa, pa�rment of aitaich <br /> ehall be eeaured by thia Security Agreementi and Finanaiag Statement <br /> - ehall be fox�thwith due and xepayable by Debtors tn the 8ecured Par�y <br /> - and ehall bear intereet at the maximum legal rate f�com the time of euah <br /> - payment of rents, aesesements, taxes ax pzemiums until the same havo <br /> been repaid to the Secured Party. <br /> I� fe hereby agreed that if default be made in the payment of <br /> � said Nc�te or any part thereof cvhen due or if the Debtors fail to pay <br /> � ground rent and asseesmen�e to the Leseor as required under their Lease <br /> _ �_c___ ..L_ � � ti.e.......e Aa7;�rn�onf�. nt�' naid insuranCe <br /> yor personai La][6t3 t7CLVLV t.aac oaw�v .w......... .�.����.y__--• -- -----. . <br /> � pramiume when due or if any attempt be made to diepose of or remove the <br /> � said mortga�ed improvementa L•rom eaid prem:��� �r �f at any time the <br /> - 3ecured Par�y shall dee�m the eaid debt unsa�e or fnsecure, including <br />_i noacon�ormanae by the Debtore any of the terms of their Lease with <br /> - their Leeaor, the Secured Party ie authorized to enter upon the <br />-,� premiees where eaid property may be, and Debtora will forthwith <br /> relinquish posseseion of the leased premi�es and improvements to the <br /> � Secured Partys and thereaftor, the 8ecured Party shall receive all <br /> .� rents to apply upon ea�.d debt and may at ita option sell said property <br />-9 <br /> a <br /> _.�,�._�,r-�.-.,=�M.. - -- -_- - -- <br /> ---- -------•---�° -_._--�,____::�_,. . ---- -- - <br />